Harbinger of Putrefaction: A Warhammer 40K Space Hulk RP


New member
Mar 27, 2011

To the darkness I bring fire. To the ignorant I bring faith. Those who welcome these gifts may live, but I will visit naught but death and eternal damnation on those who refuse them.

It is the 41st Millennium. For more than a hundred centuries the Emperor of Mankind has sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Earth. He is the master of mankind by the will of the gods and master of a million worlds by the might of his inexhaustible armies. He is a rotting carcass writhing invisibly with power from the Dark Age of Technology. He is the Carrion Lord of the vast Imperium of Man for whom a thousand souls are sacrificed every day so that he may never truly die.

Yet even in his deathless state, the Emperor continues his eternal vigilance. Mighty battlefleets cross the daemon-infested miasma of the Warp, the only route between distant stars, their way lit by the Astronomican, the psychic manifestation of the Emperor's will. Vast armies give battle in His name on uncounted worlds. Greatest amongst his soldiers are the Adeptus Astartes, the Space Marines, bio-engineered super-warriors. Their comrades in arms are legion: the Imperial Guard and countless planetary defence forces, the ever-vigilant Inquisition and the tech-priests of the Adeptus Mechanicus to name only a few.

But for all their multitudes, they are barely enough to hold off the ever-present threat to humanity from aliens, heretics, mutants -- and far, far worse. To be a man in such times is to be one amongst untold billions. It is to live in the cruelest and most bloody regime imaginable. These are the tales of those times. Forget the power of technology and science, for so much has been forgotten, never to be relearned. Forget the promise of progress and understanding, for in the grim dark future there is only war. There is no peace amongst the stars, only an eternity of carnage and slaughter, and the laughter of thirsting gods.

983.M41, Khappal System, Ultima Segmentum​

A space hulk is a massive conglomeration of spaceborne trash, centuries and millennia old ships and junk gathered together in a tangled mess of parts the size of a small continent. They drift through the warp endlessly until they find their final resting place inevitably, whether it be to be ripped apart by Imperial weapons or to merely pulverize itself against a moon. More often than not, these hulks become homes to swarms of alien and demonic scum, and their passage often heralds doom for any nearby inhabited worlds. More importantly, a space hulk may contain technology that has been lost to the Imperium for thousands of years, technology that it is imperative be recovered if possible.

To that end, whenever possible these Space Hulks are boarded by the finest warriors that live, the Emperor's Space Marines, with orders to fight their way through the massive structure and drive out whatever taint might lie within with the Emperor's Sword and the Emperor's Fury.
One such Space Hulk is the Harbinger of Putrefaction that now lies on the outer edges of the Khappal system, guarded by a pair of Imperial cruisers. Segmentum Command has requested that this Space Hulk be secured at any cost. To that end, the Ordo Xenos have called upon their sword, the elite Deathwatch Marines.

Taken from the greatest and most skilled of all Space Marines from all loyal chapters, the Deathwatch is the Emperor's greatest weapon against the taint of Xeno filth. Now a transport bearing a squad of these elite warriors is en route to begin boarding the Harbinger of Putrefaction.

Okay, this is a Warhammer 40K RP. Now, I could go into great detail about the weapons, the equipment and whatnot, but I'd inevitably miss something, so here you go. Warhammer 40K Lexicanum [http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Deathwatch#.UBZlhKC8pJA] That's a wiki containing the data you'll need on just about every aspect of 40K. Anything you're not sure of, just drop me a PM and I'll see what I can do.

Now, this RP is going to be a bit different than what a lot of you are probably used to. You know how you're generally not supposed to play a mega superbadass and trenchcoating is frowned upon and whatnot? Well, forget all that. This is an RP about badasses. Every single player character is a nigh-invincible god of war with centuries of battle experience against all manner of fiends from the alien to the demonic.

