Halo Effect (Cross Over) Main Thread

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
"It appears that Jastis and Mee have found the AA guns, that is definitely good news."

"Good, Getting shot down would make me, 'cranky', to say the least" Sarah said "And a cranky Spartan is one that's not fun to be around"


New member
Jun 21, 2010
"Good, Getting shot down would make me, 'cranky', to say the least" Sarah said "And a cranky Spartan is one that's not fun to be around"

"As long as the pilot stays low, we'll be alright." Murphy said.

The banshee dipped lower and skimmed just above the waves as they approached the mountain face. Suddenly the craft lifted and they soared upwards. A ledge became highlighted on the HUD display as they approached. The banshee hovered over the ledge and the squad jumped off, quickly securing themselves to the side of the cliff. Across the mountain's face there were similar sights as banshees deposited the operators.

Making sure his line was secure, Murphy motioned to Sarah that he was going up, then started climbing.

It's gonna be a long day. He thought to himself.

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
Sarah followed Murphy up the rock face.

"You know, All things considered, its not a bad view up here" Sarah said as she looked out over, everything while she waited for Murphy to tap an anchor into the side of the mountain


New member
Jun 21, 2010
Murphy tapped the anchor in and threaded the rope through.

"You know, All things considered, its not a bad view up here"

Murphy looked around. Sarah was right. Under any other circumstances this would be a great getaway and and a challenging, but rigorous climb.

"Yeah, it's not bad. Maybe I'll come back here on vacation someday."

With that, Murphy headed up the mountain face again, hoping that the end of the climb was nearing, but knowing that they had a long ways to go.

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
Sarah follow Murphy up the cliff face, and as good as the view was, she was really ready to be down with the climbing long before they reached the top.

When the group reached the top she turned and helped Everett up then started toward the site they would be repelling down at a hurried pace. Upon reaching the site, she stopped and scanned the decent area to make sure it was clear before tapping in and heading down.


An Interloper
May 5, 2010
United Kingdom
As Everett climbed up the cliff face, he could see that both Murphy and Sarah had reached the top. He too soon reached the summit for their ascent, thanks to a last minute hand from Sarah. Whilst the others were preparing for the climb down, Everett unhooked his sniper rifle from off his back, and looked through the scope onto the colony below; despite the light fog that was covering the area, Everett was able to get a clear enough image of where they were going to be abseiling down to.

"It looks like for the moment, our descent may go undetected, but we should keep a eye out just in case any of their patrols pass on by where we are going to be landing." Everett reported to the other members of his team as he continued to look through his sniper scope, which was now passing over the anti-air weaponry.

"Yeah, taking out for those anti-air defence systems will take some of the heat off of our other landing teams, though no doubt the enemy will have a stronger presence there." Out of the corner of his scope, he could see an orange glow off in the distance, refocusing his sights, it looked like some sort of fire.

"Strange, looks like there is a fire burning off in the distance, we should probably check it out, but I doubt as though we'll have time to investigate." Everett then concluded as he stowed away his sniper rifle. He then turned to face Sarah and Murphy.

"You guys need any help there, or should I just stay on watch?"


New member
Jun 21, 2010
"Strange, looks like there is a fire burning off in the distance, we should probably check it out, but I doubt as though we'll have time to investigate."

Murphy looked at Everett, slightly puzzled.

"It's a goddamn warzone. Of course there's a fire."

The sun had just set, and darkness was falling quickly. Murphy strapped in, face-first down the cliff, weapon pointed down at any targets that would appear below the mist.

"You guys need any help there, or should I just stay on watch?"

"Strap in. It's about to get loud."


Now I want ma...!
Aug 26, 2009

?Murphy, what do you wish for us to do? Support or begin taking down our nearest AA gun?? Jastis called out to the marine over the secure COM channel.


New member
Jun 21, 2010
Murphy keyed his radio,

"Romeo one, Blue two. We could use some sniper support as we do this, if you please. Over."

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
Sarah was already well on her way down before Murphy strapped in, opting to take point and cover the decent if need be.when she hit ground she secured the landing zone


New member
Jun 21, 2010
Sarah hit the ground first and began engaging instantly. Murphy started firing before hit feet hit the ground, rounds spinning out of his weapon and into targets as fast as he could pull the trigger. As he hit the ground a grenade blew on the other side of the courtyard. Everywhere there was gunfire, and it was coming from all directions, drowning out all other noise.

They were open and exposed, so Murphy unhooked as fast as he could and started sprinting towards what looked like a fountain on the far right side of the courtyard. As he ran a round hit him square in the chest plate, knocking him on his ass.

"Fuck!" Murphy yelled in pain as he hit the ground. Pointing his weapon between his legs Murphy double-tapped the shooter who hit him in the forehead.

Scrambling to his feet, Murphy took off once more to the fountain, silently thanking the UNSC and God for body armor. As he hit the fountain, he also found that it was full of water. Angry, and now soaked, Murphy popped up and waved to Sarah and Everett to join him in cover.

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
Sarah was engaged by a hostile shortly after she set foot on the ground, from there the rest of that patrol backed up the fist man, one knocked Murphy on his ass with around and was promptly gunned down by Murphy himself. Sarah dropped an enemy about the same time while suppressing another so she could check on Murphy "You ok?"


An Interloper
May 5, 2010
United Kingdom
Everett was almost at the bottom of the cliff when he saw Murphy get knocked to he floor by a well placed shot, but this caused him to quicken his pace. He could immediately see the fountain that Murphy and Sarah were heading to; and uncoupling his SMG, Everett began burst firing to try and force the enemy into cover. Whether it was by good luck or judgement in his positioning, one of the shots had managed to down an enemy in the head. Soon enough he reached the fountain, but stayed out side of it in a spot where he would less likely be seen.

