I need a good Training FPS


New member
Oct 29, 2010
Team Fortress 2 is a great FPS for everyone. It even makes you think! I know! An FPS that makes you think about what you're doing while playing, it is purely amazing. Try it.

Off Topic

New member
Jun 26, 2011
YukoValis said:
Ok first of all no I don't mean for real life, I know the vast difference between pulling a trigger and pushing a button in a game. Second I only really play PC anymore, so I need suggestions for that.

It boils down to this, my GF just got into FPS games. Borderlands in fact which doesn't really teach you how to shoot. Although competent enough to head shot, she all in all sucks when it comes to FPS. I want to find a game that might teach her more of the ropes. All I can think of is Call of Duty 4 MW with the training mission in the start.

I like to watch her play, but every time I shake my head and sigh when she doesn't strafe and just stands there getting shot down. So any games that can sort of help improve FPS gaming skills?
By thinking outside the box, I would give you a much better suggestion, that I think will teach your gf the movement of any and all FPS-s quite fast and without any frustration. Will teach her to strafe, jump and so on. It is not a first person shooter, but you do move around in it like it is. It's..a ball game (yes I said it!)

I cannot remember its name, but what I do remember is that you could move with ASDW, jump with space, watch around freely with a mouse and needed to combine all previously mentioned to complete..erm..puzzles I guess? It also had all kinds of fun powerups, like speed, jump, gravity change, helicopter (yeah, it sounds ridiculous, i'll admit), which you initiated with left mouse click..so yeah. :p

I think the game was crazy fun and it is probably quite old too by now, so you'll get it for free. Sorry for I cannot remember it's name. (Don't think Puzzle Dimension, Ballance or Switchball....it's not puzzle-y like them, although they are great games aswell.)


EDIT: 10 minutes of my superior google-ing skills, I came up with a name - Marble Blast Gold!

YouTube vids are shitty to give you idea of what that game is, but give it a 3 minute try yourself: http://marble-blast-gold.en.softonic.com/

Oh and give it a rest with all the TF2 and Half-Life propaganda all ready! They're great games, but I'm so sick of everyone still talking about them.


New member
Mar 22, 2008
YukoValis said:
Ok first of all no I don't mean for real life, I know the vast difference between pulling a trigger and pushing a button in a game. Second I only really play PC anymore, so I need suggestions for that.

It boils down to this, my GF just got into FPS games. Borderlands in fact which doesn't really teach you how to shoot. Although competent enough to head shot, she all in all sucks when it comes to FPS. I want to find a game that might teach her more of the ropes. All I can think of is Call of Duty 4 MW with the training mission in the start.

I like to watch her play, but every time I shake my head and sigh when she doesn't strafe and just stands there getting shot down. So any games that can sort of help improve FPS gaming skills?
CoD black ops ( or mw2 cant remember ) has a firing range mode thing , it could be usefull to help her with her targer practice without the death as a setback


Will fight you and lose
Mar 27, 2010
Fast pace: Quake 3 arena- The bots aren't smart, and it is an easy pick up and play, it teaches you to shoot on the move, retain accuracy, and expect anything

Slow pace: CS:S The bots are extreamly intelligent, and cheap, but it teaches you to keep your head down, and to anticipate situations before you even get on the battlefield.

Half Life 2: The combat is slightly difficult, but it isn't the biggest part of it, just make sure she isn't too frustrated on the physics puzzles.

Garry's Mod: You can set up the battles, and tailor it to her needs, like running, taking cover, ect.


Good news everyone!
Jun 3, 2011
The first Modern Warfare, single player.

No need to try and get her used to the form and function of a modern FPS while she has to learn to cope with the online communities most FPS games sport. Nothing like trying to try and learn to quick swap weapons or strafe in the right direction while firing accurately at the same time an 11 year old from Salt Lake City is telling you he wants to face rape you because that is what all noobs deserve.

Add the multiplayer element later.

Outright Villainy

New member
Jan 19, 2010
suitepee7 said:
well so far most suggestions have been for online games. seems a bit stupid, seeing as there isn't a learning curve online, there's just be good, or die.
Exactly, it's pretty ridiculous. You start with the basics. Something like Portal, Bioshock, stuff that has fps movement, but not entirely dependant on skill, where there's other aspects to alleviate the frustration for a beginner. Starting with an online game for a beginner is the very worst idea you could possibly have, since they'll feel completely hopeless about how much they're getting thrashed. You'd get better faster, but no one wants to start with that shit, they'll get sick of it well before then.

omega 616

Elite Member
May 1, 2009
Panorama said:
I will be a Douche and say Doom, or Wolfenstien. but honestly something with a decent training section MW either of the 2 and probably do the first mission as well just to 'get your eye in'.
Actually that's a pretty good idea.

You don't need to worry about headshots or where you are shooting your target, all that matters is dodging there bullets, which is what he wants her to learn.

