If you voted for Obama or you're a Muslim, you better not try to learn gun safety in Texas


New member
Apr 13, 2011
n00beffect said:
HalfTangible said:
n00beffect said:
I am not surprised, to be honest, it's bloody fucking Texas, for goodness' sake! What did you expect? This is arguably the worst state in America, in terms of IQ. People there are just mentally handicapped, and there's a desease that forces them to live as if they're still in the 18th century. Don't bother.
I live in Texas and can safely say that your statement is born of ignorance and an IQ even lower than you accuse our state of having.

Frankly I see enough stories like this that I gave up trying to label anyone as an enemy. Humans. suck. Doesn't matter if it's texas, new york, England, japan, or the Sahara desert. Humans. SUCK. End of story.
Yeah, okay, fine. Just to clear a few things up: I didn't say everyone in Texas was a complete and utter moron, not fit to even zip-up their hilarious, pathetic-looking boots. I mean MOST people, and especially the ones born before the 1990's, and significantly before the growth of the net. And second of all, I am quick to judge because stories like these pop-up from Texas all the bloody time. And yeah, sure, you'll say 'well it's not only Texas that produces such obtuse scenarios' - yes, it's not, but it's mostly Texas. And bearing in mind the awful things I heard, about how Texans replaced their history books with 'slightly modified' versions, where they include Christian 'patrons' and such... Well that just makes me sick!

And yes, you're right - HUMANS DO, INDEED, SUCK. That's not the question. The qestion is WHERE/WHEN they suck THE MOST. ANd your oh-so-beloved country (yeah, you wish! Don't you?) state is a pretty hot contender for that luxurious title.
Oh yes. You, a completely outside stranger, must indeed know more about the state I live in than I do. Absolutely. That makes perfect sense, just like how Kennedy was his own second shooter and Obama is from Mars.

Your statement is still just as ignorant as me saying 'Most blacks are savage, stomach cutting gangsters'. And only slightly less dumb.

Dunno where you got the Christian Patron story but i haven't seen any of it. Closest I've seen to modifying the textbook was that in my middle/high school years we were told the civil war was fought because the south wanted slaves, whereas in college I was told the north fought it to keep the union together and the south fought to separate until midway through the war where Lincoln needed a moral cause for the north to rally behind. Closest I've seen to religious references talk about how the founders influenced the political state of their region.

And yes, I DO wish Texas was a country. It's economy is diverse enough, (as evidenced by how well it's weathered the recession/depression thus far) it's people are proud enough, and the more I here about how much the rest of the country hates us, the more I want to scream 'WHY ARE WE STILL HERE?!'


New member
Jan 25, 2010
Zachary Amaranth said:
1. It's a hypothetical.

2. The CRA doesn't apply to a private businesses, as above and as is the claim by proponents.

3. however, it is against state policy for a certified instructor to discriminate. Just know why he doesn't have the right.

And, of course, feel free to answer his question regarding the hypothetical right.
You are wrong. The CRA does, in fact, apply to private businesses, as long as their primary purpose is interaction with the public (aka. any kind of business that in any form performs any service to the public, even if not state sponsored). Some people have already brought up restaurants. Running a restaurant is also running a private business, but they aren't allowed to discriminate either.

As long as your business in any way can be said to "serve the public", then it's subject to the CRA, private or not.


New member
Dec 7, 2010
I'm from and live in Texas, and actually like living in Texas (At least the Dallas/Fort Worth area), and these articles are always depressing. All I can say is, please don't think of this asshole when you think of Texans.


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Nov 15, 2009
Okysho said:
bjj hero said:
It seems a throw back to when bars would put up signs saying "Nob blacks, no Irish, no dogs".

I wonder where in Texas? I've heard some of their small towns still have the sign up at the entrance showing blacks are not welcome.
Probably in the same part of Texas where they prayed for rain for a month and nothing happened...
Let us remember this also the state that had a giant prayer session in a stadium, lead by the governor, asking God to fix the economy. The day after this prayer session, there was a massive downturn in the stock market. Thanks Rick! This is what happens when you bug God about stuff that isn't his problem.

