Anything that isn't the women's bathroom.
So, you would rather actually break the law than run a tiny risk of upsetting people?
And no, there's no law against you using a women's bathroom if it has facilities you need. Anyone who tried to evict you would be opening themselves up for a lawsuit.
Take her to the men's toilet.
Again, why?
Your daughter has every right to be in a women's toilet, especially if the alternative is being surrounded by men (who as we've established are inherently bad and dangerous). Her safety and comfort are as important as those of any other user of the toilet. In fact, she is exactly the kind of person we're supposed to be trying to protect here.
What this says to me is that you prioritize the needs, and in particular the anxieties, of some people over others, even when there's no clear legal basis to do so and even when it actually contradicts the law.
Accusing me of having ulterior motives or "suddenly caring" is not an argument.
It is an argument though.
You may not think it's a good argument, and that's fine, but people are allowed to be sceptical of your motivations. The fact that you're more worried about some hypothetical situation where men pretend to be trans to gain access to women's bathrooms, which is actually completely unnecessary and wouldn't provide very much, if any legal protection beyond what already exists, does not register as authentic if that's the
only situation you've demonstrated any concern for victims of sexual assault.
I'm of course joking about making men pee in glass boxes, but there's a grain of truth in it. I personally do feel inherently less safe around men, I've been a victim of a lot of male violence and there's always going to be deeply wired part of my brain which associates men with threat. I think we all, consciously or subconsciously, recognize that men are dangerous, that the way they behave and act makes them a danger to others, and that there's something very wrong with men in our society. Not all men, of course, that was a joke, but enough men to make the threat very real. It is interesting to me to see you admit that men are a threat to women (and trans people, and GNC men), because previously you've resisted the idea that there's anything wrong with men as a class.
So let me phrase the joke as an argument. Why are you so concerned with punishing trans people for what is ultimately a problem with men? Would it not make more sense, instead, to focus on men, because ultimately the social problem we are talking about here is men.