Nor is this going to be a deep RP with a complex, riveting story. While there is a plot and I do expect roleplaying, this is mostly intended to be a fun, light RP about asskicking aliens and demons and monsters, not a serious contemplation of the nature of the universe of Warhammer 40K. While I don't want clowns, black comedy and finding a warped sense of humor in the nightmares is allowed and encouraged. Likewise, I'd prefer to avoid having eight grizzled growling badasses. You're all going to be badasses, but mix it up a bit.

Reading the character sheet, you may note that I left off Gender. That is not a mistake. There are no Space Marine females. It's the way things are, I'm afraid. This is going to be sausage and ichor.

I can't think of anything else, so let's have some fun.

Name: In a lot of the fluff and games, Space Marines have Romanesque or Greekish names, but don't be afraid to go off that course and do something. I'd prefer something that sticks out to something realistic.

Age: Note that for every century your character is alive, he gets rewarded by some guy putting a stud through his skull. However, not all chapters do this so you're free to ignore that part.

Squad Role: Remove this if you don't want your character in the running to play the Champion [http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Deathwatch_Champion#.UBZnvaC8pJA], Forge Master [http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Deathwatch_Forge_Master#.UBZnvqC8pJA], Chaplain [http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Deathwatch_Chaplain#.UBZnyaC8pJA], or Epistolary [http://wh40k.lexicanum.com/wiki/Deathwatch_Epistolary#.UBcIPKC8pJA]

Chapter: Not really important, but it does matter for your shoulderpad. If your character is a Black Shield, say so here.

Wargear: Armor, weapons, and any other equipment they might have. Go nuts here, there's just about nothing I won't accept here. However, I do kind of frown upon Xenos or Demon gear without a -very- good explanation in backstory, and before picking something like a Lascannon or Heavy Bolter remember that a Space Hulk has a lot of tight quarters, so you might be sidelined. You're free to choose between Terminator and standard armor as well. I'd prefer you all to have at least one weapon that is special and epic, your character's personalized, signature weapon that even after he's died a glorious death in the Emperor's name, his memory will live on this weapon every time it is used to smite the Emperor's foes. One thing I have to say a flat no to is being a Dreadnought, I'm afraid. Maybe next time.

Appearance: Since you're all almost certainly wearing helmets, if you described your armor in Wargear, this is optional. Remember that while the Deathwatch wear black armor, they tend to wear various accoutrements over it - prayer seals, skulls, that kind of thing. You can describe your guy without the armor if you really want to (forced if your guy is one of those that doesn't wear a helmet for some reason).

Skills: Your character is a near-peerless warrior. What else can he do? (That might be useful, don't care about his crocheting)

History: Any warrior of the Astartes is almost guaranteed to be a legendary hero by most standards. As your characters are almost certainly ludicrously experienced, I don't expect you to show me their entire life story, and I'll be honest, I could care less about where they were born and what their childhood was like. What I want here more or less is their iconic moment, when they showed themselves to be a badass among badasses. Also include a bit (doesn't have to be long) about them being inducted into Deathwatch and becoming First Company.

Name: Malchus

Age: 435

Squad Role: Squad Leader

Chapter: Salamanders

Wargear: In his right hand, Malchus carries Calthian's Inferno, a heavy flamer personally crafted by Magos Calthian Vael during the Battle of MacRagge, intended to be the personal weapon of Marneus Calgar during the war. Unfortunately, before the shipment carrying the weapon could arrive, Behemoth was defeated and scattered through the galaxy. Calthian's Inferno passed through Calgar's hands and became a weapon of the Ultramarines First Company, being used in numerous battles until the Marine who currently wielded it took a tour with the Deathwatch, unfortunately meeting his death at the hands of a Necron force. The Flamer passed into the Deathwatch's armories, and was personally selected for this mission by Malchus. The weapon is tighter and more focused than a typical heavy flamer, delivering a concentrated stream of promethium that can melt through the toughest chitin. This weapon rides the line between Flamer and Melta. It is exquisitely functional, lacking any kind of ornament or decoration, only a single inscription along the barrel - "In the name of the Emperor, let these flames consume the Xeno and let their screams be as a hymn to the Emperor's Glory."

