If you voted for Obama or you're a Muslim, you better not try to learn gun safety in Texas


Thread killer
Nov 20, 2009
Oh and as a side note, Yes it is completely legal to run a "private business" You see this most commonly in "membership required" or "private club" organizations ranging from Bars, dance, martial arts studios to Large retailers such as Sams Club.

So, like it or not, the guy is entitled to run a "private business" and is entitled to accept what clientele he wishes to accept.


New member
Nov 5, 2010
Acrisius said:
Only in America...that's all the words you need.
Sentox6 said:
SpAc3man said:
Only in America. Its hard to believe such bigoted, ignorant people exist.
Its hard to believe such bigoted, ignorant people exist.
Only in America.
Hmmmm. Surely you must see the problem here.
america is stupid. makes me sad to be one :/ texas is one of those states i wish would randomly blow up, along with california


New member
Mar 29, 2009
Enkidu88 said:
RoBi3.0 said:
m72_ar said:
Acrisius said:
Wandering_Hero said:
Isn't that kind of thing against the law? I thought you couldn't discriminate based on religon or political views
It is :)
And usually talking like that would make you a social pariah too.
Not in Texas apparently
I am pretty sure you have the right to refuse service to anyone for whatever reason. The only time you are prohibited from discriminating is when you are excepting federal funds to subsidize whatever it is you are doing.
You have the right to refuse service only if it's not arbitrary and serves a specific interest of the business. A restaurant can refuse service to someone with no shirt because it can be distracting to other patrons and poses a health risk. A restaurant can't refuse to serve a black person because he's black, it's arbitrary and serves no business interest.

I have feeling that's why this guy added the clause "already proven that you cannot make a knowledgeable and prudent decision as required under the law", to try and cover his ass. Fortunately no court (no, not even a Texas Court, the State isn't that far gone) is going to buy that logic. So any Muslim/Democrat that gets refused service can pretty much sue his ass into oblivion. Which I hope happens soon so that he'll shut his self-satisfied face.

further reading if your interested: http://www.legalzoom.com/us-law/equal-rights/right-refuse-service
Thanks figured I wasn't completely right, soon after I posted. I think it is safe to assume that this guy thinks he can refuse service to anyone he wants, which makes him a dick.


New member
Apr 30, 2009
SpAc3man said:
Only in America. Its hard to believe such bigoted, ignorant people exist. Muslims and Arabs that live in America are American because they chose to make it their home, just like all Americans. America was founded on beliefs of political freedom, religious freedom and secular government. Crockett needs a lesson on how and why the Americas was settled and eventually became independent from overseas rule.
No, not only in America.

No offense SpAc3man, not picking on you, your not the only one to say "Only in America." But I like your post on it best. Thing is, even when America was at it's most dickish we still were better then a large portion of the world. We still are better then a large portion of the world when it comes to ethnic and religious tolerance now. Don't get me wrong, most of Europe is better then us in that regard, but take a good look at Asia, Africa and parts of South America. The fact that we have the occasional jackass that needs a good swift kick the crotch is better than the tribal genocides going on in some parts of Africa and the trend in China for shop owners to straight up ban Korean and Japanese customers, despite the Chinese government trying damn hard to stop it. Hell, in the 1920's the future leader of N. Vietnam visited us and was amazed at the ethnic are religious tolerance we had. Us, the US during freaking JIM CROW. What does that say about Vietnam at the time?

Now, if this jackass keeps up the radio ads then one of two things are going to happen. He is going to get sued, or the radio station is going to get sued. Most likely the latter since most sane people see him as a jackass and will chose to eliminate his presence from their life. Hence not going to even try to get in his class. While the radio station is most likely owned be a larger company so some enterprising lawyer will here the ad start making a case for some easy cash.


New member
Sep 30, 2011
Probably for the best. Guy like that hands me a gun....I'd be too tempted to shoot his kneecap or something.


