Has NASA Made First Contact?

Dr. Paine

New member
Oct 26, 2009
thenumberthirteen said:
Duffeknol said:
Dr. Paine said:
Probably primitive bacteria.
Not awesome, still a giant leap.
NOT AWESOME???!!! Proof of life beyond our own? How is that not the most ground breaking and awesome discovery in the past 1000 years? If you are not in awe from the prospect of Alien life then you are the most cynical person I have met. If there was verified proof of alien bacteria I would break down and weep in joyous wonder.

To add to the growing list of Sci-Fi based possible announcements maybe they've found a message in the Cosmic Background Radiation that points to inteligence from the beginning of time and space.
Same. I know it's stupid as hell, but playing Mass Effect has really gotten me into space/astronomy, and I've just started to realize how freaking amazing the universe is. Finding extraterrestrial life of any sort? Hell yes this is massive news! This will change so much in how we understand things, and I am damn happy to say I was there on the internet when it happened.

... that came out dumber than it sounded in my head, but my point still stands!


New member
Aug 28, 2010
thenumberthirteen said:
Duffeknol said:
Dr. Paine said:
Probably primitive bacteria.
Not awesome, still a giant leap.
NOT AWESOME???!!! Proof of life beyond our own? How is that not the most ground breaking and awesome discovery in the past 1000 years? If you are not in awe from the prospect of Alien life then you are the most cynical person I have met. If there was verified proof of alien bacteria I would break down and weep in joyous wonder.

To add to the growing list of Sci-Fi based possible announcements maybe they've found a message in the Cosmic Background Radiation that points to inteligence from the beginning of time and space.
I'm not trying to be an ass here but it honestly wouldn't do anything for me. I'd be more impressed with primitive animals or otherwise sentient beings. But mold, plants, bacteria or anything boring like that, though alien, are boring.

Lord Kloo

New member
Jun 7, 2010
They've probably made first contact with something no-one at NASA has ever experienced...

A woman

Oh how I joke..

Seriously, I hope it's something good but if it was intelligent life they wouldn't say until the government had made it clear we like being alive..
On another note, they shouldn't scrap NASA to fill cuts, cut the army or something less important..


Elite Member
Jun 17, 2009
As said above by many users, either a planet that can support life or some kind of primitive bacteria. Wouldn't it be great if we were all wrong and NASA should up with an alien though?


They'll fix it by "Monday"
Nov 17, 2009
tellmeimaninja said:
I think we should find turians. I like turians.
fuck turians, the Hanar are the most polite jellyfish in the universe, on second thought, fuck Hanar, Quarians created genocidal robots and wear helmets indoors, actually, fuck the Quarians, The Geth are Genocidal robots, who wouldn't want one?


New member
Nov 22, 2010
sooperman said:
Despite what War of the Worlds(and every other first-contact movie) will tell you, there is no reason for aliens to be foes. If some Covenant-style hive-mind wanted to conquer planets, they wouldn't come here. It doesn't make sense to come all this way just to risk losing.
That's like saying that hitler wouldn't have taken over north america just to risk losing. H would've, once he took over Europe. Aliens that are systematically going through space destroying/enslaving races would get here eventually, also, maybe theyre spaceships are A GAZILLION years ahead of ours, which would make the distance not as much, (ie. When you drive 42Km it doesnt feel the same as if you ran a marathon, and it took A fraction of the time).


New member
Apr 11, 2010
HA! A Simpsons reference AND a "They Live" reference in one article... classic! My money's on them finding not life, but another planet with the right conditions to support human life for us to colonize. I know they found a planet recently that they said had the potential to be life-sustaining, maybe they've done more research and found out that we could actually colonize it.


Wrote Some Words
Jul 16, 2009
I doubt it'll be a planet "simply" capable of supporting life, pretty much any can do that (it just won't be life 'as we know it (Jim)'. If it's a planet it'll be more news of an "Earth Like" planet in the green zone, capable of supporting liquid water and life that metabolises using oxygen. I'm thinking the press conferance will be about a new rover or mabey a new peice of equipment for a rover capable of analysing soil for individual bacteria scale aliens.

Though on the plus side, if it IS aliens, they're probably sentient. Think about it: we havn't sent out any space flights for a while, so if we had the technology to find alien bacteria with the probes already out there we'd have done so by now. Better technology is still here on Earth, unlaunched. Ergo, any aliens we just found would have had to have responded to radio broadcasts! Mabey traveling here by hyperspace!

But yeah, rover. But hyperspace! But rover. :(

Dr. Paine

New member
Oct 26, 2009
Josh12345 said:
tellmeimaninja said:
I think we should find turians. I like turians.
fuck turians, the Hanar are the most polite jellyfish in the universe, on second thought, fuck Hanar, Quarians created genocidal robots and wear helmets indoors, actually, fuck the Quarians, The Geth are Genocidal robots, who wouldn't want one?
I want Legion!

If we had to make contact with any ME race though, I'd hope for drell.

Or maybe turians.

Or non-heretic geth.

You know, NASA has probably discovered the X-Parasite xD Now let us all prepare to be taken over by squishy blobs, then some intergalactic bounty hunter either has to kill us all or release soul-sucking jellyfish, then blow the Earth up.


New member
Aug 21, 2010
if you cant have sex with it then its not really an alien worth having an announcement about


New member
Aug 18, 2010
Not G. Ivingname said:
Dr. Paine said:
Probably primitive bacteria.

... still awesome.
I give it a 20% chance that it will be that, a 20% chance is that they figured out how to find water on out of solar system planets, and a 60% chance it will be an announcement for a new statelite that will make it easier to find planets with water on them.[/quote

I am pretty sure they can already detect water. Indirectly at least. Spectroscopy FTW lol.


New member
Oct 15, 2008
Wicky_42 said:
sheic99 said:
I wonder if it contains instructions to build a machine that appears to do nothing on the outside, but will send a person several thousand light years. Preferably containing Jodie Foster.
Hah, I liked that film when I caught it on TV - what was it called, First Contact or something?

It would be absolutely amazing if we established first contact within my lifespan, there's been long enough (I guess) for a signal to get back to us from Alpha Centauri... though at over 4 light years, any sort of diplomacy is going to be even slower than usual, hah!
It was Contact. This may kick start the space program also.
May 5, 2010
Yeah, it's probably bacteria at absolute BEST. More likely, it's just something stupid, like some new detail that HINTS as POSSIBLE bacteria SOMEWHERE. That's what it usually is with these things.


YOU'RE a pie chart.
Nov 30, 2009
Dr. Paine said:
Now, if we've defrosted Charon and found an interstellar gateway... well, I always did want to go into the military, I'd sign for space military xD
Looking to go kick some turian ass in the First Contact War, eh?