Have you ever thought about suicide?


New member
Feb 5, 2012
I've attempted it a couple of times, and been institutionalised three times. I'm not surprised by the number of people who've contemplated it - I think everyone does at least once -, but I am surprised by the number of people who've actually attempted it.

Coincidentally, I think I'm about to lose a friend to suicide. I've tried my best to help him, but he's been clinically depressed for 20+ years and really believes there's nothing better out there for him. I've offered to call him help, but he's made it very clear he bloody doesn't want to be saved, because life's fucked him over too much already and he just wants the pain to stop. He's heard all of the speeches, he's heard all the pep talks. I've done all I can for the guy. If I allow him go through with it, does that make me an angel of mercy or a horrible human being?


Want Skyrim. Want. Do want.
Nov 26, 2008
When I was like... 11, or something. Was going through some bullying and had very few friends at the time. It was rough, but I'm generally a pretty happy guy now.


New member
Feb 14, 2010
I've been going through very on and off stages of depression since around about half a year ago but I haven't really ever considered purposely destroying my own conscience, except for one time when I was feeling REALLY shitty. It kind of scares me to think how okay I was with the idea.


New member
Oct 28, 2009
I've decided that if I ever get to the point where I would want to kill myself, I'm going to go out Kick-Ass style; I'd put on a bodysuit, grab some kind of weapon and go all vigilante on some crooks' asses, and just keep doing that until they catch me and fill me with lead.


A WordlessThing, a ThinglessWord
Aug 9, 2011
I've never actually considered doing it myself, but I have thought about and analyzed the different ways to do it, just out of curiosity. I doubt I'd ever be able to do it though, nor do I want to or have ever wanted to. Its somewhat interesting to think about though.


New member
Nov 14, 2010
I've thought about it, but not at all seriously (I'm a teenager, so I guess it just comes with the territory). It's been a bad couple of months recently and I'm very lonely, but I'm the kind of person who prefers feeling something rather than nothing, even if the something is quite depressing.

I imagine things will get better, even if they don't I highly doubt I'll be serious enough to kill myself, so for now I'm just enduring.

phyrexian said:
Coincidentally, I think I'm about to lose a friend to suicide. I've tried my best to help him, but he's been clinically depressed for 20+ years and really believes there's nothing better out there for him. I've offered to call him help, but he's made it very clear he bloody doesn't want to be saved, because life's fucked him over too much already and he just wants the pain to stop. He's heard all of the speeches, he's heard all the pep talks. I've done all I can for the guy. If I allow him go through with it, does that make me an angel of mercy or a horrible human being?
Depends who you ask, but I think a majority of people (like myself) would not consider you a bad person at all. It's his choice, and it's hardly your job to make sure it carries on living.


New member
Apr 11, 2012
I've put thought into how I'd kill myself, I;ve written 2 short stories about people killing themselves, my best friend attempted suicide and I had an acquaintance who supposedly killed himself (but some believe it was an accident as he was in jail, swallowed a sac of illegal substances and there was a debate as to whether it was to hide them or to take his own life) but I've never seriously thought about it...

If I were to kill myself I'd leap of a building with a noose around my neck in front of a truck... Oh, and with a full fishtank on my head and a gun to my head...


New member
Nov 2, 2007
Very vaguely, as I'd imagine a lot of people have at least once. In the "I wonder what my friends and loved ones would think if I died right now/killed myself"-sense as well as the "I wonder what jumping off this high mountain I currently stand on would be like and whether I'd be dead before my brain can register the pain of the impact". On that last question, I think that'd be a "yes". But not really beyond that, no. I'm actually quite content.


New member
Mar 29, 2011
Still do.

The only thing that ever stopped me was the knowledge that if I did take my own life, it wouldn't just affect me, it would affect my family, and there's no way I could hurt them like that.

There's a building on campus where I'm at uni, really tall tower, and every time I see it I consider throwing myself off it.

I probably need help.

Spectral Dragon

New member
Jun 14, 2011
Did yesterday, and have done previously. Decided against it, 'cause hell no. People would miss me, and if death got me, I'd never be able to get back at death. No actual worries, but I feel bad enough to contemplate it, at times. Life's so bloody complicated and messy. Ah well, keep fighting and whatnot. There's science I haven't done yet!