In his left hand, Malchus wears his favored blade, a chainfist made for his personal use for a battle some century ago fighting against Chaos Raiders plaguing the Kax Sector, ideal for boarding efforts. The chain is longer and more pronounced than a typical chainfist, being closer in size to a chainsword than a bayonet, and is suitably more devastating. Malchus uses it like an extension of his own arm, although while precise he is still somewhat sluggish with it. Even so, any strike with it will slay nearly anything smaller than a Carnifex. Etched onto the back of the fist in letters large enough for all to read is 'Into the fires of battle, unto the anvil of war!', the ancient war-cry of the Salamanders.

For this battle, Malchus armors himself with Tactical Dreadnought Armor, the much-feared Terminator Armor. As per Deathwatch requirements, much of the armor is painted black with the exception of the right arm and shoulder. The right shoulder is green-gray, and bears the Dragon symbol of the Salamanders Chapter, and the remainder of that arm is a dull silvery unpainted gray. The rest of the armor is pure black, the left shoulder bearing the symbol of the Deathwatch. While at first glance the armor appears almost undecorated, close inspection shows that it has been carefully marked with hundreds of prayers, liturgies, and legends of the many heroes of the Imperium. The writing is too small and too dark to be read, but merely feeling the faint touch of the prayer-carvings on the neck of the armor is a reminder of the Emperor's hand on the wearer. He keeps the helmet on, favoring protection over the dubious display of courage that leaving your head bare seems to be.

Skills: Besides specializing in close-quarters devastation, Malchus is something of a warrior-scholar, determined to know everything about his enemies to know better how to kill them. In battle, he is constantly studying his foe, learning how better to kill them, and when he is not in battle he is contemplating them and absorbing what data he can from dataslates and legends.

History: The story of Malchus is a series of desperate battles and remarkable victories, beginning with his days as a scout four hundred years ago. He and his squad were, along with Salamanders Fifth Company deployed to the world of Chakhal, an agri-world embroiled in what seemed to be a hopeless war against a Waaagh! The planetary defense forces and Imperial Guard had been driven back across much of the world in the two year long conflict and now held only a number of fortresses in the polar region of the world and a pair of heavily fortified cities along the equator. The arrival of the Salamanders was the beginning of the turn of the tide.

For his part, Malchus and his squad were sent into the heart of the Ork infestation to eliminate nobs and cripple the Ork ability to respond to the Salamanders' arrival. For some time their efforts went well, their hit and fade strikes slowing the Ork advance, destroying fuel depots and eliminating key lieutenants. Until one fateful day when while scouting out their next attack, they discovered that the leader of the Waaagh, Warboss Gagletz, was present, along with his elite bodyguard units. Too heavily protected to be taken out with their usual strategy.

For Malchus, the decision was clear - they were Space Marines, the Adeptus Astartes, the Emperor's Angels of Death. If they shied away from the brutal fight now, what would happen when it was a truly dire situation? He urged an attack, and persuaded the other scouts that killing Gagletz was imperative. A plan was swiftly devised and executed.

The battle was glorious. Despite the scouts not being true Space Marines yet, not armored in the mighty powered armor, they fought with the fury of the Emperor, the Orks dying by the dozens, each bark of a bolter or roar of a chainblade the herald of an Ork's death. Malchus lead the charge, his blade and armor soaked in Ork blood. Within two minutes, they had reached Gagletz's command post, the Ork stepping out of it raising his massive chainaxe for battle. Instead, he was struck in the face with a Krak grenade coated in adhesive that after detonating reduced much of his head to little more than a grotesque work of art.

But Malchus' hope that Gagletz's death would immediately throw the Orks into disarray was dashed, the Orks only fought them harder, and one by one his squad fell as they ran for their exit, only Malchus and one other, scout Varien survived, and Varien was viciously wounded. Against all odds, Malchus had managed to escape without anything more serious than trivial scrapes and scratches. Over a period of weeks they managed to escape Ork territory and return to Salamander command to report.

