Halo 3 Outsells PS3's Heavy Hitters Combined


New member
Jul 2, 2008
pantsoffdanceoff said:
ark123 said:
McDonalds outsells every 5 star restaurant in the planet combined by several orders of magnitude.
Winner. This is rather pathetic that game developers need to value themselves this way.
An invalid comparison, comparing $1 hamburgers available on every corner to $25 steaks available by reservation only(that are likely smaller than the hamburger, if not prettier.)


New member
Mar 10, 2008
Belladonnah said:
Funny how they picked 6 arbitrary ps3 exclusives instead of the 6 most sold.

Gran Turismo prologue + Uncharted 2 equal the amount of copies Halo 3 sold. And if you are going to whine about GTP not being a real game, Uncharted 2 + Motorstorm are only .2 million shy of Halo 3.

The biggest PS exclusive is yet to be released, no gran turismo game has ever sold less than 10 million copies, and Halo 3 has only sold 8 million.
Well, not quite, NPD apparantly only counts in the Americas, so regard my previous post [http://www.escapistmagazine.com/forums/read/7.200758-Halo-3-Outsells-PS3s-Heavy-Hitters-Combined?page=4#6624443] on that. Depends on how you look at it.

But no matter what your thoughts on the sales, Aaron Greenberg is still a dick.

[sup]...sorry, I just really hate his guts. He's pretty much Microsoft's professional troll.[/sup]

EDIT: Also, 6666th post! SpOoKy...


New member
Mar 9, 2010
If you also take into consideration, Halo 3 also probably had 6x more of a marketing push than all of those other games combined. I watch TV on a regular basis and I don't EVER remember a Resistance FOM or a God of War 3 commercial outside a gamestop. The only game off that list that i remeber occasionally seeing a commercial for was Killzone 2. Halo 3? I saw it almost as much as car commercials.


New member
Aug 20, 2009
I personaly think that it mainly has to do with the economy,the Xbox 360 is WAY cheaper than the PS3 if the economy was better the game sales would be pretty much equal


New member
Jun 11, 2009
s69-5 said:
SendMeNoodz84 said:
Yes, the only difference is that I'm still playing Gears of War 2 and L4D and such. Maybe it's just me, but the PS3 exclusives never hold my attention. And yes I've played and beat most of those you named, and more. I'm talking Heavy Rain, God of War III, MGS4, InFamous, Uncharted 1+2, Killzone 2, etc....

It's pointless for me to go on, but what I'm saying is that for some reason I feel that PS3 exclusives lack in the re-playability area.

I'm not saying they're not extraordinary games, by the way. I love my PS3.
Because I'm playing Demon's Souls right now (my third character on NG+ -- this time pure magic style. Last time is was a high Faith build with no magic -- first was a "rounded" character -- it provides different challenges and solutions).
I've played through Valkyria Chronicles a few times.
Little Big Planet has an almost infinite amount of re playability due to the 2 million created levels.
etc, etc, etc...

It's all opinion. I personally am not much of a fan of shooters, so a game like L4D or Gears is not for me. That's not to say they aren't good, just that there's no appeal to me. That's opinion. What you play and replay is different than what I play and replay. It has nothing to do with what system the game is on.
Yes. That's why I said: "Maybe it's just me".


New member
Oct 9, 2009
Yet another thread that shows how much this site could use an "agree/disagree" option for each post. That way, people who agree don't have to bother typing out the exact same idea, and the thread gets to avoid being redundant.

I know I'd MUCH rather read things like "Quantity doesn't equal quality. Just look at Wii sales. [55 people agree]" once instead of reading it 10 times. (Make agreeing just a click away & more readers will participate than if they have to type out something that's already been said.) I'm not knocking the posters. I'm making a suggestion to improve the format of the forum.

OT, relax people. Of course the MS guy is cherry picking numbers to make MS look good. That's what company reps do. It's not like he's trying to pawn off some massive failure as a success.


New member
Jun 9, 2010
I dunno what makes me laugh. The fact that Halo 3 is doing better than a handful of PS3 games (To be honest I never realised Resistance 1+2 and the other one were huge games XD) or the fact that it's still probably being pwned by Pokemon in terms of sales


New member
Jul 31, 2008
It doesn't surprise me that much. Halo 3 was available pretty early in the life of the 360. It's much older than most games on the list. I'm sure Halo had plenty of people buying the console just for Halo, whereas the big name PS3 exclusive sequels didn't come out until later.

Also that's just 'some' of Sony's highly acclaimed games. MGS4 anyone? I bet if that was put on the list, the post wouldn't be so accurate.

Anyway this is not fan rage or anything. I have an xbox and no PS3. I just feel the need to assert that I wasn't mislead, so take that Microsoft.


