If you voted for Obama or you're a Muslim, you better not try to learn gun safety in Texas


New member
Jun 17, 2009
he forgot godless heathens, because on those terms i might still attend the class and i would not want me there.


New member
Jan 2, 2008
IceStar100 said:
he has the right to sell to wants. Don't like it learn somewhere else. God forbid someone have free will.
Like putting a sign at bars "blacks not serves" or at parks "jews not allowed". Free will.


I'm pretty good. Yourself?
May 11, 2009
I think he's working under the assumption that all those people will be unable to shoot him since they haven't taken his class.
I think we can assume he's stupid enough to make such an assumption.


New member
Feb 16, 2010
OreWaUsopp said:
thethingthatlurks said:
I moved out of Texas just under two months ago. Glad this wretched and primitive hellhole hasn't changed one bit...

You know that racist grandfather everybody has? Hit him over the head with a shovel two or so dozen times, then leave him out in the sun all day. That's Texas in a nutshell, a state full of idiots, racists, religious zealots, I-am-totally-not-compensating-for-having-a-really-small-penis-by-owning-twenty-guns types, rednecks, and for some reason a really good university. Oh, and Austin is a pretty nice place as well...
Thank you for remembering Austin is not like the rest of Texas. I've lived here for years, and it really is a wonderful place compared to some of the backwards thinking across much of the state.
Indeed. The best thing about Austin is its close proximity to Texas!


New member
Mar 14, 2010
Well damn, that ruins my plans for learning gun safety! Because I am Muslim living in Texas! Well gosh darnit!

Well not really, I don't care about anything to do with guns; because contrary to popular belief Muslims are not inherently obsessed with artillery and explosions. This guy can stay with his right wing nut jobs, I want nothing to do with them.


The Laughing Arsehole
Dec 29, 2009
What a charming fellow. A real credit to his country.

God bless America.

[sub][sub][sub][sub]Straight face... straight face... straight face.[/sub][/sub][/sub][/sub]


Senior Member
Sep 19, 2011
Every Texan I've ever met has apologised on behalf of the people of Texas.

Whilst this is, effectively, a non-story ("Racist Bigot Realises Extremist Views Get Media Coverage - Capitalises On This Shocking New Information"), I think it can be just as important to report on nasty stories such as this, as it gets people talking about what is wrong with extremism and intolerance: a kind of unifying force, which is an encouragement. This thread is one example. There surely are others.

Hope for liberalism! Yay!

IceStar100 said:
he has the right to sell to [who he] wants. Don't like it learn somewhere else. God forbid someone have free will.
I presume that is what you mean? If so, you're wrong. And quite illegible.

I believe Rights are more in the favour of the customer than the seller? As in, no American has the right to be refused services on the grounds of their ethnicity, religion or voting habits? Tariq Khan, as an American citizen/Muslim/who voted for Obama, has the right to attend a course that has been advertised as public, on radio no less.

Goodness me, if I were an American Muslim with a Middle Eastern appearance, I would turn up to class with an "Obama '12" badge pinned patriotically to my chest. I'd rock up, and be like,


New member
Jan 25, 2010
It's quite possible he runs a private gun club. In that case, he can refuse service on any grounds, no matter how silly.

I'm just going to assume the people saying "only in America" are rather confused about racism. The United States doesn't have a monopoly on racism or religious phobias. There's nowhere in the world that couldn't stand some more tolerance and understanding.


Do the buttwalk!
Mar 11, 2009
It's kind of funny to me, really. Thousands of Americans are still giving us Germans shit for what happened in the 40s, and yet this guy (who, as it appears, managed to garner local support) is a textbook nazi. Nobody tell him that, though - he'll probably shoot you right then and there.


New member
Dec 12, 2010
People who think like him shouldn't be allowed to carry weapons of any kind, let alone teach others how to use them.


New member
Jul 26, 2009
Sentox6 said:
Hmmmm. Surely you must see the problem here.
Fine. Only from bigoted ignorant dicks. Its sad America has to put up with people like this giving them a negative image for the rest of the world to see.

To be fair the term "Only in America" is something that is said quite often when someone sees or hears of a crazy American doing something stereotypically...crazy in an American way...if you know what I mean..


New member
Dec 12, 2010
Danyal said:
Someone is refusing these two groups, those who oppose this mans right to guns, and tribal cultured Middle Eastern muslims (who actively denounce unbelievers in there holy scripture), access to his classes, and you are losing your faith in humanity? I mean come on, we are with 7 billion people now and you can't imagine ONE SINGLE PERSON to be not supertolerant against people who want to make laws against him and others who believe in scriptures saying he is the worst creature imaginable? Come on.
He said Muslims, not Fundamentalists. The bible says a lot of crazy shit as well. I know several Muslims, and they are alright. They behave themselves pretty much as the christians I know (except they don't drink alcohol), and none of them believe in stoning, Jihadd, etc.
Just makes you are a Muslim/Christian doesn't mean you are Al Quida/Westboro Baptist Church (CBA with spelling for either).
With your argument is that ALL Muslims are extremists, but then I can say that ALL Christians are like WBC.
Crocket is a retard because he uses the same logic. "All Muslims hate America. All Muslims will try to kill me".
So, thanks, but try again. Your argument is invalid (and a bit offensive).


New member
Mar 29, 2009
m72_ar said:
Acrisius said:
Wandering_Hero said:
Isn't that kind of thing against the law? I thought you couldn't discriminate based on religon or political views
It is :)
And usually talking like that would make you a social pariah too.
Not in Texas apparently
I am pretty sure you have the right to refuse service to anyone for whatever reason. The only time you are prohibited from discriminating is when you are excepting federal funds to subsidize whatever it is you are doing.

On a side note: I always find it assuming when people ***** about Socialism like it is a bad thing, then call the cops when something goes wrong expect the fire department to protect their home, and are first in line to cash their Welfare check. Boggles my mind.


New member
Jan 24, 2010
Danyal said:
Someone is refusing these two groups, those who oppose this mans right to guns, and tribal cultured Middle Eastern muslims (who actively denounce unbelievers in there holy scripture), access to his classes, and you are losing your faith in humanity? I mean come on, we are with 7 billion people now and you can't imagine ONE SINGLE PERSON to be not supertolerant against people who want to make laws against him and others who believe in scriptures saying he is the worst creature imaginable? Come on.
Holy shit, I hope this was the most brilliantly written pieces of Satire since "The Prince" because otherwise I'm going to have a stroke over what you just wrote. I mean...I can't even...

Holy shit...