On top of the seventeen other levels of crazy displayed by this guy (Look, I put a bucket on mah head! Castle Crashers owes me ...ten bucks!), $250 million? A quarter of all profits because a black guy looks like another black guy and rode a bike once?
IF he'd put together a claim for say, $250,000, Rockstar might have just offered him 50k to shut the hell up and refill his bong to have some more great ideas (That's Cypress Hill stereotyping btw, not racism
), but seriously, with the amount of stuff in GTA SA, you'd have to own the rights to every track on every radio station to have any kind of claim on 10% of the profits.
Also, a billion dollars profit on San Andress? even if Rockstar pulled in $20 a copy, which I seriously doubt, that's 50 million copies sold? Really? that's at full price too, it's about $2 on Steam when on offer.
EDIT: As someone else said, we need some kind of 'common sense' jury on these things, if all 12 jurors decide you're being a money grabbing dick and don't have a case, you leave with nothing, after all 12 jurors and the defendant have kicked you in the balls. And the defendant gets a run up.
I'd say a good guideline is, if it hasn't made you unable to live a normal life (for example, crippled you and left you needing constant medical care), and you're claiming more than $100,000 (which is generous), you're probably being a dick. I'm sick of seeing people claim for extended emotional trauma because they got called a fatty boom boom by someone.