Hobbit Casting Agent Fired For Dismissing Non-White Hobbits


New member
Feb 18, 2009
Milky_Fresh said:
PayJ567 said:
Milky_Fresh said:
PayJ567 said:
Fucking load of mother fucking horse shit. If they did a film about Africa and they where asked to find Africans it wouldn't be racist. THIS IS FUCKING HORSESHIT. You need white people to play the hobbit you need fucking black people to play black people.

You're not being discriminated against, if discrimination is such a big problem for you why don't you fuck off back to Africa I'll even pay for your fucking ticket.

EDIT: Don't quote me saying what I said is racist as it is not.
Shut up PayJ, we all know you're a ******-loving traitor to your race. One day me and the Klan will come pay you a visit.

EDIT: Don't quote me saying what I said is racist as I will lynch you.
Fuck you honky. I'll clap clap you up with my .45

Me and my home dawgs will fuck you and your po po bitches.

EDIT: If you gunna quote me dawg you better be ready for some black heaters in your face.

[sub]Amazing the lingo you can pick up from GTA San andreas.[/sub]
Now son, I know you and your ****** friends wouldn't be saying none of that monkey-shit down south. You ever done come by my ranch and I'll show you what the curb tastes like you unevolved mud person.

EDIT: If y'all dun be quoting my preachings you'd better show some respect.
Nah, Down here in the Med we hate both you sky weeds and muddies(local racist terms) XD. Mainly because we don't know what WE are.
Feb 13, 2008
JDKJ said:
You'll notice that I said "for example" when providing just one authority.
You'll perhaps recall you said that Gollum was Jewish. I've yet to see evidence that proves this. Just something that hints it might have been the reason.


New member
Oct 23, 2010
PayJ567 said:
JDKJ said:
PayJ567 said:
Milky_Fresh said:
PayJ567 said:
Fucking load of mother fucking horse shit. If they did a film about Africa and they where asked to find Africans it wouldn't be racist. THIS IS FUCKING HORSESHIT. You need white people to play the hobbit you need fucking black people to play black people.

You're not being discriminated against, if discrimination is such a big problem for you why don't you fuck off back to Africa I'll even pay for your fucking ticket.

EDIT: Don't quote me saying what I said is racist as it is not.
Shut up PayJ, we all know you're a ******-loving traitor to your race. One day me and the Klan will come pay you a visit.

EDIT: Don't quote me saying what I said is racist as I will lynch you.
Fuck you honky. I'll clap clap you up with my .45

Me and my home dawgs will fuck you and your po po bitches.

EDIT: If you gunna quote me dawg you better be ready for some black heaters in your face.

[sub]Amazing the lingo you can pick up from GTA San andreas.[/sub]
*sniff, sniff* Yep, thought I smelled an "internet gangsta."
JDKJ said:
Woodsey said:
PayJ567 said:
Woodsey said:
PayJ567 said:
burzummaniac said:
PayJ567 said:
Fucking load of mother fucking horse shit. If they did a film about Africa and they where asked to find Africans it wouldn't be racist. THIS IS FUCKING HORSESHIT. You need white people to play the hobbit you need fucking black people to play black people.

You're not being discriminated against, if discrimination is such a big problem for you why don't you fuck off back to Africa I'll even pay for your fucking ticket.
Try not to swear so much! You can easily make your point without heinous writing!
Nawh swearing emphasises the point better than just saying it.
Woodsey said:
PayJ567 said:
Fucking load of mother fucking horse shit. If they did a film about Africa and they where asked to find Africans it wouldn't be racist. THIS IS FUCKING HORSESHIT. You need white people to play the hobbit you need fucking black people to play black people.

You're not being discriminated against, if discrimination is such a big problem for you why don't you fuck off back to Africa I'll even pay for your fucking ticket.
Whilst I agree that if Hobbits are always described as white then it makes sense to have that in the outlines (I didn't know they were, but whatever), the way you've put across your point - and especially the sentiment in your last 2 lines - leave the impression that you're a total pig.

I would go over the whole thing about how you can be black (or any colour) and British but I get the feeling my virtual breath would be wasted.

