I am a male, but always make a female player-character.


New member
Jan 12, 2010
Justyn Stahll said:
I usually make my character female based on this quote from Rooster Teeth (they were playing Skate 3)

"Why did you make a Girl?"

"Well, Because I'm going to be looking at the this person's ass for X-hours so....might as well be a girl's"

thats why
best responce ever.

I find it hard to play male characters. I've been playing WoW lately and so far all the characters ive made are female because i cant bring myself to play a male character (Im a girl) Been playing games since the megadrive and i always had to be a female character. but im a little annoyed that the male characters get better hairdo's, hair colours, skin tones and features like scars, tusks, and Horns where female characters get pearcings, usually earrings. undead characters get the best selection of features and they're still terrible.


New member
Jan 4, 2010
I always make female characters when given the chance. Pretty sure I'd go female IRL if I could with the press of a button. :p

Can't really explain and/or justify it, though I've had thoughts that maybe I'm transsexual.

darth gditch

Dark Gamer of the Sith
Jun 3, 2009
Onyx Oblivion said:
I'm a male.

I make my women evil.

I think it's because I'll feel more disconnected with a female character, and therefore less guilty.

That said, I've haven't done an evil playthrough of anything in a looooooooooong time. Therefore, I haven't done a female playthrough of an RPG in a long time.
Interesting, I've done the same thing. Not consistently, but almost all of my "evil" playthroughs have been with female characters. Maybe there's some Freuding shit lurking about here. XD


New member
Jul 24, 2010
I am a man, I make a male character. The only reason I'd make a female, is trophies.

I had a friend who only made females, not for heterosexual motives, like, idk, "enjoying the scenery" or something, nope, he made it for the sole purpose of passing as an actual girl, and making other people give him stuff (MMOs of course). This pissed me off so much, that every time anyone who is a male picks a girl for no reason, I rage a little.

But, if you're playing as a girl, because you know how to use her combat style (take Soul Calibur) or because it gives you a different storyline (Take Dragon Age or Mass Effect) or because you want to, it's ok, but don't try to excuse it, it is because you like it, and there's nothing wrong with it.

PD: He even married another guy within the game. I was disgusted but, laughing really hard at the same time.


New member
Jan 22, 2010
Welcome to the club XD I too am also guilty of this. I have a policy - if I'm gonna be watching an ass bobbing up and down for 20 hours or more, it may as well be a nice ass XD

EDIT: Damn it! Looks like I was Ninja'd XD


Sight, Sound, and Mind
Nov 24, 2008
I dunno. Maybe you just like the view (whoo sexist comment) or maybe its an expression of your deeper unexpressed feminine nature. People use games to do things that they don't do in real life or can't as a form of escape or a way to express repressed emotions. Maybe games are a way for you to express a femininity that you can't in daily life. (Or maybe you just likes T and A).


New member
Sep 3, 2008
There isn't a single person here over the age of 8 who felt uncomfortable playing Tomb Raider or Portal because their avatar was female. What is it about making a custom character that is so different to those examples?

How self centred must you be to assume that, when given the tools to make a character in a fictional game world, said character must ALWAYS be a literal representation of the player or who the player desires to be?

I do not play games to be someone that I want to be. I play games to be someone that I am not. I wouldn't arbitrarily deprive myself of half of these experiences any more than I would avoid writing a novel with a female protagonist for the same reason.

EDIT: I'm going to ruffle some feathers here, but justifying your decision with a generic response about preferring to stare at a woman's arse is just as bad as those who believe that your characters gender describes your sexuality. It's childish, it's sexist and you just come off as incredibly insecure. Make a decision about the character that you want to play, be honest with yourself about that decision and stop feeling like you need to defend yourself.


New member
Apr 6, 2010
I'm a lady. I make my girls my perfect match. Big, strong and about as good as any Jedi can get. Why? I want to be attracted to the person I'm going to be staring at for hours. Also I find it rather difficult to care as much about men as I do about women...


New member
Oct 12, 2009
I always do a male playthrough as a 'baseline' (as in: understanding the universe, and learning how to f***up in this game). Then I do a female playthrough, who will naturally be more in tune with going on, while offering a different experience (sometimes).

E.g. I played a human noble in my first playthrough of DA:O and a City-Elf Female for my 2nd.


New member
Feb 3, 2011
Kurt Cristal said:
I try to justify this all the time, but I'm not really sure why EXACTLY I do this. I won't give out any more personal details about myself because I'm just curious about what you think of this, escapist. So, any psychoanalysts in the house? Also, when you make a customizable player character, what do YOU make?
Well there are so many possible reasons for a person to play a character of the opposite sex its a little hard to give you an educated guess based solely on the fact that you do so. From the sounds of it you have an idea of why you do and I'd go with that if you're truly looking for the best answer.

Personally if given the option and all things being equal I make a female character as well. I find it easier to become emotionally invested in the character and thus enhance my experience. I make my decision based around what I expect the game to entail though.

For example in a game where there is practically no character development such as an MMORPG like WoW I would generally make a male characters and female characters in an equal ratio. I do this because I'm never going to become emotionally invested in my character itself in the context of the actual game as I have to create and define what makes my character who they are. Thus since I'm the source for the characters entirety it would be hard not to become invested in the character unless I do a poor job. This is getting a bit off topic though so I'll end this before it becomes a wall.

Gill Kaiser

New member
Sep 3, 2008
You could be the kind of guy who feels more comfortable around women than around men.
You could be someone who prefers the female aesthetic, be it their body shape or their clothing.
You might prefer hero concepts that befit females better.
You might simply enjoy watching attractive ladies.

For me it's a mixture of them all. I tend to equally make both female and male characters, but I usually make a female character first.


Apr 28, 2010
Lost in my mind
I am a guy but I like to play as a female all the time in rpg's I dont need to justify it because its what I enjoy and if someone duesnt like it they can as Duke Nukem once said Blow it out your ass.

A game is ment to escape from reality and roleplay making somthing of your own and anyone who thinks you should play as only yourself and such is a fool plain and simple.


New member
Jan 14, 2010
It means nothing, so don't worry too much about it. At the end of the day, your characters are not -supposed- to be you anyway. A huge portion of the gaming population plays the opposite gender. Women playing men, men playing women. There's really no law that states that you HAVE to play a character with the same gender you were born with. There's really no deep dark mystery behind it all. It usually just comes down to a last second decision upon entering the character screen saying "Hmm, I think I'll make a female." *click*


New member
Dec 8, 2009
make female characters, varying types, my excuse is i like something good to look at


New member
Mar 7, 2011
GHudston said:
I do not play games to be someone that I want to be. I play games to be someone that I am not. I wouldn't arbitrarily deprive myself of half of these experiences any more than I would avoid writing a novel with a female protagonist for the same reason.

who you want to be is not the same as who you are.


I play female characters whenever possible


New member
Oct 18, 2010
just answer this simple question, what do you prefer to look at for about 20 hours of gameplay male sheppard's butt or female sheppard's butt?


New member
Apr 9, 2011
I'm a male I think, and I usually make male characters. (Although since I'm still a teenager, my parents would think I'm a perv if they see my playing a female character)
However for games like Dragon Quest where you customize your team, I like to get a nice mix of male and female characters because if I just have male characters I feel sexist and look like too much of a douche.