I did it, you guys! I finally did it!


Elite Member
Dec 21, 2010
Idsertian said:
Spec Ops: The Line
I wish you luck with that, I have managed it, but the FUBAR mode made me want to cry. Maybe your gaming skills are better than mine, hard mode wasn't too much of a struggle but FUBAR mode is just hellish. The bit that almost made me cry and snap the disk in half is this bit about three quarters of the way through where you have to defend your squad mates with a mounted gun. Your squad mates have forgotten about any survival instincts they may have and rush head first into oncoming enemies instead of letting me take care of them with my mounted machine gun.

Don't let me put you off, it was quite satisfying to get it done and know that the game didn't beat me. But the game did get sold shortly after that though.


New member
Aug 24, 2013
I've completed 5 games.

Virtua-Fighter 5: I'm one of the weirdos who enjoys playing fighting games on their own, you had to beat about 1,000 unique AI fighters, the game wasn't that hard I had a 90% victory rate against the computer and each battle lasted less than a minute.

Sleeping Dogs: As someone posted about, the collectables were not that hard to find or that numerous. When I got to about 920GS I ended up having to some bullshit stuff to get the last few (I.e drive above x mph for y minutes, z number of pistol kills)

Rayman Legends: Love this game, thought the Speed Runs would be impossible, but they're all doable if you stick with it.

Bayonetta: In theory a difficult game, but made much easier by the fact you can stock pile health and magic lollipops. Did need a walkthrough to find all the portals, which were annoyingly hidden. Despite having 1000GS I have still have stone trophies on most levels.

Batman: Arkham Asylum: Finally did this last week after having the game for four years. Did have to watch a video for the final predator challenge.

Also Pacman DX and DX CE, but they are ridiculously easy and can both be done within about an hour.


Vae Victis!
May 24, 2010
My first platinum was Batman: Arkham Asylum, though technically it should have been Uncharted: Drakes Fortune. I had completed all the challenges in the game, but it was before the game had trophy support. So since I liked the game so much, I just went back and did it all again for that platinum as well :)


New member
Jan 20, 2011
Batman: Arkham Asylum was my first game platinum trophy'd.
It's a strange, wonderful feeling, don't you agree?

EDIT: Wow, a lot of people platinum trophy'd Arkham Asylum. I don't feel so special anymore...


Aug 25, 2013
I tended to be a completinist before they started putting retarded achievements in the games. Today, it feels like you either don't go for the 100%, or you're forced to do those shitty tasks if you want to be regarded as someone who has actually completed the game, so I don't bother anymore.

edit: My only ones during the steam era are Thomas was alone and Deathspank.


A dyslexic man walks into a bra.
Jan 24, 2009
My first, only, and likely last game I got 100% trophies in was The Binding of Isaac. And you better believe it, it took some goddamn time and effort.

Black Reaper

New member
Aug 19, 2011
I got all the trophies/achievments in Castlevania: Harmony of Despair twice, once on the 360 version and once on the ps3 version
I also got all the trophies in Tales of Graces, it was tolerable, until i got to the inn requests, then it got really annoying but ultimately satisfying when i finally got them all
I was planning to platinum Tales of Xillia too, but i haven't gotten around to it, probably never will


New member
Mar 25, 2009
I've done Soulcalibur IV, Soulcalibur V, Phantasy Star Universe, Oblivion and most recently Dark Souls 2.

I can't remember whether or not Phantasy Star Universe or Oblivion was the first, but I don't really remember anything of note about when or why I did them. I do remember that the DLC achievements for PSU were bugged, and would show on some menus but not of others.

Dark Souls 2 was remarkably easy to complete. Lucatiel was a bit of a challenge because she's so awful, but that's been patched now along with the only other remotely difficult aspect, Shrine of Amana... so now there's no challenge of any kind anymore... in the entire game. Great!

Teh Jammah

New member
Nov 13, 2010
First thing I got 100% acchievements on was IIRC Mass Effect. Since then I added the other 2, both Dragon Age's (all with DLC), Nier, Kingdoms of Amalur (also inc. DLC), The Darkness 2 & FotNS Ken's Rage.

Also The Walking Dead Season 1 plus 400 Days and everything up to the current releases of Season 2 and the Wolf Among us. But barring the last one, they don't really count since you get 100% just by beating 'em (and TWAU isn't much harder than that to 100%)


New member
Sep 18, 2012
Congratulations Strain.

My First plat for was Borderlands 1.

Decided to get it after a friend had just got it then felt challenged, glad I went for it. That one is not very hard as long as you know some one with the and they'll tell two friends trophy.


Positively Insane
Mar 14, 2011
I've never had any platinum trophies because I rarely finish games these days.
However, I have gotten all the Skill Points and Special Bolts in Ratchet and Clank 2 and 3. Skill Points were basically achievements before achievements ever existed, so it counts in my book.


New member
Jan 29, 2010
I almost got the one for Dragon's Crown, but when I had finally accomplished all the ones I'd read about, some new ones were added before I could claim my Platinum. At that point, I decided it wasn't worth it.