"You alright Murphy, that shot looked like it took the wind out of your sails. I hope your not bleeding." Everett said, showing concern for his fellow squad mate as he continued to provide covering fire for the team, having to change magazines at one point. He looked around at his surroundings, and noticed what looked like a nearby empty watch tower, but the distance between him and it would put him into the enemies firing line. Weapons fire from many directions drowned out a lot of noise.

"Listen, I know this may seem like a stupid idea, but if you two could provide covering or suppression fire, I can try and make it to that watch tower. It would be an almost perfect spot for me to set up and give you guys some sniper support. With any luck, we can get them on two sides, and even the numbers out."


New member
Jun 21, 2010
"You alright Murphy, that shot looked like it took the wind out of your sails. I hope your not bleeding."

"I'm good" Murphy yelled between shots. "Thanking the sweet Baby Jesus for body armor." He changed his mag, the intensity of the incoming fire was increasing. "It didn't penetrate, so I'm okay. Maybe a cracked rib."

A shot bounced off the stone wall behind them and clipped Murphy in the shoulder, causing his to duck and leaving a small tear in his rig.

"Fucking hell!" He yelled at no one in particular. "Where the fuck is Red team?"

"I can try and make it to that watch tower."

Murphy didn't even let Everett finish talking.

"Get your ass over there, I'll draw fire."

Murphy scanned the courtyard for a place to run. About ten meters ahead there was an urn that housed a plant, which meant it had dirt - a great bullet stopper. He jumped over the wall and stood tall, firing at the OPFOR surrounding them.

"GO GO GO" Murphy screamed over the din.

As the incoming fire started to zero in on Murphy, he started to move slowly towards the urn. Sarah was keeping them at bay, but quickly they zeroed in and Murphy sprinted to the urn ducking behind it as rounds zipped his head.

He keyed his radio, still breathing heavily.

"Ev, you still alive buddy?"


An Interloper
May 5, 2010
United Kingdom
"I'm good." Murphy yelled between shots. "Thanking the sweet Baby Jesus for body armour." He soon had to change his magazine though, which couldn't of come at a worse time, as the intensity of the weapons fire was increasing. "It didn't penetrate, so I'm okay. Maybe a cracked rib." It was at that moment that another shot clipped Murphy in the shoulder, causing him to duck.

"Fucking hell!" Murphy then yelled out to no one in particular. "Where the fuck is Red team?" But before Everett could respond, Murphy called out to him.

"Get your ass over there, I'll draw fire." Murphy then appeared to look at another location to fire from.

"GO GO GO!" Murphy screamed over the din, before making his way to what looked like some kind of vase. Everett began to run towards the watch tower, scatter firing his SMG to try and hold back the enemy. Several shots flew past his head and shoulders, one even managed to nearly cause him to stumble, but he managed to reach the tower, and more importantly, cover. Murphy soon keyed in over the radio again, his breathing heavy.

"Ev, you still alive buddy?" He asked, Everett's own breathing was heave as well.

"Yeah, still alive Murphy. A few shots flew past, but apart from a few scratches on the armour's paint job, and a brief stumble, I'm alright. The boys back home certainly knew how to make this armour resilient." Everett remarked as he climbed up to the tower, stowing away his SMG. Reaching the top, he immediately uncoupled his sniper rifle, and set it into firing mode, scanning the targets that his scope could see.

"Right then, let us hit them where it hurts." Everett said over the radio as he began to fire.


Now I want ma...!
Aug 26, 2009

Quickly he pulled out his sniper rifle, the System 99-Series 5 Anti-Matériel, and began to suppress those nearing Blue-team. After a couple of rounds, as Blue moved, Jastis got to a better and higher position to get a better view of the situation. With Mee he reached a tall tower in the town that was in its outskirts. Busting down the door and rushing in them killed the enemy soldiers in side and reached the top.

At the top Jastis got into position and continued to rain down suppressive fire.


New member
Jun 21, 2010
"Yeah, still alive Murphy. A few shots flew past, but apart from a few scratches on the armour's paint job, and a brief stumble, I'm alright. The boys back home certainly knew how to make this armour resilient."

Murphy saw flashes of light coming from the tower and knew that Everett had made it.

Quickly after that Murphy saw the trail from Jastis' rifle streak above his head. With two snipers in position the OPFOR was going down fast.

"Blue one, Blue two." he said, keying his mic. "The door is on the far side of the courtyard to your twelve o'clock. Give me some cover and I'll get there and set charges. Over."


New member
Jun 21, 2010
Murphy ran full-tilt across the courtyard, sliding to a halt by the door.

"Sarah, Murphy. I'm set for your cross, over." He said over the radio.

As Sarah and Luna crossed the courtyard, Murphy kept suppressive fire on the OPFOR who were left.

"Breaching charges are in the left pouch." He told Sarah, motioning to his pack.

Bravo 21

New member
May 11, 2010
Finally, after far to long bouncing around in a warthog, waiting for landing, Quintus felt a final jolt as Green team touched down.

Opening communications with the teams already on the ground, he announced "Red, Blue, this is Green team, standing by. Give the word and we'll start moving in."

Not sure if CmmdrRosh is still in this, but I figure I might as well add a post. Sorry for disapearing for a while, life got too hectic for me to manage everything. Feel free to disregard this post if the rp has moved on.