Halo Effect (Cross Over) Main Thread

Bravo 21

New member
May 11, 2010
" Pay me no heed."
Quintus nodded, and resumed pacing around the hangar, going through the same preparations he had gone through countless times before, seeking to maintain that degree of calmness. He'd long since given up pestering the marines by the warnings, and it seemed Kenneth was in no mood to talk, so he wandered aimlessly, losing himself in thoughts of his own.


New member
Jun 21, 2010
As Murphy and Sarah arrived in the hangar, most of the assaulting force was already there. An ammo station had been set up in a corner, and Murphy went to get fresh mags. He wasn't entirely sure what had just happened between him and Sarah, but there wasn't enough time to focus on that. Right now, the mission had to be everything.

As soon as his mag pouches and assault pack were full, he walked over to Sarah.

"Let's grab a banshee and a pilot and go over the dismount a few times."

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
As the pair entered the hangar Sarah put her helmet on, and much like Murphy loaded up on ammo and grenades. She was thinking not on the mission, but on Murphy, and what had just happened.

"Let's grab a banshee and a pilot and go over the dismount a few times." Murphy's voice cutting threw her train of thought, which wasn't going anywhere anyway.

"sure" she said, following him over the one of the Banshees, snickering a little "aren't they in for a surprise"


An Interloper
May 5, 2010
United Kingdom
Everett had been waiting in the hangar for a while now, watching technicians and engineers coming in and out making checks with regards to the equipment that the team would be using. Francis had dropped by earlier with an ammo station, setting it up over in the corner, and handed Everett a couple of magazines of tranquilizer rounds for Luna.

A little later, and Sarah and Murphy decided to enter, heading over to the Banshees. They were called that due to the wailing noise that the engines gave, which was synonymous with the wailing of the Banshee, a female spirit from Irish mythology which was related to death, or the near passing of someone. Seeing as though that they'll be using them, he figured it would be best to go over the procedures.

"Aren't they in for a surprise." Sarah said, snickering a little as he Everett arrived.

"That they are Sarah, that they are. Let's just hope that this universe doesn't have a similar sort of vehicle." Everett remarked as the two turned to face him.

"Good news for Luna, Francis has supplied us with some tranquilizer rounds."

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
"That they are Sarah, that they are. Let's just hope that this universe doesn't have a similar sort of vehicle." Everett said from behind her and Murphy

"well see i guess, but far as i know they didn't send anything other then personnel with us" Sarah said turning toward him

"Good news for Luna, Francis has supplied us with some tranquilizer rounds."

Sarah's mind flashed on the images Luna sent her "good, hopefully we won't need them" she said the motioned to the Banshee "good timing, we're gonna do a few practice runs for the dismount off these things"


New member
Jun 21, 2010
Murphy waved a pilot over, a scrawny kid of about 19 with a nametape that read "Biggs". The Banshee was on a mount that made it level, so it was already in position to do dry runs. Murphy gave Biggs the rundown on what they were about to do and had him start getting prepped.

As he did this, Everett walked over and started talking with Sarah. Murphy approached them, in the back of his mind he was a bit worried that Everett would start putting the moves on Sarah, but he was in mission mode.

"Alright. It's pretty simple. Just sit on the runner, and when the Banshee stops, jump off and run to cover. So let's do it a couple of times with it stationary, then we'll do some touchdowns. Sound good?"

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
Sarah turned to Murphy as he began explaining what they where gonna be doing.

"Alright. It's pretty simple. Just sit on the runner, and when the Banshee stops, jump off and run to cover. So let's do it a couple of times with it stationary, then we'll do some touchdowns. Sound good?"

"Your right, does sound simple" She said as so walked up along side the craft "Lets get started shall we"


New member
Jun 21, 2010
After they got into a good rhythm of jumping off the Banshee while it was parked, Murphy had Biggs take it up and they started doing short touchdowns.

Already being highly trained operators, Everett and Sarah picked up on the dismount easily. The first few times were a bit shaky, but nothing like some of the spills that Murphy had seen before. Soon enough, the pattern was as natural to them as anything else.

Murphy looked around at the strike teams gearing up and doing their own training. It was time. They were ready.


Now I want ma...!
Aug 26, 2009

Over his helmet COMs opened up by the Captain, ?It?s time for you and your squad to move out.?

?It?s time to go,? the Spartan moved away from the wall. The Broken Destiny had gone through the atmosphere like the plan stated. They would get into Banshee?s and go underneath their radars and tags all of the targets and get a sight on the objective. Inside the Banshee?s weapons and ammo were located in case they were needed.

He brought the armor ability that allowed him to go invisible; he wasn?t fond of it and made sure to bring another. Compared to the Spartan-IV?s he liked to be more direct and use the thruster pack which was in the Banshee. Once the mission actually began and all teams were on ground, he would switch to it.

Jastis opened a secure COM channel with Mee so they could coordinate, it would take a bit but they could reach the town in an hour or so. ?Stay behind and mimic my movements,? he told her over the COMs.

He stopped, ?Just making sure, are you ready??


