Harbinger of Putrefaction: A Warhammer 40K Space Hulk RP


New member
Jul 6, 2008
I have a question. I know it wouldn't be terribly special case canonically, but could I do up a Techmarine that switched paths to become an Apothecary? Figured it would be interesting and kill two birds with one stone on "stuff we're missing".


Regular Member
Sep 8, 2012
Name: Dario Loenzo
Age: 267
Squad Role: Sternguard
Chapter: Flesh Tearers
Wargear: Combi-Plasma, the one he killed the genestealers with aboard the Space hulk of years ago, Plasma Pistol, Serrated Combat Blade for going back to his Brutal Close combat roots , Mk 5 power armour, he preffers it to modern Power armour as it gives him a sense of pride
knowing that after all it?s served through it still operates.
Appearance: Blue Targeting eye(Right), Blue normal Eye, Tanned, Brown haired, Overly tall, Scared Face.

Skills: Plasma Weapon Management, Red thirst, Bezerker Rage, Ranged Honours, Crux terminatus and an freakish knack for avoiding Accidents.

History: Although Dario can be a Blood thirsty Psycho he is actually Quite level headed by his chapters Standards, He Earned his name in the second company after Ensuring the end of a Chaos lord of a Reasonably Sized Warband, Skalnax the Unclean, after Numerous Victories he elevated to become a Veteran. As a veteran He has served in many battles, even serving under the chapter master himself earning him terminator Honours.

Going further into his scouting days he has always shown a love for plasma, he gets a buzz watching the enemy fry and the thrill of knowing his own weapon could be his doom, but he doesn?t care as it?s only happened once and he?s still kicking. He was selected for deathwatch for his Skills with anything energy weapon like and his Ability to channel his Rage into Scary accuracy.

?If it bleeds, I can kill it?. If it doesn?t, I can still kill it, just with more expertise.?- Dario on the enemies of the Imperium


New member
Mar 27, 2011
I'm going to have to say no to that sheet, Aaron. Compared to the ones I've accepted, it's just not very good. Minimal detail, poor writing, and the character just isn't interesting.


Regular Member
Sep 8, 2012
PrinceOfShapeir said:
I'm going to have to say no to that sheet, Aaron. Compared to the ones I've accepted, it's just not very good. Minimal detail, poor writing, and the character just isn't interesting.

Could I have permission for a re-do? I realize I can do much better.


New member
Aug 21, 2011
I'm interested in this but have no experience with roleplaying on a forum (although i have lots of experience with pen and paper rps). If i submit a character sheet, when will everything kick off?


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Bravo 21 said:
Just wondering, did this RP die again, or are we waiting for more people?
PrinceOfShapeir hasn't been online for 11 days according to his profile, I'd guess it's on hold until he's back from whatever's keeping him busy. Hopefully things will start up again soon.


New member
Mar 27, 2011
Alright, excellent. ToxicPiranah, Ultrajoe, just catch up with us if you're still in. I'll have the opening up by the end of today.


New member
Mar 27, 2011
The Harbinger of Putrefaction was an ugly ship, if you could really call it a ship. It was a vaguely hammer-shaped craft, a massive chunk of debris with a long spar sticking out of it, the long spar being one of the few craft recognizable as being a ship, in fact it looked almost entirely intact, and was supplying the thrust to the vessel right now. The ship was vaguely needle shaped, a silvery gray spear fifty-one kilometers from bow to stern. The rest of the Hulk was less elegant looking, here and there you could see chunks that looked like the armored bow of an Imperial Navy warship or the delicate, flowing lines of an Eldar cruiser, the graceful beauty marred by the mastication of the ages.

The Thunderhawk carrying the Deathwatch Squad began making its approach on the Hulk, going towards an airlock that looked to have once been part of an Emperor-class Battleship. Within the Thunderhawk, Brother-Sergeant Malchus secured his helmet and readied Calthian's Inferno. "Secure your armor and prepare for battle, Brothers." Although he had already done so a dozen times, he checked the fuel levels within the massive flamer, then waited by the hatch, flexing the fingers of his chainfist. He keyed his voxcaster.

"Vox check. This is Malchus."

One by one the other Marines secured their equipment and returned the check, taking up positions by the hatch. The Thunderhawk slid into the airlock and landed with surprising gentleness for such an ungainly vessel.

"Well flown, pilot. Once we are at a safe distance make your exit, we will inform you when we are ready to leave."

"Yes, Brother."