OT: I think the issue seems to arise from the man having done this himself when perhaps the director/producer's intention was to simply have multi-racial Hobbits (burn them, they're deviating from the books ever-so-slightly, etc.).
It's not about being British at all. So I don't know where you got that from.
Oh, I dunno, maybe it was the "I'll buy you a ticket back to Africa" part, which you so charmingly phrased. It doesn't even make sense to write that after talking about a director searching for Africans to play Africans (surely they'd do that in Africa then?).

I seriously wouldn't have been surprised if the next thing to come out of your mouth was about them "taking our jobs".
They aren't taking our jobs. Our jobs have already been taken o_o

I fucking hope you're joking.
I fear there's no joking involved. Just a heaping pile of ignorance.
It's all fun and games man.
It's weird way to amuse yourself, I think, but whatever floats your boat.


New member
Nov 30, 2010
If they decide to start messing with the Hobbit and decide to make it more "culturally diverse" then they may as well replace the swords and bows and axes with walkie talkies. How about this, let's make Gandalf and Bilbo more than just friends! Rename the entire flick Brokeback Hobbit.

(Btw I can say all this because I'm both bi and a daughter of mixed heritages so nya! =P )

Okay enough of a joke rant...

In all seriousness, while in most parts of the world there is a general trend toward a mixing of cultures and races, and tolerance tends to be fairly widespread we need to beware of attempting to "improve" art. Note how only some crackpots who no one even remembers mentioned that everyone in the Lord of the Rings trilogy was by and large white.

There is a reason for this: Tolkien was writing a fantastic version of medieval England. Hello, wake up and smell the coffee there was not much in the way of ethnic diversity in medieval England. Just like there wasn't in medieval Africa.

So, do you really still think that you are entitled to a role clearly not written for you?

I've been trying out for roles for years and despite the fact that I am considered by friends and family to be a good actress, I simply got passed over because I wasn't considered right for the role. (It happens all the time, at least I had the good sense to not try out for the role of a Taliban Warlord. )

Do I feel bad about the casting director losing his job? Hell yes!

Do you guys know how tedious a job it is? It's boring sitting there watching hundreds of people pretty much doing the same thing over and over again. I know that sure as hell they were not going to cast a paraplegic in a role which requires running and jumping and Hong Kong martial arts.

It would be a real shame to see Tolkien's work marred by attempts to alter it. Sure we can adapt it to a film format to make it watchable, but Gandalf was not played by Laurence Fishburn because it would not have been in keeping with descriptions and depictions of Stormcrow. (although that would have been kinda neat... like on the bridge in Matrix Reloaded with the sword.. except against a Balrog... hehe.. sorry back on topic!)

It is also plain to see that we must take a stand against those who want to try and stir up racial issues just because they can. My grandmother faced racism and oppression because of the color of her skin, but did she feel that she was entitled to special treatment? No. She told me that she wanted respect and equality.

It's not racism to be turned down for a role if you are clearly not right for it. (Quit playing the race card. It's pathetic.)


New member
Apr 14, 2009
great awesome racism tooks don't care


ahem...sorry about that


New member
Nov 30, 2010
She was applying to play an extra right? Is it really impossible to imagine that in whatever scene they need extras for, a Harfoot ( which do have brown skin) might not be there for some reason? While I do imagine that those crowd scenes will contain mostly Fallohide hobbits there is no reason there can't be a couple Harfoot amongst them and thus allow for more open auditions.


New member
Sep 27, 2010
As far as I know there were no dark-skinned hobbits in the books, so why would there be in the movies?

People are too eager to yell racism these days.


New member
Oct 23, 2010
The_root_of_all_evil said:
JDKJ said:
You'll notice that I said "for example" when providing just one authority.
You'll perhaps recall you said that Gollum was Jewish. I've yet to see evidence that proves this. Just something that hints it might have been the reason.
So you're requiring proof beyond all reasonable doubt and question? Like were in a murder trial? If so, then you aren't caring that burden of proof when you claim that Gollum isn't Jewish. At least I provided you substantiation of the fact that there's scholarly research suggesting that Tolkien's inspiration for Gollum was Golem. What have you provided in support of your contrary position? A whole lotta nothing, best as I can tell.