Odd Owl

New member
Oct 21, 2011
Grospoliner said:
His advert has opened him up for litigation. He can't legally discriminate though somehow I get the feeling that any civil suit would result in next to no punishment, assuming it is tried in Texas.
You are so right. Those bigoted rednecks in Texas would never, ever punish someone for being a racist. I mean, when was the last time you saw a Texas jury award a plaintiff damages in a civil rights lawsuit?


Oh. DAMN you Google!

Seriously, I could provide plenty more, but the awards themselves don't generally make headlines unless they're very high, and I can't provide links to the paper verdict reports sitting on my desk right now.

Certainly, Texas has its fair share of ignorant, backward, and loud-mouthed people. But its fair share isn't any more than any other state or country. It gets very tiresome to listen to people who decry intolerance and bigotry and then, in the same breath, apply stereotypes to the entire state of Texas, or Alabama, or [insert whipping boy state/country here] (and I'm no longer responding directly to you, Grospoliner - your comment was comparatively benign).


New member
Aug 1, 2011
Americans really don't seem to see anything wrong with it but I hear the same kind of crap across the pond


Were it so easy
Mar 25, 2009
Within his rights? Yeah.

And it's in my local gas station's right to deny any applicants because they're women.

It's an easy sell for some people what the right side pushes with their "god given freedoms" angle on a lot of issues. Plus it's suicide for the left to call them out on it because you basically have to say, "No. You don't get that much freedom." Something that a lot of the right really needs to be taught but anyone could see how the right would run with that if the left just straight out told the truth like that.


Mar 19, 2009
Isn't it his business? He can run it however he pleases.

If he wants to drive away potential customers... That's his problem. He owns the damn place, doesn't he?


New member
Aug 6, 2009
I was going to just say "haters gon' hate," but my understanding of hater culture is that haters even hate other haters. So, I'm not sure how this guy is getting so mcuh support from his fellow haters. Can it be that these people are so monumentally stupid they don't even know how to hate properly?


New member
Jan 2, 2009
haha and you actually go to that site :) Mate you are better off reading news out of your own crap


New member
Oct 26, 2008
I don't see the issue.

So what he dose not want to teach some individuals based on petty distinctions. This is not that new a concept, its be done for years hell its still practiced today in Asia, European and middle-eastern nations. The only big differences is the fact the troll is just being insanely vocal about it.


New member
Apr 13, 2011
harmonic said:
HalfTangible said:
And yes, I DO wish Texas was a country. It's economy is diverse enough, (as evidenced by how well it's weathered the recession/depression thus far) it's people are proud enough, and the more I here about how much the rest of the country hates us, the more I want to scream 'WHY ARE WE STILL HERE?!'
Dude, most Americans do not hate Texas. :p

You're mostly getting hate from non-Americans. (Therefore, shrug.)

Please stay in the union. I want my domestic oil production and Dallas Cowboy Cheerleaders.
i loled. Thanks for that.


New member
Dec 15, 2008
Wandering_Hero said:
Isn't that kind of thing against the law? I thought you couldn't discriminate based on religon or political views
Well, it's a private gun club, so he can refuse to whoever he wants.

But yeah. He is a very poor person.


New member
May 2, 2011
you didn't realise that all Muslims and Arabs were terrorists? Come on, he's doing this in the name of freedom! Gawd bless 'Merica


New member
Feb 3, 2010
gun class huh? I see through his scheme this is just another plan for him to get his hands on FAIRY GOD PARENTS! We're onto you Crockett


New member
May 3, 2009
Way to reinforce Texan stereotypes Crockett.

Regardless of whether he has a right to do this or not it doesn't make much difference as I doubt any Muslim, Black, Liberal or non-Christian would want to learn from him. What I am concerned about are the people he is going to be teaching.