Half of Japanese Females Think Virtual Girlfriends Are Superior


Uncanny Valley Cave Dweller
Nov 30, 2007
Something was lost in the translation here. The Japanese are an excessively polite to the point of obfuscation. So allow me to clarify:

This is merely the Japanese way of politely saying, "No, I would never in a million years want to date someone who shows any interest in a virtual girlfriend. But rather than say that, I'll simply say oh virtual gf's are so much better than me in the hope that it will encourage one less weird and socially inept man to hit on me on the train ride home."


New member
Feb 28, 2008
The Hairminator said:
But what about procreation!? The Japanese as a race will die out, then who's culture will we steal?! D:
Well, their population is in a decline, and has been on said slope for years...

But after having been to Japan twice, (for academics and culture, not anime what-not) I have to admit that I can believe these results. Japanese people are still perpetuating the idea that women should be modest and docile to a degree that their basic human needs make them unable to compete with fictional girls.
Which is why the Japanese so often find Western girls so brash and outgoing. Interestingly, they find many qualities to be undesirable in Japanese girls, but delightful in foreigners. Of course, one has to add-in the cultural expectation that Japanese people aren't going to marry outside their culture.

Whoo, I'm rambling! I'm going to shut up now.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
It's alright ladeis, there are plenty of horny American boys who are DEFINITELY not interested in virtual gfs but like em real


New member
Jan 20, 2009
qbanknight said:
It's alright ladeis, there are plenty of horny American boys who are DEFINITELY not interested in virtual gfs but like em real
They don't want boys, they want men with careers and they want marriage.


Gaming Wildlife
Apr 5, 2009
What the hell is WRONG with Japan? Seriously! If a guy in America started having a virtual girlfriend with his CURRENT girlfriend, she would either dump his ass so quickly or turn lesbian. (Because all American women have that option. I've dated bisexuals and women who are supposedly straight. They have the option to turn gay. Men don't. Men are either born gay or straight.)

In America: A woman sues her husband because he plays too much world of warcraft.
In Japan: A man marries his Avatar Girlfriend.
In America: A woman deleted all her husbands characters on WoW and puts the video of him flipping out on youtube.
In Japan: Women feel like they're inadequate to their boyfriend's virtual girlfriends.

I'm not saying America is better, it's just both cultures are pretty fucked up, but what flies in japan, wouldn't fly here.

Of course, Japan doesn't have an obesity problem.


New member
Apr 18, 2009
I don't see the point of a virtual girlfriend myself, but I do understand an overworked and lonely person's need to feel something occasionally in a society so brutal and soulless as the one in Japan. Things may be slightly more tolerable in the West for the time being, but we are heading there fast ourselves.


New member
Aug 16, 2009
Tom Goldman said:
some would even call the virtual girlfriend "complete perfection."
But......but they aren't real.

You know there's something seriously wrong with a culture when they prefer virtual women to real women.....


New member
May 27, 2008
And when the japanese FINALLY make a lovebot, I will be first in line. Fuck people, people are too hard for me.


New member
Jan 23, 2008
Wouldn't say they think they are inferior to them, but they acknowledge that the virtual girlfriends are modelled to be perfect. This is why you can snare desperate people with them easily, and some might turn from just lonely to desperate from getting stuck in these games.

I'd say the largest problem is that it makes the guys expect impossible things from their women, which already is an issue in Japan.
Uh, more so than here, that is. But of course people are going to exploit that for money. There's really no sense of morals left in the market..


New member
Jul 4, 2009
UberNoodle said:
That's a load of crap, and you should know not to base opinions on a culture on the objectification and festishes of Western media. If the media only publicised all the weird things from your own country, people would be saying the same thing about your country. The fact is, the media and Western culture as a whole seem to have a mission to maintain the 'Japan is weird and depraved' stereotype despite it being completely untrue. Japan is another culture and it is DIFFERENT. The things you classify as 'normal' are only your culture's own 'different' things. Almost every article like this in Western media is designed to create a false view of the culture. After having lived in Japan for almost a decade, I can assure you that it is NOT a 'sick' society infected with 'damaging ideas and values'. I suggest taking care of your own house first.
Well, I'll admit that I only see Japan from what they put out in their media, and what little I have read about the country, or overheard. My statement may have been a bit general, but in one form or another, I stand by it. That the US is also sick makes no difference to that statement. I am becoming personally involved with the fight to remove the sickness from America. In either case, it comes down to hedonism, and embracing nonsense and rejecting structure. Also, as for your assurance that Japanese culture is not infected with damaging ideas and values, your own previous statements contradict this. Women have an increasingly large amount of power, they are not having and raising children, because they are spending money on themselves. I consider this a pretty destructive trend.


New member
Jul 4, 2009
The global recession is the result of
Rigs83 said:
Foolishman1776 said:
Japan is a sick society. I mean sick as in is infected with damaging ideas and values. Of course, the world at large is, as well; Japan is simply a more advanced case. I hate to say it, but this is kind of where "liberal values" lead.
[HEADING=2]Another child see's the bill Bush left for them[/HEADING]
I won't attempt to justify the invasion of Iraq. The recession, however was caused by a combination of misplaced altruism, greed, over-regulation in some areas, under-regulation in others, and an unproven economics model. To blame it on one political party alone is myopic at best, and at worst, maliciously disingenuous.


New member
Apr 4, 2010
woah, that is Messed up!

Although, it doesn't surprise me. I mean Asian culture is by default difficult to work with. (It is possible to dishonor someone's entire lineage for insignificant things and God forbids if you are labeled as an average person). Their ever growing pursue of elites renders anybody that isnt a prodigy in arts, music or just a living scientific calculator as a worthless commoner.
It is not only the females the ones that have self esteem issues, men are in even worse conditions. They seek a "perfect" virtual companion in order to avoid a screw up, in order to simulate a relationship in which the virtual girl is not offended or discouraged by the looks, social status, and economic situation of the user.
I bet anything you want that if you do a similar survey on Japanese males more than half of them will admit that they prefer virtual girls since no "real" girl will not find suitable to date them. The other half will just seek a perfect (elite) girl that will be as submissive as possible and will accept anything that he throws at her (game restricted) and no "real" girl could provide that.


New member
Jul 1, 2009
Dear all Japanese women,

I understand that about half of you think that Japanese men find you inferior to virtual girls. Well I can't speak for everyone in my country, but I can assure you that I find real women considerably more appealing than virtual women. Anyone who feels pressured of dejected by the men of their culture should come on down to my place where you will receive all the sweet lovin' real women such as yourselves deserve.



New member
Nov 28, 2009
tehweave said:
Of course, Japan doesn't have an obesity problem.

I mean really? With nothing to support that?


I'd really like for some actual statistics on ages or something else to come out about this. Firstly, the girls I knew in Japan didn't think about superiority of virtual girlfriends. If you were a damn otaku with no social skills, scrunching up and staying in your room all day, you damn well deserved each other.

I just personally can't agree with this survey when I've met a lot of Japanese girls that loved to do stuff outside of these imaginary relationships like in a game.


New member
Jul 16, 2010
8bitmaster said:
all that means is that the best way to find a girlfriend is go to japan right? Since the males in japan don't want them?
Exactly what I was thinking. Also culturally they act more feminine than the females in america!