How do people deal with console FPSes over PC ones?


New member
May 24, 2011
JochemDude said:
Cridhe said:
VikingSteve said:
the only FPS I play on consoles is Resistance. and I only play the single player.

FPS multiplayer on consoles are terrible, there's so little control with the right stick. no wonder everybody uses auto aim
Who's everybody? I play with people with legitimate skill, calling "HAX!!1!" on someone for being better than you is insane. People use aim bots on PC, even more so than console.
He's referring to the auto aim build-into consoles that automatically aids your aim to your target.

OT: PC just can't get used to the bad ergonomics of the controllers nor the clunky controls in general.
These things which you have said, they have already happened in the conversation.

Also: I don't feel the controls have bad ergonomics, nor are they clunky. I play on both PC and console. That is a matter of opinion, sir.


New member
Jan 1, 2010
If the controls are imprecise then get used to shotguns. On PC I will take a shotgun if the situation is right but on console I will take one every chance I get.
Sep 14, 2009
Cadaurny said:
Cridhe said:
VikingSteve said:
the only FPS I play on consoles is Resistance. and I only play the single player.

FPS multiplayer on consoles are terrible, there's so little control with the right stick. no wonder everybody uses auto aim
Who's everybody? I play with people with legitimate skill, calling "HAX!!1!" on someone for being better than you is insane. People use aim bots on PC, even more so than console.
Nearly every console FPS has aim assist to compensate for the fact that a analog stick is no where near as accurate as a mouse.

Personally I can't stand aiming on a console. It's just so inaccurate and sluggish, maybe I would of liked it more if I had turned the sensitivity up a bit.
check out a bunch of the older shooters on consoles, as i will beg to differ, i don't play fps's that much as i prefer tps, but their are plenty of old ones that did not use any form of aim assist, and alot of them had it in the options menu to turn it on or off.

OT: Personal preference..this is something that is so hard for every high horse pc gamer to wrap their heads around, i game near exclusively to my pc now for games but anytime i get a chacne to play console or whip my controller out because it works better for that game, i fucking dominate it, hell i hadn't played halo reach since january and i went over to my friends last week and went 23-5 4 games in a row (not the exact score but damn close each time) so yeah, i'd like to think it is all down to personal preference.


New member
Dec 7, 2010
IamQ said:
For me it's a bit of a mix. I can't use an Assault Rifle to save my own life on PC, but I can kill a whole country with the sniper rifle if you just give me the time and ammo. While on the console I can kill most living things with the assault rifle, but I couldn't hit the far-side of a mountain with a Sniper rifle.
thats easy,i assume you are playing black ops. In balck ops on consoles sniper rifles have a built in defficiency that make them wobble wierdly when you scope in and have really bad hiit detection until you have been scoped for a while, this is to stop quickscoping (something that there was a lot of in modern warfare 2 but was never really a problem anyway.


New member
May 16, 2009
Because people like auto aim and simplistic control schemes that minimise gameplay complexity.

Tell me I'm wrong...

Edit: Thinking about it, in terms of analog stick vs mouse, take away the auto aim of a console fps and it takes more skill to play a console fps due to the limitations of the horrid aiming of the right stick (comparatively speaking).

Gorilla Gunk

New member
May 21, 2011
Not going to read through all five pages but most people know that in just about every game that has auto-aim there's an option to turn it off, right? Some games I've played even already have it turned off.

Hamish Durie

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Apr 30, 2011
MOTHERfan42 said:
Once upon a time, I legitimately thought I hated FPS games. I only played CoD4 on my 360 and I can only remember how frustrating it was.
well theres your problem CoD is a broken game i will try to find the thread that explains this but here is tyhe very cut down version
CoD games are always rushed and the demoghraphic that it's aimed at is macho 20 boys out to prove their manhood soooo of course their dicks (most of them)
I have seen myself put an enitre clip into an enemy and he just kills me with one pistol shot to the head and on the killcam it shows all my bullets going right by him to the left also it shows that i'm 10 feet away when in fact i was litterally 2 inches from his face.
I have seen godlike players who have amazing K/D ratio who win for 90% of the game go down to a group of first time players who then won.

Anyway i will try to find the thread with the whole post but try a better console FPS other then cod.


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Mar 29, 2009
bader0 said:
IamQ said:
For me it's a bit of a mix. I can't use an Assault Rifle to save my own life on PC, but I can kill a whole country with the sniper rifle if you just give me the time and ammo. While on the console I can kill most living things with the assault rifle, but I couldn't hit the far-side of a mountain with a Sniper rifle.
thats easy,i assume you are playing black ops. In balck ops on consoles sniper rifles have a built in defficiency that make them wobble wierdly when you scope in and have really bad hiit detection until you have been scoped for a while, this is to stop quickscoping (something that there was a lot of in modern warfare 2 but was never really a problem anyway.
Nope, I don't have Black Ops. If you want to know which games I'm referring to, I'm saying that I can't use the Assault Rifles on the PC version of bad company 2, but I own with the snipers, and on console, it's CoD 4 that I can't use Snipers on, but I can own with the Assault Rifles.


New member
Feb 9, 2010
I have played both console shooters and PC shooters. All i have to say is aiming with a mouse is far more easier then with a controller. Which means PC shooters require less skill. Also more people hack on PC. Truth.


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Jan 18, 2010
It's all about preference. I definitely prefer a console's analog stick than a mouse and keyboard for FPS's.


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Nov 22, 2008
EverythingIncredible said:
Let's just say I like being able to look around in any direction indefinitely without having to place my mouse on the other end of my mouse pad.

I like PC for certain games, but in general I like console games a lot more because they're a lot more comfortable.
Time to get rid of that old ball mouse then. Moving my mouse from one side of the mousepad to the other will make me turn several several complete circles in an fps.

Using an analogue stick makes feel like you're controlling a tank.


New member
Jun 5, 2010
In my opinion games centered more around movement (platformers, fighting games and some 3rd person games) work better on a controller. Everything else works better with a mouse and keyboard (the exception being flight/space sims which I use a joystick for).


Pixel Pusher
Mar 25, 2009
There was a really good gameinformer article about how consoles have terribly complex algorithms written into coding to make aiming in console fps's easier.

Halo was a big jump and it brought in many non-gamers. In other words, it can be successful.

I for one, went from a severely loyal console gamer to a pc gamer in a very short span. My transition was TF2 on every machine it was made for :p.