If you voted for Obama or you're a Muslim, you better not try to learn gun safety in Texas


New member
Jul 14, 2011
SpAc3man said:
Only in America. Its hard to believe such bigoted, ignorant people exist. Muslims and Arabs that live in America are American because they chose to make it their home, just like all Americans. America was founded on beliefs of political freedom, religious freedom and secular government. Crockett needs a lesson on how and why the Americas was settled and eventually became independent from overseas rule.
Bigotry happens outside America you know...

I'm not supporting said bigotry, and I am fairly sure that it's against the law to discriminate like the person in question is doing, but there are much worse things happening in some other countries.


New member
Jan 20, 2009
Obama should seriously consider making equality and geography lessons mandatory to all ages in America. The lelev of ignorance and prejudice is utterly terrible.


New member
Sep 12, 2010
bjj hero said:
It seems a throw back to when bars would put up signs saying "Nob blacks, no Irish, no dogs".

I wonder where in Texas? I've heard some of their small towns still have the sign up at the entrance showing blacks are not welcome.
Probably in the same part of Texas where they prayed for rain for a month and nothing happened...


New member
Aug 25, 2010
Wow, who tried to tell me that all men are created equal? Oh yeah, the American law. So he is tellling us that everyone whos mind works properly and who doesn't aim to destroy his beloved country, shouldn't take his class. Hmm.


New member
Feb 16, 2010
His advert has opened him up for litigation. He can't legally discriminate though somehow I get the feeling that any civil suit would result in next to no punishment, assuming it is tried in Texas.


New member
Aug 25, 2008
The quote "The fact is if you are a devout Muslim then you cannot be a true American" sure sounds a lot like a different quote, that went something like "Jews cannot be true Germans, therefore they must be removed or exiled". I can't remember if that was Richard Wagner or Wilhelm Marr, two classic antisemitics who Hitler drew inspiration from.

The ignorance of people scares me.


I miss my old avatar
Jan 29, 2010
MissAshley said:
viranimus said:
Ok... Im going out on a limb here and going to say, you people are seriously overreacting. Its a private class, the guy has the right to teach who ever he wishes, for whatever reasons he chooses.

So please lets stop with the intolerance speech because Im seeing a hell of a lot more judgemental intolerance here than what he has presented. Intolerance of a point of view you choose not to accept is still intolerance.

If I see one person beating another person on the street with a stick for absolutely no rational reason, it is not intolerant of me to take away that person's stick.

If I witness a person browbeating a group of people with hateful and illogical words, it is not intolerant of me to call out that person's ignorance.
You're right, it isn't wrong for you to call him out.

However, most of the posts in here are
Only in Texas, what a shitty place full of bigots
Only in America where this goes on
90% of the posters here are doing the exact same thing as what the original guy did, grouping a whole bunch of people together in a negative way. In the Gun Instructors case it's grouping Obama-voters and Muslims. Here on the Escapist it's grouping all Americans (specifically Texans) and all Conservatives as backwater morons.

Everyone seems to be forgetting the fact that about 95% of the time, the media never reports the Good Stuff. Who reads this Headline? Gun Instructor in Texas offers course to all people, regardless of any petty bullshit. Nobody reads that because that's boring, but I would say that's what's going on in virtually every Gun Range in the County.

But with this controversial news, it get's more page hits, more people commenting, more site exposure, which all adds to one thing...more money. Saying
Losing Faith in Humanity
is a huge overreaction to something that is going to be a non-issue in a week. And most of the posters here are acting as bigoted as this guy, only with anonymity


New member
Apr 1, 2011
RoBi3.0 said:
m72_ar said:
Acrisius said:
Wandering_Hero said:
Isn't that kind of thing against the law? I thought you couldn't discriminate based on religon or political views
It is :)
And usually talking like that would make you a social pariah too.
Not in Texas apparently
I am pretty sure you have the right to refuse service to anyone for whatever reason. The only time you are prohibited from discriminating is when you are excepting federal funds to subsidize whatever it is you are doing.

On a side note: I always find it assuming when people ***** about Socialism like it is a bad thing, then call the cops when something goes wrong expect the fire department to protect their home, and are first in line to cash their Welfare check. Boggles my mind.
Actually, it is discrimination, since he is teaching, it just makes it worse.

