I think Lulzec are funny.


No Time Like the Present
Jul 4, 2008
They ain't evil super villains from beyond the plane of existence. I think they are annoying and a bit obnoxious, but at the moment they haven't committed anything more "evil" than some( fairly annoying and mean spirited) pranks. I don't understand the desire of some to literally put them in jail forever - if I caught them, all I'd do is given them a couple month's community service.

I don't think they are right when they claim that their antics are "inevitable". Humans are complex creatures and we don't have to give in to our instincts. We have functioning brains. They are using human nature as a shield to excuse them for being annoying. That's not very wise.

When (if!) these people actually grow up, they'll probably look back with regret at what they did. I really wonder how old these people are.

Also, for their sake, I hope they stop. While I don't think they are much of a threat to world security, governments will take a far, far, far less kinder view on them. They claim they aren't scared of being caught - but experience shows that most of them will be scared as hell when the police actually knock on their door. While I probably would let most of them off with a caution and a warning, maybe some community service, some government officials are looking to put them away from a long, long, loooooooooong time.

The NSA have technology that allows them to basically pick up ANY electronic communication that occurs anywhere, anytime, in the world. There is NOTHING the USA's NSA cannot do if it really, really wants to. I'm willing to bet that the NSA already knows more than half of the Lulzsec member's names, locations and whereabouts and are still gathering evidence against them. If I were them, I would stop. Now. Some of these hackers live in nations with... pretty bad jails and they don't want to end up in trouble. Some of the Anonymous members involved in the Sony attack that were arrested where in Turkey. They're going to Turkish prisons. Ever seen The Midnight Express? Not a fun time for those folks. I wonder if any of their anonymous comrades feel sorry for what happened to them. Probably not, if I know internet folks (they have an attitude of "everyone for themselves, screw friends", which is why so many roll and become informants when the police arrest them. Remember what happened to Brian Manning, not that I agree with what happened to Brian Manning).

All I know is, I'm not laughing at what Lulzsec does. I don't find them funny. They claim they are in it for the laughs, but they don't care if we laugh along with them. They're not evil, but they are kinda selfish. If they really had noble intentions they wouldn't have released usernames and passwords and they wouldn't bother with going after relatively soft-targets like The Escapist or EVE Online.

Kaptcha: Dead Ringer


Elite Member
Jan 6, 2009
Funkiest Monkey said:
I think, that they are causing no real harm to any of us, and are actually quite funny. They do good deeds too: Such as hacking into the NHS (National Health Service), but then just emailing them to make them aware of the security vulnerabilities they found. Or when they entered a hacking contest, won it, and turned down the $10,000 prize.

They're not complete bastards. I mean, they're not 'Anonymous' for fucks sake.

EDIT: Oh, and it's just kinda funny to see what shit they do.
They're criminals. For every good deed they do they steal and publicly display potentially life-altering information on thousands of people They're bastards, and that's all.

I've been crying for Anonymous to do something about them, to be honest. The difference between the two groups is this: Anonymous is a hero that also wrecks a whole lot of shit in the process of doing good deeds. Lulzsec is a mass-murdering villain who occasionally stops to throw a hobo enough money to get his life back on track. It'd be better if neither existed, but one is certainly preferable to the other. And it's not Lulzsec.


New member
Apr 6, 2011
Grey Walker said:
intheweeds said:
JacobShaftoe said:
Erana said:
I doubt you would find all this malicious hacking funny if they hadn't told you to feel that way.

And when someone has to tell you to laugh, is it really that funny?
You assume anyone needed telling to find funny things funny.
To a degree he's right. You wouldn't be laughing if they weren't broadcasting. No one would be as interested if they didn't have the whole taunting back and forth thing with the community. Again, I wonder how they still have the same twitter account? Shut down the twitter, shut down lulzsec. Sure they could still post on their website, but really who the fuck cares? People are following the stupid twitter antics. How lulzy would they really be if they only posted a few downloads on the website a few times a day and a list of ddos'd sites?
A site that LulzSec uses is the last one that they'll hack. Twitter is protected from them by allowing them to use it for communication.
so they essentially just pay the ransom. that's bullshit. if i was twitter, i would be all the fuck over it. Maybe they are, who knows? doing something behind the scenes, but i would be trying to prosecute if i were them and i were being blackmailed like that. They are maybe not quite as big as sony, but surely they can get some government help if they are concerned. The governments of several countries seem to be quite amenable to pursuing hackers just now. Its just sad that that is the case, surely something can be done. Damn i hate lulzsec!


Positively Neutral!
Feb 18, 2011
They're just annoying. They attack random locations for no rhyme or reason.

They claimed to attack sony to point out security faults, but after reason asshattery I suspect they were just trying to get peoples' credit cards after seeing the big PSN shutdown.

