Harbinger of Putrefaction: A Warhammer 40K Space Hulk RP


New member
Jul 14, 2009
I was originally thinking Power Armour/Heavy Bolter setup, but we were short on Terminators and I felt a heavy weapon without Terminator Armour would leave me lacking in the close combat department. If a heavy bolter is deemed too unweildy, I could whip up a boltgun with higher firepower and clip size to create a midpoint between bolters and heavy bolters? Then I could still weild a CC weapon in there too.

Nouw said:
Perhaps a standard-run-of-the-mill Terminator with a Storm Bolter and a Power Fist? A Cyclone is tempting but I don't think it'd work so well in a Space Hulk :p.
Cyclones all the way!


New member
Mar 21, 2012
Name: Heimweir Argenfang

Age: Somewhere over 10,000 years

Chapter: A member of the 13th Great Company of the Space Wolves

Wargear: As he has wandered the warp with the rest of his company since before the Emperor was interred on his Golden Throne, Heimweir's standard equipment is a bit obsolete compared to his battle brothers, but he makes up for it with pure fury, relentlessly tracking down and ending his foes. He carries a standard bolt pistol, discoloured and almost sickly looking from warp exposure, called Ratatoskr, which he fills with kraken penetrator rounds. His main methods of silencing the Emperor's foes is his twin frost blades, Geri and Freki; chainswords had-crafted by master Iron priest of the chapter, incorporating the teeth of the Fenrisian Ice Kraken as the teeth of the blade, giving them an otherworldly and dangerous appearance. They are shorter than most, as the technology behind them wasn't as common then as it is now, and getting a hold of a full sized frost blades was difficult. This is all Heimweir carries, usually relying on his battle brothers to make up for his lacking in certain tactical departments.

Appearance: Despite wandering the warp searching for the hated Thousand Sons for a few millennia Heimweir still found time to commit himself to the most ancient art of the Space Wolves. Knotted leather body armour, fashioned by each wolf for their own personal use, reflecting their actions in battle and loyalty to their brothers and Primarch, adorns the majority of his body. Heimweir's is almost complete, covering the entirety of his body beneath his armour and one side of his face in the knotted artwork. Because of this he often decides not to wear a helmet, unless it would be foolish not to. His face it still partially obscured by the leather however, and despite his biological age, there hasn't been much change in his appearance since when he and the rest of his company disappeared, save for a few wolf pelts hanging from his shoulders and backpack.

Skills: A handy tracker and rider of beasts, Heimweir's time in the warp has accentuated his senses beyond what even the normal Space Wolf could boast at the height of their power. Of course he hasn't told anyone of this, especially not the Inquisition. And like a good deal of the rest of his Company, he has succumbed in part to the Curse of the Wulfen, where Space Wolves, thanks to their mutated gene seed and the harsh selection processes mutate into large wolf-like creatures, who are then set free to roam Fenris, or be trained for use in combat. But thanks to the constant struggle that Heimweir and the rest of his battle brothers from the 13th company have to deal with due to this genetic quirk, they are all particularly resistant to the taint of chaos.

History: As a member of the 13th Great Company of Space Wolves Heimweir?s history is shrouded in secrets that only few in the rest of the chapter know. They had been presumed lost in the warp after the burning of Propsero, and it was only recently that they have again re-emerged. Their contact with the rest of the chapter has been sparse, but enough for the Chapter Master, Logan Grimnar to allow them to continue their undefined searching and eradication of any and all Thousand Sons and other such tainted sorcery.

Heimweir himself has decided to use his abilities elsewhere however, if only for a brief period of time. He thinks a period with the Deathwatch will be a nice distraction and change of pace from the warp horrors that he had to fed off for the past 10,000 or so years.


New member
Mar 27, 2011
PlastikBulb said:
Name: Heimweir Argenfang

Age: Somewhere over 10,000 years

Chapter: A member of the 13th Great Company of the Space Wolves

Wargear: As he has wandered the warp with the rest of his company since before the Emperor was interred on his Golden Throne, Heimweir's standard equipment is a bit obsolete compared to his battle brothers, but he makes up for it with pure fury, relentlessly tracking down and ending his foes. He carries a standard bolt pistol, discoloured and almost sickly looking from warp exposure, called Ratatoskr, which he fills with kraken penetrator rounds. His main methods of silencing the Emperor's foes is his twin frost blades, Geri and Freki; chainswords had-crafted by master Iron priest of the chapter, incorporating the teeth of the Fenrisian Ice Kraken as the teeth of the blade, giving them an otherworldly and dangerous appearance. They are shorter than most, as the technology behind them wasn't as common then as it is now, and getting a hold of a full sized frost blades was difficult. This is all Heimweir carries, usually relying on his battle brothers to make up for his lacking in certain tactical departments.

