If you could get in to bed with anyone in the world. Who would it be?


New member
Apr 4, 2010
Alon Shechter said:
Mechsoap said:
you just broke an stereotype, nicely done

ot: i would properly go for the one im in love with, if its a extending realationship i would choose thy
Is... Is that a good thing?
yep. normal perception of a 13 year old is someone who wants to have sex all the time, but your proved us wrong

Alon Shechter

New member
Apr 8, 2010
ultimateownage said:
Almost got me.
Thank god I can read the web address
Mechsoap said:
Alon Shechter said:
Mechsoap said:
you just broke an stereotype, nicely done

ot: i would properly go for the one im in love with, if its a extending realationship i would choose thy
Is... Is that a good thing?
yep. normal perception of a 13 year old is someone who wants to have sex all the time, but your proved us wrong
I'm one in a million :p
(No seriously. I probably am.)


New member
Jun 7, 2010
Jensen Ackles? He was going to play Leon in a movie at some point, so that's all the reasoning I need.


New member
Nov 5, 2009
Having recently had my perceptions of my two favourite celebrity women utterly ruined in the last week, my hero worship utterly shattered, this is pretty hard to answer.

The physical alone just doesn't do it. Sex is always better with someone you (at the very least) like and better still if you can have a joke and some fun with it. It isn't always enough to look great, I tend to find myself wondering if I would want to go out for a coffee/beer with the person before I consider whether or not I want them in bed.

Suppose that boring women with no strong individuality are a major turn off.

So I suppose with hindsight the bet I can say is that I would like to travel back in time a bit for the best sex I never had with my friend Siobhan (not her real name), she was interested but I played chivalrous ass and thought that while there was a chance for her dying r/ship I probably shouldn't sleep with her. Now I know that the r/ship in question was already dead in the water at the time and it didn't matter one iota what I did, I should have played along with the seduction. Hell, one kiss from her and I was ready to pass out on the floor - not sure I could have survived much more but it would have been fun trying.

And then the friction and we drifted apart, so I lost her friendship too.

So yeah, my mate Siobhan (not her real name).


New member
Dec 4, 2008
Crystalite said:
The Master Chief.
If only to get him to take his armor off, lol.

No, I am in a happy relationship atm.
I wouldn't want to have sex with anyone I don't love, that is just kind of a waste of time.
To quote Jack from Mass Effect 2, "You don't have to know someone to have sex with them, you just have to know where to put it"

Kidding! I agree with you. I reckon there's not much point having sex with someone without the build up of the relationship to that point.

Therefore I would pick a great big cuddly teddy bear or something similar. (no sex)


New member
May 1, 2009
Hayley Williams. She just seems like the perfect gal to me.
That or a time rewinded Laura Prepon.

Yes, I'm into redheads ._.


New member
Jul 15, 2009
Your mom, has anyone said that yet? screw it im going for it.

I'm so cool....

also seriously I can't think of anyone because i'm really not into idolizing celebs and even if i think they're hot like miranda kerr or something then im like wait shes married and then would she be ok with it and then it gets complicated. my brains weird.


New member
Feb 21, 2010
Suki the Cat said:
For a serious relationship? No one at the time. For a night of screwing around? Hmm... Who to chose >>

The Disk Thrower said:
i want sleep =_="
Homer Simpson has had that fantasy before OO
Quickly get the paint!
I'll get the...something to make me look bald!?