Since the death of Gagletz, the Ork offensive had faltered and then completely collapsed as the Waaagh splintered into a half dozen separate forces all fighting amongst themselves, slowly crumbling before the Salamander advance. Despite Malchus' grief and guilt over the death of his squad, he was reassured by Brother-Captain Agnirus that he had made the correct decision, and that his squad had died as heroes.

This began what seemed to be a career of such acts - bold strikes that leave much of his allies dead, but leave Malchus seemingly untouched and deliver horrific blows to the enemy, against the Tyranids on Acherean, against the Hrud on Chvex, the forces of Chaos during the Hyalmir March in 901M41. Again and again he delivered these blows and again and again he emerged nearly unscathed, only seeming to take injuries when he behaved in more cautious, measured ways. As he grew older and wiser, his strikes grew more and more bold, more and more devastating, and more and more costly. Malchus is one of the greatest warriors the Salamanders have ever had and his courage has brought them many great victories.

But the costs are getting to be too high.

Malchus, aware of this, volunteered for a vigil with the Deathwatch, serving for thirty years before returning to the Salamanders. However, his time with the Deathwatch was such a strange yet rewarding experience that he soon volunteered for it once again. He is now twenty-six years into his second Vigil with the Deathwatch and has become a sergeant of the elite Deathwatch First Company, leading an elite Kill-team of these fabled warriors into battle against the vile forces of the Xeno.



New member
Mar 31, 2011
Son of a Demon... I look on the forum tonight and a zombie thread pops open, meaning I took it upon myself to postpone my own. Then my alternate is a WH one and this also shows =/. Good luck in all seriousness and just a bit at random and out of curiosity...


This little animation?


New member
Mar 27, 2011
Hey, we got three Pokemon RPs right now, Ray. As long as your RP isn't a Space Hulk RP, yours can probably find its own niche.


New member
Mar 27, 2011
Not too OP, but to be honest it'd be kind of weird for the champion of the Black Templars to leave a Templar crusade to join the Deathwatch.


New member
Jan 6, 2011
Hm, that is true. I was under the impression that there was a newly selected champion per crusade but the reason for a champion leaving would be too troublesome to explain. I'll just stick with a really badass sword brethren then. Expect a sheet soon.


New member
Jan 6, 2011
Tell me I need to edit anything otherwise, please enjoy. Suggestions and/or criticisms are welcome.

Name: Ramziel Cruentus


Chapter: Black Templars

Wargear: Despite being in the Deathwatch, Ramziel inscribed the four vows of the Black Templars on his knee and shoulder pieces. On his chest there are two golden chains that are wrapped diagonally across his chest that was blessed by the Emperor himself and offer his protection. He also has two prayers seals on both of his arms and a white loin cloth on the bottom half of his armor. On the loin cloth are the words: "THE EMPEROR PROTECTS" in gold lettering with more prayer seals on the hip area. His left arm, from the elbow down, is completely mechanical and is painted a matte black to match the rest of his armor. His power armor is the "brand-new" Mark 8 with extra protection at the neck, additional armor plating without losing the maneuverability of the traditional Space Marine power armor. But despite the term "brand-new" the armor still bears the marks of combat with a very visible horizontal plasma mark on the left side of his body.

On his mechanical arm, Ramziel was able to switch out his regular hand for the "Sigismund's Fury". It is a lighting claw that was forged from one of the few broken swords of Sigismund in his time in the Iron Fists. Being unable to keep the entire broken piece of the sword together, they smelted it down to Lighting Claws with Sigismund's permission. On the four fingers of the claws are the vows of the Black Templars and on the hand itself is a chain-fed bolter with the ammo supply installed into Ramziel's mechanical forearm. So alongside carrying this weapon, if Raziel decides to use a bolter, he has ammo to spare if need be. This weapon was bestowed upon Ramziel because of his actions during the Third War for Armageddon.

