HeartGold and SoulSilver's Pokéwalker Requires Thousand Mile Trek

Doc Theta Sigma

New member
Jan 5, 2009
I've been wearing them to Sixth Form and work everyday. Clocked up about 32,000 steps yesterday :p

Also: Being in the UK and getting Soul Silver two weeks before its released here rocks.


New member
Jul 25, 2009
Nimbus said:
I had something similar as a kid. I didn't know you were supposed to actually walk, so I spent hours and hours shaking the damn thing. By hand. Seriously.
But now you can beat anyone in an arm wrestle so the joke is on them!


Elite Member
Nov 6, 2008
Jarrid said:
Berethond said:
But pedophile is properly spelled paedophile, so this debate is over!
No. There is no "proper" way to spell it, both are accepted. I dare you to try that shit with something like "favourite."
Try what shit? Favourite is the correct spelling.

fletch_talon said:
As opposed to paedophile and paediatrics. Aren't you glad those of us in the Commonwealth came up with a way to differentiate the two.
No, not really. That might work if that's the accepted spelling in your area, but like local image files, that spelling doesn't fly outside of its homeland.
By the way, you missed one [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pederast].
Maybe it needs to be the accepted spelling in your area. I guarantee you, being told that your country's spelling conventions are wrong, could not be nearly as annoying as reading dozens of forums posters laughing at the word pedometer.

garjian said:
maybe thats why the word is spelt 'Paedophile'.
Again, optionally spelled that way. I'm really getting tired of having multiple Brits tell me "that's the way it is" when that's not the way it is here in The States. You blokes are starting to sound like us pig-headed Yanks...
Well if you'd start spelling things correctly it wouldn't be a problem. Its called English for a reason you know eh wot.

And if you havn't figured it out, I'm deliberately riling you up. We Australian's have a tendency towards shit-stirring.
Though honestly I really can't see the reasoning behind having 2 (or more) variations on the English language, especially when it can help avoid confusion (immaturity?) like that shown here.
I also find it funny, that people here go off their nut at people who are too "lazy" to use punctuation/grammar/spelling. Yet an entire country decides to devalue the letter "u" in the name of "efficiency" (I assume) and hardly anybody cares.
I'm surprised you still put a "u" after the letter "q", it really doesn't serve any purpose since "q" is (almost) always followed by a "u".

So long story short, spell it how you want to, but I don't have to like it.


New member
May 18, 2009
Hmmm. That's kinda cool. I think that 1000 miles is a bit much, but it's an interesting idea. I may have to get these games. I alwaya have like gold/silver/crystal much better than the rest.


Tired. Cold. Bored.
Nov 13, 2009
LTK_70 said:
Wow. I mean, wow. Those Nintendo guys, they... No, I'm sorry, but this is freaking brilliant. A pokedometer that unlocks in-game locations and items? How do you come up with that? Honestly, this is the best thing to ever happen to a pokemon game. So they figured out a way to spend even more time on a pokemon game while you are doing something healthy. Who thought it possible? Give the person who came up with it an award or something.

Baron_BJ said:
One of my closest buddies happens to work as a trainer at the local gym. He always wears a pedometer while he works. He averages around the 30,000 step mark each day. I'm just going to have him toss this on for me, I'll just get it back after a few days.

I'm sure as fuck not gonna get off my ass.
You, my good sir, are what keeps Nintendo in business. Keep up the good work.

To everbody else: Yes, we know that there are at least a million ways to cheat this thing, you can stop giving the same twenty examples over and over again now! Thank you very much.
I'm not sure I understand this section, although the amount of sarcasm here stings more than when I pee.

For those of you who haven't got it yet, Nintendo is milking this fucker for nostalgia purposes without really changing anything (I've posted a full list on these forums yesterday, there's nothing really there different from the original games that they're changing aside from graphics). That's precisely why it's going to be mine, normally I despise this kind of thing, but it was the original Pokemon Gold was the first game I ever owned and played, and I played it for 5 years before I lost the game.