Appearance: Despite wandering the warp searching for the hated Thousand Sons for a few millennia Heimweir still found time to commit himself to the most ancient art of the Space Wolves. Knotted leather body armour, fashioned by each wolf for their own personal use, reflecting their actions in battle and loyalty to their brothers and Primarch, adorns the majority of his body. Heimweir's is almost complete, covering the entirety of his body beneath his armour and one side of his face in the knotted artwork. Because of this he often decides not to wear a helmet, unless it would be foolish not to. His face it still partially obscured by the leather however, and despite his biological age, there hasn't been much change in his appearance since when he and the rest of his company disappeared, save for a few wolf pelts hanging from his shoulders and backpack.

Skills: A handy tracker and rider of beasts, Heimweir's time in the warp has accentuated his senses beyond what even the normal Space Wolf could boast at the height of their power. Of course he hasn't told anyone of this, especially not the Inquisition. And like a good deal of the rest of his Company, he has succumbed in part to the Curse of the Wulfen, where Space Wolves, thanks to their mutated gene seed and the harsh selection processes mutate into large wolf-like creatures, who are then set free to roam Fenris, or be trained for use in combat. But thanks to the constant struggle that Heimweir and the rest of his battle brothers from the 13th company have to deal with due to this genetic quirk, they are all particularly resistant to the taint of chaos.

History: As a member of the 13th Great Company of Space Wolves Heimweir?s history is shrouded in secrets that only few in the rest of the chapter know. They had been presumed lost in the warp after the burning of Propsero, and it was only recently that they have again re-emerged. Their contact with the rest of the chapter has been sparse, but enough for the Chapter Master, Logan Grimnar to allow them to continue their undefined searching and eradication of any and all Thousand Sons and other such tainted sorcery.

Heimweir himself has decided to use his abilities elsewhere however, if only for a brief period of time. He thinks a period with the Deathwatch will be a nice distraction and change of pace from the warp horrors that he had to fed off for the past 10,000 or so years.
Sorry, I can't accept a character like this. It's a step from playing a Primarch, and simply by virtue of being a companion of Leman Russ he would outshine the rest of the characters.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
T0BB0 said:
I was originally thinking Power Armour/Heavy Bolter setup, but we were short on Terminators and I felt a heavy weapon without Terminator Armour would leave me lacking in the close combat department. If a heavy bolter is deemed too unweildy, I could whip up a boltgun with higher firepower and clip size to create a midpoint between bolters and heavy bolters? Then I could still weild a CC weapon in there too.

Nouw said:
Perhaps a standard-run-of-the-mill Terminator with a Storm Bolter and a Power Fist? A Cyclone is tempting but I don't think it'd work so well in a Space Hulk :p.
Cyclones all the way!
Hmm you can stick with your Assault Cannon. I'll just go Storm-B/Power-F and maybe Cyclones. Does that sound good?


New member
Mar 27, 2011
That's fine by me. Your Cyclone is going to be of fairly limited usage, though, and it'll make you pretty sluggish. On the other hand, you'll probably get more use out of it than you would a jump pack.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Could the cyclone be loaded with specialist ammunition, by any chance? Nobody wants Baniel to let rip and blow the whole Hulk into the warp while we're still all aboard, does the Ordo Xenos have some sort of 'Xenos-be-gone' anti-personell super missile that can be loaded, for when we really -really- need a lot of alien scum dead but don't want a gaping hole in the spacecraft?


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Although a Space Hulk probably won't collapse due to a barrage of frag grenades, no one wants a room or corridor to collapse and trap us.

I'll be using Smoke and Gas missiles. As much as I'd love a concussion missile to clear a path, it'd be far too risky.


New member
Mar 27, 2011
Due to the probable ammunition shortages, one of the things coming with the squad is a machine that is basically a hovering dolly loaded with a couple tons of ammunition, so you'll be able to reload and change the loadout of your Cyclone on the fly.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Hmm that's useful. I'm actually considering bringing concussion missiles now >.>.


