Halo: Reach Will Punish Quitters, Says Bungie

Booze Zombie

New member
Dec 8, 2007
There's ragequiting and then there's having to do shit in real life, how's the fucking game supposed to tell the difference?


Elite Member
Nov 7, 2007
Arkhangelsk said:
I'm gonna say this right out: Bungie are douchebags now. If I'm new to Halo and accidentally get stuck in a match full of pros, should I just suck it up now? If I'm not okay with the game, I should have the right to leave. Even worse, what if your interrupted while gaming and have to go. If this happens some times, then what? First that bonus for PC gamers, now this? Thank you, Bungie, you've made me not want to buy this game.

It's true, ragequitters are a problem, but it's better off when they leave, otherwise they'll just whine and not care. I've played Halo 3 very much, and I've been stuck in impossible games over and over. It's not fun to have to quit. And I think it's my bloody right to leave the game if I'm not having fun. Shouldn't it be fun for everyone?
FYI, Bungie have explained this in detail some time previously. Only people who habitually quit games will be punished. HABITUALLY. Quitting occasionally, or having bad connection issues, these aren't a big deal. People who quit repeatedly and create a consistently negative experience will be punished with short timeouts - like not being able to start matchmaking for 15 minutes. Keep quitting, the punishment gets longer.

So, way to jump to conclusions there, chief. If you're the kind of person who would quit enough games to have the punishments inflicted upon you, Bungie, and people who enjoy Halo, don't want you playing with them anyway.

Booze Zombie said:
There's ragequiting and then there's having to do shit in real life, how's the fucking game supposed to tell the difference?
Do "things to do in real life" come up five games in a row? And if so, it's safe to assume anything that urgent will take enough of your attention that being sat out of matchmaking for 15 minutes or so won't really bother you.

One would assume, anyway.


New member
Mar 1, 2009
Kermi said:
Arkhangelsk said:
I'm gonna say this right out: Bungie are douchebags now. If I'm new to Halo and accidentally get stuck in a match full of pros, should I just suck it up now? If I'm not okay with the game, I should have the right to leave. Even worse, what if your interrupted while gaming and have to go. If this happens some times, then what? First that bonus for PC gamers, now this? Thank you, Bungie, you've made me not want to buy this game.

It's true, ragequitters are a problem, but it's better off when they leave, otherwise they'll just whine and not care. I've played Halo 3 very much, and I've been stuck in impossible games over and over. It's not fun to have to quit. And I think it's my bloody right to leave the game if I'm not having fun. Shouldn't it be fun for everyone?
FYI, Bungie have explained this in detail some time previously. Only people who habitually quit games will be punished. HABITUALLY. Quitting occasionally, or having bad connection issues, these aren't a big deal. People who quit repeatedly and create a consistently negative experience will be punished with short timeouts - like not being able to start matchmaking for 15 minutes. Keep quitting, the punishment gets longer.

So, way to jump to conclusions there, chief. If you're the kind of person who would quit enough games to have the punishments inflicted upon you, Bungie, and people who enjoy Halo, don't want you playing with them anyway.
Wow, you would think that Bungie would want the sales? If you look here, you will see some are a bit skeptic to this, imagine how the game will be. Only the hardcore Halo fans will buy it (mostly).


New member
Aug 12, 2009
Pretty sure this will punish "habitual" quitters, as opposed to the general fear that "zomgz, what if mom makes me take out the trash!"

As a frequent player of online games, and a frequent victim of the host RAGEQUITTING!!1!one!1shiftone11!!!

I look forward to this being implemented.

If you're the kind of person who is frequently interrupted and forced to quit games, well, what are you even doing playing games how do you have the time? And if your internet connection is spotty... well guess what, you're crummy internet can mess up other people. And if it's so bad that you frequently get disconnected... then how do you even play online at all?


New member
Jan 26, 2010
This is very old....like, really old. This was in the beta.

All they do is ban you from entering matchmaking for 15 minutes. If you have a real reason for quitting (like, you have to do something else), it's not a big deal. And it's only if you quit often enough. People who quit that often generally deserve it.


New member
Jun 23, 2008
What? I'll be punished for selfish behavior that ruins other people's games? The hell, Bungie?

What if I'm in a game that I'm not enjoying? I should be able to quit and leave seven other people playing a game that they're not enjoying. It's not like they're real people who also want to enjoy themselves as well.

Or what if something comes up? What if I regularly start games in an enviroment where I will be called away in a few minutes? I work at the DMV, and I'm always been called away from my games to do something for some jerk who needs a driver's liscense or something. What am I supposed to do, only start a match when I know I'll have the 15 minutes required to finish it? That's insane!

Or what if I have a really bad connection? I shouldn't be the only one to suffer, everyone who plays with me should suffer as well!


Elite Member
Nov 7, 2007
Arkhangelsk said:
Wow, you would think that Bungie would want the sales? If you look here, you will see some are a bit skeptic to this, imagine how the game will be. Only the hardcore Halo fans will buy it (mostly).
People can be skeptical all they want, but if your biggest fears about a new Halo game is that you can't quit out of games multiple times in a row without retribution, then what value are you adding to the community. Leaving the occasional game or having real life stuff to do is taken into consideration already.


New member
Oct 30, 2008
Guild Wars solved this rather good, methinks.

