I'd wager that with our current tech, the chances of us actually finding other life *out there* are astronomically larger than other life finding us
first...think about it, of course it's human nature to fantasise about a domineering race annihilating us with superior technology, or harvesting our bodies in search for a cure for their fatal vulnerability to bacteria...not this arsenic bacteria either. They'd probably experiment with IT like some sort of party drug while their scientist castes (strains?) do the whole desperate research for survival thing to counter their convenient lack of immune systems. Really, the only life we'll more than likely find is simple bacteria on some faraway planet in a different star system...hundreds of years from now. Who really wants to hear that in a news broadcast about NASA though?
But of course a first contact scenario would be way cooler if it played out like this...
It's the cylons...they've come back.
We're screwed.
Okay here's the plan...I'll buy tricia helfer a drink...save myself, and try not to give out any nuclear launch codes (no promises though, seriously she's pretty hot). You guys can just do whatever, but have fun, make it the good type of fun. No looting the streets now.
Okay...in all seriousness, NASA left their statement as ambiguous as possible, and then later simply announced they'd found some new poison bacteria in America that proves impossible life is possible
it's the classic media tease.
*wanders innocuously off-topic again*
Let's stick to our sci-fi, the creativity of other creative minds will keep our curiosity sated...for now.