New member
Sep 16, 2009
Not really that surprising from my view point. I don't know very many people who have PS3s and those that do are rich bastards who have all 3 consoles. And everyone I know who has a 360 has Halo 3.


Wandering Umbrella Fiend
Sep 7, 2009
So wait, if we presume that the 360 games are of a lower quality than the PS3 games, then we see that the Wii games have vastly outsold the 360 games, we have a correlation between quality and sales, don't we?

Or we could just say it's because the 360/Wii didn't cost (as much of a) fuckton when they came out. =_=;


New member
Jun 8, 2009
Belladonnah said:
Funny how they picked 6 arbitrary ps3 exclusives instead of the 6 most sold.

Gran Turismo prologue + Uncharted 2 equal the amount of copies Halo 3 sold. And if you are going to whine about GTP not being a real game, Uncharted 2 + MGS4 outsell the number of Halo 3 copies sold.

In fact, Uncharted 1,2 and Resistance already go over the ammount of copies, so unless adding more games to the PS3 magically reduces the total number of copies sold, I call fail.

The biggest PS exclusive is yet to be released, no gran turismo game has ever sold less than 10 million copies, which is more than Halo 3 sold.
I suspect the games where chosen deliberately, not just because of the numbers but because they are all 'action-junkie' sort of games. While not all FPS they're all of the action packed variety. MGS, Gran Turismo and Little Big Planet (I know you didn't mention it, but others earlier did) are a very different sort of game - they must have been trying to compare like to like.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
s69-5 said:
iHux said:
DJmagma said:
considering halo 3 is older than most of the games on the list, not very surprised.

and, unlike 360, which is practically a one trick pony, the ps3 has multiple "must have" games.
Im sorry for flaming. I just couldn't hold back my microsoft love.
Mass Effect , L4D, Crackdown, Forza, Fable, Gears of War, Alan Wake, banjo and koozie, PGR and all the halo series. I know some are GFWL and Steam as well but I have not got a good computer system and would rather not buy one. This does not include any arcade titles or Indies titles either. Many of these games will and do have sequels which effectively doubles the exclusives.
As for the "must haves" I only see one. Heavy rain.
Considering there are 6 games I am not surprised.
Ahem, Demon's Souls, Valkyria Chronicles, MGS4, LBP, GoW3, Uncharted 2.
Coming soon: Last Guardian, Gran Turismo 5, FF Versus 13, etc...

Not to mention the downloadable PSN titles (like the excellent Pixeljunk series). That effectively doubles the exclusives.

Now we can continue to wave our d*cks around like silly people, or admit that both systems offer great games.
Must resist, replying with XBLA! I'll just say this, Doom, Trials HD and many many more. Castle Crashers I should add. Yes I know its going to be on PSN soon.

All the games were roughly out for 99 months. Halo 3? 42.

F8L Fool

New member
Mar 24, 2010
This whole argument is hilarious. I mean you're comparing an extremely established franchise like Halo, one that is literally built around mass appeal, and is arguably the face of the entire Xbox brand, to some select PS3 games? Not only that but it's all based on some quote that lacks evidence. FPS are also doing far better than any other genre out, and have been for quite some time.

Out of the six games he referenced, two were new IP's, the other two were new installments for older games (GoW 2 came out six months prior to Halo 3 even released, that's how long it had been...). Did I mention that God of War has historically been a very modestly selling entity, despite having a cult following, and some of the highest critical ratings/receptions of all time? That says something....

It's just funny to pick the highest selling game on your console of all-time, then compare it to some random, although good games, on another console.

LittleBigPlanet, God of War 3, Metal Gear Solid 4, Heavy Rain, Resistance 1, Uncharted 1/2, Killzone 2, Motorstorm are all amazing games. Just because they don't dwarf the sales of one of the most over hyped/rated franchises in the history of gaming doesn't mean they're inferior.

I mean MW2's sales were disgusting, and it was vastly inferior to its predecessor. That really says it all about the validity of sales figures.


New member
Aug 6, 2008
No surprise here, etc. But man, I started giggling my ass off just thinking about the flaming this could cause with fanboys, hehehe.


Badass Alien
Mar 2, 2009
This does strike me as a big of smugness on Microsoft's part and if I was going to call out the developers of Crysis 2 for declaring their game a 'Halo killer' then in all fairness I have to call out Microsoft for having a similar attitude, even if I happen to be a massive Halo fan.
Still, this is kind of interesting, it mightn't be the greatest game ever but Halo 3 certainly sells.


New member
Jun 3, 2010
Resist..urge to...fanboy rage... and whoever noted MGS 4 is missing... that is a very fair point right there, where are the sales for mgs 4!