They attack innocent sites/companies, and think they're the greatest thing to happen to human intellect since the interent.

They're not funny and I can't wait for the world to forget they exist. It'll happen eventually...


Elite Member
Mar 29, 2011
Funkiest Monkey said:
I think, that they are causing no real harm to any of us, and are actually quite funny. They do good deeds too: Such as hacking into the NHS (National Health Service), but then just emailing them to make them aware of the security vulnerabilities they found. Or when they entered a hacking contest, won it, and turned down the $10,000 prize.

They're not complete bastards. I mean, they're not 'Anonymous' for fucks sake.

EDIT: Oh, and it's just kinda funny to see what shit they do.
I like how you sat that their not bastards, comparing them to Anonymous, seemingly painting them as the bastard. Anonymous actual (not someone random saying 'I am part of Anonymous', but those who follow Anonymous's goals) stand for good things.
Lulzsec stands for the lulz, and will only stop when they know they're taking it a step too far, and sometimes not even then. I find their posts on twitter and their website funny to read as it makes me laugh, not at what they do, but at them.

They are the equivalent of the schoolyard bully; picking on people for a laugh, then doing the occasional thing to make it look like their not so bad.


New member
Jan 19, 2010
Well, they used to be funny, but I think they've started to go down the deep end. Hacking a few sites here and there is fine-ish, but they're getting into serious territory with hacking XBox live. What if they attack Steam next? And then what? Because if they continue the course of going after thing like Live, they could be pissing off the very people that think they're funny.


New member
Apr 2, 2008
brandon237 said:
Err... at least anonymous isn't currently releasing thousands of people's personal information and going on a hacking rampage for shitz and gigglez. They are a pain in the ass now, a first it was funny, now they are just a bad day machine. With no clue of what moderation is.

Lulzsec just seems to be a bad anonymous copycat.


New member
Jan 8, 2009
Just because something seems amusing to someone or alot of someones doesn't change the fact that it can also be damaging. I regard Lulzsec as a high school bully and nothing more.


New member
Dec 25, 2008
Mutilator7 said:
Lulzsec are really funny.

...Until you lost your e-mail, xbox live, facebook, and paypal account.
Ya see here's the thing though, if you are using the same password for everything and leave yourself open to something like losing everything like that in one go round, you are kinda equally at fault by way of your own negligence. People feel far too secure online these days. They post personal information everywhere usually without so much as a second thought. They reuse the same password for all of their accounts and typically never change it.

If people were being responsible for their own personal information the most Lulzsec would be able to do with their email and password would be get in their email account because everything else should be locked down by separate passwords. Even if they were successful enough to make it as far as their Facebook account still it shouldn't be all that damaging because they would have the good sense not to leave anything that could even be the slightest bit sensitive on Facebook.

Individuals and companies both are lazy to the point of negligent with keeping sensitive information safe online. If anything this string of attacks should spur the companies yet to be hacked to tighten things up and don't rely on the bare minimum to keep things safe. Individuals should also use this as a wake up call to realize that sensitive personal information has no place anywhere online if you can't be bothered to keep it safe with separate passwords that you change on a regular basis. Furthermore, even if you keep your online matters locked down responsibly sensitive information has no business being anywhere near Facebook or any other social networking site.

Now as for Lulzsec, I find them to be rather amusing. Their twitter is one of the more amusing ones that I follow. Are they juvenile? Absolutely. However, they aren't doing any serious harm and I believe they have the ability to do far far worse than they are doing right now. There is no real harm in hacking someone's Facebook and calling them out for watching porn. If anything these small attacks might get people to start taking some responsibility when it comes to keeping their information safe online.


New member
Sep 26, 2009
They're absolutely batshit crazy and cannot be understood, but I can't help but find it funny that these multimillion dollar companies are being exploited by these hackers that appeared overnight.


Were it so easy
Mar 25, 2009
If someone thinks they're funny... then they're a pretty shitty human being that takes joy in the misfortune of others who don't deserve it.

Plain and simple.


New member
Mar 29, 2010
Funkiest Monkey said:
I think, that they are causing no real harm to any of us, and are actually quite funny. They do good deeds too: Such as hacking into the NHS (National Health Service), but then just emailing them to make them aware of the security vulnerabilities they found. Or when they entered a hacking contest, won it, and turned down the $10,000 prize.

They're not complete bastards. I mean, they're not 'Anonymous' for fucks sake.

EDIT: Oh, and it's just kinda funny to see what shit they do.
They hacked Xbox live and took everything....how does that sound. Credit cards and all...yeah not fun

Sinclair Solutions

New member
Jul 22, 2010
No. I just don't. Releasing private information to the world is just mean. They may be trying to prove a point, but they are attacking sites that have done nothing to deserve an attack.