In his other hand, Ramziel wields the other half of Sigismund's Fury but there is no special modification besides the extra blessings and the black paint finish. Ramziel also prefers to fight with no helmet on despite what other might advise him to do.

Appearance: Ramziel's face is that of a stoic indifference. Some of his comrades have perpetual scowls or permanent grins but Ramziel has his lips level showing neither a growl or a smirk. His eye brows are arched together angrily and he has three diagonal scars from the left side of his face to the right side, ending above his right eye brow. He is a thick build, much like most marines and piercing green eyes. Ramziel's head is bald and carries various marks of combat and age as well.

Skills: Ramziel is an expert on several forms of Xeno biology from fighting various Xenos across his combat career. From Tau to Tyrannid, Ramziel is able to distinguish and combat the different alien life forms. He primarily uses this knowledge to find easier ways to kill these Xenos as his hatred for the Xeno has evolved into a gruesome fascination of how to kill them more efficiently.

History: Ramziel dived into the hell of war, feet first during the Nimbosa Crusade and fought the Tau alongside his brothers. During one of the many boarding actions in the battle, Ramziel and his squad became pinned down in a narrow corridor by the elite Tau Fire Warriors who converted many of the Orbital Stations' pathways into kill zones. One of the first to fall was the Sergeant of their squad and now they were trapped in a corridor with death bearing down on them. Quickly, Ramziel stepped up and organized a base of fire to suppress the Tau as he looked for a way around them. Soon he found a small maintenance shaft that led directly to the large hall the Tau was fortified in. Him and a few Black Templars sneaked through the shaft and forced their way into the hall, quickly killing the warriors in hand-to-hand fighting. The Chaplain and the Initiate who taught Ramziel saw him fit to join the Initiate ranks that very same day after a few more boarding actions to add to this extraordinary action.

Ramziel faced the Tau once more during the Damocles Crusade but this time it was in the thick swamps and instead of regular Tau, he fought against their fearsome Kroot auxiliaries. The Black Templars assisted a contingency of Imperial Guardsmen in a ambush attempt only to be ambushed themselves by the Kroot who leaped from tree to tree while leaving the Guardsmen in the mud. The Black Templars lost a good number and that was when Raziel gained his scar. While firing at the Kroot above, a Shaper attacked him from behind. The Shaper was much stronger than normal Kroot and knocked Raziel's helmet off with a swipe from its Kroot Rifle. Despite this, the Shaper made a terrible mistake and it was that of challenging a Black Templar in a close quarters fight. Ramziel engaged the Shaper in a brutal fight and in the process, Ramziel received a swipe from the Shaper's claw that nearly clouded his vision with his own blood. The Shaper might have been strong but it wasn't fast enough to beat back Raziel who was able to land hit after hit from his knife. Soon the Shaper was bleeding out of a number of gashes and lost a large amount of blood. Raziel picked up a Chainsword and decapitated the beast. He raised the Shaper's head to the rest of the Kroot. The demoralized Kroot were killed off quickly and Raziel gave the chainsword back to the Castellan he took it from who was wounded in the ambush. The Marshal arrived shortly and along with the Castellan, they decided to elevate Ramziel to the rank of Sword Brother.

Then during the Third War for Armageddon, the Black Templars were tasked with holding off a mighty WAAAGGH with aide from several other Space Marine companies as losing Armageddon was out of the question. In these trenches, Ramziel laid waste to hundreds of orcs that tried to cross their battle lines. There he faced the worst the Orks could throw at them. During one of the many battles, Raziel and his brethren faced a Gargantuan Squiggoths which was being used as a mobile artillery platform and also a troop transport. In a bold counter-attack, Raziel and his Sword Brethren strode forth under the cover of an intensive Whirlwind barrage to take out the beast. Along with the explosive rockets, smoke rockets also gave the group extra cover while the rest of the marines supported them with suppression fire. Raziel was the first to get on the beast and in a manner of minutes the monster's back was clear of orks. The orks began to falter but the sight of a second Squiggoth with the Warboss on top sent all sorts of hell towards Raziel. In a self-less attempt he ordered the rest of his brothers to get off the beast while he forced his Squiggoth in the direction of the Warboss. He did that while arming all the explosives on the beast and avoiding gun fire. When the Warboss sighted this bold move he tried to make his Squiggoth retreat but an artillery shell rendered one of its legs into a stub of burnt meat. The beast fell over as Raziel charged into the Warboss with his. Raziel leaped off the beast but in the large explosion, he lost part of his arm and damaged much of his Power Armor.

