I-Dosing: Getting High With Digital Drugs


Can you feel around inside?
Dec 22, 2008
Hey... Want to try a little Snow Crash? It's the newest thing, just look at this image, it'll get you high... trust me...


New member
Dec 31, 2008
I'm calling placebo effect/the power of the brain to manipulate itself. Tried a few of the YouTube tracks and was no more affected (almost less so) than the few tracks of Buddhist monk chanting I've got (The Gyuto Monks; they're on iTunes, I believe one of their albums is like $1.99 and two tracks clocking about 20-25 minutes each) or Bull of Heaven, [http://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CBgQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bullofheaven.com%2F&ei=p7tETKibK4L_8Aaqw6TADw&usg=AFQjCNGIn9i-Hctkfql_XV6qfs_HaFGhFw&sig2=StKC66Jj0SJjuhaQRkjwWQ] a noise band.

Quite frankly I don't buy one bit into the "lol tune your brain with different frequencies" stuff.


New member
Dec 21, 2009
HSIAMetalKing said:
Andy Chalk said:
"I heard it was like, some weird like demons and stuff, through an iPod or something, and he was just freaking out," she said.
This sounds like the beginning to a really awesome Shin Megami Tensei game.
If Loki asks for your hot teacher DO NOT GIVE HER TO HIM. IT ONLY GETS WORSE.


New member
May 17, 2010
For me it works.
Altho you gotta take the time for it to actually have a chance of working; use headphones, lie down, close your eyes and avoid bright/artificial lights.
Without doing this it will fail allmost every time. Also i've tried mixing the sound with another track without acceptable success. You sense something different, but you can't really place it. Altho with alot of effort i wouldn't be surprised that you can influence current day music to push you towards a specific feeling.
As i've had my fair share of experiments in the past i do have to admit that its not as vivid as the real deal, but for something that you can put on and step out of when you want, its a pretty sweet deal. And i wouldn't be surprised that the effect takes longer to work on people who never used any drugs before, but i'm not quite sure about that statement.


New member
Jul 16, 2010
Lisolet said:
Kpt._Rob said:
Sometimes I'm ashamed to live in Oklahoma... What am I talking about? All the time I'm ashamed to live in Oklahoma.

Seriously though, this is far from the stupidest thing to come out of my home state. Though it is up there... Maybe Apple can cash in on it though and release the iBong, for all your digital drug needs.
The iBong - that is just brilliant! Thanks for making my day, Kpt_Rob.

OP: What's next - listening to iDrugs while taking real drugs? Wait, that's just listening to trance/rave music while high isn't it?
Yea and I share his sentiments on living in oklahoma with things like this... Seriously there's a lot of things that parents should spend more time worrying about say... getting the kids out from in front of the tele and spending time with them?


New member
Apr 5, 2010
Sounds like a load of crap, way to go Oklahoma.

CaptainCrunch said:
Breaking News: The Internet is Full of Bad Things
Parents cautioned against letting teens use technology, as shocking new research indicates Satan himself may occupy integrated circuits and imported vacuum tubes.
Other news in rural America:
Cows More Boring Than Expected This Year, Science Likely to Blame - page A4
Ancient Archaeological Findings Indicate "The Wheel" is Responsible for Terrorism - page A7
"Why The World Needs Superman" by Editorial Columnist Clark Kent - page B6


Elite Member
Jan 18, 2010
I like the effect, but it's not comparable to drug use. And, although the effect is similar, it's not as enjoyable as listening to a 40 minute long prog-rock song at full volume either.


New member
May 17, 2010
nofear220 said:
I cant believe Im going to listen to the whole 9 mins of this. Six minutes in and still absolutely nothing, I think people are just hoping so hard to get high off of it that they trick themselves into feeling it.
Try not to expect anything, it will only hurt your brain and make the music/sound as annoying as you expect it to be. The key is to accept what is coming, without making expectations. Otherwise you'll only disappoint yourself. And yes, i know it sounds like new-age-hippie-bullcrap, but you need patience for this. If you want guarantees and fast & easy service like MacDonalds, go buy and use the real deal.


New member
Oct 2, 2009
Andy Chalk said:
The sounds apparently induce effects similar to those caused by marijuana, cocaine, opium and peyote, with different tracks presumably causing different effects since it's no great secret that the effects of marijuana, cocaine, opium and peyote are completely different from one another. Unless you're from Oklahoma, maybe.
After trying all the above drugs at various points in my life I'd just like to confirm that the audio effect doesn't bare a resemblance to the drugs effect, not that I doubt any of you believed it actually would, but still, some people eh?

CZS PublicEnemy

New member
Aug 29, 2009
I figured I would try it just to come to a conclusion about the whole thing, and yes it really fucks with you. I was completely monotone going in then bursting out laughing going out, and you get a goosebump feeling and such. Really freaky considering its just an mp3.


New member
Jun 26, 2009
This is fucking stupid...
It's no different really from say hypnosis or music...
Sound in general instills us with emotion, pumps us up, depresses us, depending on how it resonates with our chakra's.

By this identical logic, these people basically are stating all music and indeed sound itself should be banned.
I get high on music all the time, it's why you turn that one song you like so much up. It gives you a kick.
Some people are just retarded...