New member
Jun 21, 2010
Murphy looked over to see Jastis and Mee prepping to leave. The tension was mounting, as if it always did on a mission buildup. He noticed Sarah, who had moved to some crates off to the side and was alone, and made his way over to her.

"You know, I tend to block out everything that isn't mission related until I come home. That way I can focus on just doing my job so that I can come home. So I'm not trying to be rude or not pay attention to you, I just want to do my job, then get back on board the ship."

Murphy sat down on the crate beside Sarah.

"After we're done with the mission I'll focus on all of the romantic stuff like bringing you the fake flowers I stole from the officer's lounge. I promise."


New member
Feb 21, 2012
Kenneth polarized his visor as a HUD startup sequence began. Shields at 100%, sensors are green... Let's go.

Since his armor wasn't the standard issue of the Alliance, he had some personal upgrades to it. Like a music player that he always listened to. He looked on the side seeing the music play list pop onto the HUD.

Ikuzo.. He thought to himself, double checking on his Mattock and Eviscerator. Seeing them up and ready, he walked over to the Warthog that he would be driving. This thing better not drive like a Mako with flimsy armor....

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
Sarah had broken off from the group after practice, she preferred to be alone just before a mission, it helped clear her head. To that end she was leaning against a stack of crates.

"You know, I tend to block out everything that isn't mission related until I come home."

"Which is what i was doing actually" She said with out really moving "I'll be fine, I am a Spartan after all, spent to much time training to take any mission lightly" Murphy sitting on a crate next to her as she finished.

"After we're done with the mission I'll focus on all of the romantic stuff like bringing you the fake flowers I stole from the officer's lounge. I promise."

Sarah raised an eyebrow under her helm at this "Oh?" her hidden expression turning to a smirk "That's sweet but I've never been into flowers." She said, leaving it there for him to wonder about.


An Interloper
May 5, 2010
United Kingdom
Everett was over at the ammunition refill after the Banshee practice was over. It looked as though that himself, Murphy and Sarah had picked up on the procedures rather quickly. He hadn't had all that much experience piloting one, accept one time for an infiltration mission; apart from that though, he was relatively new to it. All in all he felt pleased. Sarah had broken away from the group and was leaning against some nearby crates.

"You know, I tend to block out everything that isn't mission related until I come home." Murphy said as he joined Sarah.

"Which is what i was doing actually." Sarah said with out really moving "I'll be fine, I am a Spartan after all, spent to much time training to take any mission lightly." Murphy sitting on a crate next to her as she finished.

"That's good advice Murphy, with a clear and focused mind, you'll find it easier to accomplish an objective. Having other thoughts cloud your mind may cause problems at the wrong moment." Everett said as he turned to face the pair.

"After we're done with the mission I'll focus on all of the romantic stuff like bringing you the fake flowers I stole from the officer's lounge. I promise." Murphy said as he sat on top of the crates.

"Oh? That's sweet but I've never been into flowers."

"Oh really Murphy? Who is to say that your not the only one vying for her affections? Don't mean to be rude, but a lot of guys around here would find you rather attractive Sarah. By the way, your new armour colour suits you, much better than the traditional Spartan green." Everett then remarked, a smirk forming underneath his helmet as he loaded a fresh clip into his pistol.

"Say, here is an idea, how about once this mission is over, the three of us grab a drink and just kick back for a while."


Now I want ma...!
Aug 26, 2009

They got into the Banshee?s; they rose up, and flew out of the Broken Destiny. It was now midday and foggy out but that wouldn?t hamper the enemies. It would take an hour or so until they arrived, they went in low to be under the radars. When the town was in sight they dropped down lower and stopped in a rocky area. Now they would continue on foot. Slowly they moved in and closer keeping their eyes on the tango?s in the distance. The town was large and the shadow of the large rocks to the west rested down on the town. It was easy to see them having moved in. They crossed over various small walls and checkpoints. There was a soldier watching a set of stairs to a top of a building where they could get a better look at everything.

Jastis went invisible and moved closely to an enemy, he took his combat knife and stabbed the soldier and carried them away so they couldn?t be found. He looked at Mee, ?Let?s go.?


Elite Member
Jan 27, 2010
The sangheili nodded and engaged her active camo. She moved up to the stairs and made her way to the top of the roof silently. She crawled along the roof,, cloaked as to decrease her chances of being spotted. Once giving a quick look around, she I cloaked and gave a hand signal for the Spartan to move up as well. Next, Mee set up in a concealed position on the roof and had taken her rifle out. She began to sweep the area and attempted to commit the layout and enemy positions to memory.

Luna had simply gotten into her needed position and was waiting, feeling horrible for putting Sarah through that. After this mission, she would vow to not put anyone through that again. But now she needed to get her shit together and prepare herself for the impending mission.

Lunar Templar

New member
Sep 20, 2009
"By the way, your new armour colour suits you, much better than the traditional Spartan green."

"Thank you, I thought so to actually, though probably should have gone for less 'badass' and more 'battle field functional', but eh, I like this better" Sarah said with a shrug, then perked, "Oh, check this out" she said pulling out her Energy Sword and turning it on, the red blades forming and humming, "Apparently there was a Geth helping with the recolor, one with an artistic side, since it went out of its way to make my sword match my visor." Sarah looked at her sword, and started getting ideas, but she deactivated her sword and put it back.