New member
Nov 5, 2009
Name: Servius Diso

Age: 341

Chapter: Ultramarine (one of us had to show up eventually)

Wargear: Master crafted Artificer Armour, Master crafted Plasma gun, Two Master Crafted Honor blades (Power swords): Verum & Pars Virilis (Honor and Duty), Axe of Ultramar, Bolter-Melta Combi Pistol, Krak and Frag Grenades, Melta Bombs. Verum & Pars Virilis were made for Servius by Fennias Maxim, the Ultramarine forge master, after Marneus Calgar raised the Honor Guard to a Champion of the Chapter. The blades were blessed by the Chapter Master himself at the feet of their Primarch in his eternal stasis. Servius keeps the blades with him at all times, since their bestowment on him they have only ever been handled by him.

Appearance: Servius's Artificer armour is the black as standard for the Deathwatch. His right pauldron still bears the Golden Icon and Wings of the Ultramarines Honor Guard. He has also kept the attachments of his honour guard wear, the half cape that flows from his waist, the Seal and the ropes that cross his chest. The vambraces are the Artificer ornate segments. Servius's helmet is black bar the golden wings that adorn the "mouth" area of the helmet and the red crest that runs from font to back. The armour is maintained to almost near perfection with every part gleaming as if ready for an inspection parade.

Skills: A master swordsman, Servius is a near perfect combatant when using swords and other such weapons, he has zero loss record when using these weapons and once nearly bested Marneus Calgar in a duel, the fight ended up as a stalemate after lasting nearly four days. Tyranid Veteran, After the Tyranid Hive Fleet Behemoth invaded the Ultramarines home world of Macargge, the Ultramarines have endeavoured to spare others the difficulty of fighting the Tyranids, going as far as fielding half the first company with warriors who have fought and survived battles against Tyranid forces. Servius as a Veteran has been specially trained in how to kill Tyranids, both with close-combat and long-range weaponry, by targeting known weak points for maximum penetration and damage. Veterans have honed their reflexes to incredible heights to better combat Tyranid warriors in hand-to-hand combat.

History: Servius's early career is unremarkable; he was a typical ultramarine being a model to the Codex Astartes. His only notable point is his bladesmanship, the young Ultramarine loved the thrill of closing with the enemy where he could bring any bladed weapon to use. He excelled to the level of the chapters master swordsmen, besting all but the most experienced masters through an almost natural prowess.

During a strike against an invading splinter of Hive fleet Kraken, Servius earned his place amongst the chapter's honourguard. Now a sergeant in the 5th company he lead his squad to the defence of the company's Captain, Standard bearer and the Company Standard, which had been cut off by the vast waves of Tyranids. Despite taking numerous wounds and losing all but three of his squad, the Sergeant ensured that his Captain and the Standard were successfully rescued as the Ultramarines fought on to stop the invasion by the Tyranids. After 50 years of fighting off the Tyranids the splinter was declared purged. On their return to Macragge, the 5th Company captain petitioned Marneus Calgar for the Servius to be elevated to the ranks of the Honor Guard.

Servius served as a member of the Honor Guard for over 60 years before he was considered for the exalted position of Champion. During a mission to invade a Necron tomb, with the goal of crippling the mechanical menace from within their own home.

A team of the 5th Company's veterans and honour guard lead by Lord Tigurius, Chief Librarian of the Ultramarines, entered the tomb. Fighting was close and brutal with the small unit of Ultramarines outnumbered by an ever rejuvenated Necron Army and with dwindling numbers as even the heavy terminator armour proved to be vulnerable to the withering firepower of the soul?s machines. Servius, fulfilling his role as an Honour guard, ensured that Tigurius was delivered to the core of the Necron Tomb. As wave after wave of terror inducing machines assaulted the Marines in the heart of their home, the Ultramarines held their ground. Slowly closing the circle they had formed, as marines fell. A dreaded Necron Lord, awoken by the invasion, assaulted the marines head on ignoring the torrent of gunfire brought to bear against it. It's staff carved two marines in half as it meant to strike the Chief Librarian down from behind. Servius brought his Axe of Ultramar to bear, facing the threat. Moving with a speed that matched the dread being Servius fenced and parried the being bringing it to a halt. The being sensing the threat he now faced fought back with ferocity that not even a berserker of Khorn could match. As this fight continued Tigurius finished his work on the Tomb's core, placing a bomb and setting the device. He then signalled for teleport retreat. Servius in the meantime finished his fight with skill and power the Necron Lord did not expect, he severed the creatures spine, beheading him. A flash of light and what remained of the team and the few bodies that were close at hand were teleported to the Companies? cruiser.

