Hawking: It's Space Or Bust For Humanity

Not G. Ivingname

New member
Nov 18, 2009
Blueruler182 said:
The Disk Thrower said:
Blueruler182 said:
Okay, speaking as a Native American, if you're really thinking we need to go into space, and you think alien contact would be like Columbus coming to the new world, then wouldn't the smartest thing to do be making contact with the aliens? I mean, they would integrate us into their society eventually, in which case we'd have technology and we'd be spread across the stars. Granted, there's the problem of years upon years of us being put down, enslaved, all that fun crap, but in the end we'd come out better than having nuked ourselves. And that's assuming the worse, which I'm getting more and more annoyed with scientists because of.
I have one problem with this thing

Humanity in general has shown that when subjected to oppression, we kick and claw till they leave 'em alone

So..extinction it is! =D
Yeah, but another theory goes thus. If we can't comprehend these aliens, if it's beyond the human measure, then I'm going to assume that him assuming that they'll be evil aliens trying to murder or enslave us all is a little off. Why not nice aliens? And who's to say they're actually so far beyond our scope as opposed to, say, us in 200 years? Y'know, when we're supposed to be able to go journeying into the galaxies far far away and set up a bar with Norm. In fact, and I feel amazing for being able to say this, Hawking's vision on this is surprisingly limited.

I'm assuming that, if an alien species is able to leave their own planet, that they've been able to explore the entirety of their planet and come across the same racial problems we have as a society. And probably, since they're so advanced, moved past them as human beings are trying to do. If they've gotten to the point where they've united as a species to move to the stars they've probably run across other alien species (unless we're just unlucky enough to be their first) and dealt with the individual species issue and gone through the whole racism part or, if they really are that intelligent, they probably just traded with them and avoided the racist problems altogether.

Just looking at our society and where it's going, socially, we can make multiple assumptions as to where their society will be in a couple hundred years, and if we're assuming they're more advanced than that, then we have to assume that they've had all the issues they care to with alien species. It's not like a video game where an alien planet will have one type of people. Again, looking at Earth, there are thousands of different cultures and thousands of different peoples that thrive on a shitload of different resources and have been formed around those resources.

Like I said. Hawking assuming that an alien species is innately evil is incredibly limited. And I'm done listening to another person ***** about how we're all going to kill ourselves soon. I don't care if they ***** through a computer or not. Though I do agree we should go into space, if just because it's furking awesome.

EDIT: That whole rant did start trying to counter the oppression part of your post. Saying they might not be. I just started jotting down thoughts after that.
I think this all depends on how far along the aliens are. Their is no garentee they are more advanced then us just for the fact they are aliens. If we figure out how to travel the stars, we could find aliens above us in tech, we could find aliens that just discovered fire, and we could fine all sorts of stuff inbetween. Hopefully we would be smart enough to take an uninhabitted world, terraform it, and leave less advanced civilzations to develope alone.


New member
May 26, 2010
TheSapphireKnight said:
This is very true. Even if we did find a way to survive in perfect harmony on Earth, the Sun won't last forever.
Scientists' best estimates say that the sun lasts another 4-6 billion years. Let's not worry about the sun just yet.

no oneder

New member
Jul 11, 2010
I'm growing tired of sci-fi pictures whenever Stephen Hawkins says something. Can't you include an actual picture of him?

OT: A nice space community turned wild is the plot of my upcoming short story.


New member
Feb 16, 2010
WanderFreak said:
200 years and space, eh?

Gentlemen! Gentleman pretending to be a lady. It is here I announce my intent to freeze myself so that I might awaken in 300 years, whereupon I shall captain a fancy space craft and romance a Krogan!
Might I join you? I may not have many technical skills, but I do make one hell of a coffee!


New member
May 21, 2010
Not G. Ivingname said:
I think this all depends on how far along the aliens are. Their is no garentee they are more advanced then us just for the fact they are aliens. If we figure out how to travel the stars, we could find aliens above us in tech, we could find aliens that just discovered fire, and we could fine all sorts of stuff inbetween. Hopefully we would be smart enough to take an uninhabitted world, terraform it, and leave less advanced civilzations to develope alone.
Yeah, but Hawking was talking about aliens finding us in his other one, not the other way around. So, if they found us instead of us them, they're probably going to be more advanced than us. And if it's the other way around, odds are that they're not going to be too much of a threat.

