Heavy Rain Nude Shower Scene Also Leaked


New member
Mar 2, 2009
"Use the sixaxis to clean your body using the towel"...


...Ummm, Sims anyone? Seriously, I thought it would be like Fahrenheit. God, it's even worse!


New member
Aug 30, 2009
Despite boobage, those animations and models are HORRIBLE.

and also, did anyone notice during the fight scene, after she hits him with the ladder, he APPEARS out of no where behind her and pulls her down?


New member
Nov 29, 2009
She didn't wash her hands! And the french it is le terible! Gotta love her screams, they sound so real! Not!


New member
Apr 23, 2009
Oh no. Boobies. You know what that means...

"Angry parents about full frontal nudity in new game Heavy Rain, later on FOX"

*faceplam* put yeah, this game is looking to be quite good


New member
Jul 9, 2009
And the fact that she didn't wash her hands in this trailer is probably irrelevant if the game is anything like Indigo Prophecy, which it is. Since the scene is totally playable whoever is playing could simply make her wash her hands. But whomever was playing this time simply didn't. It's forgetful on the part of whomever was in control at the time perhaps but likely not the actual game.

A Pious Cultist

New member
Jul 4, 2009
This game would have heavily benefited from (better?) motion capture. Every movement looks false. It's like watching a 3D version of the Thunderbirds.

I wasn't feeling the uncanny valley until she took her top off and saw that they decided to just make them things that protrude out of the chest. I hate to break it to the design team but boobs are not rocks.
Better that then another dead or alive extreme jiggle physics.


New member
Jul 9, 2008
*Sits patiently waiting for "Worried Mothers Of America" to find out about this and get it on FOX news.

Being British, when the above happens I will have other option but to laugh.


New member
Aug 9, 2009
Pause the video at 13 seconds.

Now there's a face you wouldn't want to wake up to.


New member
Jun 24, 2009
Umm... for some wierd reason.... this chick reminds me of Hie from darker than black. No idea why, just putting that out there...


New member
Jan 6, 2010
Actually Heavy Rain has been completely cleared for release in Australia, btw I downloaded the demo from the code given for completing the 4 day challenge, and unless they're releasing another demo with different scenes, this isn't from the demo, however considering that the 4 day challenge demo has two scenes with two of the characters, it would be cool if there was another with the remaining two, but that seems unlikely.
Sep 4, 2009
Eukaryote said:
Wow, that looks like the most boring game I have ever seen, and I use the term lightly. I have insulted the concept of this game form day one, and have found no reason not to insult it more.

My biggest complaints:
-Crappy graphics
-The gameplay is essentially only quicktime events
-It is an interactive movie
Yeah, this might be the most boring-but-supposedly-contraversial trailer I've ever watched. This is quicktime events and female nudity. This is closer to Shenmue spliced with reality TV.

And if you don't remember Shenmue or don't know what it is, I think I've just made my point.


New member
Oct 12, 2009
Looks very different and original, that woman is a hell of a survivor haha.

Women wipe their asses after going to the bathroom and wash their hands! Don't be gross and unhygienic!!


New member
Jun 12, 2008
Okay, that's impressive graphically and it'd look great in a movie, but I'm going to pick two bones with that.

- First, the sound. That was a total of maybe four sounds there, and if they reused them like that the entire game it would get either aggravating or hilarious. Not sure which.

- Second, the gameplay. Is this game nothing but quicktime events? Some of those looked brutal in their timing too, and there's probably no do-over for the knife dodging. Well, there's "do it all over", but missing one of those little bastards probably means you had to do all that over again.

- Third, the rest of the gameplay. What is this, the Sims? Push X to admire self in mirror? Ho fucking hum. Is that just there for flavor, or would the game refuse to let me continue until I had admired myself in the mirror? Scratch that, I don't want to know the answer to that.

Also, while that is starting to climb back up out of the uncanny valley, it's still pretty far in there. Especially offputting is the quick and angular turns during walking (unavoidable for a game, I know), and the sound repetition.


New member
Jul 9, 2009
51gunner said:
Okay, that's impressive graphically and it'd look great in a movie, but I'm going to pick two bones with that.

- First, the sound. That was a total of maybe four sounds there, and if they reused them like that the entire game it would get either aggravating or hilarious. Not sure which.

- Second, the gameplay. Is this game nothing but quicktime events? Some of those looked brutal in their timing too, and there's probably no do-over for the knife dodging. Well, there's "do it all over", but missing one of those little bastards probably means you had to do all that over again.

- Third, the rest of the gameplay. What is this, the Sims? Push X to admire self in mirror? Ho fucking hum. Is that just there for flavor, or would the game refuse to let me continue until I had admired myself in the mirror? Scratch that, I don't want to know the answer to that.

Also, while that is starting to climb back up out of the uncanny valley, it's still pretty far in there. Especially offputting is the quick and angular turns during walking (unavoidable for a game, I know), and the sound repetition.

There are some things that you're missing here.

First, there were more than four sounds used throughout the trailer and it's highly unlikely that they will keep using a limited set of sounds throughout the entire game since the game has four protagonists that get placed in variety of different situations. Incidentally the game is also going to be made available in a multitude of different languages.

Second, it's obvious that you haven't been following the development of the game, or at least not very closely. If you make one mistake it doesn't necessarily result in character death. Often it will simply change the flow of the sequence. More specifically if you make a mistake then the sequence will often happen differently than it otherwise would have. But your most glaring mistake is this: THERE ARE NO "DO OVERS" OR "DO IT ALL OVER AGAINS" IN HEAVY RAIN. Even if the character dies, the story will simply continue on without him or her. And even if all four protagonists die than there are no game overs or continues. The credits will roll and that's how the story ends. Heavy Rain is a game that NEVER requires or forces you to repeat something. Of course there are going to be multiple save slots so the game does give you the ability to play something over if that's the way you want it. But as I said the game NEVER requires this of you.

Third, the game has no definite set of controls. Or in other words the controls are context sensitive and vary depending on what position or situation the character is in at any given time. But most importantly this game is very story-driven and character-driven. And I know I've brought this up before but:


Heavy Rain is not a juvenile, stupid, macho male power fantasy. If you're one of those instant gratification adrenaline junkies and if all you really want is excessive over-the-top violence and/or gratuitous sexual content (Thanks a lot Bayonetta), then Heavy Rain is not the game for you. True, the game does have some nudity and sexual content obviously, but the reason for this is because Heavy Rain is a game that really goes all out for the sake of realism. Nudity and sex are things that happen with people in real life. The game may have sexual content, but as David Cage would tell you it's not there for it's own sake, rather it's there because it has relevance within the context of the story, atmosphere, and/or overall premise of the game.

And the whole uncanny valley thing is overblown because as I've said before it is, perhaps by it's very nature, highly subjective.

If you're going to criticize a game then fine. That's your right. But I would suggest that you actually learn about it first.

Steve Dark

New member
Oct 23, 2008
Looks similar in gameplay style to Indigo Prophecy, which in my opinion is a very good thing! I gather from the comments that it's just for PS3 though...
