I-Dosing: Getting High With Digital Drugs


New member
Jan 26, 2009
I love the bullshit. 'There going to want to check this out, which may lead to other things" Yah, because when I hear sounds it makes me wants to shoot heroine.

gary the red shirt

New member
Jun 3, 2010
im kinda scared about the effects the waves can have on the brain but i guess there are all ready enough of them floating around that one more can't hurt.

Mr Montmorency

New member
Jun 29, 2010
A new trend? This i-doser has been out for around a decade now. And it doesn't work anyway.

Oh, and I tried it, and you can't put it on an mp3 player because you have to pay for the sound clips and run it through the program.

Although, really... was I gonna pay to get stoned out of my fucking head?


New member
May 24, 2009
SL33TBL1ND said:
"I heard it was like, some weird like demons and stuff, through an iPod or something, and he was just freaking out," she said.
People's idiocy saddens me.
It is depressing isn't it and there doesn't seem to be a shortage of it. Remember when Kiss was labeled as a satanic band?


New member
Aug 19, 2008
Wow, this finally made it to the surface?

A loooong while back, I gave it a shot. It's very difficult to get deep enough into the noise to actually get affected. I did the weed track & barely felt weird & that was all.

Then I put The Hand of God & suddenly it was 12 hours later.

Cynical skeptic

New member
Apr 19, 2010
The amount of people thinking this is real is disappointing. Its absolute purest placebo. Its not even a thousandth as effective as sensory deprivation or a millionth as effective as actual drugs. Absolutely anything you feel is a result of what you are making yourself feel. The few people actually attempting to defend this bullshit just confirm that. If you payed for this, you got conned. Period.

Most likely the i-doser guy has been bombarding every local, national, and print media outlet with his shit, acting like a concerned parent/teacher or excited kid, desperate to give his little line of bullshit SOME profile as "dangerous." Finally some people out in bumfuck believed it enough to report on it. Hooray for him. His traffic/revenue is going to triple.
PsykoDragon said:
Then I put The Hand of God & suddenly it was 12 hours later.
I hate getting so bored I fall asleep.