If you voted for Obama or you're a Muslim, you better not try to learn gun safety in Texas


New member
Aug 3, 2010
I just had a thought; To the American readers-

-Have you ever found yourself in a situation in which you were required to use your personal firearm for defence?-

Cause i find America's gun laws stupid.

Wushu Panda

New member
Jul 4, 2011
Leemaster777 said:
You know, it's stories like this that REALLY strain my faith in humanity:


The short version is that this gun instructor in Texas has a radio advertisement stating that "If you are a socialist liberal and/or voted for the current campaigner-in-chief, please do not take this class," and "You have already proven that you cannot make a knowledgeable and prudent decision as required under the law."

But it gets better. He also said "Also, if you are a non-Christian Arab or Muslim, I will not teach you the class. Once again, with no shame; I am Crockett Keller ... thank you and God bless America,". The best part? Apparently, he's been receiving calls from locals in SUPPORT of this.

No words, folks. No words.
Acrisius said:
Only in America...that's all the words you need.
Yea youre right, only in America can someone have such freedom of speech. Straining your faith in humanity? It strains your faith in humanity when people teaching concealed weapons classes deny teaching certain people?

I would be upset if this was a maybe a food place or some sort of retail store, but its a concealed weapons class. He didnt say anything actually racist, he has a right to teach to anyone he wants. Sure, I wish people would be more open to accepting others beliefs and I dont agree with him refusing Muslims, Arabs and non-Christians like that. But its his damn right being the sort of specialized class that it is.

I do however agree with not teaching followers of the Obama administration. All they do is pump out BS "gun control" laws, if they try and carry concealed weapons they should be shot for hypocrisy as the ultimate poetic justice.

Personally, I think if you get upset by this you should grow up and quit the QQ. There are more pressing and much more worse examples of discrimination in the world. Who cares if one gun instructor doesnt wanna teach a few people. Grow up and cry about something that matters.


Gone Gonzo
Jun 16, 2008
Wandering_Hero said:
Isn't that kind of thing against the law? I thought you couldn't discriminate based on religon or political views
As the owner of a private business in the states you can refuse service to anyone you like, based on whatever crazy ass criteria you think of. It's that old moniker of "we reserve the right to refuse service to anyone". Granted it's not socially acceptable to refuse service based on such asinine things as race, political view, or religious affiliation but that doesn't mean you can't.

The guy is a douche, no question about it, unfortunately he's well within his rights a business owner to refuse service to anyone he pleases.


Friendly Neighborhood Troll?
Apr 11, 2009
Well, he's the one who'll suffer the lack of attendees and revenue- we shouldn't be getting out panties in a bunch over it.

Slightly related song that springs to mind:



New member
Aug 22, 2009
Oh no everyone! I just realized that.... I'm from America! I don't hate Muslims or Arabs (rocking beards!). I'm obviously doing it wrong... I'd better go grab some beer and a shotgun while spouting about the evils of everything that isn't Southern Baptist Christianity. Man, I wish I came from one of those other countries. They're all completely devoid of racism and judgment. Unlike us here in America!


New member
Apr 9, 2009
thethingthatlurks said:
joecool5000 said:
thethingthatlurks said:
I moved out of Texas just under two months ago. Glad this wretched and primitive hellhole hasn't changed one bit...

You know that racist grandfather everybody has? Hit him over the head with a shovel two or so dozen times, then leave him out in the sun all day. That's Texas in a nutshell, a state full of idiots, racists, religious zealots, I-am-totally-not-compensating-for-having-a-really-small-penis-by-owning-twenty-guns types, rednecks, and for some reason a really good university. Oh, and Austin is a pretty nice place as well...
As a loyal Texan, Conservative, and Christian, I find 3 things in this thread that are offending. Number one is the subject matter (yes, I am against racism and undermining other religions), number two is what thethingthatlurks said, and number three is how hypocritical everyone is on stereotyping and undermining belief systems, etc. People yell "Those idiotic racist redneck Bible-thumping hillbilly Texans!" and yet defend the Arabs and their religion like crazy, saying "not to judge" and "don't be racist", even though most people don't even have any kind of ties to them. Everyone shuns Christianity and stereotypes them to old-school rednecks who say "You gotta get saved or you gonna go to hell!", while most of the Christians I know are extremely smart, rational, and patriotic people. I just can't believe that the majority of this nation has stooped so low in stereotyping and hypocrisy.
Since you quoted me in lieu of anybody else, I'll just address your point directly. Why the hell would you assume that I or anybody else wouldn't say something just as mean (and still true!) about muslims or any other ethnic/religious group? Yes, they're all idiots, just like the dude in question here. Of course since you chose to address my post specifically, which made no mention of religion whatsoever, I can only assume you're trying to set some sort of world record in projecting. Thank you for validating all those lovely Texan stereotypes!
And thank YOU for validating all those whiny, ignorant, gamer-forum stereotypes. Saying that he's projecting is pretty presumptuous of you. Maybe in actuality, he's just posting because he feels that his beliefs have been wrongly presented and completely over-generalized in this particular thread. This isn't backlash...this is the reason why people like that mason county guy exist. There's always going to be a counterweight to any extreme. Its just how nature works.


