If you voted for Obama or you're a Muslim, you better not try to learn gun safety in Texas


New member
Nov 4, 2008
Wandering_Hero said:
Isn't that kind of thing against the law? I thought you couldn't discriminate based on religon or political views
Depends on what it is, for something like where you're teaching an arbitrary class to people, he can likely do whatever he wants.


New member
Jan 3, 2009
My corner of Texas isn't too bad with that.
I've never gotten shit when I go out with my boyfriend or when people learn I'm atheist


New member
Jan 24, 2010
RoBi3.0 said:
m72_ar said:
Acrisius said:
Wandering_Hero said:
Isn't that kind of thing against the law? I thought you couldn't discriminate based on religon or political views
It is :)
And usually talking like that would make you a social pariah too.
Not in Texas apparently
I am pretty sure you have the right to refuse service to anyone for whatever reason. The only time you are prohibited from discriminating is when you are excepting federal funds to subsidize whatever it is you are doing.
You have the right to refuse service only if it's not arbitrary and serves a specific interest of the business. A restaurant can refuse service to someone with no shirt because it can be distracting to other patrons and poses a health risk. A restaurant can't refuse to serve a black person because he's black, it's arbitrary and serves no business interest.

I have feeling that's why this guy added the clause "already proven that you cannot make a knowledgeable and prudent decision as required under the law", to try and cover his ass. Fortunately no court (no, not even a Texas Court, the State isn't that far gone) is going to buy that logic. So any Muslim/Democrat that gets refused service can pretty much sue his ass into oblivion. Which I hope happens soon so that he'll shut his self-satisfied face.

further reading if your interested: http://www.legalzoom.com/us-law/equal-rights/right-refuse-service


Thread killer
Nov 20, 2009
Ok... Im going out on a limb here and going to say, you people are seriously overreacting. Its a private class, the guy has the right to teach who ever he wishes, for whatever reasons he chooses.

So please lets stop with the intolerance speech because Im seeing a hell of a lot more judgemental intolerance here than what he has presented. Intolerance of a point of view you choose not to accept is still intolerance.

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
He should just admit it. What he fears is the BLOODY PACIFIST UPRISING!

Valagetti said:
Whats wrong with socialism?
Whats wrong with Muslims and Arabs (they have awesome rocking beards!)
Whats wrong with being non-christian?
Whats wrong with Crockett Keller, well his name is pretty fucked up and he doesn't currently have tape over his mouth!
Silly socialist, America was founded by Jesus, who instated capitalism in His Tend Commandments! USA! USA! USA!

bjj hero said:
It seems a throw back to when bars would put up signs saying "Nob blacks, no Irish, no dogs".

I wonder where in Texas? I've heard some of their small towns still have the sign up at the entrance showing blacks are not welcome.
Ironic, in a state represented by Ron Paul. If he or his son got his way, those signs would be legal again.

"Let the free market decide if blacks are people."

Something Amyss

Aswyng and Amyss
Dec 3, 2008
viranimus said:
Ok... Im going out on a limb here and going to say, you people are seriously overreacting. Its a private class, the guy has the right to teach who ever he wishes, for whatever reasons he chooses.
And we have the right to call him a hateful idiot. Where's the problem? :)


New member
Jan 24, 2010
Danyal said:
Realitycrash said:
Danyal said:
Someone is refusing these two groups, those who oppose this mans right to guns, and tribal cultured Middle Eastern muslims (who actively denounce unbelievers in there holy scripture), access to his classes, and you are losing your faith in humanity? I mean come on, we are with 7 billion people now and you can't imagine ONE SINGLE PERSON to be not supertolerant against people who want to make laws against him and others who believe in scriptures saying he is the worst creature imaginable? Come on.
He said Muslims, not Fundamentalists. The bible says a lot of crazy shit as well. I know several Muslims, and they are alright. They behave themselves pretty much as the christians I know (except they don't drink alcohol), and none of them believe in stoning, Jihadd, etc.
Just makes you are a Muslim/Christian doesn't mean you are Al Quida/Westboro Baptist Church (CBA with spelling for either).
With your argument is that ALL Muslims are extremists, but then I can say that ALL Christians are like WBC.
Crocket is a retard because he uses the same logic. "All Muslims hate America. All Muslims will try to kill me".
So, thanks, but try again. Your argument is invalid (and a bit offensive).
The gap between the scripture and the people who say to believe in them are way bigger in christianity than in islam. The bible is a collection of a wide variety of books and it is thus more acceptable to criticize them. Also, christianity has experienced the Enlightenment.
The quran is seen as the literal words of Muhammad. Insulting or doubting the quran is thus seen as an insult to Allah and Muhammad himself. Also, the Middle East did not experience a period of Enlightenment, 'inventing' humanism or secularism.
Jesus promoted being friendly to your enemies, Muhammad fought battles.
Jesus introduced a separation between church and state, Muhammad was head of 'church and state'.
See there's just so much wrong there it boggles the mind. First of all, the Quran is also a an amalgamation of different books. Muhammad was one of the big prophets and the most recent by the Quran's timeline which is why he's considered most important. However, Jesus and several intervening prophets are also featured in the Quran. Not one Muslim I've met outside has ever seen the Quran as the "literal words of Muhammad". And Islamic theologians argue over the true meaning of the words just as often as christian ones, only fundamentalists get violent over it.