New member
Dec 13, 2008
Casual Shinji said:
This is just damage control, they're still going to cast white people only.

And you know why? Because LoTR is set in a medievil European setting. Guess how many Pakinstanis where living in Europe back in those days...
Exactly. None.

Makes about as much sense as casting Denzel Washington as Don Pedro in Much Ado About Nothing. Now what kind of moron would do that? [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Much_Ado_About_Nothing_(film)]

That woman is being racist against a fictional race!


The leading man, who else?
Aug 23, 2009
And I quote LotR page 4:

"Before the crossing of the mountains the Hobbits had already become divided into three somewhat different breeds: Harfoots, Stoors and Fallohides. The Harfoots were browner of skin, smaller and shorter,..."


New member
Oct 23, 2010
Milky_Fresh said:
PayJ567 said:
JDKJ said:
PayJ567 said:
JDKJ said:
PayJ567 said:
Milky_Fresh said:
PayJ567 said:
Fucking load of mother fucking horse shit. If they did a film about Africa and they where asked to find Africans it wouldn't be racist. THIS IS FUCKING HORSESHIT. You need white people to play the hobbit you need fucking black people to play black people.

You're not being discriminated against, if discrimination is such a big problem for you why don't you fuck off back to Africa I'll even pay for your fucking ticket.

EDIT: Don't quote me saying what I said is racist as it is not.
Shut up PayJ, we all know you're a ******-loving traitor to your race. One day me and the Klan will come pay you a visit.

EDIT: Don't quote me saying what I said is racist as I will lynch you.
Fuck you honky. I'll clap clap you up with my .45

Me and my home dawgs will fuck you and your po po bitches.

EDIT: If you gunna quote me dawg you better be ready for some black heaters in your face.

[sub]Amazing the lingo you can pick up from GTA San andreas.[/sub]
*sniff, sniff* Yep, thought I smelled an "internet gangsta."
JDKJ said:
Woodsey said:
PayJ567 said:
Woodsey said:
PayJ567 said:
burzummaniac said:
PayJ567 said:
Fucking load of mother fucking horse shit. If they did a film about Africa and they where asked to find Africans it wouldn't be racist. THIS IS FUCKING HORSESHIT. You need white people to play the hobbit you need fucking black people to play black people.

You're not being discriminated against, if discrimination is such a big problem for you why don't you fuck off back to Africa I'll even pay for your fucking ticket.
Try not to swear so much! You can easily make your point without heinous writing!
Nawh swearing emphasises the point better than just saying it.
Woodsey said:
PayJ567 said:
Fucking load of mother fucking horse shit. If they did a film about Africa and they where asked to find Africans it wouldn't be racist. THIS IS FUCKING HORSESHIT. You need white people to play the hobbit you need fucking black people to play black people.

You're not being discriminated against, if discrimination is such a big problem for you why don't you fuck off back to Africa I'll even pay for your fucking ticket.
Whilst I agree that if Hobbits are always described as white then it makes sense to have that in the outlines (I didn't know they were, but whatever), the way you've put across your point - and especially the sentiment in your last 2 lines - leave the impression that you're a total pig.

I would go over the whole thing about how you can be black (or any colour) and British but I get the feeling my virtual breath would be wasted.

OT: I think the issue seems to arise from the man having done this himself when perhaps the director/producer's intention was to simply have multi-racial Hobbits (burn them, they're deviating from the books ever-so-slightly, etc.).
It's not about being British at all. So I don't know where you got that from.
Oh, I dunno, maybe it was the "I'll buy you a ticket back to Africa" part, which you so charmingly phrased. It doesn't even make sense to write that after talking about a director searching for Africans to play Africans (surely they'd do that in Africa then?).

I seriously wouldn't have been surprised if the next thing to come out of your mouth was about them "taking our jobs".
They aren't taking our jobs. Our jobs have already been taken o_o

I fucking hope you're joking.
I fear there's no joking involved. Just a heaping pile of ignorance.
It's all fun and games man.
It's weird way to amuse yourself, I think, but whatever floats your boat.
Well your sitting at a computer doing the exact same thing. So dawg check yo self before you wreck yo'self.