New member
Jul 20, 2009
viranimus said:
Ok... Im going out on a limb here and going to say, you people are seriously overreacting. Its a private class, the guy has the right to teach who ever he wishes, for whatever reasons he chooses.

So please lets stop with the intolerance speech because Im seeing a hell of a lot more judgemental intolerance here than what he has presented. Intolerance of a point of view you choose not to accept is still intolerance.

If I see one person beating another person on the street with a stick for absolutely no rational reason, it is not intolerant of me to take away that person's stick.

If I witness a person browbeating a group of people with hateful and illogical words, it is not intolerant of me to call out that person's ignorance.


New member
May 8, 2009
IceStar100 said:
he has the right to sell to wants. Don't like it learn somewhere else. God forbid someone have free will.
That assumes that it's an entirely privately-run business. It's not. He needs a specific license from the state to do it, and there are conditions that come with that license. You can't conduct road tests for the Department of Motor Vehicles if you refuse to pass Asians.

Also, y'know, there's that little thing called the Civil Rights Act [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civil_Rights_Act_of_1964] that forbids public services (which includes "private" ones licensed by a specific state department) from discriminating based on race. And then we've got the good 'ole First Amendment, which forbids discrimination based on religion and public opinions (ie, political views).

So no. He's not allowed to. Nothing to do with "free will." It's just straight-up illegal.

Tiger Sora

New member
Aug 23, 2008
Texas, where the belts are so large they cut off enough circulation to the brain to only have vital functions running.

I'm not shocked at all by this either.

Lord Kloo

New member
Jun 7, 2010
God Bless Texas.. the only state that has managed to avoid all the laws that came out Brown v Board.. hell even Alabama isn't this blatantly racist..


New member
Jun 30, 2008
thaluikhain said:
Yeah, you had a perfect opportunity for semi-clever wordplay, and you wasted it.

"Its hard to believe such bigoted, ignorant people exist only in America."
I'm afraid the cleverness of your wordplay escapes my inferior mind.

It does, however, largely dilute the point I was originally trying to make.


New member
May 8, 2009
harmonic said:
Haha, wow. This is a train wreck. You are perhaps the worst basket case I've encountered here, and that is saying a lot! The terminology you use... the strawmen you assumble, the opposite-speak you use to shield yourself from reality. There's really no reasoning here!

Well maybe there is a small chance. Take a deep breath and search this thread. It's actually trending toward reason. Even some of your fellow Brits are calling for cooler heads to prevail. There are so many nasty people in the world, it makes this guy in Texas seem completely trivial.
*rubs his forehead* Right! Okay, I see how 'masterfully' you avoid both the issue in discussion, and the one I raised in my comment, by simply not addressing it, and calling me names and such, beseeching me to turn away from my accusations and statements; to follow 'my fellow Brits' - the heard, basically - and come to a consensus. Ugh... What is the point, really? If YOU took a second to accost at least ONE of my arguments, no matter how juvenile, or 'basket-case' you find them to be, I would respect that; however, you do not. You use that old cop-out, appologetic argument: 'Well, there are worse things in this world, why pay attention to the "trivial" and small issues'. Pitiful, just pitiful. I refuse to continue, since it would be meaningless. Although, there's still one thing that completely pisses me off, and it's that every time someone attacks Texas, and actually challenges its policies, or anything for that matter, appologatics, like yourself, sping-up from out of nowhere, trying to hide the issue, change it, direct it towards something else and, in my opinion, make complete idiots out of themselves. To that I say - Fine! I care not. As long as it stays far away from me, and Britain does not adopt anything Texan, be it political, social or whatever.

P.S. Oh, and to everyone who idiotically tries to, somehow, undermine Britain, compare Britain to Texas for the sake of building-up the gist of their silly, little arguments; or indeed just label me British, in an offensive manner - I am not. I live here, but I am not originally British. Nor have I lived in Britain long enough to say that I've adopted anything concerning their culture, mannerisms etc. aside from the language. So, to hell with your 'strawmen assUmblance' (poetic irony?), or 'opposite-speak, trying to hide reality' bullshit (whatever the fuck that's supposed to even mean).

Wushu Panda

New member
Jul 4, 2011
Jimmybobjr said:
I just had a thought; To the American readers-

-Have you ever found yourself in a situation in which you were required to use your personal firearm for defence?-

Cause i find America's gun laws stupid.
They are stupid, too damn restrictive. USA has tons of gun control laws and not one of them actually proven to reduce crime rates. It HAS been proven that when gun laws become more lenient in an area, crime drops. There are a bunch if cases when guns have been used for self defense, why? because criminals dont fear cops, they people defending themselves.