The Middle East did have an enlightened period, it's what we westerners call the Dark Ages. After the collapse of the Roman Empire, while Europe wallowed in filth and misery, much of the middle-east developed a rich culture and made huge strides in geometry, astronomy, physics, and philosophy. Sure there were still various battles between the different Fatamids and Caliphates, but no human civilization has been without war.

Unfortunately the Mongols arrived and pretty much set the clock back 500 years by burning their cities and destroying most of the accumulated knowledge of the Eastern world at Baghdad. Then there was this whole nasty thing with something called the Crusades (all 9 of them).

Are there problems with the Quran and Islam? Sure as fuck there are. Is it anymore fucked up than any other belief system? Nope. The fact that much of the middle-east is a fucked up mire of different factions has nothign to do with their religion and everything to do with the cards they've been dealt over the past 1000 years.


New member
Apr 1, 2010
Private establishment, I'm afraid not...though it's deplorable and honestly could be source of a civil suit for discrimination, it's his right to say and do...now if only it were our right to bind him, gag him and drop him in the middle of Mecca...or even a decent Little Egypt...I'd be alright with it.


New member
Jan 23, 2010
"Non-Christian Muslims"
Department of Redundancy Department.

OT: Wow. I uh, well... can any Escapists in Texas slap this guy for me?


Thread killer
Nov 20, 2009
Zachary Amaranth said:
viranimus said:
Ok... Im going out on a limb here and going to say, you people are seriously overreacting. Its a private class, the guy has the right to teach who ever he wishes, for whatever reasons he chooses.
And we have the right to call him a hateful idiot. Where's the problem? :)
Honestly? There is no problem with it. I am just pointing out that it is insanely hypocritical. Thats all. If you dont already know I tend to side against whatever the pulse of the thread is whenever the thread becomes blatantly one sided. Wheres the discussion value if everyone agrees? Thats what I saw here. People becoming excessively intolerant by trying to polish their faux sense of enlightenment to a nice golden shine.

Now my question is, Is it even possible to become tolerant to one position without first becoming intolerant to another? So in essence, is there even such a thing as "tolerance"?

Edible Avatar

New member
Oct 26, 2011

Just continue on your way and let the lawsuits handle him. (I believe it is illegal to descriminate religions at a place of buisness)


New member
May 5, 2011
Joush said:
It's quite possible he runs a private gun club. In that case, he can refuse service on any grounds, no matter how silly.

I'm just going to assume the people saying "only in America" are rather confused about racism. The United States doesn't have a monopoly on racism or religious phobias. There's nowhere in the world that couldn't stand some more tolerance and understanding.
I've heard that in Russia it's like a hundred times worse. We have racism, yes, but I'm pretty sure that when you look at countries in the middle east and elsewhere that will kill one another just for being jewish/muslim...we've got it pretty good compared to some other places.

Also, I'd like to apologize for my state as well. Texas will always have racist, backward scumbags, but it also has a lot of decent people.


Elite Member
Jan 16, 2010
Sentox6 said:
Its hard to believe such bigoted, ignorant people exist.
Only in America.
Hmmmm. Surely you must see the problem here.
Yeah, you had a perfect opportunity for semi-clever wordplay, and you wasted it.

SpAc3man said:
Only in America. Its hard to believe such bigoted, ignorant people exist.
"Its hard to believe such bigoted, ignorant people exist only in America."


I would point out, however, in my homeland, we don't get crazy bigots like that. In that ours generally aren't foolish enough to put that sort of thing in their advertising material, bumper stickers and talkback radio is the sensible way of doing it.


New member
Apr 4, 2010
Nice one Mr Keller, now here are some instructions from me. Next time you are waving you gun around, take a peep in the barrel (As an example of what not to do, of course).


New member
Oct 20, 2008
Krantos said:
Acrisius said:
Only in America...that's all the words you need.
Change that to "Only in Texas." Here in the mid-west we're at least a little more sensible. Mostly.

Ya if its a private business he can teach who he wants.

Random berk

New member
Sep 1, 2010
I fail to see the problem. Who would want to learn anything from this guy?

Other than bigoted idiots just like him of course.