How many pennies are in this jar, oh shit, the 25th one is full again....


New member
Dec 3, 2008
Danyal said:
I think he doesn't like liberals/Obamavoters because they try to ban guns. I practice archery myself, and I would not want to instruct someone in archery if he actively opposes my right to practice archery or have bows/arrows.
But surely only people interested in archery would ask to be taught by you? It doesn't actually make sense with what you just put, it's an over generalisation. I find it hard to believe that every "liberal" is 100% liberal. America is a two party system, you don't agree with every single policy that the party you vote for stands for. You pick the one that has the most parts you like, who knows the guy who likes guns also likes a national health service.

I'm not well versed in US consitutions but unless what the guy did was illegal he can, and should be able to do it. I just don't think its particularly clever or logical from either an intellectual stand point (the one outline above) or in a business sense.

I see your point though. If I was in a gang of people and everyone else, but myself, stole from you I could understand why you'd be a little reluctant to lend me money. But in America you only have two gangs to choose from, and I also don't agree with the other people in this thread labelling all Republicans/Texans/Americans the same.


New member
Nov 23, 2010
I don't know if there are laws to protect customers in the USA ( Things like this make me think there aren't any )
But isn't it illegal to refuse members on grounds like religion/race/nationality/etc. Or is racism/discrimination allowed in the USA?


New member
Jan 18, 2011
SinisterGehe said:
Wandering_Hero said:
Isn't that kind of thing against the law? I thought you couldn't discriminate based on religion or political views
If he is a private instructor, he can choose who he teaches as much as he wants. But what he said might get him a hate-speech sue to hes hands. But long as he is private he can choose who he teaches or in other words, sells hes product. That is capitalism for you.
Freedom of speech, so he wouldn't lose even if they did try to sue him


New member
Apr 17, 2010
Ohh Texas, you so funny. Well the guy's a massive dick but I'm pretty sure this illegal, so I'm confident he'll be retracting that statment once the lawsuits start pouring in.


New member
Nov 15, 2009
doggie015 said:

stopped reading there.

If that site were to go a lot of hate speech would go with it
Yeah, hate and intolerance didn't exist before the internet.


New member
Jan 18, 2011
Lionsfan said:
MissAshley said:
viranimus said:
Ok... Im going out on a limb here and going to say, you people are seriously overreacting. Its a private class, the guy has the right to teach who ever he wishes, for whatever reasons he chooses.

So please lets stop with the intolerance speech because Im seeing a hell of a lot more judgemental intolerance here than what he has presented. Intolerance of a point of view you choose not to accept is still intolerance.

If I see one person beating another person on the street with a stick for absolutely no rational reason, it is not intolerant of me to take away that person's stick.

If I witness a person browbeating a group of people with hateful and illogical words, it is not intolerant of me to call out that person's ignorance.
You're right, it isn't wrong for you to call him out.

However, most of the posts in here are
Only in Texas, what a shitty place full of bigots
Only in America where this goes on
90% of the posters here are doing the exact same thing as what the original guy did, grouping a whole bunch of people together in a negative way. In the Gun Instructors case it's grouping Obama-voters and Muslims. Here on the Escapist it's grouping all Americans (specifically Texans) and all Conservatives as backwater morons.

Everyone seems to be forgetting the fact that about 95% of the time, the media never reports the Good Stuff. Who reads this Headline? Gun Instructor in Texas offers course to all people, regardless of any petty bullshit. Nobody reads that because that's boring, but I would say that's what's going on in virtually every Gun Range in the County.

But with this controversial news, it get's more page hits, more people commenting, more site exposure, which all adds to one thing...more money. Saying
Losing Faith in Humanity
is a huge overreaction to something that is going to be a non-issue in a week. And most of the posters here are acting as bigoted as this guy, only with anonymity
^This. Media is the real enemy, not some guy who might have a decent reason behind his bigotry that the article doesn't state. Also, Huffington Post is tabloid trash


Make America Great For Who?
Oct 8, 2008
Sadly this is not only in America. There's other places too where such stupidity exists.