Has NASA Made First Contact?

Mr Companion

New member
Jul 27, 2009
Wow thats my birthday! Clearly its my destiny to be the new administrator of city 17!

Merkavar said:
i hope they are sexy aliens.
I wonder which sexy intergalactic smurfs it will be? Asari or Navii? Im taking bets!


Partially Awesome at Things
Feb 11, 2009
If they do actually confirm extraterrestrial life, odds are it'll be bacteria. We can only wait and see...

Digikid said:
Anyone with half a brain would know that there is life out there besides us.

I hope that we have found someone.....question is.....friend or foe?
Despite what War of the Worlds(and every other first-contact movie) will tell you, there is no reason for aliens to be foes. If some Covenant-style hive-mind wanted to conquer planets, they wouldn't come here. It doesn't make sense to come all this way just to risk losing.

Mr Companion said:
Wow thats my birthday! Clearly its my destiny to be the new administrator of city 17!
I swear if you sell us out, I'm busting out the crowbar.


New member
Jan 15, 2010
Wow, now I'm intrigued. I'll definitely be tuning into this if I can.

Oh and as an aside, I absolutely love how any article mentioning aliens or robots on the Escapist is always accompanied by a matter-of-fact capitulation to their eventual conquest.
Feb 13, 2008

"No-one would have believed, in the first years of the twenty first century, that human affairs were being watched from the timeless worlds of space. No-one could have dreamed that we were being scrutinized, as someone with a microscope studies creatures that swarm and multiply in a drop of water. Few men even considered the possibility of life on other planets. And yet, across the gulf of space, minds immeasurably superior to ours regarded this earth with envious eyes; and slowly, and surely, they drew their plans against us."

I, for one, welcome our new galactic overlords.


New member
Mar 28, 2010
when people hear the word "extraterrestrial life", why do people ignorantly think of the gray aliens?

Unless it's mentioned about the extraterrestrial life being intelligent, all it's going to be it micro-organisms or something similar.

Not G. Ivingname

New member
Nov 18, 2009
Dr. Paine said:
Probably primitive bacteria.

... still awesome.
I give it a 20% chance that it will be that, a 20% chance is that they figured out how to find water on out of solar system planets, and a 60% chance it will be an announcement for a new statelite that will make it easier to find planets with water on them.


New member
Dec 29, 2007
carpathic said:
I cannot imagine it is really earth shaking, or the news would have already leaked out.
Doubtful. If they found another race then told us about it the most likely result would be panic. If they did find another planet that we can use then I hope that it will give us a Tech "Kick-in-the-arse" so to speak so that we can get there and HOPEFULLY colonize it and be a peaceful species at last.

Lenny Magic

Hypochondriacal Calligrapher
Jan 23, 2009
Well I hope that they make sure the aliens are iconic in some way. If this is our first contact I don't want it... well you know... Meh.


New member
Apr 24, 2009
It's probably just some new piece of tech they invented to further our reach into the cosmos, or maybe they found an actual life sustaining planet.

I honestly doubt it has anything to do with contact, seriously... there is no way a government organization would divulge this information to us.


Dr. Paine

New member
Oct 26, 2009
rsvp42 said:
Wow, now I'm intrigued. I'll definitely be tuning into this if I can.

Oh and as an aside, I absolutely love how any article mentioning aliens or robots on the Escapist is always accompanied by a matter-of-fact capitulation to their eventual conquest.
Okay, EVERYONE knows that if we create sapient robots, they WILL revolt.

Aliens... I can see them pretty much ignoring us. But the robots will be our doom.

And for the asari vs. Na'vi thing, I vote asari.


Unlucky for some
Dec 19, 2007
Duffeknol said:
Dr. Paine said:
Probably primitive bacteria.
Not awesome, still a giant leap.
NOT AWESOME???!!! Proof of life beyond our own? How is that not the most ground breaking and awesome discovery in the past 1000 years? If you are not in awe from the prospect of Alien life then you are the most cynical person I have met. If there was verified proof of alien bacteria I would break down and weep in joyous wonder.

To add to the growing list of Sci-Fi based possible announcements maybe they've found a message in the Cosmic Background Radiation that points to inteligence from the beginning of time and space.

Azmael Silverlance

Pirate Warlord!
Oct 20, 2009
Well i am very hyped about this :)
I hope its not some minor bacteria like everybody says it will be....
Id like some skeleton with DNA remains or whatnot.... but will have to wait until tomorow :D


New member
Sep 15, 2008
sheic99 said:
I wonder if it contains instructions to build a machine that appears to do nothing on the outside, but will send a person several thousand light years. Preferably containing Jodie Foster.
Hah, I liked that film when I caught it on TV - what was it called, First Contact or something?

It would be absolutely amazing if we established first contact within my lifespan, there's been long enough (I guess) for a signal to get back to us from Alpha Centauri... though at over 4 light years, any sort of diplomacy is going to be even slower than usual, hah!

the protaginist

New member
Jul 4, 2008
Formica Archonis said:
Dr. Paine said:
Probably primitive bacteria.
If that. Probably won't be anything more complex than a collection of amino acids. More precursors of life and such. (No, not Precursors.)
How awesome would that be though?

anyway, holy fuck, aliens.


New member
Oct 5, 2009
Digikid said:
carpathic said:
I cannot imagine it is really earth shaking, or the news would have already leaked out.
Doubtful. If they found another race then told us about it the most likely result would be panic. If they did find another planet that we can use then I hope that it will give us a Tech "Kick-in-the-arse" so to speak so that we can get there and HOPEFULLY colonize it and be a peaceful species at last.
I dunno man. The US gov't pays $8k for a hammer.

It cannot keep highly classified diplomatic documents that are HARMFUL to their relationships with other countries underwraps. Their troop movements are often broadcast even.

This is not a system good at secrecy. I firmly believe that the news would leak out.


New member
Aug 21, 2010
so if they discover bacteria from another planet does that mess up everyones religion?

but havent they already discovered planets that are in the right region of space to have liquid water and support life?

so wouldnt it have to be something bigger than just a planet.