Yeah, I would say go for the old school games, before headshots were a concern.


New member
Sep 20, 2008
YukoValis said:
I'd say stick with a game that resembles the type of game she's gonna be playing after she learns the ropes.

Will she be playing "realistic" shooters? Then make sure you stick with a training game that has iron sights and such.

While I can see how Portal might teach you reaction and quick thinking, it's not gonna be teaching you to strafe, and Counter-Strike is a completely different beast than most shooters.

I'm kinda inclined to repeat the general consensus and recommend Modern Warfare 1's initial training mission.
Start her off on Easy, and then see how she does.

syrus27 said:
I love ArmA, but I think it would be a pretty bad training model, exactly because it's not a First Person Shooter, but rather a Military Simulation.

I'd love for more people to join the ranks of me and my fellow ArmAholics, but I also know that it's simply not something that many people have the patience and dedication to develop a love for.


New member
Feb 7, 2009
Definitely Doom. Beat the first two on HMP then move up to UV, or HMP Plutonia if you want. If you can beat that on UV, you're doing very well :>


New member
May 19, 2011
I would suggest Call of Duty: Black Ops. Go into the Combat Training, set the desired difficulty, and turn off aim assist. That's what I did with my friend, now he's pretty damn good at the game.


New member
May 17, 2009
As someone else said, learning to play a shooter isn't as easy as it seems; you don't learn it by practising some training missions. The only way is simply playing the crap out of shooters. So what I recommend is: just let her play games that she finds fun. If she doesn't like shooters too much yet, let her play something that involves other kinds of fun than shooting people in the head; Bioshock, Half-life, etc. Or maybe some co-op?


New member
May 27, 2009
If she is as bad at FPS'es as you say, I wouldn't recommend a multiplayer game right away.
I think I would get her to play Half-Life 1 single player, it's a great game to learn the basic mechanics of modern FPS'es, as it is one of the firsts of its kind.

She will quickly learn to duck and cover, because you really need to learn to preserve your resources in the single player. If that doesn't do it, the vortigaunt will, they have a very powerful ranged attack, but you can easily dodge it, which you have to do, if you're going to have a chance.


New member
Jun 6, 2009
Well, i would say Counter strike or the old good Enemy territory.
I think that quake and warsow ar a bit too fast for starters


New member
Jul 25, 2008
YukoValis said:
Ok first of all no I don't mean for real life, I know the vast difference between pulling a trigger and pushing a button in a game. Second I only really play PC anymore, so I need suggestions for that.

It boils down to this, my GF just got into FPS games. Borderlands in fact which doesn't really teach you how to shoot. Although competent enough to head shot, she all in all sucks when it comes to FPS. I want to find a game that might teach her more of the ropes. All I can think of is Call of Duty 4 MW with the training mission in the start.

I like to watch her play, but every time I shake my head and sigh when she doesn't strafe and just stands there getting shot down. So any games that can sort of help improve FPS gaming skills?
Doom. But played within the Zdoom "source-port"


It adds in MOUSE AIM (Woo!), jumping and loads of other features yet you still have a pure and refined shooter that is an absolute classic.

That'll prepare you for Team Fortress 2, Counterstrike, Left 4 Dead, Painkiller, Half Life, and so on.

For an introduction to the "Iron Sight" FPS games, I suggest Call of Duty 4, but I don't think that's the best recommendation I can make... just the most obvious that springs to mind.


New member
Jul 25, 2008
Play left 4 dead on Easy with your GF (private match, set Bill and whoever as bots), that will do good for teamwork. Just have all the helping icons turned on and it is a very good introduction and can get a sense of joint achievement.


New member
Sep 18, 2010
You want her to learn how to aim and how to strafe? Unreal Tournament, InstaGib, Last Man Standing. Start the bots on the lowest setting and work up.


New member
Sep 23, 2009
I'm not a huge FPS guy, but I'd throw my weight behind TF2 if you can sacrifice the ungodly amount of hard drive space it takes to install the fucking thing. As a bonus it's free now.

There are a bunch of classes, so chances are anybody can find at least 1 thing they enjoy doing in that game; even though it's been out for almost exactly 4 years now, it's still not too hard to jump into a random server and not feel like you're getting completely steamrolled by players who have been perfecting their rocket jumps since day 1; and, of course, there are the hats and shit. It might be presumptuous to say this, but if you're girl is the type to enjoy playing dress up with her little bundle of polygons then being able to customize her characters like that will go a long way to retaining her interest. It also evokes gotta catch em' all syndrome since there's an unbelievable amount of stuff to collect by now.

Like some people have mentioned before, if you really feel like throwing her to the sharks, then drop her into a 24/7 dust map in Counter Strike: Source. She'll either adapt and start developing some really insane twitch motor skills, or the playerbase will force her into a horrifying spiral of insanity and homophobia.