The Disk Thrower said:
North Korean space is best space!

Also..I'd agree on the Britain thing..simply 'cos i'm Scottish :3..and the record..we weren't world conquerors for nothing y'know!
I'm assuming North Korea air space will be just as dangerous in the foreseeable future as it is now. If they get space travel, god help us all.

And I have a steady rule of not screwing with a Scotsman, so you may be right there. I wouldn't mind Scottish leaders, but you've still got to beat Canada.

Housebroken Lunatic

New member
Sep 12, 2009
That's interesting. I reached the same concluscion on my own, thought this was a couple of years ago.

Mankind needs to stop squabbling over petty terran matters and start to branch out into space. Otherwise it will simply die out eventually.


New member
Feb 21, 2010
Blueruler182 said:
Not G. Ivingname said:
I think this all depends on how far along the aliens are. Their is no garentee they are more advanced then us just for the fact they are aliens. If we figure out how to travel the stars, we could find aliens above us in tech, we could find aliens that just discovered fire, and we could fine all sorts of stuff inbetween. Hopefully we would be smart enough to take an uninhabitted world, terraform it, and leave less advanced civilzations to develope alone.
Yeah, but Hawking was talking about aliens finding us in his other one, not the other way around. So, if they found us instead of us them, they're probably going to be more advanced than us. And if it's the other way around, odds are that they're not going to be too much of a threat.

The Disk Thrower said:
North Korean space is best space!

Also..I'd agree on the Britain thing..simply 'cos i'm Scottish :3..and the record..we weren't world conquerors for nothing y'know!
I'm assuming North Korea air space will be just as dangerous in the foreseeable future as it is now. If they get space travel, god help us all.

And I have a steady rule of not screwing with a Scotsman, so you may be right there. I wouldn't mind Scottish leaders, but you've still got to beat Canada.

I have a steady rule of not screwing with anyone with a history of fightin' round the world..

so..yeah, everyone but Germany is fair game XD

The Rogue Wolf

Stealthy Carnivore
Nov 25, 2007
Stalking the Digital Tundra
marioman360 said:
Goddamnit, the year 2000 was supposed to be the future! Now they're saying that my great great grandchildren will be the ones living in the future >_>

Conventional thinking has failed me once again.
To be fair, all through the 90's video games were telling us the future was "THE YEAR 20XX".

We know that X is the Roman numeral for "10".

Therefore, the future is the year 201,010.

More on-topic, I would've liked to have taken this as a "given", but sadly space exploration is being put on the back burner by most of the governments capable of advancing it. Unless we take some drastic population-management steps, we're eventually going to outgrow the planet's ability to support us. If the resulting resource wars merely push us back into the Stone Age, instead of outright wiping out the species, I'd be surprised.


New member
May 21, 2010
The Disk Thrower said:
Blueruler182 said:
Not G. Ivingname said:
I think this all depends on how far along the aliens are. Their is no garentee they are more advanced then us just for the fact they are aliens. If we figure out how to travel the stars, we could find aliens above us in tech, we could find aliens that just discovered fire, and we could fine all sorts of stuff inbetween. Hopefully we would be smart enough to take an uninhabitted world, terraform it, and leave less advanced civilzations to develope alone.
Yeah, but Hawking was talking about aliens finding us in his other one, not the other way around. So, if they found us instead of us them, they're probably going to be more advanced than us. And if it's the other way around, odds are that they're not going to be too much of a threat.

The Disk Thrower said:
North Korean space is best space!

Also..I'd agree on the Britain thing..simply 'cos i'm Scottish :3..and the record..we weren't world conquerors for nothing y'know!
I'm assuming North Korea air space will be just as dangerous in the foreseeable future as it is now. If they get space travel, god help us all.

And I have a steady rule of not screwing with a Scotsman, so you may be right there. I wouldn't mind Scottish leaders, but you've still got to beat Canada.

