Has NASA Made First Contact?


New member
Jan 31, 2009
First we vote in Duke Nukem as YZ's best "review". About a week later...
Then MovieBob rants about NASA closing shop and reminisces about old-school Sci-fi. About a week later...

Is Russ Pitts related to Nostradamus or something?


New member
Dec 2, 2009
Am looking forward to what they have to say I would like them to roll out with some alien dude. It will prob be some bacteria, realistic am hoping for somthing along the lines of a fossil of a load of something like looks multi celled lifeforms.

I would love to be alive when its proved aleins are about and we have contact, even if they just come here to kill us all how awesome, connecting to there version of there internet would be so awesome. Then there porn would be seen and excepted as educational


New member
Apr 9, 2010
Dr. Paine said:
Probably primitive bacteria.

... still awesome.
Methinks you're right. But still. C'mon, I'm excited.

Also, ironic that I have AVP downloading in the background?


New member
Apr 8, 2008
I bet they made first contact in the 50's but since we are jackasses as a whole they thought we'd be to embarrassing to introduce to the alien public at this time...

Course we aren't as bad as the alien teens who took mom and dads ship and made crop circles just to mess with the humans.


New member
Nov 17, 2009
furmaster3000 said:
Hope so!
That would also mean we'd have definite proof that religion is kinda bogus. . .
But if the aliens had a religion similar to one of our own, then the world must suffer through an intense flood of "I told you so" declarations.

Either way, the implications would be enormous.


Diabolical Party Member
Jul 7, 2010
Well if they have encountered alien life then it all depends on whether they are aggressive or passive towards us. Depending on either one we could be completely F***ed or finally be able to get further in the universe.


New member
Apr 19, 2009
quiet_samurai said:
It's probably just some new piece of tech they invented to further our reach into the cosmos, or maybe they found an actual life sustaining planet.

I honestly doubt it has anything to do with contact, seriously... there is no way a government organization would divulge this information to us. Bastards.
It may just be water... I think they would consider that a MAJOR finding. I believe they would still call that an astrobiology finding.

If it isn't friggin' ET, then a lot of people are going to be very upset. Time will tell whether this will be great or terrible publicity for NASA and space exploration in its entirety. I don't think there is a middle ground.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
Dr. Paine said:
Probably primitive bacteria.

... still awesome.
Yeah just primitive bacteria prolly.

PS: Stephen Hawking would like to remind us we better HOPE it's not Aliens.

BrownGaijin said:
First we vote in Duke Nukem as YZ's best "review". About a week later...
Then MovieBob rants about NASA closing shop and reminisces about old-school Sci-fi. About a week later...

Is Russ Pitts related to Nostradamus or something?
No, Russ Pitts is an Alien.


Unlucky for some
Dec 19, 2007
wammnebu said:
thenumberthirteen said:
Since when? That's news to me. Extra-terrestrial life? I thought it'd be in the papers.
it was a couple years back, scientists found a meteor from mars that had bacteria

i think theyve found some on titan too
No. They thought they may have found fossil bacteria in a rock, and the media blew it out of proportion. It turned out to simply be a geologic phenomenon. And we haven't been to Titan yet.

Ultratwinkie said:
thenumberthirteen said:
Ultratwinkie said:
thenumberthirteen said:
Duffeknol said:
Dr. Paine said:
Probably primitive bacteria.
Not awesome, still a giant leap.
NOT AWESOME???!!! Proof of life beyond our own? How is that not the most ground breaking and awesome discovery in the past 1000 years? If you are not in awe from the prospect of Alien life then you are the most cynical person I have met. If there was verified proof of alien bacteria I would break down and weep in joyous wonder.

To add to the growing list of Sci-Fi based possible announcements maybe they've found a message in the Cosmic Background Radiation that points to inteligence from the beginning of time and space.
we knew about alien bacteria for years. it isn't alien bacteria.
Since when? That's news to me. Extra-terrestrial life? I thought it'd be in the papers.
since we found bacteria on earth. to announce we found "special alien bacteria" is to announce "we found turds in the sewer". its commonplace basic life and not really surprising. the only thing that would be surprising would be alien animals.
I actually LOLed. Finding alien bacteria would be the most surprising discovery ever. What makes it so mundane?

dj Facchiano

New member
Feb 3, 2010
Shoggoth2588 said:
It isn't aliens. Binary Black Holes have been discovered 300 million light-years away, towards the constellation of Andromeda. The binary system of doom are orbiting one-another and are thought to be about 1/50th of a light-year away. They are thought to collide and end all life in about 5 centuries.


You will need to translate my proof...the binary system of damnation was discovered by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan. Either way, we're boned.
oh look a poorly made Japanese website preaching the end of the world, yup were definitely boned guys.


New member
Mar 16, 2010
If there is a possibility that they have found some form of life, then they shouldn't give it access to the internet. they will see humanity for what it truly is and eradicate us for the safety of the universe.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
Goddamn it, that ol Bulgarian woman was right. Fuck me, better prepare for the death of my country.


New member
Feb 10, 2008
Dr. Paine said:
Probably primitive bacteria.

... still awesome.
Probably not even thát. My guess goes out to finding a rocky planet that has an unusual amount of methane in it's atmosphere in something, which can be a very important indicator that there's biomass on the surface.

Regardless, even that would make me jump for joy. But do remember; what scientists find exciting is in 99% of the cases not what the 'general populace' finds exciting.
thenumberthirteen said:
To add to the growing list of Sci-Fi based possible announcements maybe they've found a message in the Cosmic Background Radiation that points to inteligence from the beginning of time and space.
You been watching SG:U have you? Nah, that's something astrophysicists would discover, not an astrobiologist.
Shoggoth2588 said:
It isn't aliens. Binary Black Holes have been discovered 300 million light-years away, towards the constellation of Andromeda. The binary system of doom are orbiting one-another and are thought to be about 1/50th of a light-year away. They are thought to collide and end all life in about 5 centuries.


You will need to translate my proof...the binary system of damnation was discovered by the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan. Either way, we're boned.
That would suck, but again, not something an astrobiologist would research.


New member
Feb 7, 2009
They better go to Europa and/or Ceres already. They said they would in 2002, but lookie here.


New member
Oct 25, 2010
Digikid said:
Anyone with half a brain would know that there is life out there besides us.

I hope that we have found someone.....question is.....friend or foe?
Doesn't freaking matter.. I will die happy if we get an alien apocalypse in my lifetime.. I can deal with a freaking alien apocalypse man!