Raziel survived and was given a new suit and among other things, they gave him "Sigismund's Fury". He stayed in the Black Templars, staving off the Tyranids and forces of Chaos until Raziel decided to serve time in the Deathwatch to better satisfy his need to carry out the word of the Emperor. His skills, sacrifices, and actions proved him able to join their ranks so he was inducted into the Deathwatch soon after he wished to join them.


New member
Mar 31, 2011
PrinceOfShapeir said:
Hey, we got three Pokemon RPs right now, Ray. As long as your RP isn't a Space Hulk RP, yours can probably find its own niche.
Riiigghhht, my idea didn't have anything whatsoever to do with Space Hulks at All. Oh and three pokemon things? Wow that sure is small.


New member
Aug 16, 2011

All you Imperium guys better get your Mon-keigh asses out of here, because at the eve of Kilithikadya you will not be distinguished from the filth.


New member
Mar 27, 2011
Yeah, we're not allowing non-Imperium characters. -Maybe- later in the story, but highly unlikely.

But I don't think that's what you're actually here for, is it?


New member
Oct 16, 2009
Okay, Lets have a stab at this.

Sheet below.
Name: Jagar White-Claw

Age: 5 centuries of service.

Squad Role: Nothing special (resident bloodhound)

Chapter: Space Wolves, Harald Deathwolfs Company

Wargear: Artificer armour bearing the Crux Terminatus.
Frost Axe
Great Wolf Pelt
Wolf Tooth Necklace
Artificer Bolt Pistol (w/Suppression Stabiliser)
Collection of Krak Grenades and Frag Grenades
Jump Pack (Optional due to limited use on a space hulk, but let me know anyway)

Appearance: With his armour painted black, only the right shoulder of grey, yellow and blue bearing the badge of the great devourer, and the bristled grey wolf pelt across his shoulders suggests Jagar?s heritage as a Wolf brother of the Space wolves. Less his helmet, the characteristic elongated canines and piercing yellow eyes reveal the curse of the wulfen. Jagar?s left hand, now used to hold his bolter, has long been reinforced with bionics after the vengeance that his oath as a Lone Wolf was attained against a group of Tyranid Genestealers almost 3 centuries ago.

Skills: Among the Space Wolves, Jagar garnered a reputation as a fearless, relentless close combat specialist with a savage nature. Among his enemies, those that know his name fear his presence, those that don?t soon learn. After loosing his fellow Skyclaws combating a splinter of hive fleet kraken, he has developed a fanatical desire to defend those he has under his charge, be it at his own risk, this has lead to him developing an excellent nack for survival, even among the Astartes, his tracking abilities and wolf like heightened senses give him an almost supernatural warning of approaching danger.

Joined the skyclaws, served for over a century in the service of wolf lord Harald Death-Wolf over several campaigns

After engaging a splinter of hive fleet kraken moving into a hive world, his wolf-brothers were slain as a horde of genestealers burst from the lower levels, tearing into the vanguard the skyclaws had carved.

Taking the vow of a lone wolf, Jagar followed in the wake of the companies long fangs as they began to push back against the swarm, before leaping to his quarry, expecting death, finding vengeance as Xeno after Xeno fell before him

Others followed his battle, noticing his valor and ferocious success, notably Wolf-Guard and the Iron Priest of the company.

