How do you react to being hit on/checked out?


New member
Dec 1, 2010
Honestly, I'm most likely to ignore it. Pretend I don't notice it.

Hell, I probably ignore it anyway. Unintentionally. I don't usually pay attention to see if I'm being checked out.

Brutal Peanut

This is so freakin aweso-BLARGH!
Oct 15, 2010
On the outside I try to smile and just keep walking. I'm not approached anymore, since my husband is with me most of the time. I usually feel pretty weird about being looked over and want to hurry up and get whatever I went there to do, over with. Some people get a big kick out of it,...I am not really one of those people.


Burn, Burn it All!
Aug 8, 2009
KOMega said:
I think I would need a big neon sign appear to inform me, otherwise I think I'd most likely be completely oblivious.
Same for me, as I'm oblivious to these things.
Although it'd be weird if I were to find out that someone was checking me out because I find myself to be quite repulsive to be quite honest.
And with that pessimism I am off! *flies off into the sunset*

Evil Smurf

Admin of Catoholics Anonymous
Nov 11, 2011
I flirt back, it has lead to soft places before.

EeveeElectro said:
"So, how much money are you gonna win in this bet for hitting on me?"

I still can't believe anyone would seriously find a fat troll like me attractive. I'd just stare and walk off. I don't mean to be rude and ignorant but I can't get it out of my head that a normal looking person will be interested in me.
I'm trying to change by thanking them and changing the subject but I don't take complements well.
Scrump Monkey disagrees. Don't be so hard on yourself.

The Hero Killer

New member
Aug 9, 2010
I normally look around to see who they are looking at because I know there's no way they could be looking at me. I'm too dense to normally notice flirting and wouldnt know how to respond regardless.


New member
Jul 22, 2009
I never notice being checked out... Ever. Usually my female friend tells me if she sees it happen :p

As for being hit on... Well girls usually don't come up to me and hit me with a line but if I notice they are flirting I think most of the time I'll be friendly, and if I find her attractive ill flirt back.
As for the guy in your post, OP, well his laugh might not have meant what you thought, it's an easy thing to misinterpret. I've had girls react far worse when I've tried to hit on them :)

Johnny Impact

New member
Aug 6, 2008
To the best of my knowledge, it has never happened.

Frankly, I would question the judgment of any woman who checked me out. I am fifty pounds overweight, paler than a beached whale's belly, dress like a complete loser, and my ears stick out. I also slouch, and walk in an ungainly shuffle. There isn't anything attractive about me.

That's not poor self-confidence, that's an honest appraisal of the situation. Everyone admires a new Corvette. Nobody looks twice at a ten year old hatchback.


New member
Jan 17, 2011
I'm not sexually attracted to older women in the slightest, but I've been hit on a couple of times by them, and usually react with joking shyness. Actually, that's likely how I'd react if hit on by people I was sexually attracted to, too, but in a more flirtatious way.

I'd never be a douche about it, even if I was hit on by a guy or creepy as hell or something else that would be a complete turn-off.

Little Woodsman

New member
Nov 11, 2012
As a 46-year old with a kid and currently in a "make-do-until-I-can-get-projects-off-the-ground" job I have
learned to keep a sharp but subtle look-out for girls checking me out.
Seriously it does me a great deal of good when I notice that a little college cutie on the bus has been checking
me out.
I take pleasure in the fact that it happened, remind myself that if she knew my age & other particulars she'd
have *absolutely* no interest, and go on with my day.
Did have a creepy incident with a woman who reeked of marijuana sitting one seat away from me and staring straight
at me with her mouth partly open for the whole time we were both on the bus. I got off two stops before I normally
do and fled.
Also had a the un-nerving experience of calling up an old friend who I had dated a couple of times in High school to
inform her of the death of a mutual old and dear friend, and during the conversation she seemed completely un-phased
by the news of our friend's passing, but kept telling me how she was single again, and would be back in Colorado


New member
Nov 11, 2009
I've been flirted with once in my life and my response was to leave the building. In my defence, the dude was at least 40 years older than me.

That is the full extent of my romantic history. I need a drink now.