"Anyway, fight over me later, we have a mission to accomplish first"


New member
Jun 21, 2010
"Anyway, fight over me later, we have a mission to accomplish first"

"Who says I'm interested in fighting over you?" Murphy replied, putting his fist up in Everett's direction. "Jest put yer dukes yup, Aye laik fiatin" he said, laughing.

Sobering slightly, he looked at his watch.

"But you are correct, Sarah, we do have a mission to focus on. We'll be going over water, so make sure you have your sharkbait on you." He said, holding out a little green tube.

Those tiny tubes were both killers and lifesavers, containing a highly compact flotation device, as well as green chemical smoke that alerted SAR vehicles to the wearer's location. The downside was that it often alerted the enemy as well.

Murphy clipped a HUD viewfinder to the side of his sunglasses and turned it on, checking to see that it worked. He hated the thing, it obscured his vision too much. But it helped when we needed to locate friendlies, so he still carried one. He could never bring himself to wear the full helmet. It was like putting on blinders and then being told to go fight. He flipped on his radio and pulled his headset off his neck and up into position. Only his left ear was covered with a small speaker that didn't obstruct his hearing much, another advantage over the helmet. A mic projected around from the speaker and rested in front of Murphy's mouth.

Keying his hockey puck, he sent out a radio test. "TOC, this Blue 2. Radio check, over."

A moment later his headset crackled to life. "Blue 2, TOC. Check is good, over."

With that he flipped on his red dot, making sure that it hit the glass properly, and sat down, waiting.


An Interloper
May 5, 2010
United Kingdom
"Thank you, I thought so to actually, though probably should have gone for less 'Badass' and more 'Battlefield Functional', but eh, I like this better." Sarah said with a shrug, then perked up a bit, as if remembering something. "Oh, check this out." She said, pulling out her Energy Sword and activating it; but instead of the traditional blue, the blades had a red colour. "Apparently there was a Geth helping with the recolour, one with an artistic side, since it went out of its way to make my sword match my visor." Sarah then looked at her sword again, but she soon deactivated it and returned it to its place.

"Anyway, fight over me later, we have a mission to accomplish first."

"Who says I'm interested in fighting over you?" Murphy replied, putting his fist up in Everett's direction. "Jest put yer dukes yup, Aye laik fiatin." he said, laughing.

"And who says I was fighting as well? Perhaps I was just complimenting a lady with regards to her attire." Everett remarked to the pair of them, stating his original intent, for now at the very least.

"But you are correct, Sarah, we do have a mission to focus on. We'll be going over water, so make sure you have your shark bait on you." He said, holding out a little green tube. Upon seeing them, Everett knew what they were for, fortunately, he hadn't had the opportunity to use them, given most missions he was in-land.

"Yeah, those will be useful if we get shot down. Lets just hope that the enemy doesn't see the smoke." Everett then noticed Murphy equipping himself with items that would help him see where he was going, and who to shoot. He remembered that a few months ago, he had his helmet modified so some of the parts could be made removable in the event that they were damaged, or if it became too cumbersome to wear.

After a a minute or so, most of the front of Everett's helmet was removed and stored, meaning his field of vision was wider, and noises were easier to pick up now.

"Ah, thats more comfortable now."


Now I want ma...!
Aug 26, 2009

They got into position on top of the building and both were using active cameo. He was able to zoom with his visor and using VSIR 4.0 he was able to see through the fog that was settling in. The Spartan was able to see the compound and the movement of all of the enemies. However he didn't see any of the objectives. Jastis signaled for Mee to follow, they were going to move across the roofs. A drop ship flew overhead and they prone into cover to not be spotted. It landed below on the ground on a landing pad and he was able to get a look at them.

His HUD zoomed in again and he was able to see who arrived. There was a man in a dark cloak, odd to see in such a setting. He was able to hear their voices through his speakers. ?Is the plan going?? the Cloaked man spoke.

?Yes,? the cloaked man began to walk with another, they were going towards the compound, ?We know they will be here-? he could no longer hear anymore as they went inside. This piqued his interest.

He turned to Mee, ?We now have another objective, to record their conversation. We need to get inside the building; I see a way to get inside. Follow me.?


New member
Jun 21, 2010
Murphy folded out his map pouch and pulled his map tablet. Beneath it were hard copies of the map, just in case the tablet was ever damaged.

He zoomed in on the area that housed the compound and saw the beacons for Jastis and Mee were danger close to the compound and getting closer. Murphy checked to see if the atmosphere was giving a false location, but there was no issue.

"Ev, Sarah, get your maps out. We might have a problem." He said as he started walking towards the control center on the far side of the hangar, motioning for Everett and Sarah to follow. The map there confirmed that Red Team was, in fact, proceeding into the compound.


Murphy started looking at all of the plans, finding new ways of entry.

"If they've been captured, this is going to be one hell of a shitstorm."

Eyes never leaving the map, he keyed his hockey puck.

"Romeo Actual, this is Blue Two. Requesting SITREP, over."

Murphy released the button, praying for a response from Jastis.