New member
Nov 12, 2011
I've never really liked my life, but I've no intention of losing it yet. It's more inconveniences that are my problems, so when something bad happens to me I see it as the worst shit ever, and think of doing it, because I am a whiny, stupid *****. So yes, I have, but only for stupid, shitty reasons that strike me more as attention than anything. I'm a bad person. Well, not bad, perse, just stupid as.


New member
Jul 10, 2009
Yes, and yes.

I got really down, and really drunk, and tried a few times. Few problems:

1) Australian, so no gun (I live in the city).
2) Haemophobe.
3) Way to aware of how uncomfortable strangling, or cutting, or poisoning yourself actually is.

So I tried getting drunk enough to open my wrists a couple of times, but couldn't do it, and on a more memorable occassion, tried to see if I could drink myself to death, but blacked out and woke up the next morning. On a depressed drive through the bush at night, I considered if I got pulled over by the police (A frequent occurence), that I might pull my cap gun on them. I figured that'd be effective, amusing, badass, or some combination of the three.

All I can say about it is: Thank god they don't let me have a gun. It'd be over in seconds.

I've talked about it pretty openly with one of my friends. It seems it's more common than I thought. Presently, I guess I'm borderline. Things don't seem to be getting any better for me, but they do seem to be gradually spiraling downards, and it's just no fun anymore.

I guess my biggest concern would be leaving my corpse in my room. It wouldn't do for my brothers to find me.


New member
Sep 13, 2008
I've never considered suicide. Self harmed once.

Then my granny committed suicide. I realised how much the act hurts the people that were close to the individual. I now have a strange dislike towards people who try it, or consider it. It's selfish and an easy option out. You can get around it. It may take months, years, but you can overcome it.

So when my ex girlfriend kept trying to attempt suicide to get my, and her other exes attention, I nearly went mad, I looked after her until I nearly destroyed myself. A nurse told me it would be best to leave and never come back. So I did. And now my ex is trying to turn my friends against me, she's succeeding back home and got me beaten up a few times, but she won't dare try it at uni, if only because a lot people on her course think she's crazy, and any mutual friends will side with me.

She's getting better though, I hope the spiteful stage wears off though, I find it very annoying that I don't mention what happened to anyone, yet she tells everyone very select parts of the story to people (sometimes strangers). When I tell the story, I leave everything in, including my stupid decisions and where I was a bad person.

Sorry, went a bit off topic, I hope I answered your question though

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
an annoyed writer said:
Thought about it? I tried. Twice.

A little backstory: I'm a transgendered person whose life for two decades has been a living hell. I didn't grow up in the best of neighborhoods, or households for that matter, and I live in a place that where my kind can and have been openly harassed and even killed. With those conditions it's no wonder I tried to die.
Ouch. I've been there (pretty much literally), but it really sucks to see someone else say it.

an annoyed writer

Exalted Lady of The Meep :3
Jun 21, 2012
Zachary Amaranth said:
Ouch. I've been there (pretty much literally), but it really sucks to see someone else say it.
It's all too common among our kind. I really wish it wasn't the case.


New member
Feb 8, 2010
Yeah I tried it, everyone who was meant to look out for me was being selfish or too stressed out to help me, in fact they still are but this one night it got too much and I was camping at LeedsFest so I couldn't just chill out on my laptop or my xbox. I was told that the way I feel is wrong and that my feelings don't matter so I tried to overdose. I know people are saying we shouldn't say how but its not like I'm going into detail or anything. It hasn't gotten any better, I thought it did but it hasn't. I don't go camping anymore or wanna go on holiday cos I'm scared I might not have something to calm me down. The next day people told me I was the one being drunk and selfish when all I had was one fucking beer.


New member
Jun 14, 2011
I have never seriously considered committing suicide, I have, however, entertained the thought of how I would do it if I ever were to commit suicide.
I'd want to get blown up. Seems the quickest, brain is in pieces, almost no chance of pain or suffering.
If I had to do something practical to commit suicide? The largest calibur gun I could find to the centre of the brain.

Again though, I have never considered actually doing it, I enjoy life too much. That, and I consider it illogical.