On their return to Macragge, Tigurius presented the survivors to the Chapter Master, each member being personally thanked by the Librarian. Servius was elevated for his skills and upholding the virtues of the Ultramarines. The Chapter Master bestowed the rank and title of Champion of the Chapter upon him. He had the Master of the Forge commission a set of Artificer Armour, his old armour being placed in the armoury of relics as it was with its extensive damage from his fight with Necron Lord. Also a pair of blades were also commissioned, the chapter Master himself lead all the Ultramarines on Macragge at the time to bless the swords at the feet of the Primarch Roboute Guilliman held in Stasis. When this was done Calgar personally challenged Servius to a duel to test his new Champion. The fight lasted nearly 4 days and ended in a stalemate. Honour bound to protect the Chapter Master Servius was loathed to force the win. Calgar recognised the incredible skill the Champion showed with the blades, having attuned to them effortlessly, and as such the Chapter Master was unable to break through his guard. After the duel, Clagar tasked the new Champion with a stint of service with the Deathwatch, to hone his skills and to learn from brother chapters.


New member
Mar 27, 2011
ToxicPiranah said:
Name: Servius Diso

Age: 341

Chapter: Ultramarine (one of us had to show up eventually)

Wargear: Master crafted Artificer Armour, Master crafted Plasma gun, Two Master Crafted Honor blades (Power swords): Verum & Pars Virilis (Honor and Duty), Axe of Ultramar, Bolter-Melta Combi Pistol, Krak and Frag Grenades, Melta Bombs. Verum & Pars Virilis were made for Servius by Fennias Maxim, the Ultramarine forge master, after Marneus Calgar raised the Honor Guard to a Champion of the Chapter. The blades were blessed by the Chapter Master himself at the feet of their Primarch in his eternal stasis. Servius keeps the blades with him at all times, since their bestowment on him they have only ever been handled by him.

Appearance: Servius's Artificer armour is the black as standard for the Deathwatch. His right pauldron still bears the Golden Icon and Wings of the Ultramarines Honor Guard. He has also kept the attachments of his honour guard wear, the half cape that flows from his waist, the Seal and the ropes that cross his chest. The vambraces are the Artificer ornate segments. Servius's helmet is black bar the golden wings that adorn the "mouth" area of the helmet and the red crest that runs from font to back. The armour is maintained to almost near perfection with every part gleaming as if ready for an inspection parade.

Skills: A master swordsman, Servius is a near perfect combatant when using swords and other such weapons, he has zero loss record when using these weapons and once nearly bested Marneus Calgar in a duel, the fight ended up as a stalemate after lasting nearly four days. Tyranid Veteran, After the Tyranid Hive Fleet Behemoth invaded the Ultramarines home world of Macargge, the Ultramarines have endeavoured to spare others the difficulty of fighting the Tyranids, going as far as fielding half the first company with warriors who have fought and survived battles against Tyranid forces. Servius as a Veteran has been specially trained in how to kill Tyranids, both with close-combat and long-range weaponry, by targeting known weak points for maximum penetration and damage. Veterans have honed their reflexes to incredible heights to better combat Tyranid warriors in hand-to-hand combat.

History: Servius's early career is unremarkable; he was a typical ultramarine being a model to the Codex Astartes. His only notable point is his bladesmanship, the young Ultramarine loved the thrill of closing with the enemy where he could bring any bladed weapon to use. He excelled to the level of the chapters master swordsmen, besting all but the most experienced masters through an almost natural prowess.

During a strike against an invading splinter of Hive fleet Kraken, Servius earned his place amongst the chapter's honourguard. Now a sergeant in the 5th company he lead his squad to the defence of the company's Captain, Standard bearer and the Company Standard, which had been cut off by the vast waves of Tyranids. Despite taking numerous wounds and losing all but three of his squad, the Sergeant ensured that his Captain and the Standard were successfully rescued as the Ultramarines fought on to stop the invasion by the Tyranids. After 50 years of fighting off the Tyranids the splinter was declared purged. On their return to Macragge, the 5th Company captain petitioned Marneus Calgar for the Servius to be elevated to the ranks of the Honor Guard.

Servius served as a member of the Honor Guard for over 60 years before he was considered for the exalted position of Champion. During a mission to invade a Necron tomb, with the goal of crippling the mechanical menace from within their own home.

