SSG Murphy
"Calm down there, Sir, it was just inter-branch joking. I know you could all flick my head off by accident."
Murphy walked over the ODST, laughing.
"Don't worry about it Eli, he's just mad the roids shrunk his balls." He grabbed Eli by the carry handle and guided him over to the rest of the Blues.
Murphy looked at the group, they seemed pretty confident. Eli did seem a bit shaken up and pissed from the exchange with Jastis. Looking at his fellow squadmates, Murphy realized that he was the senior NCO, so he walked over to the female Spartan and shook her hand.
"Ma'am, I'm Staff Sargent Murphy. Not that it means much in such a small group, but it looks like I'll be your NCO lead, so just put me where you need me."
He looked over his shoulder at the group, and realized why Sarah 127 was so unhappy. "Look, I know you don't like or trust the Covenant." Murphy gestured to his scar, "I have plenty of reasons to hate them too. But we can't be those people, ma'am. This is a new war with a new enemy. And Mee is here to help. And for what it's worth, I do trust her. Get your gameface on, your squad is depending on you to lead them."
Murphy whacked Sarah's shoulder, then turned to face the squad.
"HOORAH BLUE TEAM!!!" He shouted at the top of his lungs. "Just a heads up, Jastis is probably coming for me because there is a possibility that he woke up from cryosleep covered in flower stickers." Everyone laughed at this, it was a much-needed break from the intensity that preceded a battle. Murphy continued, "I'm not saying that I have any knowledge of this event, but there is a very good reason I never go into the fridge myself. It's called payback." Another round of laughter came, and Murphy stepped back to show Sarah.
"Can we get a hoorah for our fearless leader, Sarah 127?"