How much of an age gap is too much?


Lost in Space
Jul 27, 2009
Hmm, the page misquoted so i tried to delete but cant... hmmm. oh well.

sorry for the wasted post!


New member
Jul 25, 2010
PureChaos said:
Where I work I deal with divorces and there are a lot of couples where the age gap is pretty large, the highest i've dealt with is an gap of 23 years and have heard of other cases where the gap it 25 years, sometimes more. I'm 24 so that would mean me ending up marrying someone who isn't even born yet. at the moment, for me, 3 or 4 years is OK but not much more than that.

what do you think? is there a point where it gets a bit creepy, like 19 year olds marrying people 50+ or is age unimportant when it comes to relationships?
After 30, +/- 10 years I say.


New member
Jun 18, 2009
The one that feels disturbing to you, your partner and people around you.
So in one case it can be 5 years, in other it can be 30 :p.
No real problem for me as long as it's not teen-grandpa love. I mean... that's just a disturbing mental image.


New member
Mar 19, 2009
You beat me to it. But it is a good guideline to follow. Sure, someone will point out "but hey, I know.." or in the above poster, "I'm 16 and he's 26" - ask yourself what a 26 year old is doing hanging out with high school kids? And how much do you really have in common with someone who is (or at least should be) settling into a career? Believe this old man when he says who you are at 16 is NOT who you will be at 26 or even 20.

So, yes - one solid vote for the age/2+7 maxim. (Only for relationships though. FWB or one-nighters are fair game)


New member
Sep 15, 2008
Age becomes less important as you get older, I think. The farther away from the teens you both are, the less relevant the age difference is.


New member
Apr 15, 2010
Phlakes said:
Sovreign said:
One of the men I go to school with is 65 and is dating a 21 year old woman.
Wow. He's old enough to be her grandfather.
Probably because he is :p

but aside from eleven fingered children, 14 and 23 is a bit weird


New member
Aug 16, 2008
TheLiham said:
Phlakes said:
Sovreign said:
One of the men I go to school with is 65 and is dating a 21 year old woman.
Wow. He's old enough to be her grandfather.
Probably because he is :p

but aside from eleven fingered children, 14 and 23 is a bit weird
i smell a sitcom!

there seems to be a lot of support for the /2+7 rule. tried to add a poll but couldn't. some interesting views through


Senior Member
Apr 14, 2009
Personally, I do think that age is just a number. The main problems would be age-related (health problems, maturity, possible ulterior motives, etc). Obviously, it's a bigger deal the younger a person is (especially if one of them is underage, which people get all up in a tizzy about which is a bit ridiculous when it's only a couple years). I also think that the size of what people generally consider an acceptable age gap varies depending on how old the youngest participant is.

That's just my opinion. Me, personally? I'd be fine seeing someone a couple years younger than me, or someone who's in their late 20s (I'm nineteen).


New member
Oct 22, 2010
I speak as someone who is in a large age gap relationship.(I'm 21, girlfriend is 43.)

I personally believe that as long as both individuals are considered adults by law, they should be able to be together.

Yes, there are times that it can be weird, and the hardest part of it in all honesty is acceptance by other people. In our current society, it's accepted to see an older man with a younger woman, but it's unacceptable for a young man to be with an older woman. My family is having a hard time accepting my girlfriend, yet people my age have almost unanimously said that love is love, and age is just a number.

Yes I won't be able to have children with this woman, but she makes me happy, and I make her happy. Even if I never have kids, I feel that I can be happy with her. I know it will be difficult, but I'm willing to pull through.


New member
Jan 27, 2010
Depends on how old you are personally and which direction your going. For example, at the happy go lucky age of 21, 5 years my junior is creepy to say the least, if just legal. Going upwards. Id say late 20's as my upper limit atm. But I can see that at 30 a going for someone who is 50 wouldn't be too bad I guess, though I'm not sure Id be comfortable with that relationship wise... Your lining yourself up for lonely twilight years.

Sejs Cube

New member
Jun 16, 2008
If both parties are adults then it doesn't matter.

Love is love. There are more important things to waste your time with than worrying about stupid shit like age gaps. If you meet someone you connect with on a deep interpersonal level and you let it get away because you're concerned with arbitrary math to define what abstract, faceless masses think is creepy then you deserve to be alone.


New member
Jul 18, 2008
Eponet said:
Half your age + 7 seems to be the accepted lower age band where I am.

If you're younger, just apply it to the other person.
But then.. you gotta know how old the other person actually is, not exactly a polite question to ask from the off.


New member
Apr 23, 2010
Depends on the maturity of both people, and their ages. I mean, it's kind of weird if you're 14 and dating a 26 year old, but less weird if you're 24 and dating a 36 year old. But hey, as long as it's legal, who am I to say it's weird? If they like each other, then they like each other. Fine by me.

Eclectic Dreck

New member
Sep 3, 2008
starfox444 said:
Merkavar said:
The Almighty Grigard said:
Easy, X is the older persons age

(X/2)+7= the lowest age its "ok" to date

So if you are 20, it's ok to date someone 17 or older. Math can solve anything!
so if your 80? its ok to date a 47 year old?
Near the end of your life conventional mathematics breaks down.
At the beginning as well. If one party is younger than 14, (say 13) that means the minimum age you should consider is 13.5. Paradox or a mathematical argument that people shouldn't date before the age of 14?


Quite Not Right
Feb 7, 2010
PureChaos said:
Where I work I deal with divorces and there are a lot of couples where the age gap is pretty large, the highest i've dealt with is an gap of 23 years and have heard of other cases where the gap it 25 years, sometimes more. I'm 24 so that would mean me ending up marrying someone who isn't even born yet. at the moment, for me, 3 or 4 years is OK but not much more than that.

what do you think? is there a point where it gets a bit creepy, like 19 year olds marrying people 50+ or is age unimportant when it comes to relationships?
The age gap that I find acceptable is no more or less than a 3-year difference.


Space. Lance.
Jun 7, 2010
10+ years creeps me out muchly. Anywhere between that is fine by me, though. My current age gap is around five, for instance. Me being the younger one, of course.


New member
Aug 16, 2008
zHellas said:
PureChaos said:
Where I work I deal with divorces and there are a lot of couples where the age gap is pretty large, the highest i've dealt with is an gap of 23 years and have heard of other cases where the gap it 25 years, sometimes more. I'm 24 so that would mean me ending up marrying someone who isn't even born yet. at the moment, for me, 3 or 4 years is OK but not much more than that.

what do you think? is there a point where it gets a bit creepy, like 19 year olds marrying people 50+ or is age unimportant when it comes to relationships?
The age gap that I find acceptable is no more or less than a 3-year difference.
is that regardless of the age they are?


Quite Not Right
Feb 7, 2010
PureChaos said:
zHellas said:
PureChaos said:
Where I work I deal with divorces and there are a lot of couples where the age gap is pretty large, the highest i've dealt with is an gap of 23 years and have heard of other cases where the gap it 25 years, sometimes more. I'm 24 so that would mean me ending up marrying someone who isn't even born yet. at the moment, for me, 3 or 4 years is OK but not much more than that.

what do you think? is there a point where it gets a bit creepy, like 19 year olds marrying people 50+ or is age unimportant when it comes to relationships?
The age gap that I find acceptable is no more or less than a 3-year difference.
is that regardless of the age they are?

Well no more or less than a 3-year difference is the basic idea.

It does differ and alters a bit depending on who and/or what exactly we're talking about.


New member
Jun 27, 2010
As long as two people are truely committed to eachother and know what they are getting into I see no moral problem with any age gap.