Though "keeping Nintendo Alive" isn't something I'm sure I like the idea of. We need to ***** slap those fuckers until they make something new and interesting. I honestly don't think that aside from the Wii motion games there haven't been any new franchises that Nintendo has made in years (and calling motion games or the fitness game a "new" franchise is laughable and no, 3rd party games are made FOR Nintendo by outside companies, Nintendo has 0 real involvement in their creation).


New member
Jul 24, 2008
Isn't this just like the old Digimon Pendulum things? I NEVER walked with those, just... sat on the couch and shook em till something came up.

You might not walk 1000 miles, but at least your arm will get some exercise. Or some more exercise, (if you're a guy, :D ).


Tired. Cold. Bored.
Nov 13, 2009
fletch_talon said:
Jarrid said:
Berethond said:
But pedophile is properly spelled paedophile, so this debate is over!
No. There is no "proper" way to spell it, both are accepted. I dare you to try that shit with something like "favourite."
Try what shit? Favourite is the correct spelling.

fletch_talon said:
As opposed to paedophile and paediatrics. Aren't you glad those of us in the Commonwealth came up with a way to differentiate the two.
No, not really. That might work if that's the accepted spelling in your area, but like local image files, that spelling doesn't fly outside of its homeland.
By the way, you missed one [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pederast].
Maybe it needs to be the accepted spelling in your area. I guarantee you, being told that your country's spelling conventions are wrong, could not be nearly as annoying as reading dozens of forums posters laughing at the word pedometer.

garjian said:
maybe thats why the word is spelt 'Paedophile'.
Again, optionally spelled that way. I'm really getting tired of having multiple Brits tell me "that's the way it is" when that's not the way it is here in The States. You blokes are starting to sound like us pig-headed Yanks...
Well if you'd start spelling things correctly it wouldn't be a problem. Its called English for a reason you know eh wot.

And if you haven't figured it out, I'm deliberately riling you up. We Australian's have a tendency towards shit-stirring.
Though honestly I really can't see the reasoning behind having 2 (or more) variations on the English language, especially when it can help avoid confusion (immaturity?) like that shown here.
I also find it funny, that people here go off their nut at people who are too "lazy" to use punctuation/grammar/spelling. Yet an entire country decides to devalue the letter "u" in the name of "efficiency" (I assume) and hardly anybody cares.
I'm surprised you still put a "u" after the letter "q", it really doesn't serve any purpose since "q" is (almost) always followed by a "u".

So long story short, spell it how you want to, but I don't have to like it.
He's right, it's called ENGLISH because the language was created in ENGLAND. America is the only country who have chosen to butt-fuck the spoken language due to vocal laziness and have forcibly attempted to impress it upon others.

Let's see here...

The letter Z's name is not pronounced "Zee", it's pronounced "Zed", People don't care that your abortionary change is easier to pronounce, you don't just change hundreds upon hundreds of years of linguistics due to the laziness spawned in the past hundred years.

"Mom" is also not correct, it's "Mum", we don't care that your accent makes it SOUND like an "o" it's spelt with a "u", it always has and unfortunately for you, it always will be.

"Color" is spelt "Colour", The world doesn't care that the letter appears redundant, the spelling style have been implemented hundreds of years ago and has never changed, this is so that words could sound the same but have different meanings which could be told apart due to spelling and context, not to mention subtle sound differences (technically this is particularly because the "our" isn't meant to sound like "or", though it is similar with it sounding much softer and dragged out "or"), meaning that the concept would have to be spread throughout the language.

I could go on, but I feel that the rest of the actual English speaking world is swearing out the countless other changes that have been pulled out of the asses of lazed retards who couldn't handle simple spelling and thereafter upon America and then forced upon everyone else through sheer reasoning of "We said so, we don't care if there's much less of us, but we WANTS IT!".

We Australian's have a tendency towards shit-stirring.
This part is true, we Australians are fucking asshats. Hell, us Aussies often show affection towards each other this way as well.

I'll finish this horrendous rant in the words of an Australian Icon.

"They're Not Fries! They're FUCKING CHIPS!"