Soon, the genestealers lay decimated, following the path of destruction left by jagar, he was found, howling to his slain brothers, his smashed chainsword still gripped by his severed hand, embedded in the patriarchs chest, as the iron priest and surviving wolf guard looked on and secured the area.

Inducted immediately into Wolf Lord Harald Deathwolf after the sucessful campaign and replacement of his lost hand, he only served for a century, leaving an impressive count of massacred xenos in his wake before the deathwatch took note and came to recruit the Space Wolf.

Jagar, reluctant to leave his Lord and Wolf brother, was encouraged to serve by deathwolf, to exact fresh vengeance on all those who would threaten the space wolves and the name of Leman Russ.

With his equipment blessed by the iron priests and inscribed with writ of the wolf under each peice on his departure, he serves with the Deathwatch to this day, leaving no less a footprint on the shadowy organisation than he did on his own company.

Let me know what you think or anything I've left out. Otherwise, I'll keep an eye out for the start of proceedings

Edited for horrific formatting caused by the post window.
Aug 17, 2010
Me: "Oh wow! I just start to get into Warhammer 40k, and already there's an RP set in the universe? I can't believe my lu-"

*Sees it's Spacemarines only*


Woz dis?! Buncha humie gitz wot can't 'andle bein' Orky?!'

In all seriousness, I only recently this week have been really getting into Warhammer, and all I know right now is a smattering of lore, and the faction I've least read up on is the Space Marines.

So maybe, but I feel I'd bog it down.


New member
Mar 27, 2011
Yeah, sorry about that, Gent. I've been contemplating a Warhammer RP for some time, but it's kind of difficult to get any of the factions together for an RP. Space Marines and Imperial Guard don't mix because any player Marine is going to outshine any Guard, and the Imperium in general is so xenophobic that they'd never work with aliens. The only factions that are really capable of teaming up in 40K credibly is Tau and Eldar, and only because the Tau don't know that the Eldar are vipers.
Aug 17, 2010
I completely understand. For some, if not most, it's all about the Space Marines.

For me it's da Orks, but to each his own.

However I do hope your RP goes swimmingly, and I wish you the best of luck.

Waaaaaaagh! and good day.


Apr 24, 2008
Decisions, decisions... Iron Snake or White Scar? Gotta go with my gut on this one.

Name: Kasar Firewake

Age: 398

Squad Role: Chaplain

Chapter: White Scars

Wargear: Though he is devoted to the Deathwatch, Kasar is ever loyal to the character of his chapter and eschews the might and protection offered by tactical dreadnought armour. In its place he proudly wears an ancient suit of artificer power armour, and makes full use of its superior mobility. This venerable ceramite warplate has been passed down through the chaplains of the Deathwatch for almost six thousand years. As befits his station, Khasar is equipped with a rosarius and the leering skull-helm that denotes a chaplain in most space marine chapters.

With respect and with fury, in duty and with pride does Kasar bear his Crozius 'Fearbreaker'. This head of this mighty power maul is formed into the image of a trio of hooded angels, each facing outward and bearing a smoking censure. At the firewake's request, the craftsman of the Deathwatch have altered the power field of this lethal weapon to destabilize briefly with every strike, so that every blow produces a tremendous thunderclap of sound. Kasar was bequeathed with the weapon upon his ascension to the position of Chaplain, although no record exists to detail its origins prior to its coming to the armoury of the Ordo Xenos. Kasar cares not for its past, for Fearbreaker has proved to be an endless font of ruin for the enemies of humanity. A purity seal affixed to it's head and protected by it's power field bears the legend; "Into oblivion, bearing light".

While a plasma pistol is capable of delivering untold fury to the foe, Kasar's duties take him often to the front of the melee; In these close quarters, the destructive potential of a plasma weapon poses a serious threat to both Kasar and his squadmates. Instead, Kasar bears a simple bolt pistol for when the hated xenos must be persecuted from afar. Well-worn and fine-tuned to suit his practised grip, Kasar has personally reinforced the casing of this hardy weapon to better bludgeon his enemies. It must be noted that the Chaplain has no small affection for the holy bolt-round and it's devastating effects.

