HOLY FU- Anonymous is PISSSSSED!


New member
Oct 3, 2011
JasonBurnout16 said:
Geez let me into those bunkers I dont think it's going to be safe out here much longer.

On topic though, I have always found Anon's attacks quite intriguing. They are like a car crash happening right before your eyes - you can't do anything to stop the two obstacles colliding but neither can you look away! It's that interesting.

However I question the sites they have taken down. None of the sites mentioned make any money from their being up and running. It might make more of a statement to take down sites that make money as that will make them noticed.

Oh and can someone tell me what DDOS'ing means? Please and thankyou.

As I understand it (could be wrong) Denial of Service (DoS)is when someone floods a site with so many people that it breaks. Anonymous send out the call, supporters bomb website, firewalls crash and it goes down. Please correct me if I'm wrong I don't wanna look like an idiot.


New member
Aug 31, 2010
Jack the Potato said:
Anonymous is mad the government shut down a site that pretty much does NOTHING ELSE but stream copyrighted material? ... Megaupload was lucky it lasted so long, and NOBODY should be surprised it's been shut down.
Mega Upload had a strict policy regarding copyrighted material and took down videos flagged for infringement very quickly. Of course if someone uploads a file and names it so it looks like someone smashed their keyboard with their face then it'll take a bit longer to track down or for someone to report it, but we're seriously going to blame them for that? Mega Upload was one of the main resources for people hosting mods for PC games so now a lot of mod databases for a lot of our favourite games just got fucked over. But ya know, let's forget the fact that A LOT of legitimate people just got fucked over out of backed up data/mods and subscription costs (like a friend of mine who just bought a 6 month subscription) because herp derp get dem evil pirates!

... Now I'm going to have to cross my fingers are pray my friends kept local backups of my fave Oblivion mods...


New member
Jul 5, 2009
JasonBurnout16 said:
Oh and can someone tell me what DDOS'ing means? Please and thankyou.
Distributed Denial Of Service(DDOS)Attack

"the intentional paralyzing of a computer network by flooding it with data sent simultaneously from many individual computers"

its like everyone trying to download the latest game off steam, bringing the whole service to a snail's crawl or outright halting the distribution.


New member
Mar 23, 2009
karloss01 said:
JasonBurnout16 said:
Oh and can someone tell me what DDOS'ing means? Please and thankyou.
Distributed Denial Of Service(DDOS)Attack

"the intentional paralyzing of a computer network by flooding it with data sent simultaneously from many individual computers"

its like everyone trying to download the latest game off steam, bringing the whole service to a snail's crawl or outright halting the distribution.
Its like a million people customers barging into McD's and ordering the same thing at the same time from the one person tasked with serving... He just stands there stunned and speechless.

Eventually they'll get bored and fuck off, possibly with or without a Happy Meal. Then business returns to normal. Possibly at the cost of the sanity of one frightened staff member.


New member
Oct 12, 2009
karloss01 said:
JasonBurnout16 said:
Oh and can someone tell me what DDOS'ing means? Please and thankyou.
Distributed Denial Of Service(DDOS)Attack

"the intentional paralyzing of a computer network by flooding it with data sent simultaneously from many individual computers"

its like everyone trying to download the latest game off steam, bringing the whole service to a snail's crawl or outright halting the distribution.
That seemes extremily ineffective. Surely Anon and supporters can keep that up for a few hours, a couple of days at most?


New member
Mar 15, 2011
I am reminded very much of this xkcd.

EDIT: aww two people beat me to it

Because they didn't do anything at all.

It is just what people hear.

They can fix their website simply by blocking the ports being attacked. So it all depends how much the web site administrators care to fix it or by how determined every last member of the attackers are.


New member
May 6, 2010
Aww. And here I was hoping that Anonymous gave a digital representation of a napalm storm to the Feds, not spraypaint 'FEDS SUX!' on a nearby wall...

And I just brought the marshmallows, too...

Ah well, it still gets a point across. I think.


New member
Feb 28, 2011
Yea, I don't think that Anons way is the smartest way to show your displeasure, but it might land in the newspaper at some point.

