Ubermetalhed said:
Piecewise said:
Ubermetalhed said:
And here we go again.
All those who haven't played the games and just want to flame Heavy Rain et al please form an orderly queue...
Fahrenheit and Heavy Rain were great games. They are just not highly marketable though, much like Shadow of the Collosus, God hand, Okami etc aren't going to be household names even though they are brilliant.
He has a right to speak his mind about it but then again so do alot of other developers with underappreciated games.
Oh and he is right about one thing. Indigo Prophecy is a shit name.
Did you honestly compare shadow of the colossus to Heavy rain? That is just...you are...just get out.
Get out. GET OUT.
I was making the point that unique games like Shadow of the Collosus and Heavy Rain aren't going to sell as well as games like COD regardless of how good they are.
And I didn't directly compare them, not that it should matter anyway unless you are that much of an idiot...oh wait.
So how about you 'GET OUT'.
And again, misspelling COLOSSUS. Is it that hard? CO-LOSS-US.
And yes, unique games tend not to sell, but that wasn't why heavy rain didn't sell. Heavy rain didn't sell because it wasn't very good. It was held up on two basic points, the graphics and the "unique" game play, but in the end the gameplay consisted of an incredibly slow series of quicktime events and dragging two dimensional characters who might as well have had their parts within the generic crime novel plot tattooed on their foreheads. And even the graphics turned out to be less then stellar on many occasions.
And what ticks me off is that you're acting like it's on equal footing with something like SOTC simply because they are both unique. And yes, Heavy rain is unique, it's unique in much the same way that a modern doctor using trepidation is unique. It's not worthy of being compared.