RAGE was really fun for me. I've never seen such good kinetic feedback on weapons. The simple act of shooting enemies with any weapon is fun as hell. It's great being able to shoot someone in the leg, only to have them stagger forward smacking their heads into a wall.ThePS1Fan said:I kinda liked Doom 3, it might have strayed away from the original format a little to much but I like it based on it's own merits. I've been looking forward too Doom 4 for a while now and really at this point I hope they don't spend too much time making the game look good and not be as fun as it should be like RAGE.
The story was pretty cliche, but whatever; I never considered id Software games to be strong on storyline, and I don't expect them to.
My biggest gripe on RAGE is the total lack of decent Multiplayer. The car combat got old real fast.