I dont know which country youre from. But each has its own domestic problems and solutions. Ive known friends who have gotten mugged ten feet of college campus. Why? because guns arent allowed there and criminals know its easier to mug and even rape students. Dont call another country's laws BS if you are ignorant and ill informed.


New member
Aug 14, 2009
Texas really isn't so bad. I've lived here all my life and absolutely love it. Unfortunately there is a larger amount of bigotry in the state than would be preferred and I have met and known people personally who think in this backwards way.

That being said, there are not that many bigoted people in terms of the overall population and the vast majority of Texans are very hospitable and friendly. Any group, town, state or country are going to have those people that stand out for their overwhelming negativity. Come on down to Texas and I'm sure you will be treated right and you might even lose a few misguided stereotypes like how everyone down here rides a horse to work.


Elite Member
May 19, 2008
Tom Templeton said:
Valagetti said:
Whats wrong with socialism?
Socialism=rewarding you for not doing anything, and punishing you for working.

But the Obama legislation doesn't strike me socialist.
Seriously? SEROUSLY?! I thought we were all big boys now. I might not like some things, but at least i describe them fairly. You can hate socialism. Go ahead. But dont describe it in such a bias and literally false fashion. Lets google, define socialism and read it together ok?
Its saying that while being rich is awesome because you get luxuries and a nice mansion (see im not being punished for working) the poor deserve some of my success for neccessities (food, not dying of cancer). The roads you drive on are socialist. Taking taxes and spending them on things for everyone is socialist. In a completely anti socialist society all roads and parks would be privately owned and payed for ONLY by those who use them. You payed for something you dont use to help others as a community - socialism. I mean hell i dont like complete socialism but please dont spread propaganda. Thank you.

OT: Guys a rascist biggotted asshat. I dont want to sue him. Let him be a complete asshole. Fuck that guy, not worth any attention. Dont even waste the lawsuit on him.


New member
May 8, 2009
Jarimir said:
Yea youre right, only in America can someone have such freedom of speech. Straining your faith in humanity? It strains your faith in humanity when people teaching concealed weapons classes deny teaching certain people?
...when it's a service licensed by the state, then yes. Same thing when I look back on Gov. George Wallace trying to prevent integration with such excessive force that the National Guard had to be summoned to enact the law.

Jarimir said:
I would be upset if this was a maybe a food place or some sort of retail store, but its a concealed weapons class. He didnt say anything actually racist, he has a right to teach to anyone he wants. Sure, I wish people would be more open to accepting others beliefs and I dont agree with him refusing Muslims, Arabs and non-Christians like that.
Are...are we reading the same article? The one that had such lines as "The fact is if you are a devout Muslim then you cannot be a true American"? And "Why should I arm these people to kill me, that's suicide"? I can't even imagine this sounding non-racist if it was being read by Morgan Freeman.

Jarimir said:
But its his damn right being the sort of specialized class that it is.
Look, he's a state-licensed employee. Vehicle inspection stations aren't allowed to refuse service to Asians under the boldly-stated belief that "those people" are all multi-car pileups waiting to happen.

Jarimir said:
I do however agree with not teaching followers of the Obama administration. All they do is pump out BS "gun control" laws, if they try and carry concealed weapons they should be shot for hypocrisy as the ultimate poetic justice.
...I see. So it's absolutely impossible to be, for instance, a left-leaning moderate? Gun control isn't the gamebreaker issue for most elections, not the least of which because most gun laws are made/regulated by state governments. That's why there are stricter gun laws in New York than Georgia.

Jarimir said:
Personally, I think if you get upset by this you should grow up and quit the QQ. There are more pressing and much more worse examples of discrimination in the world. Who cares if one gun instructor doesnt wanna teach a few people. Grow up and cry about something that matters.
Ah. So that's the new argument? There are more pressing issues than blatant racism by a state-licensed business, and therefore it should be ignored? When has that ever been a valid argument? In any case? Like, for instance, actual court cases? Have the accused ever defend themselves by demanding charges be dropped because there are still people guilty of more severe crimes who need to be tried?

Jarimir said:
Actually, check your facts, gun ownership has actually gotten easier under Obama. Certainly no new gun regulations have been passed by his administration. People just ASSUME that he was/did.

Prove me wrong with a credible source, I DARE YA! ^.^
That's the funny thing: in regard to gun control, Obama is like some sort of wizard. Through sheer virtue of being elected, without so much as proposed legislation, ammo prices skyrocket as it's bought more quickly than it can be produced by comparatively few gun owners out of fear of nonexistent/hypothetical legislation.

In fact, firearm companies love him for driving up their sales and their prices (an economic wet dream), particularly for ammunition. And to my knowledge, he hasn't repealed any federal gun laws.