Skills: As is befitting of a Chaplain of the Deathwatch, Kasar is well versed in the traditions and manner of as many space marine chapters as he can study. While he is no neophyte, there are many chaplains more venerable than Kasar and he sees it as his duty to learn all he can from these legendary champions of humanity. He bears an unshakeable conviction in the emperor's guidance and his sense of duty is as solid as a battle-barge, eclipsing even his meteoric hatred towards the alien with its permanence.

It goes without saying, as an Angel of Death, that Kasar is an implacable engine of death and despair in close quarters. It is also taken for granted, as a Chaplain in the service of the Ordo Xenos, that he is well versed in the knowledge necessary to effectively punish most any xenos enemy. As a White Scar, he values swift and fearsome strikes for both personal combat and as a unit tactic, and abhors static manoeuvres; "Let it never be said that my faith can be shifted, nor that I can be contained".

Kasar Firewake's formative years among the White Scars were, by the measure of a space marine, uneventful. He was involved as a scout in a brutal and highly mobile war against the craftworld of Saim-hann. As a scout biker of the fearsome seventh company, Kasar took part in countless lightning raids on xenos staging posts throughout the war, and had the honor of riding with the company's full bike contingent against a brutal swordwind counter-charge. Many honored brothers were lost in that battle, the 'duel of storms', and Kasar was found worthy to replace one of these fallen.

Kasar served faithfully and with ferocity, but he seemed destined to be forever a soldier of the line, perhaps ascending to the rank of sergeant when his experience was greater. This changed in the cave-worlds that riddle Ideus Maxima. In the deep darkness below the world, Kasar's squad was trapped along with two others behind a sudden cave-in. In the darkness with them were the forces of the Necron, primarily composed of horrific flayer-beasts. Their sergeants directed them with skill and tenacity, sticking to strategies of silence and stealth, but the crushing darkness and constant ambushes were wearing down their numbers and cohesion. It was there, in darkness, that Kasar earned the name 'Firewake' and the eye of his superiors. When his sergeant was torn in half by a necron flayer, Kasar's rage became ascendant. He began to bellow catechisms of hate into the night, at the highest volume he could produce. These simple litanies are known to all Space Marines, but Kasar's conviction in his words rallied both his squad and those other marines lost in the darkness. The Necrons, too, heard his hateful cries and a horde of bloody xenos charged towards his position.

Kasar's newly discovered willpower re-ignited the tired remnants and he led them directly at the heart of the oncoming enemy. Every source of light that Kasar could find, from flamers and lamps to the illuminated displays and eyes of his armor, Kasar cranked to full and implored his brothers to do the same. The 'Firewake' charged at the head of this radiant force and their hatred swept aside the first waves of xenos like so much rotted wood. Kasar was prepared to die in glory as the Necrons surrounded his band, but before they were destroyed his company captain and mighty Terminator retinue teleported into the metallic ranks. The Xenos could not stand before such warriors, and Kasar returned to the surface as a sudden legend. His newfound fury against the alien fuelled his request to take a Vigil with the Ordo Xenos, and was eagerly approved by his captain.

Among the Deathwatch, Kasar found his reserves of hate to be unending and he caught the eye of Brother-Chaplain Draseus, who set about tempering Kasar's fury into discipline. A century of service and tutelage later, Kasar accepted that he would forever be in service with the Deathwatch, and was bestowed the mantle of Chaplain. He has only borne the role for half a century, but his conduct and record have only validated his convictions and the decisions of those who brought him to this honored station. To the Firewake, however, there is only one being whose approval he must earn, and He has not found him wanting yet.


New member
Mar 27, 2011
Nice character, Joe. I think I can give you the Chaplain slot. Also, I really like the touches on the Crozius.