I have a steady rule of not screwing with anyone with a history of fightin' round the world..

so..yeah, everyone but Germany is fair game XD
Everyone but Germany... Rome... America... China... Greece... Persia... Russia, I believe... Britain...

Yeah, I'm Native. I figure I'll lose spectacularly in a fight and get benefits out of their guilt later on in life. I think ahead. Then again, Native American space would be pretty entertaining...

Blind Sight

New member
May 16, 2010
Can't say I agree with Mr. Hawking, but that's mostly because I don't see any major, worldwide conflicts wiping us out anytime soon (I said soon). Being a history student, I've seen waves and waves of scientists, prophets, shamans and priests predict the fall of humanity over, and over, AND OVER again. Population and other factors might play a role in causing some issues, but humanity's a tough old *****, I think the worse we can expect is some serious population curbing (which really, in itself, isn't that bad).

With the way globalization's going as well, I can see cosmopolitian ideals slowly beginning to leak into Western society, making wars based off of realist international theory less and less possible. I definitely think humanity's doing a few things right, but maybe that's just cause I don't try to be a massive downer.

Either way, I'm all for fear mongering to get us into space. As Warren Ellis put it: 'having all your breeding pairs in one place is a lousy way to run a species'. I couldn't agree more, let's get the real space age underway soon.


New member
Jul 14, 2009
Finally, someone with a much more dire prediction than my own. I've been basing my own ideas on population vs resources though. I'd give us another 300 years, tops. By then, if there's anyone left, the world will be a pretty bad place, and many of us will likely have died off or will be controlled by some sort of dystopian hierarchical rule. Life as we know it now cannot sustain itself. It's not possible, not with our current rate of growth, and our current economic/environmental model.


New member
Feb 21, 2010
Blueruler182 said:
The Disk Thrower said:
Blueruler182 said:
Not G. Ivingname said:
I think this all depends on how far along the aliens are. Their is no garentee they are more advanced then us just for the fact they are aliens. If we figure out how to travel the stars, we could find aliens above us in tech, we could find aliens that just discovered fire, and we could fine all sorts of stuff inbetween. Hopefully we would be smart enough to take an uninhabitted world, terraform it, and leave less advanced civilzations to develope alone.
Yeah, but Hawking was talking about aliens finding us in his other one, not the other way around. So, if they found us instead of us them, they're probably going to be more advanced than us. And if it's the other way around, odds are that they're not going to be too much of a threat.

The Disk Thrower said:
North Korean space is best space!

Also..I'd agree on the Britain thing..simply 'cos i'm Scottish :3..and the record..we weren't world conquerors for nothing y'know!
I'm assuming North Korea air space will be just as dangerous in the foreseeable future as it is now. If they get space travel, god help us all.

And I have a steady rule of not screwing with a Scotsman, so you may be right there. I wouldn't mind Scottish leaders, but you've still got to beat Canada.

I have a steady rule of not screwing with anyone with a history of fightin' round the world..

so..yeah, everyone but Germany is fair game XD
Everyone but Germany... Rome... America... China... Greece... Persia... Russia, I believe... Britain...

Yeah, I'm Native. I figure I'll lose spectacularly in a fight and get benefits out of their guilt later on in life. I think ahead. Then again, Native American space would be pretty entertaining...
It would..reminds me of star trek voyager..when they come across a race of aliens..in a completely dark area of space..and..they attack anyone 'polluting' the space..

and i have no idea why...

martin's a madman

New member
Aug 20, 2008
The Disk Thrower said:
Called it!* he stole my idea

*note, I did infact not not call it, but meh

OT: I thought this was common knowledge?..but hey at least someone might actually listen now ¬¬
Nah, there are some conflicting ideas to suggest that humanity needs to perfect itself socially first. Instead of exporting all of our problems to space.

I'm on the boat for space but perhaps the most efficient strategy would be to do both.

If anyone is curious, the exploration through which we would find other planets and map the galaxy is theorised to be through the use of robots.

