Halo Effect (Cross Over) Main Thread

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
Sarah watched the dots on the screen "I doubt they've been captured, we'd have heard something" she said, but was still waiting for a reply from Red team


Now I want ma...!
Aug 26, 2009

Jastis got on the secure COM channels, but first responded to Murphy, "Romeo Actual here, everything is fine and all is proceeding as planned."

Then he proceeded to ask the Captain, ?Broken Destiny, this is Romeo Actual, an unidentified individual has landed. Clear to record their conversation to gather Intel as a secondary objective. Over.?

Captain Nassa responded back, ?Romeo Actual, you may proceed with the secondary objective but keep the main objective a top priority. Broken Destiny out.?

He gave the clear to Mee that it would be a secondary objective. They moved through the roof tops silently, taking out patrols quickly and silently. The two of them were able to climb in through a window into the main building. On a catwalk above, there are no patrols, looking down he was able to see the two men who had been talking before. He began to record.

?Excellent, everyone is ready correct? I don?t want them sneaking up on us,? the hooded man spoke.

The other man nodded, ?Yes, we have patrols everywhere, AA?s up, and our radar isn?t being jammed. We have detected nothing yet and we have been watching 24/7.?

The cloaked man seemed pleased, ?How go the prisoners? I assumed you killed most of the civilians and just kept the important ones.?

?They?re held up tight with the top security. The bodies of the civilians have been burned a mile off from here.?

?Good- good, we can?t let this fail. You know what the boss will do if we fail.?

They kept serious, ?If we live through this, probably kill us himself. After the failed attempt to make a Husk army, we have no choice but to succeed here. We need this new tech if we?re going to overthrow the Citadel and start a better, new era.?

?Exactly, to a new era.?

?To a new era.?

Jastis immediately contacted the Broken Destiny, ?Broken Destiny, this is Romeo Actual; we have discovered that this unknown faction are waiting for us. Apparently they want to get our tech and stomp out the Citadel Council. We now are moving to find the location of the main objective. Out?

They were done recording and they moved across the cat walks in the main building, they moved up stairs that went up the building. At the top of the stairs they came up into a large room with a couple of tangos walking about and some working on computers. Quickly they moved across and took each of them and secured the room without making a noise and hid the bodies. It didn?t matter much, even if they did find the bodies, the other squads would move in and stealth would be out of the question. Jastis went up to one of the consoles and began to work. It was already logged in so he simply accesses the map data on the network and downloaded it to his armor.

He now had the schematics for the entire town down to every building and room. Also on the console after a bit of time he was able to find the location of the hostages. They were in the underground complex under this building that had various entrances throughout the town. ?Broken Destiny, this is Romeo Actual, we have the Intel on the town and the location of the hostages. Over.?

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
Sarah sighed as Jastis's first report "You know, I hate being right some times...." She said, mostly to Murphy and Everett, then sighed "So they know we're coming, and think they're ready for us eh? I'm going to look forward to beating some respect for the UNSC into the idiots." Her tone and posture changed as she spoke, growing more hostile at the end.

a short time later Jastis's voice came over the com again with a second report "This is Blue Actual, Copy that Romeo Actual, any data on patrol routs? I don't want them to know we're there till it's to late"


Now I want ma...!
Aug 26, 2009

He responded back to the Spartan-IV, ?I have all of the data on all of the patrols in real time. We can use this to outsmart them. Do you wish for us to meet your teams at the edge of the town or hold our position??


Now I want ma...!
Aug 26, 2009

?Negative, it appears his data is not on the network. In fact, based on what the unknown persons of interest said, this groups leader is off world. Even the one leading this operation isn?t on the data, only the patrols. One would think they would have just removed everyone?s position in case of a hack.?

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
'Of course' Sarah thought. "Unless the Patrol data is fake, they knew we where coming after all" She gave the next order a bit of thought "What do you think Murphy? I'm inclined have then fall back, but I also want to know if that Data is good or not"


New member
Jun 21, 2010
"What do you think Murphy? I'm inclined have then fall back, but I also want to know if that Data is good or not"

Murphy was relieved that Jastis and Mee were still alive.

"Have them fall back into an overwatch position and see if they can get eyes on the Ack Ack."

He stepped back, studying the map and weighing their options.

"If we can pass under radar, we still stand a chance." Murphy pointed to the ring of mountains around the city, and that provided the rear defense for the compound. "If we can land on the backside, make our way over, then rappel down into the compound at night, that's our best chance for surviving this."

His fingers tapped lightly against his rifle, the only indication that anyone would ever have of his true feelings: he was scared.

"If they know we're coming, we're going to be headed into a booby-trap nightmare. Light feet and frosty breath."

Murphy tapped the updated OPPLAN into his tablet and started off towards the TOC to speak with Nassa.

"Everett, grab all the climbing rope you can find. If this gets greenlit, we're going to have Irene in less than twenty minutes."

Moments later Murphy stood in the TOC, with Captain Nassa looking over the updated OPPLAN.

"Captain, request permission to pass the new OPPLAN along as a general order."

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
"Fall back to an Over Watch position, but also see what Intel you can get on the AA as well." Sarah said as Murphy went to work coming up with a new plan.

"Everett, grab all the climbing rope you can find. If this gets greenlit, we're going to have Irene in less than twenty minutes."