I would REALLY like to have an official statement as to WHY the FBI suddenly developed an interest in megaupload. I mean, a LEGAL reason - not the very likely "oh, my friend/uncle/brother asked me to take the boys out for a little raid and said he'ld tip me kindly for it."

Afaik it's not illegal to host data on the internet and as long as SOPIPA isn't written into law, you aren't responsible for what filthy pirates are hosting on your sites.
Or else, the FBI should aim higher and target those filthy cable companies, indiscriminatly providing internet access to ANYONE.
What about Starbucks and their WiFI ? Caffein and Internet = perfect breeding grounds for Pirates !


New member
Jan 21, 2011
When I read about the attacks, I giggled like an idiot for 5 minutes straight. Make room in that bunker, I brought a life supply of cheese puffs and spare ribs.

These attacks will be remembered for a long, long time. Mark my words, if the US government decides to do anything else, Anonymous will lunge at any site they can find that supported SOPA, and the Great Internet War will truly begin. After the Battle Of A Billion DDoSers, WE will be the ones to deal with the fallout.


Spice & Wolf Restored!
Feb 19, 2009
mParadox said:
Oh ho ho ho. This is very, extremely, positively interesting.

I'm totally hiding in the Internet bunker. Anyone else care to join me? We have cookies!
Wait for me! I'll bring the tea and sophistication! (Fancy Friday today. I'm dressed up.)


New member
Mar 19, 2009
another ddos, i was hoping for something a little more mildly entertaining.

Oh well, anyway i really don't think this is going to help the megaupload case mind you, im quite sure it will just mildly annoy everyone involved, you cant keep a ddos up for ever, at worst its just going to make them look bad (come on now look at anons reputation, im not so sure being supported by them makes you look good outside of the internet).

well im just going to point out i neither support or hate anon or there actions and i am in no way affiliated with them.

snagli said:
These attacks will be remembered for a long, long time. Mark my words
They more than likely will be remembered for a few weeks at most at this point, and probably not fondly.

On a side note i have to point this out, but if they can really do this, why do they need sopa, this just goes to prove that they have ample powers in place to deal with piracy already, to the point they can shut down sites with legitimate uses who already have a way to deal with copyrighted materials being posted on there sites in place, i mean im quite sure megaupload was not hosted in the us (i could be wrong on this so... if i am you may as well just ignore this one)


New member
Jun 24, 2010
Solo-Wing said:
Vault101 said:
well Its about time Anon did somthing about SOPA..that kind of thing is right up their ally

perhaos this has been planned for a while
This has nothing to do with SOPA. Plus this is actually inforcing SOPA. The media likes to mark Anonymous as Cyber Terrorists. And you know how Americans react at the word Terrorists. If they think this is about SOPA. Well SOPA will be getting a SHIT-TON of support.
Don't kid yourself, of course they are terrorists, they are taking illegal action into what they think is right, it's causing less problems than a suicide bomber or something but in principal it's the same.

Anyway, in a way I'm kind of glad Anonymous is taking action, but I do think MegaUpload lasted longer than anyone expected.


New member
Jan 17, 2009
Bassik said:
A bunch of tech savvy geeks fighting fascism?
I love the future!
I'd agree with you if they were actually tech savvy. As it stands they're just repeatedly pinging websites until it goes down. Shit, I don't even need the LOIC to set that up.


New member
Aug 2, 2008
Well there goes the last shred of respect I had for them. Doing what they do consciously and actively is one thing, I can almost get behind that. But forcing random jerks to join in goes way too far. I've always been more neutral than anything and didn't particularly care if Anon got taken down a notch but now I hope mass arrests are handed out to those that initiated this.


Elite Member
Dec 21, 2010
Ok, I have a huge problem with a part of this. Not the whole taking websites down, thats quite entertaining.

The problem I have is with the fact that they are putting out peoples personal information, like they have the head of MPAA Chris Dodd's family details and home addresses. That is not cool that opens the door for some fucknut to go and possibly attack his family in the name of bringing down SOPA or something.

Fucking with websites is fine, it doesn't effect me, so I will stand back and watch the fireworks. Fucking with peoples lives is not.