Grey Walker

New member
Jul 9, 2010
intheweeds said:
Grey Walker said:
intheweeds said:
Grey Walker said:
YawningAngel said:
Who cares? At least they TELL everyone what they do. Imagine if they just found out all this stuff and then started using it to rip your credit card off.
But if they did that then it could be tracked to them and they could be identified as a member.

By posting it online for everyone to see they make it impossible for anyone using the information to be associated with LulzSec.
i feel like the only reason they aren't in jail yet is because no one has bothered to find them. I mean come on, they have a friggin hotline! which apparently was shut down yesterday and now they have a new one. how the hell do you set up a truly 'anonymous' phone line? they can't be on the move constantly while hacking and tweeting and taking calls, how has no one found them? They simply must not be looking yet. I would imagine the feds at least in the states are too focused on Anonymous just now, but that's just a theory i have.
For the hotline I'd guess a disposable cell phone, although that could easily just be movies. Assuming that the hotline was a phone, that is. I don't know.

Proxies and bots can mask your IP address if you know what you're doing, and you would need pretty good tech and/or know-how to get past that mask.

That and these guys know what they're doing, as they have hacked government sites, which are the most paranoid and would likely have the best security.
its just the phone thing really, i know about the rest of the obfuscation. A disposable phone has no personal details attached to it, sure, but that why i say they can't be on the move, because any cell phone can triangulate its location these days. unless they're moving around all the time, couldn't they be found if one wanted to? not the average person mind you, but say - a pissed off CIA?
As much as I'd like to believe that an individual CIA operative can access and use the tech necessary for tracing, I doubt that's the case. Chances are they aren't allowed to make a move unless they have orders. And they won't get orders to do so unless they can catch a large number or for certain get some leaders/top hackers.

Grey Walker

New member
Jul 9, 2010
intheweeds said:
Grey Walker said:
intheweeds said:
JacobShaftoe said:
Erana said:
I doubt you would find all this malicious hacking funny if they hadn't told you to feel that way.

And when someone has to tell you to laugh, is it really that funny?
You assume anyone needed telling to find funny things funny.
To a degree he's right. You wouldn't be laughing if they weren't broadcasting. No one would be as interested if they didn't have the whole taunting back and forth thing with the community. Again, I wonder how they still have the same twitter account? Shut down the twitter, shut down lulzsec. Sure they could still post on their website, but really who the fuck cares? People are following the stupid twitter antics. How lulzy would they really be if they only posted a few downloads on the website a few times a day and a list of ddos'd sites?
A site that LulzSec uses is the last one that they'll hack. Twitter is protected from them by allowing them to use it for communication.
so they essentially just pay the ransom. that's bullshit. if i was twitter, i would be all the fuck over it. Maybe they are, who knows? doing something behind the scenes, but i would be trying to prosecute if i were them and i were being blackmailed like that. They are maybe not quite as big as sony, but surely they can get some government help if they are concerned. The governments of several countries seem to be quite amenable to pursuing hackers just now. Its just sad that that is the case, surely something can be done. Damn i hate lulzsec!
Twitter working with the government to take down LulzSec would likely violate their user agreement to not share personal information, which would open a whole new can of worms as to how private our information is. If they did this then they would lose trust with all their other users, and they'd likely leave, allowing for competitors to move in, killing Twitter effectively.

So Twitter is taken hostage on both ends. They cut them off, then they get hacked, losing trust and customers. They disclose user info (which can be faked) and they lose their trust and customers.


Guild Warrior
Dec 14, 2009
Jack and Calumon said:
Funkiest Monkey said:
that they are causing no real harm to any of us,
They took down The Escapist for almost a whole day for shits and giggles. It was the tuesday just gone too and I couldn't access a message I had that TAUNTED ME SO MUCH!

OT: I don't find them that funny. The NHS thing, and some other good things, fine, but when they take down websites and take away services from players, like how they keep taking down EVE Online, a game I don't even play, I physically can't find it funny.

Calumon: I didn't know bullying was fun now... : (

I suppose you're also fine with them releaseing XBL account details and credit card info.


New member
Jan 22, 2008
Jingai09 said:
Yes. I agree. Disclosing tens of thousands of people's personal information is so hilarious. That will show people for ever putting faith in internet security. After all, it isn't Lulzsec's fault they're a group of mouth-breathing social rejects who have so little worth in their life that they resort to petty crime in order to get any satisfaction out of their miserable lives. No. It's the fault of big business. How dare they be so successful! How dare they live the traditional capitalist dream of making money and succeeding. They must be stopped from duping the general masses into buying terrible products or using sub-par services, because 98% of humanity is too stupid to think for themselves. Someone has to protect them.
Whilst I understand your frustration, I had no choice but to correct what was obviously wrong.