New member
Sep 28, 2011
I panic and change the subject or leave.
It's a defense reflex from some bad stuff that happened to me in my tweens and early teens. I bent over in a tank top when I was eleven and a bunch of sixteen year olds would whistle at me and comment on my cleavage (I was already a C by then). It terrified the hell out of me and that was before the REALLY AWFUL shite some folks did before I'd even turned 13.

If some random dude walked up to me with that face now, I'd still have to stop myself from screaming and running away like a mental patient.

If he GRABBED me, that'd be a whole other story.


New member
May 19, 2013
I generally ignore it when I catch people checking me out. The most recent occurrence was at the Home Depot yesterday. The gentleman looked to be in his 60's. Before that it was the usual, a mix of dudes that see me on my walk to work (I live like 10 mins from where I work). I generally ignore them, mostly because I am on my way to work (or on my lunch break). At the most I will return the "Good mornings/ afternoons" and ignore the "Wait a minute /Slow down" because I'm on my way to work. I return their initial greetings because it would seem rude not to return a greeting, but I have to keep from rolling my eyes when they either follow me, or yell after me. One would think that the fact that I was walking somewhere (instead of just chilling out at the bus stop) would be clue #1 that I don't have time to talk. Either way most of the guys that I meet this way are either too rude, or too old, to bother with.

The closest thing to a positive checking out experience in recent days was two weeks ago. It didn't go anywhere because the guy was nine years younger than me (making him three years younger than my little sister and still not old enough to drink in the states.) I did get a chuckle out of it. So did my roommates,who both suggested that since the guy fit into the barely legal range that I should have "hit it and quit it"(Roomie #1's exact words) anyway.


Trump put kids in cages!
Mar 8, 2011
I giggle alot. Its how I react when nervious. My first time kissing a guy was made very difficult by this. Outside of that, maybe ignorance? Id like to think I get hit on more than I do and never realize it, rather than the more likely just not getting hit on.


Elite Member
Aug 24, 2010
Usually by waking up

OOOOOOH Self burn! Take that me!

Yeah, I don't get hit on, mostly because I avoid situations that might lead to human contact.

I'm also just... how do I put this tactfully... Ugly as fuck.
So anyone who would hit on me probably wants my kidneys

The Diabolical Biz

New member
Jun 25, 2009
Most of the time I've been 'hit on' I haven't really reciprocated the sentiment which has just led to an awkward situation (although I appreciate it), and it hasn't happened at all lately due to being in a relationship for about 6 months, followed by a relatively low key breakup which has resulted in most people not even realising that I'm out of it. Which kinda sucks but hey, life goes on.

So in answer to your question, I'm not really sure. If I find them attractive I suppose I flirt back usually. Is that shallow?


Sep 2, 2012
Hmm. I'm pretty bad at picking up on social cues directed at me (I seem to do just fine at spotting them as a 3rd party, go figure), so unless it was very overt, I suppose I wouldn't react at all. If I did manage to pick up on it though, I would probably just smile, maybe wink or flirt back if I found the person attractive.


Social Justice Rogue
Feb 1, 2011
Provided I even realize it's happening? Seriously, most of the times that I've been hit on, I was only aware of the fact after my friends stopped laughing and told me. Part of the Aspie thing.

Anyways, if I realize what's going on while the act is in progress, I get extremely awkward. Yes, I have little to no self-confidence. Or at least had. Once I actually got a girlfriend, I usually try to ignore it or play it off as casual conversation. If they actually seem to expect to get anywhere, I try to find a way to casually mention my girlfriend. It's saved me much awkwardness over the years.

Colour Scientist

Troll the Respawn, Jeremy!
Jul 15, 2009
AC10 said:
Colour-Scientist said:
Do people in this thread just have no self-confidence, or?
We're just all ugly and have gone through school with all the other kids making fun of us and calling us ugly every day. Or at least that's my story. It sticks with you the rest of your life and you'll never have self confidence from that point on. But words don't hurt, apparently.

If you've been asked out randomly in the street then you're probably pretty attractive and I don't think you fully appreciate how hard it is to live being ugly.
Well, I had pretty low self-esteem in secondary school and was bullied by a couple of guys for quite a while.
For ages, I thought I was the ugliest thing in the world but then I just kind of got over it.

I've had more male attention since then and I obviously don't look much different seeing as I haven't had plastic surgery. The only thing that drastically changed is the way I feel about myself and the way I carry myself.
Well, my hair is much nicer now!