historybuff said:
As a lady, I have to say--boobies do not impress me.
Also, this plays out like some....kind of creepy fantasy. What was the point of her 5 seconds in the shower and her toweling down. I mean, really?
You have to ask? Say you're the developer and you know you have to convince the publisher this will be marketable. You're filling the marketing copy with all kinds of drivel about "feelings" and stuff that reads like chick-lit. Most potential buyers of a PS3 title are young, male, and behave like they're auditioning for a beer commercial. If you want to convince the publisher to greenlight, you have to convince them that there's a core among those beer commercial kids. What's the magic word? "Boobies."
I submit that's the entire point of that little exercise, in much the same way that a fair few chick flicks feature a love scene where the female lead goes topless---guys are more likely to want to take their girlfriends and pretend to be sensitive because "hey, you see (famous attractive actress name here)'s tits!" He won't say it to his girlfriend, but he might justify it to his buddies that way to maintain his cool factor.
Yes, I'm trading in stereotypes here (not trying to offend every woman on the Escapist, really!), but if I learned anything in Marketing 210, it's that marketing is all ABOUT trading in stereotypes!