Milky_Fresh said:
PayJ567 said:
Woodsey said:
PayJ567 said:
Woodsey said:
PayJ567 said:
burzummaniac said:
PayJ567 said:
Fucking load of mother fucking horse shit. If they did a film about Africa and they where asked to find Africans it wouldn't be racist. THIS IS FUCKING HORSESHIT. You need white people to play the hobbit you need fucking black people to play black people.

You're not being discriminated against, if discrimination is such a big problem for you why don't you fuck off back to Africa I'll even pay for your fucking ticket.
Try not to swear so much! You can easily make your point without heinous writing!
Nawh swearing emphasises the point better than just saying it.
Woodsey said:
PayJ567 said:
Fucking load of mother fucking horse shit. If they did a film about Africa and they where asked to find Africans it wouldn't be racist. THIS IS FUCKING HORSESHIT. You need white people to play the hobbit you need fucking black people to play black people.

You're not being discriminated against, if discrimination is such a big problem for you why don't you fuck off back to Africa I'll even pay for your fucking ticket.
Whilst I agree that if Hobbits are always described as white then it makes sense to have that in the outlines (I didn't know they were, but whatever), the way you've put across your point - and especially the sentiment in your last 2 lines - leave the impression that you're a total pig.

I would go over the whole thing about how you can be black (or any colour) and British but I get the feeling my virtual breath would be wasted.

OT: I think the issue seems to arise from the man having done this himself when perhaps the director/producer's intention was to simply have multi-racial Hobbits (burn them, they're deviating from the books ever-so-slightly, etc.).
It's not about being British at all. So I don't know where you got that from.
Oh, I dunno, maybe it was the "I'll buy you a ticket back to Africa" part, which you so charmingly phrased. It doesn't even make sense to write that after talking about a director searching for Africans to play Africans (surely they'd do that in Africa then?).

I seriously wouldn't have been surprised if the next thing to come out of your mouth was about them "taking our jobs".
They aren't taking our jobs. Our jobs have already been taken o_o

I fucking hope you're joking.
Of course. Sweet jesus.
Milky_Fresh said:
PayJ567 said:
Milky_Fresh said:
PayJ567 said:
Fucking load of mother fucking horse shit. If they did a film about Africa and they where asked to find Africans it wouldn't be racist. THIS IS FUCKING HORSESHIT. You need white people to play the hobbit you need fucking black people to play black people.

You're not being discriminated against, if discrimination is such a big problem for you why don't you fuck off back to Africa I'll even pay for your fucking ticket.

EDIT: Don't quote me saying what I said is racist as it is not.
Shut up PayJ, we all know you're a ******-loving traitor to your race. One day me and the Klan will come pay you a visit.

EDIT: Don't quote me saying what I said is racist as I will lynch you.
Fuck you honky. I'll clap clap you up with my .45

Me and my home dawgs will fuck you and your po po bitches.

EDIT: If you gunna quote me dawg you better be ready for some black heaters in your face.

[sub]Amazing the lingo you can pick up from GTA San andreas.[/sub]
Now son, I know you and your ****** friends wouldn't be saying none of that monkey-shit down south. You ever done come by my ranch and I'll show you what the curb tastes like you unevolved mud person.

EDIT: If y'all dun be quoting my preachings you'd better show some respect.
Brotha please, I'll burn yo ranch down. Just bring it to da bronx hommie.

EDIT: Try Uncle Ben's family rice.

EDIT: I ain't afraid of no ghosts.
Well I'm black and an atheist so there ain't no hell for me.

You take your white bread honkey arse and go fuck yo sista.

EDIT: I can't get enough of that suger criiiiisp.
An atheist too? Boys, we got ourselves the whole package today! Son, me and the boys are gunna show you a little southern hospitality. Why don't you come inside and have some tea? You can sit down in my armchair.
[sub]The words in italic mean lynch[/sub]

EDIT: What is shame? Teach me how to shame!
When you see me using the word "ni&&er" (and in all caps, to boot), then you can honestly state that you and I are doing the exact same thing. Until then, if you manage not to compare yourself me, I'd appreciate you not doing so. Thanks.