Hackers Offer PSN Credit Cards For Sale


New member
Apr 9, 2009
He also noted that Sony was "supposedly" offered a chance to buy back the information but refused, although Sony's Patrick Seybold denied that claim, saying, "To my knowledge there is no truth to the report that Sony was offered an opportunity to purchase the list."
Im finding this somewhat believable. Wouldnt it be cheaper and easier on Sony to just buy the information if the offer was given, than deal with the lawsuits and such? Course thats considering that if Sony did do that, the lawsuits would be dropped as the the people suing have their information back...


New member
Oct 21, 2010
Well, here's an idea, CANCEL YOUR CARD!

Also there is a possibility this is false.

I do feel sorry for everyone in this mess, since I was a couple of days ago.

Matthew Lynch

New member
Jun 26, 2010
The_Fezz said:
Well, here's an idea, CANCEL YOUR CARD!

Also there is a possibility this is false.
No offence intended, 'The_Fezz'...but are you willing to risk the chance that it isn't false?


New member
Feb 7, 2011
Well i was not going to do anything because i trusted sony saying it was encrypted and that the CVC never would've been taken.

BUuuuuuut with an article saying evidence started to surface i decided to call my bank and luckily for me, they said that cards from Denmark would not be affected :3 Yay! :D


New member
Mar 3, 2009
I can understand that they ain't gonna fork cash over to buy it back, i mean, they have no sort of guarantee that the hackers who stole the info in the first place doesn't just have a copy of it, so buying it back would most likely be useless.

This should really, REALLY make companys stop storing your credit card info unless really needed, and preferably store it offline if possible.

I don't think i've ever used my credit carn on PSN, and i know for sure it won't ever happen, they can go fuck themselves, and learn to deal with confident information in hope of winning their costumers trust back.


New member
Dec 4, 2008
Unless I'm mistaken, which I don't think I am, the most anyone can do with an IP address is find your ISP and a vague location of where you are. Mine shows a 20 mile radius of where I'm at.

If they happen to work at an ISP, that's a different story.


New member
Apr 3, 2011
Well, I asked for proof earlier.
Now Sony's gonna have a real shitstorm on their hands.
And their customer trust is gonna die. really. really. fast.
at least in their gaming branch

Matthew Lynch

New member
Jun 26, 2010
teisjm said:
I can understand that they ain't gonna fork cash over to buy it back, i mean, they have no sort of guarantee that the hackers who stole the info in the first place doesn't just have a copy of it, so buying it back would most likely be useless.

This should really, REALLY make companys stop storing your credit card info unless really needed, and preferably store it offline if possible.

I don't think i've ever used my credit carn on PSN, and i know for sure it won't ever happen, they can go fuck themselves, and learn to deal with confident information in hope of winning their costumers trust back.
Or at least take a leaf from Microsofts book. Xbox live got hit by hckers once but the hackers didn;t get far in before the secondary precautions kicked em out again. Online sevices need to be properly stress checked for hack attacks before they're activated...especially ones that are storing ID details like debit cards.

Sight Unseen

The North Remembers
Nov 18, 2009
Embz said:
Misho- said:
Are debit cards at risk? I mean it's a silly question but I used a Debit Card, not a Credit card to purchase stuff. Well at any rate this made me feel real bad... I feel nausea now.
I believe so, if you used a debit card any money you loose through fraud may not be covered by insurance so contact your bank asap!
That's not necessarily true. I got $500 stolen from my bank account a few years ago from using my debit card at my university cafeteria ( I ONLY pay cash now fyi ;o) and the bank completely reimbursed it and also froze my account until I went in and got my account number changed and everything.

Granted I'm Canadian so it might be different here.

OT: This is pretty serious stuff, and even if its not completely true I'd be wary to make sure your information is secure.

Jim Stacey

New member
Mar 31, 2011
They're hacking PSN accounts. They're snatchin' your info up. And tryin' to use it so ya'll need to cancel cards, cut your loss, cancel cards, cut your loss, cancel cards, cut your loss. And call your banks, cuz they're chargin' everything in your name.

Matthew Lynch

New member
Jun 26, 2010
ZeZZZZevy said:
Well, I asked for proof earlier.
Now Sony's gonna have a real shitstorm on their hands.
And their customer trust is gonna die. really. really. fast.
at least in their gaming branch
Its already dying. There is another article here that details it http://www.escapistmagazine.com/news/view/109646-One-Fifth-of-PS3-Owners-Are-Eyeing-the-Exit

Matthew Lynch

New member
Jun 26, 2010
AnythingOutstanding said:
Matthew Lynch said:
The_Fezz said:
Well, here's an idea, CANCEL YOUR CARD!

Also there is a possibility this is false.
No offence intended, 'The_Fezz'...but are you willing to risk the chance that it isn't false?
Well, better safe than sorry.

But I do agree, it does reek of someone who is just trying to make a quick buck off this.

Scammers scamming scammers, essentially.
Indeed...the only problem is guessing which are the fakes and which aren't.


New member
Jun 9, 2008
Celtic_Kerr said:
Akihiko said:
farmerboy219 said:
hmmm...can you get a new card from your bank with different numbers and stuff without opening a new account
Just phone them up and ask them to cancel your card because you think someone might have access to your card details. They'll cancel it on the system and send you a new one.
kajinking said:
ANImaniac89 said:
Just checked my account and I still have my prized $0.08 balance (its been a slow mouth:( ) But I'm still changing my card later today.
Best way to avoid having someone steal your stuff is to have no stuff to steal!

OT: Can anyone confirm these reports? If they can then things just got a lot more serious. This whole mess has made me very concerned about my card security (Don't use PSN but Xbox live has my info). Anyone else here plan on using prepaid store cards a lot more in the future?
Either that or just completely removing my card off the system as soon as I use it. Was trying to remove the card on my xbox live account, but it's tied to my subscription, and so I need to phone them up to cancel the subscription so I can remove the card. -.-
I find it interesting how this fallout is also un-nerving and hitting XBOX users hard.

Not trusting SONY is one thing, but here and there, you see people losing trust in microsoft as well, just incase this happens again.

About 2-3 weeks ago I was very tempted to put my CC number on the PSN... Glad I didn't
I dont think that people are losing trust with microsoft, they are losing trust with the internet security overall, they are just removing the info that they thought that was safe off the internet.