Doc Theta Sigma

New member
Jan 5, 2009
Furrama said:
Isn't this just like the old Digimon Pendulum things? I NEVER walked with those, just... sat on the couch and shook em till something came up.

You might not walk 1000 miles, but at least your arm will get some exercise. Or some more exercise, (if you're a guy, :D ).
They don't go up steps if you shake them. I'm not sure of the hardware but you have to shake it in a very very specific motion and direction that mimics what happens when you walk. So its easier just to walk than spending 20 minutes trying every combination of speed and direction you can think of. Touche Nintendo.


New member
Sep 30, 2009
Will this work on a plane though? I have a 8,000 mile trek ahead of me and it would pretty nice to unlock everything in the course of a day or so.

Kevin Morey

New member
Mar 17, 2010
gothic wolf said:
or any drummers could just strap it to there arm or something........or very lonely men
if you like metal music, or play anything with a double bass drum, attaching it to/inside of your sock and drumming as you play works really well. i got to about 8000 steps in an hour this morning as i got through Ecruteak.

the day we got it, my friend and I ran on his parents treadmill all day. it was actually really fun :)

now we've discovered if you tap it on your leg or in your sock and tap your feet that works too.


New member
Jul 7, 2008
John Funk said:

How did no one else post this yet?

On topic: I think this is a great idea. I'm already taking mine to the gym every day.
Possibly because instead you'd "be the man who walked a thousand miles to catch a Bulbasaur".


New member
Mar 18, 2010
Well, you can't shake it up and down. You have to shake it like forward...hold the pokewalker in three fingers just like they do in the show and thrust forward. Took me five seconds to figure out. And I WOULD walk one thousand miles to get fit, because I'm skinny as shit. I lost one of my pokewalkers today(it fell off of my pants fucking shitty clip, don't use it, it counts more steps in your pockets anyway) AND the other cracked...I'm really not sure what to do....


Senior Member
Mar 30, 2009
I suggest a paint shaker or jigsaw.

I wish more games gave you bonuses for doing stuff in the real world..


New member
Dec 15, 2008
You can't even just mad shake it either. They put an anti-cheat mechanism in it.

To cheat, you got shake it as though it was walking.


New member
Jun 14, 2009
Twad said:

Nintendo, once again, shouts out "we love your money!".

What is next? TO evolve pokemon #38473 you hate to dip your DS in olive oil while walking upside down?
I hear you mocking Nintendo, but think about how cool a game that made you do tasks to evolve Pokemon would be.

Skydive without a parachute #637753


New member
Aug 29, 2009
One of my favorite hobbies is to pace around and think of things. This will not be a difficult feat.
Edit: Although, there aren't any good Pokemon in the areas so it wouldn't really accomplish anything.


New member
Nov 1, 2007
Deviltongue said:
...You guys are over complicating shit. Remember those old Digimon Digivices? the ones where you would attach it to you hip and each step you would take would be one step closer to a new battle? Remember how everyone would just shake the damn thing?
You are simplifying it.

It stops recording if you just shake it.

You have to get it into a particular motion that replicates walking.

The fastest way you could ACTUALLY cheat is by taping it to the center of a fan. But I still like that it gives me a record of my steps in a day :). No necessity to cheat. Kind of like cheating on wii fit.

Noobis said:
Pokewalker was simple to cheat. Nintendo was stupid. It took only 5 mins and thought up like 15 Million ways to cheat it; AND THATS JUST BY HAND!

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O9_n5UIR92M - Cheat the pokewalker by hand
They aren't stupid. They just don't care if people are fat lazy jackasses. Not saying you are, just pointing out why they aren't stupid. You could think of reasons to criticize the company, people being too lazy to walk is not their problem.

Twad said:

Nintendo, once again, shouts out "we love your money!".

What is next? TO evolve pokemon #38473 you hate to dip your DS in olive oil while walking upside down?
Yup. That's why it came WITH the game. Lord knows those money grubbing bastards just had to make me get it with my game.

I prefer other less stingy companies that make me buy it separated for half the cost of the title.

God I hate nintendo. I'm so with Twad on this.