Hawking: It's Space Or Bust For Humanity

Furious Styles

New member
Jul 10, 2010
So basically he's predicting the film Titan AE, among other more noteworthy films that I have forgotten


Jul 31, 2008
I agree with him, but it's probable that even if we do survive that long, that we'll just end building bigger bombs and fighting over the planets in a similar fashion, only with entire warring worlds instead of nations. Mutually assured destruction is still a possibility. We seem to enjoy fighting amongst ourselves like that.


New member
Dec 22, 2008
Sporky111 said:
Ah, I do enjoy hearing from Stephen Hawking. Even if it's something like this that's already kinda obvious.

We are in a lot of danger from ourselves as long as we stay here. And since world peace isn't really as feasible as it might sound (selfish and aggressive genes sounds pretty accurate to me) our best bet may just be to spread and explore and settle in other parts of the universe.

Though, since this is prime for discussion I'm going to bring up something from the past. What about the expansion and imperialism of the 18th and 19th centuries? Some may have thought that spreading out in those times could diminish the threat of war and destruction, but it didn't. People found a way to fight, and eventually people found weapons that crossed distances far faster.
Yes but the difference is that the empire wont be spreading where there are already people living

Orcus The Ultimate

New member
Nov 22, 2009
If we keep polluting the environment, and like a virus, we will either be exterminated from the Biosphere or the other alternative is that we will have to be in simbiosis and adapt to our planet, without abusing our natural resources (cause that's what we are doing now using more than we really need).

Connor Lonske

New member
Sep 30, 2008
Maybe if Nasa wasn't getting fucked up the ass from both political parties (mainly liberal, but republicans don't like the space program ether due to its anti-Christan values, what ever the hell that means) and the people were thinking more about humanity future and not earths (if they care about that at all) then maybe we could could actually of made the moon base in the next 10 to 15 years and eventually (but a very soon eventually) the moon colony shortly after, but then again, the only way that would happen is if the cold war continued, and we all know the result of that possibility.



Digital Wizard
Dec 17, 2008
wasalp said:
Sporky111 said:
Ah, I do enjoy hearing from Stephen Hawking. Even if it's something like this that's already kinda obvious.

We are in a lot of danger from ourselves as long as we stay here. And since world peace isn't really as feasible as it might sound (selfish and aggressive genes sounds pretty accurate to me) our best bet may just be to spread and explore and settle in other parts of the universe.

Though, since this is prime for discussion I'm going to bring up something from the past. What about the expansion and imperialism of the 18th and 19th centuries? Some may have thought that spreading out in those times could diminish the threat of war and destruction, but it didn't. People found a way to fight, and eventually people found weapons that crossed distances far faster.
Yes but the difference is that the empire wont be spreading where there are already people living
I'm not talking about the wars with Indigenous peoples. I mean things like how the French and English fought so bitterly over control of North America, and then The American War of Independance, and even leading to things more recently like the Cold War and WWI and II. Having people spread out over long distances has never been a deterrent to war.


New member
Jan 13, 2009
Wait till the media makes fun of him again like with the alien thing. I swear Hawking has to be one of the few sane people on Earth.

Didn't know Hawking liked Nintendo =P
Sep 14, 2009
Korten12 said:
TheSapphireKnight said:
This is very true. Even if we did find a way to survive in perfect harmony on Earth, the Sun won't last forever.
Well if we do figure out a fast way to travel space, we always could just leave the milkey way when the sun explodes but that is still millions of years off.
yeah i was about to say..humanity will blow itself away before the sun does...we have barely lived even a fraction of the suns length, we have a LONG TIME before we need to worry about that...thats like the millionth thing down from things that can destroy us.


Citation Needed
Nov 28, 2007
Hawking is right, I've had these kinds of thoughts before he wound up expressing them far better than I ever have. I think he puts too much focus on humanity's "aggressive and destructive instincts" and less on simple enviromental wear and tear by us being here. Our biggest danger is going to be the depletion of resources on the planet, once those are gone we're stuck here, and then if nothing else we all die when a big enough meteor eventually slams into the planet, or our sun simply dies (which will happen eventually).

I also think he undervalues the survival instinct ingrained in our species. Things like morality come into being for a reason. I don't think he considers the simple fact that when push comes to shove "pushing the button" in a global conflict is not something that is going to be gone into easily because pretty much everyone knows exactly what these weapons are going to do if a real exchange gets going.