The Resident Team ICO Fanboy
May 14, 2009
teqrevisited said:
I've not touched consoles much this generation. The only platinum trophy I have is for Persona 4 Golden and I finished it while I was busy being horrifically ill and in bed all of last week. I beheld the naked truth, and that truth was entering battles so that Rise might say a different line so that I could get Hardcore Risette Fan.

The last one I got was the one to visit Nanako in the hospital 3 times and for a moment it made me feel like a terrible person.
There was a trophy involving visiting Nanako at the hospital?? D:

Damn, I'm a horrible Big Bro...


Apr 8, 2011
Catfood220 said:
I wish you luck with that, I have managed it, but the FUBAR mode made me want to cry. Maybe your gaming skills are better than mine, hard mode wasn't too much of a struggle but FUBAR mode is just hellish. The bit that almost made me cry and snap the disk in half is this bit about three quarters of the way through where you have to defend your squad mates with a mounted gun. Your squad mates have forgotten about any survival instincts they may have and rush head first into oncoming enemies instead of letting me take care of them with my mounted machine gun.

Don't let me put you off, it was quite satisfying to get it done and know that the game didn't beat me. But the game did get sold shortly after that though.
The sequence through the mall? I can't remember whether or not I've been through that part on FUBAR or not, yet. I started a FUBAR game awhile back, but Real-Life[sup][sup]TM[/sup][/sup] got in the way and I haven't played Spec-Ops for a bit. I do remember the game kicking my ass during more than one sequence on Hard, so I'm not looking forward to FUBAR difficulty very much.

Still, the quest for shiny things must march on.

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
Alexei F. Karamazov said:
Sniper Team 4 said:
Resistance 2 baby. Kill 10,000 people in ranked online matches. Never. AGAIN.

Second one was Call of Duty: World at War.
I'm surprised you didn't say "Never. AGAIN." for CODWAW. THAT GAME...
The game itself isn't that hard, it's when you dive into Veteran difficulty that things start to get insane. And in order to get every achievement, you MUST finish the entire game on Veteran. It is one of the most difficult game in the series on Veteran; let's just say, it earned it's nickname "Call of Duty: Grenades at War" extremely well. In addition, there are two achievements that REQUIRE you to get to max prestige (the first is prestige 1, the other is max), which would require more patience than the campaign, but if you've played the multilayer recently, it's hacked to hell! I've played several games where random people were invincible, or everyone had infinite clips, one where everyone had low gravity, one person was walking on the skybox noob-tubing everyone... it was bad.

OT: There was a point in life where I was dedicated to getting 100% achievements in every game I played, but that time has passed as my free time has evaporated. I've gotten quite a few, such as AC2, Skyrim, Modern Warfare 1, 2, and 3, Mass Effect 1, 2, and 3, Fallout 3 and NV, and I think a few others.
I think you might be mixing World at War up with Black Ops or Black Ops II. The only online multiplayer trophies for WaW are the co op campaign ones.
As for the grenades, I never really had a problem with them, even on Veteran. I guess I just don't remember it being that bad, but I'm sure if I went back and played it now I would see the pain. The only spot I recall having trouble with on Veteran was the second-to-last Russian mission, where you have to storm up the steps to the building. So many Germans. So...so many...

Sniper Team 4

New member
Apr 28, 2010
Idsertian said:
Catfood220 said:
I wish you luck with that, I have managed it, but the FUBAR mode made me want to cry. Maybe your gaming skills are better than mine, hard mode wasn't too much of a struggle but FUBAR mode is just hellish. The bit that almost made me cry and snap the disk in half is this bit about three quarters of the way through where you have to defend your squad mates with a mounted gun. Your squad mates have forgotten about any survival instincts they may have and rush head first into oncoming enemies instead of letting me take care of them with my mounted machine gun.

Don't let me put you off, it was quite satisfying to get it done and know that the game didn't beat me. But the game did get sold shortly after that though.
The sequence through the mall? I can't remember whether or not I've been through that part on FUBAR or not, yet. I started a FUBAR game awhile back, but Real-Life[sup][sup]TM[/sup][/sup] got in the way and I haven't played Spec-Ops for a bit. I do remember the game kicking my ass during more than one sequence on Hard, so I'm not looking forward to FUBAR difficulty very much.

Still, the quest for shiny things must march on.
Have you made it past the water truck part yet with the grenade launcher? That part can suck and die on FUBAR. Just...die. I had to have my friend do it for me and I took care of everything else. In exchange, I did the combat challenges for him in both Batman games because he can't get the timing down in the fighting.


Apr 8, 2011
Sniper Team 4 said:
Have you made it past the water truck part yet with the grenade launcher? That part can suck and die on FUBAR. Just...die. I had to have my friend do it for me and I took care of everything else. In exchange, I did the combat challenges for him in both Batman games because he can't get the timing down in the fighting.
Like I said to Catfood, it's been awhile so I don't remember where I got to. No doubt when I get around to it, I will know the controller biting frustration of which you speak.


New member
Aug 23, 2013
CoD4, MW2, Halo: Reach (pre-DLC), and Fallout 3.

Only missing ONE on L4D2, that damn Strength in Numbers. I could never get four people together to do it, and when I could we either lost or the enemy team would rage quit on the final chapter and send us all back to the main menu.