"With me, brothers. For the Emperor!" The hatch dropped open with a clang and Malchus charged out onto the deck, revving his chainfist, his finger twitching on the trigger of his flamer.

There was nothing there. He looked around what was plainly once a hangar deck. Fighters and bombers were scattered here and there, all having been stripped of most of their parts by scavengers. Here and there, deck plating was ripped up, and scattered all over were corpses preserved by the vacuum. Many were Human, but many more plainly were not, their bodies twisted and several having extra limbs.

"On alert, Brothers. There is likely a Genestealer infestation aboard this Hulk."

Malchus began moving forwards, something having caught his eye. A plaque on the wall, coated in dust. He brushed it off, revealing,

The Emperor's Holy Lance of Judgment
Commissioned 655M33
For the fury of the Emperor is such that all perish that evoke it.

"This is an unfitting tomb for such a ship. It will be well when this Hulk is destroyed."

A sensor within the Terminator armor began beeping at Malchus. He raised his head and nearly lost it, a set of massive claws scraping along the top of the helmet and leaving deep scratches. Malchus didn't wait to try and see what it was, he activated his chainfist and raised it, parrying the next attack by severing the creature's arm, then followed up with a quick thrust that simultaneously impaled the creature and flung it back against the wall. As it stilled, Malchus' fears were confirmed.

"Purestrain Genestealers!"

The vacuum rendered everything outside their helmets silent, but all the Marines knew the horror of the Genestealers, and in their minds they could all but feel the chittering, the clinking of the claws on the decking as the Genestealers made their approach. All around them, doors began tearing open and wall panels ripped off, Purestrains crawling out of seemingly everywhere to descend upon the warriors of the Deathwatch.

Sorry it took so long. I know this is a lot of stuff going on in one post, just take it piece by piece in your posts, or if you prefer just skip straight to the fighting. Your choice.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Baniel had the left flank. It was a position where he was most comfortable, behind the squad but not so far away from the battle that he didn't feel an active part of it. Truth was, he was just as active as every other member of the squad regardless of where he was positioned. Being behind the squad posed no problems with friendly fire for centuries of practice had made such a thing a non-issue, especially in open areas such as the hangar bay. He followed behind the squad closely, never standing side-by-side as if he were a pariah, a ghost watching the squad. He preferred it this way, they did their job and he did his. No one had to interfere, especially because Baniel, and only Baniel, had the left flank.

A few steps into the hangar bay itself, Baniel stepped on a human corpse. He wasn't even sure it was human because all that remained was a collection of various gibs. Upon further investigation it wasn't human, or rather it used to be. The only things that could have more than two arms on a Space Hulk were...

"Purestrain Genestealers!"

Baniel steadied his aim and selectively fired his concussion missiles onto the left hangar bay doors. There was no point in waiting for the genestealers to claw them down; the sooner they eliminated them the better. They wouldn't all come at once and even if they did, he would be ready whether or not the rest of his squad was. It was Baniel vs the Enemies of the Imperium.

"Left Hangar Doors coming down, concussion missiles launched," Baniel announced over the vox. He thought of it more as talking to himself than making an actual announcement. He only did them because he had found that the rest of the squad, especially the leader, found it annoying when Baniel didn't. As long as he was in his flank, Baniel did not care.

As long as it was Baniel vs the Enemies of the Imperium, he did not care.


New member
Jan 6, 2011
Ramziel landed on the metal floor of the ship, hearing the metal thump as the vacuum of space rendered every other noise as loud thumps and scrapes. He looked around, seeing the destroyed mess of fighters, bombers, and eventually the corpses. They were held in the reduced gravity with their innards spilled, limbs cut, and slash marks across their bodies that reminded him of the horrible Tyranids. Still, he was in no mood to reminisce of the past and marched forward with intent on killing whoever set foot on such a holy ship.

He lurched forward, claws ready to rip until he heard a loud scraping, and soon a vox on the comms.

"Purestrain Genestealers!"

Ramziel's presumptions were confirmed as the Xeno started to tear their way out of the metal hull. A panel near Ramziel was torn free and a Genestealer lunged towards him with a thirst for blood but the Genestealer already made its first mistake. Xeno or not, one doesn't challenge a Black Templar to a melee fight.

He reared his left hand and brought his fingers to make a sharpened point with his claw. The genestealer's lunge was interrupted as Ramziel's claw forced itself down its mouth. Ramziel opened his hand and the creature's head and neck was cut open inside out. Ichor was released into the vacuum and with this foe down, he looked for another.