What's more I also still maintain that ICBM fired WMD are on the verge of becoming obselete. If you look at modern tensions you'll notice that Russia was greatly concerned over being hedged in by a missle interception base in Poland (limiting it's abillity to fire into the EU), not to mention being all miffed about US missle interception technologies that violate Cold War treaties with the now non-existant USSR (where the treaties existed to ensure MAD). China has demonstrated anti-satellite lasers that can blind US satellites which are going to make our long range targeting efforts in a war with them difficult to say the least.

Steven Hawking is correct in of the fact that we are heading towards some major, armed conflicts. I have no doubt billions of people are going to die. I do not think the fate of humanity is in doubt because this will be largely waged with more "conventional" weapons which can kill very quickly and efficiently, but we aren't going to see thousand mile diameter swathes being rendered uninhabitable *that* much (though I'm sure it will happen to some extent).

The big question here is to ensure that the winner fought this war with the right objectives in mind, and that is to establish a single world goverment/culture for the survivors. Without that we'll never be able to successfully develop and deploy the technologies required for space exploration and colonization.

Where I agree with Steven Hawking is that spreading throughout space is nessicary for humanity. I means we won't be wiped out if a single star goes dead, or meteors hit a planet. We can develop colonization technologies for out population to spread at it's own pace, and of course find the resources we need to do so. Even if a unity falls apart and humanity fragments, being that far spread out means that the odds of everyone dying are minimal.


New member
Mar 20, 2010
I imagine in the next 3-4 decades most countries will eventually have the tech to build nukes, if not actual nukes themselves. Then its just a matter of time before someone nukes someone. I really doubt that we can survive 200 years on this planet.

It might help if we found alien life on another planet. Obviously we'll nuke them first, but hey ... the time we spend nuking them is the time we're not nuking ourselves. Yeah, I don't have much faith in humanity left. Anybody else remember the view Agent Smith provided on humanity in The Matrix?

<spoiler= Its after 1:45 in this clip, up to 2:50>
Also we could put Bush back in the White house, as a catalyst to the end of humanity.


New member
Dec 11, 2008
Somewhere in that is a Twilight Zone reference. But OT: Let us first get into space, then build space colonies and lots of them, start wearing clothing from early 1900th century and build us some Mobile SUits!


Game Developer
Jul 31, 2009
At the rate we're going with rapidly expanding population and the degradation of the Earth's environment (not blaming humanity necessarily, but it is definitely becoming less hospitable to human population), I totally agree with you Mr. Hawking.


New member
May 21, 2010
The Disk Thrower said:
Blueruler182 said:
Okay, speaking as a Native American, if you're really thinking we need to go into space, and you think alien contact would be like Columbus coming to the new world, then wouldn't the smartest thing to do be making contact with the aliens? I mean, they would integrate us into their society eventually, in which case we'd have technology and we'd be spread across the stars. Granted, there's the problem of years upon years of us being put down, enslaved, all that fun crap, but in the end we'd come out better than having nuked ourselves. And that's assuming the worse, which I'm getting more and more annoyed with scientists because of.
I have one problem with this thing

Humanity in general has shown that when subjected to oppression, we kick and claw till they leave 'em alone

So..extinction it is! =D
Yeah, but another theory goes thus. If we can't comprehend these aliens, if it's beyond the human measure, then I'm going to assume that him assuming that they'll be evil aliens trying to murder or enslave us all is a little off. Why not nice aliens? And who's to say they're actually so far beyond our scope as opposed to, say, us in 200 years? Y'know, when we're supposed to be able to go journeying into the galaxies far far away and set up a bar with Norm. In fact, and I feel amazing for being able to say this, Hawking's vision on this is surprisingly limited.

I'm assuming that, if an alien species is able to leave their own planet, that they've been able to explore the entirety of their planet and come across the same racial problems we have as a society. And probably, since they're so advanced, moved past them as human beings are trying to do. If they've gotten to the point where they've united as a species to move to the stars they've probably run across other alien species (unless we're just unlucky enough to be their first) and dealt with the individual species issue and gone through the whole racism part or, if they really are that intelligent, they probably just traded with them and avoided the racist problems altogether.

