How important do you deem spelling and/or grammar?


New member
Feb 19, 2009
i think it's reasonably important, but Irvine Welsh books proved to me that it's optional in order to create more realistic characters.
so as long as it's readable i dont care.


New member
Jan 9, 2009
My first response would be that poor grammatical skills don't bother me that much, but upon further consideration, I have to admit that lack of such ability greatly annoys me.

I get perturbed constantly when I see someone spell a word incorrectly or hear something mispronounced, and I usually have to go out of my way to correct them - I'm an irritating genius like that.

Lazier Than Thou

New member
Jun 27, 2009
The ability to communicate ideas is, without doubt, the single greatest achievement of mankind. To ignore such a thing based solely on convenience is the height of ignorance and apathy. If you do not consider your idea grand enough to relay though the functions of grammar so that it might be understood on a deep and meaningful level, then I do not consider your idea worth my time to read or comprehend.


New member
Apr 14, 2009
It is of the utmost importance. If you cannot write, type or speak (syntax is as important) correctly, your opinion is not valued. You shall also be deemed 'Unworthy of Life' by The Supreme Court of Me, and be henceforth put to death.

In the past, my crusades as a Grammar Nazi (despite being Jewish) have involved approaching the vendor at a stall marked "Hot Pasty's" and screaming until I was dragged to my parents by security and almost forcibly ejected from the county fair. Goddamn, that shit just pisses me off.

Also, text-speak is an offense punishable by death. Anybody substituting '4' in place of 'for', 'U' in place of 'you' and any other such examples shall be executed immediately and without remorse.
Chat-speak, however, is acceptable... *WHEN TYPED*. Anybody caught saying 'lol', 'rofl' or any further extensions aloud will also join the ranks of the soon-to-be-tied-to-a-chair,-eviscerated,-stuffed-with-plastic-explosive,-and-detonated-whilst-still-alive.


New member
Mar 2, 2009
I correct people's spelling and grammar in chat rooms. Not all the time, mostly just when it's funny. I've gotten some people banned when they got annoyed with it, I've had other people join in and start correcting MINE, which I enjoy even more, because it means they understand the game and are smart enough to play it back.

But that's just me.


New member
Feb 15, 2009
I don't like netspeak. Even on my cell phone, I never use numbers or single letters in place of whole words. I'm not a grammar Nazi or anything but...I associate netspeak with middle/high school kids. So when people use it, I just kind of assume that they're seventeen or younger. Not out of malice or anything--it's just something I associate with younger people.

Canadamus Prime

Robot in Disguise
Jun 17, 2009
I'm not overly picky. Like I don't care about the odd typo, I myself often make typos esp. when trying to rattle off my response quickly. Of course the spell check in Firefox catches most of 'em to a rather annoying degree. Anyway, as long as I don't have to use a cypher to decode someone's post, I don't really care.


New member
Aug 6, 2008
My English teacher last year dumped her boyfriend of a few months because she couldn't stand his awful grammar.


New member
Jun 1, 2009
I'm one of those people who actually writes out entire words in text messages. I even use punctuation! *gasp*

So yes, I find it to be very important. This fine fellow said it beautifully:
Lazier Than Thou said:
The ability to communicate ideas is, without doubt, the single greatest achievement of mankind. To ignore such a thing based solely on convenience is the height of ignorance and apathy. If you do not consider your idea grand enough to relay though the functions of grammar so that it might be understood on a deep and meaningful level, then I do not consider your idea worth my time to read or comprehend.
I'm almost speechless, really.

Okay, perhaps not. I should add that I find the butchering of the English language simply to be distasteful. I was raised to speak correctly and to eat with a knife and fork the proper way. There are few things that put me off like someone who cannot speak correctly or who use knives and forks like cavemen.

Though those who have only newly learned English, usually as a second or third [and so on] language, I forgive. If you're actually putting an effort forth to try and speak English correctly, I give you props. Though I'd suggest you keep working at it, don't stop at the basics, please?

And thus ends my blabbering, hope you enjoyed. :D

Assassin Xaero

New member
Jul 23, 2008
I write most everything out... Texting, forums, IM's... only thing I do with grammar is '...' instead of periods most the time... If I put a period, I'm usually serious about whatever... grammar doesn't bother me on things like this (forum boards), but on something else, like a level someone makes for a game that is full of spelling/grammar mistakes... That just looks horrible...


New member
Jul 12, 2009
Spelling and grammar are extremely important they allow you to communicate your ideas fluently so that people can understand you. It represents who you are as an individual


New member
May 20, 2009
Very important. Annoyingly important. Eh... I don't really care that much, but I'm one of those freaks who types properly on AIM and such.


New member
Jan 31, 2008
I try as best as a person who only just passed english can.

I'm pretty bad at spelling but thank god for the spellchecker in Chrome. I also have pretty bad grammer.

Overall I think I do okay, but I will never lose sleep over someone mixing up your and you're.

Lexodus said:
It is of the utmost importance. If you cannot write, type or speak (syntax is as important) correctly, your opinion is not valued. You shall also be deemed 'Unworthy of Life' by The Supreme Court of Me, and be henceforth put to death.
Geez, thats a bit much dont you think? Thats like me saying "I will destroy your home and everyone in it if you call an electric bass a bass guitar."


New member
Apr 14, 2009
zen5887 said:
I try as best as a person who only just passed english can.

I'm pretty bad at spelling but thank god for the spellchecker in Chrome. I also have pretty bad grammer.

Overall I think I do okay, but I will never lose sleep over someone mixing up your and you're.

Lexodus said:
It is of the utmost importance. If you cannot write, type or speak (syntax is as important) correctly, your opinion is not valued. You shall also be deemed 'Unworthy of Life' by The Supreme Court of Me, and be henceforth put to death.
Geez, thats a bit much dont you think? Thats like me saying "I will destroy your home and everyone in it if you call an electric bass a bass guitar."
No, it's not really like that at all.


New member
Apr 23, 2009
As long as it is legible I will normally forgive them of their transgression. But I h8 l33t spk o watevR t s clld.


New member
Jan 31, 2008
Lexodus said:
No, it's not really like that at all.
Its pretty close.

You deem someone 'Unworthy of Life' because they do something that annoys you


New member
Dec 23, 2008
Some the most talented and well respected people in their fields I have worked have also been the worst spellers, and have had bad grammar. Talent, and hard work supercede grammar and spelling for me everytime. It is when you can make people truley listen and get the point across that you have really succeeded with conversation. People that put too much focus on one certain area such as grammar I believe are missing out on some very interesting conversations.


New member
Aug 16, 2008
prefdepends, as long as it's mostly coherent it's fint but when people start talking all smpl n stuff i h8 it n dont fink it's rite n makes fings ard 2 read...i can't text speak any more, sorry!


New member
Dec 25, 2008
for me it varies, on the net on forums or chat it's not 100% important as long as you can understand it, being it's a relaxing medium, to relax in and not worry about things, but if it's 100% incoherent then they can bug off, but in books and comics any printed work I think it's very important since it's suppose to showcase you. But that is me and all that jazz ><


New member
Apr 14, 2009
zen5887 said:
Lexodus said:
No, it's not really like that at all.
Its pretty close.

You deem someone 'Unworthy of Life' because they do something that annoys you.
The difference between the situations is that one is drilled into you from the very start of your edumacation and you have no excuse (unless, of course, english is your second+ language) for being unable to perform to a satisfactory level, and the other is a divided matter (some, mostly purists, say that an electric bass is not a true bass, whilst others argue that it has overcome the old meaning of the word and that the new definition of 'bass guitar' IS an electric bass.)