You send out 100 robots, each of them programmed to find a planet, land, and then create a centre to develop 100 more robots (Obviously the numbers will be different of course, probably closer to the thousands or millions). The robots will find the planet, send back data to the HUB, whether that is Earth or the earthling's favourite colony/space station.

Then they build the new robots and send them out to all their own planets to repeat the process.

Then BOOM, map of galaxies. Human search teams will be highly unlikely except for immediate landing parties to set up colonies or anything.

Or so I've learned from Michio Kaku's theories, there will of course be other ones so his shouldn't be considered the only possible solution.

But, if you're interested in physics, Michio Kaku's books and speeches are a really great place to learn and they make it accessible to mostly anyone.

Damn... I sound like an ad...

That's all!


New member
Mar 29, 2009
Once we as a species have the ability to find and colonize ( terra-forming? ) other planets outside of the solar system our longevity will become virtually indefinite. But as long as we're stuck where we are with each passing century it's only a matter of time.


New member
Feb 21, 2010
martin said:
The Disk Thrower said:
Called it!* he stole my idea

*note, I did infact not not call it, but meh

OT: I thought this was common knowledge?..but hey at least someone might actually listen now ¬¬
Nah, there are some conflicting ideas to suggest that humanity needs to perfect itself socially first. Instead of exporting all of our problems to space.

I'm on the boat for space but perhaps the most efficient strategy would be to do both.

If anyone is curious, the exploration through which we would find other planets and map the galaxy is theorised to be through the use of robots.

You send out 100 robots, each of them programmed to find a planet, land, and then create a centre to develop 100 more robots (Obviously the numbers will be different of course, probably closer to the thousands or millions). The robots will find the planet, send back data to the HUB, whether that is Earth or the earthling's favourite colony/space station.

Then they build the new robots and send them out to all their own planets to repeat the process.

Then BOOM, map of galaxies. Human search teams will be highly unlikely except for immediate landing parties to set up colonies or anything.

Or so I've learned from Michio Kaku's theories, there will of course be other ones so his shouldn't be considered the only possible solution.

But, if you're interested in physics, Michio Kaku's books and speeches are a really great place to learn and they make it accessible to mostly anyone.

Damn... I sound like an ad...

That's all!
That doesn't bother me at all, aslo..that would be a lot easier than 'we' going to work out there XD


New member
Oct 6, 2009
TheSapphireKnight said:
This is very true. Even if we did find a way to survive in perfect harmony on Earth, the Sun won't last forever.
You realize the sun still has billions of years of life left in it right?

On the main topic. Does Stephen Hawking realize that Humanity has been getting less and less standoffish in the past couple years with our weapons of mass destruction? Sure there are a few rouge states that could do some nasty damage but total nuclear annihilation seems unlikely. I'm afraid it isn't 1986 anymore steve.

martin's a madman

New member
Aug 20, 2008
The Disk Thrower said:
martin said:
The Disk Thrower said:
Called it!* he stole my idea

*note, I did infact not not call it, but meh

OT: I thought this was common knowledge?..but hey at least someone might actually listen now ¬¬
Nah, there are some conflicting ideas to suggest that humanity needs to perfect itself socially first. Instead of exporting all of our problems to space.

I'm on the boat for space but perhaps the most efficient strategy would be to do both.

If anyone is curious, the exploration through which we would find other planets and map the galaxy is theorised to be through the use of robots.

You send out 100 robots, each of them programmed to find a planet, land, and then create a centre to develop 100 more robots (Obviously the numbers will be different of course, probably closer to the thousands or millions). The robots will find the planet, send back data to the HUB, whether that is Earth or the earthling's favourite colony/space station.

Then they build the new robots and send them out to all their own planets to repeat the process.

Then BOOM, map of galaxies. Human search teams will be highly unlikely except for immediate landing parties to set up colonies or anything.

Or so I've learned from Michio Kaku's theories, there will of course be other ones so his shouldn't be considered the only possible solution.

But, if you're interested in physics, Michio Kaku's books and speeches are a really great place to learn and they make it accessible to mostly anyone.

Damn... I sound like an ad...

That's all!
That doesn't bother me at all, aslo..that would be a lot easier than 'we' going to work out there XD
And take a LOT less time.