Just looking at our society and where it's going, socially, we can make multiple assumptions as to where their society will be in a couple hundred years, and if we're assuming they're more advanced than that, then we have to assume that they've had all the issues they care to with alien species. It's not like a video game where an alien planet will have one type of people. Again, looking at Earth, there are thousands of different cultures and thousands of different peoples that thrive on a shitload of different resources and have been formed around those resources.

Like I said. Hawking assuming that an alien species is innately evil is incredibly limited. And I'm done listening to another person ***** about how we're all going to kill ourselves soon. I don't care if they ***** through a computer or not. Though I do agree we should go into space, if just because it's furking awesome.

EDIT: That whole rant did start trying to counter the oppression part of your post. Saying they might not be. I just started jotting down thoughts after that.


Whom Gods Annoy
Aug 20, 2008
mb16 said:
is Stephen Hawking a fan of games like halo or mass effect. because reading the articals on him, it looks like he he trying to prepare us for something like them
Hawking's known to be a big-time Trekkie, even having appeared on an episode of TNG (in the holodeck, playing himself). I think he shares a lot of the late Gene Roddenberry's visions of humanity beyond the stars.

Atmos Duality

New member
Mar 3, 2010
Korten12 said:
Well if we do figure out a fast way to travel space, we always could just leave the milkey way when the sun explodes but that is still millions of years off.
Billions, actually.


New member
Feb 21, 2010
Blueruler182 said:
The Disk Thrower said:
Blueruler182 said:
Okay, speaking as a Native American, if you're really thinking we need to go into space, and you think alien contact would be like Columbus coming to the new world, then wouldn't the smartest thing to do be making contact with the aliens? I mean, they would integrate us into their society eventually, in which case we'd have technology and we'd be spread across the stars. Granted, there's the problem of years upon years of us being put down, enslaved, all that fun crap, but in the end we'd come out better than having nuked ourselves. And that's assuming the worse, which I'm getting more and more annoyed with scientists because of.
I have one problem with this thing

Humanity in general has shown that when subjected to oppression, we kick and claw till they leave 'em alone

So..extinction it is! =D
Yeah, but another theory goes thus. If we can't comprehend these aliens, if it's beyond the human measure, then I'm going to assume that him assuming that they'll be evil aliens trying to murder or enslave us all is a little off. Why not nice aliens? And who's to say they're actually so far beyond our scope as opposed to, say, us in 200 years? Y'know, when we're supposed to be able to go journeying into the galaxies far far away and set up a bar with Norm. In fact, and I feel amazing for being able to say this, Hawking's vision on this is surprisingly limited.

I'm assuming that, if an alien species is able to leave their own planet, that they've been able to explore the entirety of their planet and come across the same racial problems we have as a society. And probably, since they're so advanced, moved past them as human beings are trying to do. If they've gotten to the point where they've united as a species to move to the stars they've probably run across other alien species (unless we're just unlucky enough to be their first) and dealt with the individual species issue and gone through the whole racism part or, if they really are that intelligent, they probably just traded with them and avoided the racist problems altogether.

Just looking at our society and where it's going, socially, we can make multiple assumptions as to where their society will be in a couple hundred years, and if we're assuming they're more advanced than that, then we have to assume that they've had all the issues they care to with alien species. It's not like a video game where an alien planet will have one type of people. Again, looking at Earth, there are thousands of different cultures and thousands of different peoples that thrive on a shitload of different resources and have been formed around those resources.

Like I said. Hawking assuming that an alien species is innately evil is incredibly limited. And I'm done listening to another person ***** about how we're all going to kill ourselves soon. I don't care if they ***** through a computer or not. Though I do agree we should go into space, if just because it's furking awesome.

EDIT: That whole rant did start trying to counter the oppression part of your post. Saying they might not be. I just started jotting down thoughts after that.
Well...that's a buzzkill if ive ever seen one...

but yeah

It is limited, considering, if we can manage to get to space in 200 years chances are we will have become under one great republic as well, I mean..it might not be the most stable..but it might be


Now I want ma...!
Aug 26, 2009
Atmos Duality said:
Korten12 said:
Well if we do figure out a fast way to travel space, we always could just leave the milkey way when the sun explodes but that is still millions of years off.
Billions, actually.
ya know what I meant. :p