How Star Wars: The Old Republic Handles Sex


Elite Member
Feb 10, 2009
I was invited to ERP in WOW once and did not realize what it was about because I have never tried or even thought about typing one handed and I am not disappointed by the PG feel Bioware want for SWTOR. If you need to find sexual gratification in a game I kind of pity you.


New member
Sep 6, 2008
ThaBenMan said:
Wookiee sex? Ugh.

The Maker forbid that there's ever any... Hutt sex... *shudders*

EDIT: (Actually, I think they reproduce asexually. /major Star Wars nerd)
Actually, Hutts do not reproduce a-sexually. The Star Wars official database even says Jabba tried to force himself on that twilek dancer at the start of Return of the Jedi, she refused, so he fed her to the Rancor.

i find it ironic they're avoiding sex after making a trailer with that bootylicious twi-lek smuggler and that hawt bounty hunter.


New member
Dec 8, 2008
Why is sex always an issue with video games?

It's a MMO, I wouldn't expect sex to be in it or am I supposed to gain experience by taking the female Jedi around the back of the millennium falcon?


New member
Sep 6, 2008
Wizzie said:
Why is sex always an issue with video games?

It's a MMO, I wouldn't expect sex to be in it or am I supposed to gain experience by taking the female Jedi around the back of the millennium falcon?
Actually, in the original Neverwinter Nights singleplayer campaign, you could visit prostitutes and gain like 200 experiance afterwards :D

Undead Dragon King

Evil Spacefaring Mantis
Apr 25, 2008

I'm pretty sure they'll handle this in the same way as they handled KOTOR romance, at least where party members are concerned.

Double PC romance though? We'll see.

For the rest of you who want to see some BioWare-produced love scenes, I'm pretty sure your appetites will be sated with Dragon Age.


New member
Dec 8, 2008
TsunamiWombat said:
Actually, in the original Neverwinter Nights singleplayer campaign, you could visit prostitutes and gain like 200 experiance afterwards :D
Really? xD
I have NWN1 but I never played the campaign through unfortunately.


New member
Mar 28, 2009
ThaBenMan said:
Wookiee sex? Ugh.

The Maker forbid that there's ever any... Hutt sex... *shudders*

EDIT: (Actually, I think they reproduce asexually. /major Star Wars nerd)
thank you for the mental image


Mandalorian Buddha
Mar 6, 2008
TsunamiWombat said:
ThaBenMan said:
Wookiee sex? Ugh.

The Maker forbid that there's ever any... Hutt sex... *shudders*

EDIT: (Actually, I think they reproduce asexually. /major Star Wars nerd)
Actually, Hutts do not reproduce a-sexually. The Star Wars official database even says Jabba tried to force himself on that twilek dancer at the start of Return of the Jedi, she refused, so he fed her to the Rancor.
Yes, after perusing Wookiepedia, I see you are correct. I remembered that they're hermaphrodites, but that's different... Jabba did act pretty saucily with the dancers and gold-bikini Leia, didn't he? But who can resist gold-bikini Leia? Raawrrrrr...


Jack of No Trades
May 16, 2008
zoozilla said:
Cuniculus said:
Just because they had sex in one game, doesn't mean they are obligated to have it in every game to follow. They did fine without sex up until Mass Effect came out, so I see no reason why they can't just decide not to have it at all in the next upcoming game. The fact that they are staying true to the Star Wars universe by not including any sex is just a good reason behind what they would have most likely chosen to do anyway.
Exactly. There wasn't sex in Knights of the Old Republic at any point - was the game worse off for it? No, of course not

It seems as though people are now equating how a game treats sex as correlating to how "mature" the game will be overall.
In Jade Empire there were a multitude of romance options that ended in sex. The sex wasn't visualized, but it was referenced.


New member
Sep 1, 2008
soaringbiscuit said:
I can see it now:

"FOX News Channel 10 with Laura Schneider. The newest Video Game console to be released from outlaw developer, maker of the perverted sex simulator, Mass Effect, has recently released a new game with the same concepts. This game is apparently based in the Star Trek universe. That's right folks, gamers who play this game have sex with Wookies and a variety of other races from Steven Spielberg's famous film. Bioware's Greg Muyzka could not be reached for comment, because right after he saw this broadcast, he killed himself."


New member
Feb 10, 2009
samsonguy920 said:
Xaositect said:
"DONT DO THAT!!! It makes you turn evil!" and "Im evil because I like the sound of my villainous laughter as I burn down orphanages! No other explanation is needed!"
And you know quite well that orphanage attacked me!
Ahhhh, Richard. He has so many quotable lines!
"For Pony!!"
"The look on your face when an orphan girl rips your heart out of your ribcage? Priceless. For everything else, there's FWOOSH."

On topic, not gonna be an issue. If you honestly need to see Darth Maul get it on with Princess Leia, I have three words for you: Rule 34, Google. If you're just here for the virtual bootay, guhtuffo my mumorpuguh.


New member
Oct 14, 2008
So no more aweseom sexual tension like there was between Bastila and Revan? Noooooo!!


New member
Dec 24, 2008
I think saying that gay's don't exist is slightly misquoting...more that the term "gay" is no longer necessary. In a world with 1000s of species, the world doesn't need to be heteronormative.

We human's have quaint little categories, but the world of star wars doesn't need them.


New member
Apr 21, 2009
soaringbiscuit said:
I can see it now:

"FOX News Channel 10 with Laura Schneider. The newest Video Game console to be released from outlaw developer, maker of the perverted sex simulator, Mass Effect, has recently released a new game with the same concepts. This game is apparently based in the Star Trek universe. That's right folks, gamers who play this game have sex with Wookies and a variety of other races from Steven Spielberg's famous film. Bioware's Greg Muyzka could not be reached for comment, because right after he saw this broadcast, he killed himself."

Sad but true.

Besides, how many MMO have people running around naked saying : "CYBR 4 G0LD PL0X!11!!11"


New member
Jan 7, 2009
Do they HONESTLY have to ANNOUNCE there will be no sex? Since when has anyone needed to do that for a game?


New member
Jan 7, 2009
Halfbreed13 said:
soaringbiscuit said:
I can see it now:

"FOX News Channel 10 with Laura Schneider. The newest Video Game console to be released from outlaw developer, maker of the perverted sex simulator, Mass Effect, has recently released a new game with the same concepts. This game is apparently based in the Star Trek universe. That's right folks, gamers who play this game have sex with Wookies and a variety of other races from Steven Spielberg's famous film. Bioware's Greg Muyzka could not be reached for comment, because right after he saw this broadcast, he killed himself."

Sad but true.

Besides, how many MMO have people running around naked saying : "CYBR 4 G0LD PL0X!11!!11"

ALL of them.