I fail to see how this is funny.


New member
May 9, 2009
To each his own I guess. You can't really be mad at someone for finding something that doesn't humor you. That's like getting angry at someone for liking lemons, even if you hate them. Nobody is forcing you to watch or listen to the humor.

Like when somebody links me to something they find funny and I don't like it, I just tell that person that it's just not my bag baby, because usually I also link the person to something I find hilarious and they are just like, "Uh, okay..."


Cortana's guardian
Oct 22, 2009
to many to list, but chief among them are Fred, 30 Rock, The Office(US version), Disaster Movie, Family Guy, American Dad, and Superbad.

oh and this:
Apr 28, 2008
tristow said:
Irridium said:
Fred from youtube.

I know I shouldn't be suprised about it seeing as how stupid most youtube users are, but seriously, how in the fuck is that even considered to be comedy.
i just read that there is going the be a moive based on fred



New member
Dec 10, 2009
I honestly can't understand why shows like Californication and Hung are still being aired.


New member
Jan 7, 2009
Rebecca Mayes Muses. I dont get it, I mean im not entirely sure its meant to be funny. Which usually means it IS meant to be funny but instead its just plain shit.


New member
Jan 22, 2010
When people try to tell me a racial joke. I don't really find them funny really and often I want to take a few steps away from the person trying to tell me.


New member
Jan 3, 2009
Off the top of my head, popular things like Little Britain i never found funny. Little Britain was the same sketches each episode, but in different settings.
As for people, one i absolutley hate is Russel Brand. One of my friends came into to school one day with his biography, saying he had the bible. Him and my other friends were appaled when i said that russel brand is a twat. I watched 10 mintues of his show one time, and all he did was show an audience relatively funny videos, and describe whats happening in them. Whats funny about that? even if the videos were funny, he didn't make them. He just stood there telling everyone what was happening, which is something they could see themselves.

Sorry, that was a bit of a rant. I just hate Russel Brand.


New member
Dec 21, 2009
Humor is just like art and music: everyone sees and hears something slightly different, and each person's tastes are different from the next. Obviously, based on many of the pages of replies, there are some things people just don't get. However, you have to remember you're posting on a site where a lot of the members have similar interests and psyche. I mean, you're not sitting here posting with a religious zealot or a Nazi lover (and if you are, there isn't too many of them); you're posting with people who enjoy playing video games and "get" the video game scene.

Everyone seems to love Zero Punctuation (and I do too), but you can't tell me your grandma would be rolling on the floor after watching an episode. On the same note, you can't be expected to appreciate a $500 dollar painting your grandma just bought that looks like the marble art I did when I was three...

Different upbringings, different surroundings, different lifestyles... Everything has an effect on what you find funny or beautiful. Being open to differences in opinion will help you in the long run. Don't be quick to judge what you don't understand; just see it as another form of humor that someone or some group of people find funny, and leave it at that.


New member
Aug 13, 2009
I forgot to mention: Unforgotten Realms! I absolutely hate it. It's. Not. Funny.

As for Game Dogs... I haven't seen it, so I won't judge. I hear it's terrible though.

As for Rebecca Mayes Muses... it's meh. Not funny, but not shit either.

As for ENN... the fact that these people probably wouldn't be capable of landing a job as a real news anchor (due to their bad acting) only makes it worse. It detracts from their videos. Hugely.

StarStruckStrumpets said:
SnipErlite said:
StarStruckStrumpets said:
Heed my warning:

Dearest Escapists, for the safety of your souls, I recommend you don't watch this video. Any enthusiasm you have for life will be completely drained by the insane amounts of idiocy in this video. No, it is not a RickRoll. On a side-note, if you are stupid enough to watch this video, I dare you to watch...THE WHOLE THING. Dun, dun, duh!

