How much of an age gap is too much?


New member
Jul 21, 2010
No older than five years younger then your parent, of that gender.
For example, I would feel weird dating a girl, more than 23 years older than me.


New member
Nov 14, 2010
twm1709 said:
40 and 30 - Sure, why not?
30 and 20 - OK, I guess, kinda
20 and 10 - Somebody call the police!!!
10 and 1 - "... you see, son? This is your wife."
1 and 0.1 - Aww


New member
Oct 21, 2009
Axeli said:
The age gap question tends to prove how little humanity has really learned about tolerance. The people who say gay relationships are perfectly fine are often the exact same people sneer at couples with notable age difference (even if both are well over the age of consent).
People at large haven't learned anything but a knee-jerk reaction of tolerance toward certain groups of people, not to be sensible about difference in general.

So yeah, quite a few posts in this thread will be shining examples of why humanity will never stop sucking.
Agreed, I find it very annoying that people seem to think it's OK to judge whether or not it's right for people to date just because of how long they have been alive. It's ludicrous, no relationship is any business of anyone's but the people involved directly in it. It may be surprising or unusual to see an 80 yr-old dating a 20 yr-old, but if that's what they want, let them get on with it. Nothing to do with anyone else whatsoever.


New member
Aug 2, 2008
Merkavar said:
The Almighty Grigard said:
Easy, X is the older persons age

(X/2)+7= the lowest age its "ok" to date

So if you are 20, it's ok to date someone 17 or older. Math can solve anything!
so if your 80? its ok to date a 47 year old?
Yeah, and think about it. If you're 125, then it's okay to date someone 69 years and 6 months old!

If you're 1, it's okay to date someone 7 years and 6 months old! Wait, they're older. Okay, then it's okay for them to date someone 10 years and 9 months old! Wait.

12 years and 4 and a half months! Damnit!

Okay, it's okay for that person to date someone 13 years and 2 and a quarter months old!

6 years 2 months and a quarter of a month

13 years 2 months and a quarter of a month

6 years 7 months
13 7 months!


13 years and 7 months

Half: 6 years 9,5 months
13 9,5 months.

13 years 9,5 months

6 years 10,75 months
13 years 10,75 months

13 years 10,75 months
Half - 6 years 11,375 months

13 years 11,375 months

The only conclusion that I drew from this was that you can only start dating people if you and your...datee are both 14, or over!

Thanks, math!


New member
Nov 8, 2010
Generally I can go 5 years older or younger than me. If I make an exception, it'd have to be for somebody damned special.

Who other people date is their own business and idc as long as no laws are being broken.


New member
Mar 21, 2010
ravensheart18 said:
Xyliss said:
It's the ol' rule, half your age plus 7. It works most of the time
That's a silly rule made up by kids that quickly becomes meaningless.

The reality is that the age different does matter less as you get older, but there is no fixed formula that means anything.

I refused to date my current wife when we first met because "she was too young" and I was afraid I'd hurt her somehow because of it. She chased me for something like 2 years before she convinced me I was an idiot and that I should go out with her. Could have saved me the worst relationship of my life if I had just not worried about her age sooner. We'd fit the half + 7 rule now, but not when we got married.

It is funny sometimes that I remember well movies or music from highschool that happened before she was born, or that I say some well known 80s phrase and she stares blankly at me. But the reality is we share almost the same view of most things, enjoy mostly the same music, have a similar view of family, religion, and politics, and generally are very compatible. Heck, if we fight its usually because we are too much alike in some ways. Age is almost never an issue, except for the fact that I know that statistically I will almost certainly die a decade or two before her.

You know I remember when my great grandfather "robbed the cradle" and married a 73 year old when he was 86. She was very much the love of his life. Now I've gone and married a girl 17 years younger :p
Well congratulations to you two, but I did say it works most of the time, and it does take into account that the older you get the bigger the threshold becomes. Besides, I understand that age shouldn't matter if two people are in love I was merely saying that that's a guidline, no need to get so defensive


New member
Dec 10, 2009
It all really depends on the people involved. When both are young, age gaps seem pretty huge even when the years aren't that many. The older you get the less important it becomes until you reach a point where it's suddenly strange again.

There's 6 years difference between my ex-wife and myself. There's 10 1/2 years between my father and his wife. Neither seems like a big deal to me. If you want to play it safe, I'd say don't stray past 5 years either way of your age.


Duel shield wielder
Jul 8, 2010
Hell if I know.
The older you get the bigger age gap you can manage while still being at a similar point in your lives or close to it. Although this is to do with being able to relate to the person and being at an equal standing. While still young, particularly while still a minor, there's an issue with managing to be on equal footing with someone even just a few years older than you.


Whom Gods Annoy
Aug 20, 2008
Half plus seven is right up there with "the friend zone" on the list of Internet-generated dating absurdities.

On the day I was born my dad was 35 and my mom was 21 (and they stayed married until the day he died). So I grew up thinking nothing in the world is wrong with older guys and younger women if the older dude is a devoted husband and father (as my dad was).

That said, I'm 33 and the bulk of my dates are with women between 24-29. There are exceptions but for the most part, women in their mid to late twenties seem to be the norm.


Two horses in a man costume
Apr 20, 2009
it's a proportional thing... 20 & 12? no fucking way... 50 & 42? eh, whatever


New member
Oct 20, 2008
Does it really matter? If both parties are adults then the age gap shouldn't matter. Society is just weird.

Merkavar said:
The Almighty Grigard said:
Easy, X is the older persons age

(X/2)+7= the lowest age its "ok" to date

So if you are 20, it's ok to date someone 17 or older. Math can solve anything!
so if your 80? its ok to date a 47 year old?
yes. Why wouldn't it?


New member
Aug 16, 2008
Eponet said:
Half your age + 7 seems to be the accepted lower age band where I am.

If you're younger, just apply it to the other person.
that's actually really good, simple yet effective. awesome


New member
Aug 27, 2010
when i was 16 i went out with a 19 year old for a while
no-one seemed to care
age gaps arent really important i dont think
the oldest i've gone is 31 years
but to be fair she didnt look anywhere near it

The Stonker

New member
Feb 26, 2009
When the people are over 18 then they can do whatever the heck they want.

18 and 33 year old sure!
18 and 50 year old, go ahead! Love that old fool.

But when you start seeing things such as 16 with a 22 year old or the far as I've seen 14 with a 40 then it's too much...

Lemon Of Life

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Jul 8, 2009
avouleance2nd said:
May parents are 25 years apparent (my father is older) and their relationship is great so I don't really see a problem with age gaps.
Pretty much the same here. I think as you mature, the difference becomes less important, but then I'm biased because of my parents.


New member
Oct 25, 2009
starfox444 said:
Near the end of your life conventional mathematics breaks down.
Give this man a cookie. A big one. :D

The age gap is a question of your outward appearance to others, thus it doesn't matter unless it matters to you. Course it's still true that most of those women marry into older folks with money, for money...