A team of the 5th Company's veterans and honour guard lead by Lord Tigurius, Chief Librarian of the Ultramarines, entered the tomb. Fighting was close and brutal with the small unit of Ultramarines outnumbered by an ever rejuvenated Necron Army and with dwindling numbers as even the heavy terminator armour proved to be vulnerable to the withering firepower of the soul?s machines. Servius, fulfilling his role as an Honour guard, ensured that Tigurius was delivered to the core of the Necron Tomb. As wave after wave of terror inducing machines assaulted the Marines in the heart of their home, the Ultramarines held their ground. Slowly closing the circle they had formed, as marines fell. A dreaded Necron Lord, awoken by the invasion, assaulted the marines head on ignoring the torrent of gunfire brought to bear against it. It's staff carved two marines in half as it meant to strike the Chief Librarian down from behind. Servius brought his Axe of Ultramar to bear, facing the threat. Moving with a speed that matched the dread being Servius fenced and parried the being bringing it to a halt. The being sensing the threat he now faced fought back with ferocity that not even a berserker of Khorn could match. As this fight continued Tigurius finished his work on the Tomb's core, placing a bomb and setting the device. He then signalled for teleport retreat. Servius in the meantime finished his fight with skill and power the Necron Lord did not expect, he severed the creatures spine, beheading him. A flash of light and what remained of the team and the few bodies that were close at hand were teleported to the Companies? cruiser.

On their return to Macragge, Tigurius presented the survivors to the Chapter Master, each member being personally thanked by the Librarian. Servius was elevated for his skills and upholding the virtues of the Ultramarines. The Chapter Master bestowed the rank and title of Champion of the Chapter upon him. He had the Master of the Forge commission a set of Artificer Armour, his old armour being placed in the armoury of relics as it was with its extensive damage from his fight with Necron Lord. Also a pair of blades were also commissioned, the chapter Master himself lead all the Ultramarines on Macragge at the time to bless the swords at the feet of the Primarch Roboute Guilliman held in Stasis. When this was done Calgar personally challenged Servius to a duel to test his new Champion. The fight lasted nearly 4 days and ended in a stalemate. Honour bound to protect the Chapter Master Servius was loathed to force the win. Calgar recognised the incredible skill the Champion showed with the blades, having attuned to them effortlessly, and as such the Chapter Master was unable to break through his guard. After the duel, Clagar tasked the new Champion with a stint of service with the Deathwatch, to hone his skills and to learn from brother chapters.
This guy is carrying a plasma gun, a pair of power swords, a power axe, a combi-pistol, two types of grenades -and- melta-bombs? Where the hell does he carry all these weapons? Also, I'm reasonably sure combi-weapons do not come in pistol size. I have other issues with the character, namely I'm not a fan of the backstory - for example, one moment he's in desperate battle with the Necron Lord and the next he's suddenly won. There's also some weird writing choices, he's a completely unnotable Marine except for the fact that he's the best swordsman in the Ultramarines? That doesn't make a hell of a lot of sense.


New member
Nov 5, 2009
PrinceOfShapeir said:
This guy is carrying a plasma gun, a pair of power swords, a power axe, a combi-pistol, two types of grenades -and- melta-bombs? Where the hell does he carry all these weapons? Also, I'm reasonably sure combi-weapons do not come in pistol size. I have other issues with the character, namely I'm not a fan of the backstory - for example, one moment he's in desperate battle with the Necron Lord and the next he's suddenly won. There's also some weird writing choices, he's a completely unnotable Marine except for the fact that he's the best swordsman in the Ultramarines? That doesn't make a hell of a lot of sense.
Ok my bad, you said go nut's so I did, literally, will adjust that accordingly. There is only one pistol combi and it's not the one I put will also change that. The Necron Lord story was influenced by the 3rd Generation Codex, When a Librarian and a Kill team enter a tomb. They literally entered to blow the place up and teleported out as soon at the bomb was planted. I didn't mean he was unnotable, just his career didn't have anything of note. I'll do some re-writing.


New member
Nov 5, 2009
Name: Servius Diso

Age: 341

Chapter: Ultramarine (one of us had to show up eventually)

Wargear: Master crafted Artificer Armour, Master crafted Plasma Pistol, Two Master Crafted Honor blades (Power swords): Verum & Pars Virilis (Honor and Duty) Krak and Frag Grenades.
Verum & Pars Virilis were made for Servius by Fennias Maxim, the Ultramarine forge master, after Marneus Calgar raised the Honor Guard to a Champion of the Chapter. The blades were blessed by the Chapter Master himself at the feet of their Primarch in his eternal stasis. Servius keeps the blades with him at all times, since their bestowment on him they have only ever been handled by him.