Davey Woo

New member
Jan 9, 2009
I hate leavers, they really irritate me. It's OK in games like Call of Duty/Battlefield when other players can join the game whilst it's running, but on games Like Call of Duty or Gears where the remaining team members have to fight againast the odds.

Guild Wars has a good system, where if someone "leeches" (leeching is joining the game but not actually playing) during a match, the other players can report that player, if enough people (eg, the whole team) report the player then the "leecher" will not be able to play in pvp matches again for 30 minutes.
Would probably be better if Bungie implemented something like this, where the ban is only temporary.
EDIT: Ninja'd by the post above, dammit!


New member
Jun 7, 2010
so far, most of bungies online experiences have worked...im looking forward to this, i hate quitters


New member
Apr 7, 2010
If bungie can make it work without any or minimal problems/accedental bans then i dont see any problem with this and id like to see this in other games, i despise rage quitters, whenever im playing H3 and someone quits my usually good connection goes to shit and my expirence suffers so they should suffer for being whiney because things arent going thier way.

Go Bungie Reach is shaping up to be even more epic outside of the campaign. Keep the goodness coming!

Booze Zombie

New member
Dec 8, 2007
Kermi said:
Do "things to do in real life" come up five games in a row? And if so, it's safe to assume anything that urgent will take enough of your attention that being sat out of matchmaking for 15 minutes or so won't really bother you.

One would assume, anyway.
Changing your goldfish's water could take 10 minutes, for example, then you're stuck with the other five going "why the fuck did I even bother joining a game".


New member
Feb 22, 2010
While I wholeheartedly agree with this method, what about the people who have bad connections who keep getting dropped. Thats not really fair to them.


Elite Member
Nov 7, 2007
Booze Zombie said:
Kermi said:
Do "things to do in real life" come up five games in a row? And if so, it's safe to assume anything that urgent will take enough of your attention that being sat out of matchmaking for 15 minutes or so won't really bother you.

One would assume, anyway.
Changing your goldfish's water could take 10 minutes, for example, then you're stuck with the other five going "why the fuck did I even bother joining a game".
Is this so urgent you have to quit a game to do it? Multiple times in a short timeframe? You don't get penalised for quitting a few times, the punishment is to discourage habitual quitters.

I'm baffled by people who actually think this is a bad idea. I seriously wonder if you all mash the quit button every time you start to lose at anything.


Were it so easy
Oct 2, 2008
generic gamer said:
Well some times you really can't help it but you shouldn't do it intentionally no. I mean, if I'm halfway through a game (even a ranked one) and someone invites me to the pub or to go hang out I'll disconnect immediately. My personal rule is to take the sentence you were going to say and replace 'game' with 'wank'. If it still scans well then go ahead and say it.

"What did you get up to last night?"
"I had nothing better to do so I had a *wank*."

"Hey Andy, you wanna come to the pub?"
"No way, I've been *wanking* for eight hours and I've got further than ever before, I would rather just stay in and *wank*."

I mean, gaming is just a pastime and I really do rate it low priority enough to quit whenever I feel like doing something else in the same way that I put a book down.
I agree. However by the sounds of things it will base it upon frequent quitting, so if you are playing a game then quit to go out, same thing happens two days later, then it won't be an issue. It appears to be based upon frequency so someone who quits 3 times in half an hour, would be assumed to be doing so because they don't like the map or are getting their ass kicked and whatnot.

Personally I am more in agreement with this idea, but tweaked:
matrix3509 said:
Okay I just gotta ask this one very straightforward question: Online games are still struggling with this?

Seriously, the original Starcraft figured out how to handle this twelve years ago: If you leave the game before the match is done, a loss is automatically recorded in your win/loss column. Thats all you need to keep people from quitting. And if they don't care about a single loss, they can quit anyway. How hard is this to understand?
A quit should equal a 'loss'.
A disconnect should be a 'disconnect' in case it's not the persons fault.

If someone has a lot of disconnects you know that they either have a poor connection or quit a lot, either way you can choose to avoid them.

They should also make it so stats are not reset in terms of wins/losses/disconnects so people can't just delete them to get rid of any bad reputation.

The quitters solution of course will be to make new Live accounts, but let's not complain about that as the amount of morons who care about rank so much to do it are funding the industry.


Elite Member
Nov 7, 2007
Echo136 said:
While I wholeheartedly agree with this method, what about the people who have bad connections who keep getting dropped. Thats not really fair to them.
Bungie's systems can tell the difference.


New member
Feb 26, 2009
Arkhangelsk said:
I'm gonna say this right out: Bungie are douchebags now. If I'm new to Halo and accidentally get stuck in a match full of pros, should I just suck it up now? If I'm not okay with the game, I should have the right to leave. Even worse, what if your interrupted while gaming and have to go. If this happens some times, then what? First that bonus for PC gamers, now this? Thank you, Bungie, you've made me not want to buy this game.
we dont want you to play, anyway... if youre going to be quitting all the time, you deserve to be banned for a while so that you cant ruin anymore matches.

personally, ive ended up being stuck in a game 1v8 before, and ive had it happen to people on other teams too. its freaking annoying. i can understand quitting sometimes, but it ruins the game when you quit every time things arent going your way.

and @matrix, that doesnt work... Halo 3 has the same exact thing. if you leave a game early, your exp goes down by 1. nobody gives a crap, because they arent stat-whores. it doesnt solve anything by taking away something so miniscule.