How many of you outside of the UK actually want to see the royal wedding?


New member
Jul 20, 2008
Definitely watching it. The idea of a monarchy goes against my ideology BUT, there is a very good Royal Wedding Drinking Game so I'm planning on watching it with friends. It should actually be a good laugh.


New member
Jun 4, 2009
I know it is a big deal here in Canada for some people, but we still have the Queen on the money so although we moved out we still keep in touch with the 'rents.

Personally I'm not watching any of it, but I know many people who are excited.


New member
Aug 17, 2010
Nope, we had our own last year so I'm set for a few decades. If I hadn't watched HIGNFY on Youtube I probably wouldn't even know about it.

Mr Cwtchy

New member
Jan 13, 2009
I won't be, but then I guess angsty teenagers aren't really the target demographic for such an event.


New member
Mar 20, 2009
Couldn't give a crap personally but the tourism and interest in the UK that it generates can't be a bad thing really. Pretty much the only way I ever think about the royals; a way of attracting tourism money.


New member
Aug 21, 2010
I do. Not for the wedding itself, heavens no that would be incredibly boring unless you're there in person(and even then).

I want to see it in the hopes that I can catch some riveting footage of the EDL and rabid pakis trying to kill each other. That's quality entertainment.


New member
Feb 22, 2009
Yes, as I am playing the Royal Wedding Drinking Game with my friends. I just hope Prince Phil keeps the racism down a little otherwise I'll be majorly hung over on Tuesday.

Lusty said:
Could not give less of a fuck. I find the fact that we still pay for a bunch of German inbreds to rule over us to be slightly embarassing. I'm actually heading to France on the day, so it will be nice to be in a republic.
They cost us about 34p each a year, if I remember right. And they don't "rule" anything anymore, any and all power they have doesn't influence anything important in the UK anymore. Please tone down the dickery, I kind of like my country.

And also, as I've been reminded, they supposedly make back everything and then some due to tourism.

DefinitelyPsychotic said:
I'm an American and there is absolutely no reason why I should give a shit about some wedding.

No offense to all of the English people out there! :)
Eh, it's okay. You guys have a rich, deep history of your own. Oh, wait...

Just kidding, most of our history is just "We've won two world wars!" and "Look at our BOATS!" anyway.


Oh for...
Aug 4, 2010
All the boringness of a wedding, people flaunting money on decorations worth more than my house, and I don't even get any food out of the deal?

I mean, I don't even go to weddings of people I know unless there is going to be food there, though an open bar is also acceptable.


Gone Gonzo
Jun 16, 2008
Ah the prerequisite outpouring of bile from the internet. I was starting to think we'd all fallen asleep at the wheel.

I'm more interested in the wedding because I'm big into the history and symbolism behind royal proceedings of any country. BBC starts covering it at 2am (CST) here in the states with the actual wedding starting at 5 or 6am if I've done my math right. I'll be asleep so I'll have the tivo running so I can fast forward through the BS commentary and cut right to the ceremony.

I don't see a reason for people to have such a hostile stance against it (as I'm seeing here) if you're not interested then don't watch it. There's no need to get angry over it.

Nov 12, 2010
The only person that I know of that cares is a teacher with a queen complex anyway.Yep,language arts sucked.

Captcha:What's an expression touble?


New member
Dec 12, 2008
Sparrow said:
Yes, as I am playing the Royal Wedding Drinking Game with my friends. I just hope Prince Phil keeps the racism down a little otherwise I'll be majorly hung over on Tuesday.

Lusty said:
Could not give less of a fuck. I find the fact that we still pay for a bunch of German inbreds to rule over us to be slightly embarassing. I'm actually heading to France on the day, so it will be nice to be in a republic.
They cost us about 34p each a year, if I remember right. And they don't "rule" anything anymore, any and all power they have doesn't influence anything important in the UK anymore. Please tone down the dickery, I kind of like my country.

And also, as I've been reminded, they supposedly make back everything and them some due to tourism.
If they don't rule anything, why bother having them? We get to elect less than half of our government in this country, are you OK with that? Would you not rather have a head of state that we could hold to account? Sure the Queen keeps out of politics, but Prince Charles is constantly using his status trying to meddle in public affairs.

They cost this country £183m a year. To put that in perspective:

10,726 new nurses; or
9,241 new police officers; or
9,089 new teachers; or
3,660 new GPs; or
563 new hospital beds; or
18 new schools

Compare that to other elected heads of state, Ireland pay 1.8m for theirs. In fact, our entire parliment costs just £155m.

The tourism line is bollocks as well, less than 1 % of our tourism revenue comes from royal residences. And out of the top 20 tourist attractions in the UK only one, Windsor Castle at 17, is a royal residence. In fact, tourism revenue would increase massively if we turfed out the royals and opened up their palaces to the public.

No need to call someone a dick just because you disagree. It's possible to like this country without liking the monarchy.


New member
Apr 1, 2009
Hmmm, pretty-boy who's only famous for his family marries his ex-model cousin......nope, not all that interested.

Doctor Glocktor

New member
Aug 1, 2009
A worthless, overspoiled shithead is getting married to some golddigger, and we, as a society, are honestly supposed to care.

What happened you focusing on whats important, world?