Appearance: Servius's Artificer armour is the black as standard for the Deathwatch. His right pauldron still bears the Golden Icon and Wings of the Ultramarines Honor Guard. He has also kept the attachments of his honour guard wear, the half cape that flows from his waist, the Seal and the ropes that cross his chest. The vambraces are the Artificer ornate segments. Servius's helmet is black bar the golden wings that adorn the "mouth" area of the helmet and the red crest that runs from font to back. The armour is maintained to almost near perfection with every part gleaming as if ready for an inspection parade.

Skills: A master swordsman, Servius is a near perfect combatant when using swords and other such weapons, he has zero loss record when using these weapons and once nearly bested Marneus Calgar in a duel, the fight ended up as a stalemate after lasting nearly four days. Tyranid Veteran, After the Tyranid Hive Fleet Behemoth invaded the Ultramarines home world of Macargge, the Ultramarines have endeavoured to spare others the difficulty of fighting the Tyranids, going as far as fielding half the first company with warriors who have fought and survived battles against Tyranid forces. Servius as a Veteran has been specially trained in how to kill Tyranids, both with close-combat and long-range weaponry, by targeting known weak points for maximum penetration and damage. Veterans have honed their reflexes to incredible heights to better combat Tyranid warriors in hand-to-hand combat.

History: Servius's early career was unremakable with no actions that stood him fro the rest, he served as all Marine's do. However He was noted for his natural prowess with a blade and was placed under the tutelage of the Ultramarines swordmasters, showing a natural talent with the sword he was fielded as an Assault marine.

During a strike against an invading splinter of Hive fleet Kraken, Servius earned his place amongst the chapter's honourguard. Now a sergeant in the 5th company he lead his squad to the defence of the company's Captain, Standard bearer and the Company Standard, which had been cut off by the vast waves of Tyranids. Despite taking numerous wounds and losing all but three of his squad, the Sergeant ensured that his Captain and the Standard were successfully rescued as the Ultramarines fought on to stop the invasion by the Tyranids. After 50 years of fighting off the Tyranids the splinter was declared purged. On their return to Macragge, the 5th Company captain petitioned Marneus Calgar for the Servius to be elevated to the ranks of the Honor Guard.

Servius served as a member of the Honor Guard for over 60 years before he was considered for the exalted position of Champion. During a mission to invade a Necron tomb, with the goal of crippling the mechanical menace from within their own home.

A team of the 5th Company's veterans and honour guard lead by Lord Tigurius, Chief Librarian of the Ultramarines, entered the tomb. Fighting was close and brutal with the small unit of Ultramarines outnumbered by an ever rejuvenated Necron Army and with dwindling numbers as even the heavy terminator armour proved to be vulnerable to the withering firepower of the soul's machines. Servius, fulfilling his role as an Honour guard, ensured that Tigurius was delivered to the core of the Necron Tomb. As wave after wave of terror inducing machines assaulted the Marines in the heart of their home, the Ultramarines held their ground. Slowly closing the circle they had formed, as marines fell. A dreaded Necron Lord, awoken by the invasion, assaulted the marines head on ignoring the torrent of gunfire brought to bear against it. It's staff carved two marines in half as it meant to strike the Chief Librarian down from behind.

Servius brought his Axe of Ultramar to bear, facing the threat. Facing the dread being Servius showed the close combat skills he had learned under the Swordmasters. Moving with a speed that came naturally he began to fence and parry the Lord's attacks. As he fought to hold the dreaded Necron, Tigurius made the final preperations on a bomb that would sunder the heart of the tomb. The Necron Lord renewed it's attacks fighting with a ferocity that would match a Khorn Beserkers rage. Servius was hard pressed his armour badly pitted from strikes that broke his guard, he held his grund refusing to allow faliure. As Tigurius signalled he was done Servius was knocked to his knees. In a desperate attempt to stop the Necron, Servius slammed his axe into the torso of his foe. The Necron Lord rocked in it's place as the blow wrecked its ornate form, no one had hurt it before. At this break in combat Tigurius utalised his arcane powers to blast the Necron Lord across the tomb. With the immediate area clear the strike team activated their teleporters pulling themselves away from the tomb and to the company cruiser in orbit. Allowing the Necron building to be annihlated

