Harbinger of Putrefaction: A Warhammer 40K Space Hulk RP


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Ramirez had been waiting for a long time. Waiting for this assignment, waiting for the ship to dock, waiting to obliterate any unholy minions who lay dormant inside this vile spacecraft. To be the last out the gunship and head into a completely still hangar, completely silent, completely dead...

He took to revving his assault cannon. Ensuring the barrels spin freely, ensuring that there will be no jam. Something to occupy his mind while he waited for action, craved it, hungered for it. He was not insane, he had no Blood Angels-like geneseed flaw, he simply had an... Itch...

He mimicked the Black Shield's movements, covering the right hand flank and making sure a Terminator-clad marine was covering all points, allowing the more melee oriented Power armour marines to be free to focus their attentions in the centre of the action.

"Purestrain Genestealers!"

The whole room began to shiver and wretch and move. As a volley of concussion missiles were sent towards the left hand bay doors, Ramirez took his cue to cover the right side doors, however his attention was immediately taken by two xenos leaping straight towards him from a duct in the roof.

He planted his feet, steadied his body, raised his weapon. The beauty was already spinning at full speed, he loved this assault cannon. The voice of Dorn roared silently into the vaccuum, shuddering the marine's whole body to the core.

Xenos ichor and chitin fragments bounced harmlessly off his armour. Barely a husk remained of the aliens as the high caliber rounds blasted straight through with tremendous force.

"Right hand bay door under the Emperor's holy protection!" he bellowed into his vox while sending short bursts towards any enemy movement. He muttered to himself "Come Xenos, give me a challenge..."

Bravo 21

New member
May 11, 2010
Epistolary Lemaseus followed the hulking terminators into the landing bay of the hulk, reaching out with his mind for any hint of the horrors he hulk would undoubtedly contain. He could sense the chaos of the warp had permeated the hulk, but that proved little, with such corruption being commonplace among derelicts of this nature.

His concentration as interrupted by a cry of "Purestrain Genestealers!", and his focus snapped back to hangar, to see foul xenos converging upon them. His bolt pistol fired as the creatures rushed him and his brothers, but still the creatures came forward, so he raised his mace and leapt to meet the first of the oncoming creatures. "Hate the alien!" he cried, slamming the mace into its chest, "Kill the Alien!" he finished, bringing the mace down upon its head, spikes of psionic energy driving into the creature, ending its life. But this was only the first of many, and he braced himself, gathering his powers to do the work of the Emperor.


New member
Jan 6, 2011
Two more rushed Ramziel from an airduct above and he jumped up to meet them. He swiped his left claw at both of them and nothing but blood and gore remained. But a second longer then he would have been dragged into the floor as more Genestealers burst from the floor panels, hungry for human flesh. Ramziel opened fire with his bolter, propelling him towards the airduct. Once he reached it, he planted his feet and pushed downwards towards the Genestealers. He landed on one of the Xenos and his claws decimated the rest.

"Watch your feet, brothers!" Ramziel spoke into the comms, hoping to warn his brothers of the growing threat. The number of Genestealers were growing by the minute but Ramziel didn't fear it but he looked out for his fellow brothers and the more they had, the easier it would be to clear the ship.


New member
Nov 5, 2009
Servius held his plasma pistol in one hand and Verum in the other, the blades twin was strapped across his back it's handle in easy reach. He followed the hulking terminator clad forms of his fellow deathwatch brothers. The Genestealers cry that came across the comms set a fire ablaze in Servius's hearts. Pointing the master crafted pistol the champion unleashed a searing beam of plasma energy into the mass of attack aliens. The shot was perfectly aimed, taking 3 genestealers at once. As he advanced into the fray Servius kept up a relentless rain of fire. The light from the searing energy throwing the ghastly shadows of the genestealers across the airlock.

"For the Emperor!" He entoned as he lashed out at a leaping nid with Verum. The energized blade cleanly cutting the alien in half. Without pausing Servius holstered his pistol and drew Pars Virilis the twin to his other blade. The aliens around the Ultramarine were slaughtered as he threw himself into the full frenzy of combat. His blades blurred as he moved faster and faster out moving the Genestealers in a deadly dance.


New member
Mar 27, 2011
The ruthless, devastating strength of the Deathwatch rapidly turned the tide against the xeno swarm, as a whole flank of them was quickly turned into a spray of chitin and foul meat by Baniel's missile barrage. Almost as quickly as they had emerged the Genestealers made their retreat, pursued by the fury of the Marines fire as they made their exit out the far side of the hangar bay, pouring through the gaps.

"Hold, brothers!" Malchus raised his hand to them. "Do not pursue. The Genestealers are more clever than they appear, they will lead us into a trap." Malchus was covered in Genestealer ichor up to his shoulder on the arm with the chainfist, while his other was coated in a thick layer of soot.

He glanced around and felt a swell of pride in his breast at the valor and skill of his brothers. In a battle that had lasted perhaps a minute they had slain dozens of the foul Genestealers, each Genestealer alone a deadly threat. "Given that there were dead hybrids here, there are likely more up ahead. And we cannot discount the probability that this Hulk contains a splinter of a Hive Fleet."

Malchus raised his flamer and began to move towards a second exit from the hangar, leading to another section of the ship. "With luck, we can take them from the side. If this path leads further away, though...well, that will allow us to take the element of surprise when we fall upon them again."


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Baniel was disappointed they didn't choose his route but the squad leader had a good point, they were likely setting up a trap the clever xenos. Perhaps clever was giving them too much credit, too much respect. They were cunning, and that was that. His death would not be at the hands of the mindless bugs the Tyranids were. He would die against an enemy worthy of dying against, whatever that could be. Baniel followed the squad down the hangar to second exit, Missile Launcher still at the ready. If they were to launch a counter-attack, he would be the first one to know and therefore responsible for such a threat. The rest of the squad had enough to worry about, they didn't need more.

Baniel gave one last look at the door he blasted open and continued walking, reloading his missile launcher while doing so. It seemed safe enough.

This pace is good for me.

Bravo 21

New member
May 11, 2010
Lemaseus followed as the squad advanced deeper into the depths of the space hulk, wary of any trap that the foul xenos dwelling within might attempt. He was confident that any ambush would be foiled by the combined strength of the Deathwatch squad, but taking precautions never hurt.

The path they had chosen was tighter than the hangar, but he was confident that this would be to their benefit, depriving the genestealers, and any other creatures within, of any numerical advantage.

Maybe a little faster paced, but I'm in no hurry.