I made it almost a minute in. Couldn't take any more

[sub]My sanity! Where's my sanity gone?![/sub]

OT: What I just watched. Also Fred.
That... was Fred? Really? I somehow imagined Fred to be less annoying that this kid, but to find out they're the same thing?! NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
Nah, Fred's a different kid. His actor has his own YouTube channel now but he rarely posts on it.

AcacianLeaves said:
ffs-dontcare said:
- The X Movie franchise (Scary Movie, Epic Movie, Meet The Spartans, Not Another Teen Movie, etc)
Not Another Teen Movie has nothing to do with those other cinematic abortions aside from a similarity in title. If you have seen it and don't like it, that's fair. But in my mind it is above and beyond anything ever released by Jason Friedberg and Aaron Seltzer. If you haven't seen it, don't let those idiots scare you away. I actually find it quite hilarious.
Ah, I didn't know it was done by different people. However, I wouldn't have known that, given how similar it seemed to them in terms of humour. It was... bleh.

However, you're probably right: because it apparently wasn't one of the X Movie franchise, that makes it a shitload better than all of them combined, just on principle.

If you think I'm being sarcastic there, I'm not. That's how much I loathe the X Movie franchise.

blanksmyname said:
It might just be a case of something that you don't think is very good, but everyone else loves it, so you end up finding it more and more over-rated to the point that you hate it.
Yeah, I understand what you mean there. I have that same relationship with certain bands like Queen. Anyone who expects me to love Bohemian Rhapsody can impale themselves through their necks with a rusty spike.

blanksmyname said:
All of my friends absolutely adore Scrubs and constantly find the need to quote and reference it. I'm learning to just grin and bear it now, but in the past when I've asked them what is it about Scrubs that they love and they'd reply that it's got "a great sense of humour". I do not find Scrubs funny. From the few episodes I've seen, all the jokes were pathetically lame and so predictable that I was able to say them before the actors could. The only time I've found it funny was when I heard some audio that was apparently form Scrubs and some guy talked his way out of a conversation by singing Safety Dance and a large part of the reason I found that funny was because of an inside joke I have with some people involving that song.
Ah yes. Turk's rendition of the Safety Dance. I remember that one well.

blanksmyname said:
And then there's that "Everything Comes Down to Poo" song, which is nothing more than toilet humour, has an incredibly annoying tune and gets stuck in my head far too easily. And my friends will not stop singing and playing it.
I have to agree with you there. I also happen to loathe toilet humour - I think it's beneath me, to be honest - however, my main reason for hating that song (and the whole episode, by extension) is simply that I find singing and musicals to be incredibly uncomfortable for me, and that episode (which was named 'My Musical') is definitely one of my least loved episodes of all time.
I mean, kudos to the Scrubs people for trying something new with their series, but I hate that episode so much. Bleh.

blanksmyname said:
In all fairness, I haven't tried watching it from the very first episode (but it's not often you have to with shows like this) and I think I may have tried watching it with a closed mind, as someone told me it was the funniest show ever and I could not fathom this, as it was American and not British.
Haha, I know what you mean. I was forced to watch Black Books for the first time by a mate of mine, but I slowly got hooked. I <3 Bernard.

blanksmyname said:
Also, now that I think about, the characters don't seem all that likable, but I could just be searching for reasons now.
Fair enough. I personally like the character development (although J.D. still needs to grow up IMO; considering what he's like, I would not want to be friends with him if he actually existed). I like having watched these people grow up over 8 years, and now that the show has transitioned to a new group of protagonists I'm naturally curious to see how they'll grow up over 8 years as well - if the show survives that long. I like watching the show's original protagonists imparting their hard-earned wisdom onto the new people when they need it. It's refreshing. I was particularly impressed when J.D. took to teaching Lucy the hard way about lost cases, considering how he himself learned about lost cases 8 years back in a very early episode.

I <3 Dr Cox. But you're probably right about J.D. not being likable in terms of personality, even if his passion for helping people through medicine easily redeems this. His personality annoys the crap out of me.