On their return to Macragge, Tigurius presented the survivors to the Chapter Master, each member being personally thanked and recognised for their valour by the Librarian. Servius was elevated for his skills and upholding the virtues of the Ultramarines. The Chapter Master bestowed the rank and title of Champion of the Chapter upon him. He had the Master of the Forge commission a set of Artificer Armour, his old armour being placed in the armoury of relics as it was with its extensive damage from his fight with Necron Lord. Also a pair of blades were also commissioned, the chapter Master himself lead all the Ultramarines on Macragge at the time to bless the swords at the feet of the Primarch Roboute Guilliman held in Stasis. When this was done Calgar personally challenged Servius to a duel to test his new Champion. The fight lasted nearly 4 days and ended in a stalemate. Honour bound to protect the Chapter Master Servius was loathed to force the win. Calgar recognised the incredible skill the Champion showed with the blades, having attuned to them effortlessly, and as such the Chapter Master was unable to break through his guard. After the duel, Clagar tasked the new Champion with a stint of service with the Deathwatch, to hone his skills and to learn from brother chapters.


New member
Mar 18, 2009



NAME: Baniel

AGE: 510 years.


WARGEAR: Despite severing ties with his former Chapter, the Flesh Tearers, he insisted on bringing his Tactical Dreadnought Armour, and associated weapons, with him. Why he didn't bring the rest of his venerated wargear, I do not know for sure.[footnote]It is possible he didn't want to bring any more wargear than necessary from his former chapter. The lack of Crux Argentum, despite his outstanding action at [i]Mirian[/i], suggests a counter-resentment from the chapter as well.[/footnote]

In traditional Deathwatch style his armour is black, with the only exception from the norm being his right shoulder-pauldron sporting black instead of his Chapter Insignia. This shows his posistion as a Black Shield. On his breast-plate, and the back of his chest-top, the words [i]Ira Albus[/i] are inked. [i]Ira Albus[/i] means white rage.[footnote]It is likely that it is meant to contrast with the black rage his chapter is heavily-cursed with. This further reinforces his resentment of his chapter[/footnote]

In his left-arm he wields his modified power-fist the [i]Ira Tempero; Comminus[/i] or as it was nicknamed by his battle-brothers the Soft Fist. Needless to say, Baniel heavily resented it however the same could be said for his preferred name. [i]Ira Tempero; Comminus[/i] means controlled or moderate rage; close combat.[footnote]Further reinforces the contrast with his chapter. His comrades most likely found it insulting to the Flesh Tearers as part of their culture was to be blood-thirsty. This is the most likely reason for its nickname.[/footnote]It is modified to have its entire energy out-put doubled so he doesn't need to afflict as many blows.[footnote]There was a rumour among his battle-brothers that he chose this modification so the risk of falling victim to the Black Rage was reduced which was, presumably, offensive. Whether or not it was intentional, his modification was the logical thing to do taking to account his method of combat. See more under:SKILLS[/footnote]

In his right-arm he wields his Storm Bolter [i]Ira Tempero; Disto[/i] or as nicknamed by his battle-brothers the Cold Gun. [i]Disto[/i] means distance.

He is also equipped with a Cyclone Missile Launcher [i]Ira Tempero; Grandis[/i], notorious among his battle-brothers as a fearsome weapon. For this particular mission he has chosen to use Frag and Smoke missiles with Concussion as a back-up.[footnote]I assume he wants to gain his battle brothers' trust before using his skills to the fullest.[/footnote]

SKILLS: Unlike his former comrades, Baniel is a calm and thinking warrior; he does not subject himself to the rage. He uses every blow sparingly, only striking when and where it would do the most damage. This melee tactic proved incredibly useful when he acquired his power fist as it was a slow, yet powerful weapon.

Likewise, with his Storm Bolter, he does not spray the enemy with torrents of bullets and instead opts to fire bursts when and where it would be the most damaging. He never lets loose and instead shoots at random intervals. This has proven to strike fear in his enemies as they never know when the next burst is going to be fired.

The same applies to his Cyclone Missile Launcher. Years of usage in tight-spaces and small corridors has resulted in Baniel having incredible control over the missile launcher. He fires this too in random intervals which is considerably more frightening than his Storm Bolter.  