"I'll give Evertt a hand" Sarah said as Murphy left to get his new plan proved


An Interloper
May 5, 2010
United Kingdom
"Everett, grab all the climbing rope you can find. If this gets green lit, we're going to have Irene in less than twenty minutes." Murphy ordered whilst conversing with Jastis who was planet side along with Mee.

"Roger that Murphy, best get a move on then." Everett said as he stowed his gun away, and made his way over to the storage area.

"I'll give Everett a hand." Sarah said as she joined him.

"Glad to have the help Sarah." Everett said in response, happy to have the help. They soon arrived over at the storage area, where all sorts of various equipment lay. After checking through several chests, they found the stuff that was needed. Everett then pointed to a chest that was next to the one he was opening.

"If you can get that one opened up Sarah, that should give us more than enough climbing rope; along with the stuff we'll need to attach it to our armour."

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
Sarah dug around the boxes, pulling out the climbing gear they'd needs for the revised Operation
"If you can get that one opened up Sarah, that should give us more than enough climbing rope; along with the stuff we'll need to attach it to our armour."

Sarah looked to the buried box he was pointing to and began to clear the boxes on top of it, and not long after she had it cleared and open "Alright, what else we need? Or we good now?"


An Interloper
May 5, 2010
United Kingdom
"Alright, what else we need? Or we good now?" Sarah asked as the pair of them searched through the equipment chests.

"I think we are pretty much good to go now Sarah, with these harness attachments for our armour, we should be able to glide down the rope smoothly and most important, quietly. We should probably get back to Murphy, no doubt we'll be setting off soon. Unless of course your looking for something else." Everett said as he tidied up the storage chests.

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
Sarah tossed the ropes over her shoulder "Nah, lets go, if we need anything else he'll likely know" she said as she started back toward the hanger they where waiting at.


Now I want ma...!
Aug 26, 2009
Captain Nassa

She looked quickly over the data and read what Murphy put forth and then responded to him, ?I give you permission Murphy. Make it so.?


New member
Jun 21, 2010
"I give you permission Murphy. Make it so." Nassa responded.

"Aye, Aye, Captain." Murphy turned on the ball of his foot as he said this, marching out of the TOC as quickly as he came in.

Hitting the flight deck, Murphy was all business.

"Alright, everybody get your dicks out of your hands and gather up. Same target, slightly different plan." He looked as the teams gathered up, listening to the new plan. " They know we're coming."

Murphy let that sink in for a moment. They were truly walking into a soldier's worst nightmare.

"Orders still stand, and we have objectives to accomplish. We're hitting the backside of the mountain and crossing over. Romeo is going to find us an LZ as we go. When night hits, we rappel into the compound, same OPPLAN as before, with two additional objectives."

Murphy could feel the mood shift. Great, more shit to do.

"Firstly, we have a new house guest who landed a few hours ago. Whoever finds him gets to keep him. We want him back here, on this ship, alive. Secondly, Blue team will detach to dispatch some of the Anti-Aircraft installments so that Lt. Kenshi and company won't find their nuts where their eyeballs should be."

Murphy saw Everett and Sarah with climbing rope and gear.

"Alright, get your climbing gear from Everett or Sarah and let's get the fuck out of here. We lift off in fifteen mikes. HOORAH!"


New member
Jun 21, 2010
Murphy grabbed a set of gear, then headed to the Banshees. The red strobe light was circling overhead, giving the five-minute warning, and an automated voice came over PA system.

"Five minutes until hangar doors are cleared. Five minutes until hangar doors are cleared."

Murphy sat on the runner of his team's Banshee, clipping his rope to his rig. In what seemed like no time at all and all the time in the world, the hangar doors opened and they took off.

The air was crisp, coming off the ocean in a sharp wind. Below them the ocean rolled peacefully as birds circled, looking for fish. It was saccharine view, and the weapons of war flying overhead seemed out of place in such a beautiful world. The Banshees dipped low and banked left, circling to the backside of the jagged peaks that housed the city they were about to raid.

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
Sarah was right behind Murphy, and clipped in on the other side.

She wasn't really paying attention to the view, she couldn't feel the breeze through her armor ether, she was more concentrated on the mission at hand. Sarah just waited, ready to to start.


Now I want ma...!
Aug 26, 2009

With their orders, they moved out, they needed to get to an over watch position and see if they could spot the AA guns. They left the room staying in the shadows of the fog. Jastis pulled out his combat knife and jumped down on top of an enemy and stabbed them cleanly in the neck before they could make any noise or sound off. Once the body was disposed they made their way through the town using the map they had acquired.

Using the town map they were able to get to a good spot in the town, a high up spot that allowed them to see with the VSIR through the fog. They spotted and tagged both of the AA guns and saw where they could be taken down through console or explosives.


An Interloper
May 5, 2010
United Kingdom
Everett followed on behind Murphy and Sarah after he finished handing out spare climbing gear to other groups, remembering to save a set for himself. He soon got himself set in on the right hand side of the modified Banshee as the five minute warning came into effect; soon after, they set out for the city. As the jagged peaks that protected the city along one of its sides came into view, two markers appeared on the VISR.

"It appears that Jastis and Mee have found the AA guns, that is definitely good news."