It was during a routine patrol when an Imperial Destroyer squad encountered the remains of the [i]Mirian[/i], a thought-to-be-lost Battleship of the Imperial Navy. They immediately reported their discovery to their flagship and the message was passed on to the Adeptus Astartes. How they would handle it was up to them. Unsurprisingly, the task of clearing out the Space Hulk was given to the Blood Angels chapter, famous for their skill in operating in such environments. Although the task was given to the Blood Angels, they offered any second-founding Blood Angels chapter a chance at clearing the Space Hulk with them. This was a bold attempt to strengthen ties with each other that would prove largely successful.

Within weeks, the Blood Angels forces mobilized and arrived at the Space Hulk. The Flesh Tearers, being low on numbers themselves, only sent in a Terminator Squad and a Veteran Squad accompanied by a Chaplain. Baniel had the suppourt role, armed with his Storm Bolter, Cyclone and Power Fist mentioned above. They were deployed alone at the centre of the Space Hulk, tasked with eliminating any hostile forces. To any other chapter it would have been offensive but the Flesh Tearers did not care for to them it only meant more enemies to kill. Upon entering the Space Hulk itself they were met by genestealers. After finishing the initial waves with ease, they moved deeper and deeper into the derelict.

As they moved deeper, they became more and more savage. Before they knew it, half their squad was suffering from serious symptoms of the black rage. They were muttering mindlessly about their primarch Sanguinius and Baniel knew that if they went any deeper they would be doomed. He suggested to the Sergeant that they should hold their position and wait for reinforcements. Completely ignoring him, he instructed the squad to continue advancing. Baniel had no choice but to obey and followed the squad. 

Eventually a vox-link was established and the Chaplain ordered the Sergeant to hold his squad's position. By now he was almost completely lost and only managed to form a reply of slurs. Not wishing for his Sergeant to be disgraced, Baniel slammed the walls of the hulk, inviting all nearby genestealers to their position. What was supposed to be a short-engagement turned into a long tedious one as the combination of his cyclone and the brutality of his battle-brothers fought off the genestealers horde. As the bodies began to pile up, they were forced into the centre of the room they were in. Even the ferocity the black rage gave his brothers wasn't enough to fight through the lifeless genestealer husks. Soon, only four remained and two were devoured by the rage. Not only did they attack the genestealers, they attacked each other. The Sergeant, after tearing through the almost indestructible Tactical Dreadnought armour, turned on Baniel and the other last sane battle-brother. Baniel was fighting off both the genestealers and his warped Sergeant. Miracously, the Chaplain's veteran squad arrived and cleared the room of genestealers. It was Baniel's own soft fist that delivered the killing blow to his Sergeant. How Baniel managed to defeat his own Sergeant that was invested in the Black Rage, no one is sure.

After Space Hulk [i]Mirian[/i], Baniel joined the DeathWatch and became a Black Shield. Whether this was overdue or the last straw is not known.
If there's anything else I should change, feel free to let me know!


New member
Oct 3, 2011
Wish I could have played Eldar but I'm still keeping my eye on the thread and have a main idea and a fall back character in the wings. My main problem is time. I live in England so m time will be differant than those who live elsewhere.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Is living in England a problem? Being a tea-drinker myself, I may have to withdraw if time differences are going to be a big issue.

Also, after a bit of further reading and cross referencing with the Lexicanum, I've just realised that the battle for Rynn's World happens after this RP is going to take place. I'll come back with a tweaked character later today or tomorrow to keep continuity.

Bravo 21

New member
May 11, 2010
I wouldn't imagine living in England being an issue, but I'm not the GM, so I can't speak with much authority. I've never had an issue with it though, you can post pretty much whenever you want.


New member
Mar 27, 2011
No, it won't be a problem. Alright, the RP will start sometime in the next day or so. Accepted players are T0BB0, Nouw, Toxic Piranha, Mr.I'vebeenframed, Ultrajoe, and Bravo21. Character applications will remain open until the Space Hulk is boarded, at which point any future applications will be PMed to me.

If you wish to play someone who is -not- a Deathwatch Marine, PM me a sheet. Non-Deathwatch characters would be people or xenos who have been trapped on this Space Hulk prior to now, and might be anything from loyal servants of the Imperium like a Guardsman, Sister of Battle, or Inquisitor to a Tau Pathfinder or Eldar Howling Banshee, or they might be a Khornate cultist or a Thousand Sons Marine. About the only thing I would be seriously unlikely to accept is a Necron or Tyranid and very obscure stuff like Jokaero.


New member
Mar 18, 2009
Awesome :). Could you also create a group for this RP for queries, bios and OCC chat?