New member
Jul 10, 2009
Personally, I don't see a problem with this. The guy is racist redneck scum, but he's only hurting his own business. It's not someone elses right to buy from you in my mind, and I wouldn't want to deal with a bigot who hates me anyway. He has the right to his free speech, just as those he insults have the same right in return. I'm not suggesting fighting discrimination with discrimination, but if someone doesn't want to be around you, stay away from them. Sooner or later, their going to find that they exclude themselves from opportunities.

Bigots exist Everywhere. People almost always form groups and "Us vs Them" mentalities. It's not just America. I'm Australian, and whatever I think of America, I'm not going to generalise them as bigots. Plenty of my people are too. Even when you have situations where people are all alike, in schools, with small, innocent kids, you get people attacking others over exaggerated difference. This is a community of Gamers and Geeks. How many of you were bullied as a kid? I was, and my only crime was being less talkative than others, and not physically imposing. It's not Racism, and I have no idea how that feels, but discrimination and bigotry are everywhere. If you keep saying that it's "Only in America", you're being bigoted towards Americans, and you've set up your own nationalism and discrimination. If you aren't a bigot: Don't generalise. Ignore those who are until they try to infringe on the rights of others. Then fight them for all you're worth.

You can't make someone do what they don't want to in the name of tolerance: You'll just create resentment and the oportunity for abuse. Just accept that some people are stupid and intollerant: If they don't want to associate with certain people, fine. But you can, and should keep doing so, and sooner or later, the bigots will exclude themselves. (I've been party to this, and it's one of the funniest things I've ever heard of)


New member
Aug 6, 2011
Maybe we can vote to have every state that does something like this obliterated. A guy can dream.


New member
Apr 10, 2009
Dont get angry, dont send messages to him or anything just add "If you are Crockett Keller of Texas, please leave as we refuse to do business with you." to your business. Try to get the business' local to him to do it, see how he likes it.


New member
Jan 26, 2009
doggie015 said:

stopped reading there.

If that site were to go a lot of hate speech would go with it
Huffington Post is the Fox News of the Internet.

El Luck

New member
Jul 22, 2011
Leemaster777 said:
You know, it's stories like this that REALLY strain my faith in humanity:


The short version is that this gun instructor in Texas has a radio advertisement stating that "If you are a socialist liberal and/or voted for the current campaigner-in-chief, please do not take this class," and "You have already proven that you cannot make a knowledgeable and prudent decision as required under the law."

But it gets better. He also said "Also, if you are a non-Christian Arab or Muslim, I will not teach you the class. Once again, with no shame; I am Crockett Keller ... thank you and God bless America,". The best part? Apparently, he's been receiving calls from locals in SUPPORT of this.

No words, folks. No words.
So a guy refuses to instruct people on how to fire a weapon based on really stupid opinions and somehow this strains your faith in humanity? Jesus Christ grow some thicker skin will you?


New member
Dec 25, 2008
In a Democratic and free country he has the right to refuse service to whomever he chooses, as long as its his own business or his boss approves. Still being from a (sorta) free and Democratic country I have the right to call him a Wanker.
I wasn't surprised nor really offended by this as he comes from Texas. We here in Europe still hold stereotype that Texans are all bat shit insane red necks or bad shit insane wannabe cowboy oil barons. I know that an entire state really can't be categorised in that way and I expect that most Texans have at least two neurons to rub together, but this is really the typical behaviour we expect when we picture that part of America.


Robots will replace your job
May 28, 2011
Its texas. What do you expect? logical thinking? I knew a man who was gay rights activist and decided to do a stupid objective of driving though all american states with a car which ahs a sign saying "gay freedom" on the sides. he didnt make it though texas. he barely made out alive. he was shot at.


New member
Nov 19, 2009
jakko12345 said:
Torrasque said:
I am shocked and surprised, a Texan gun instructor is dumb and ignorant as fuck.
I cannot express how incredibly shocked and surprised I am. COUGH.
My sarcasm detector just blew up. But yeah, this is not helping the whole 'Texans aren't right-wing racists any more' thing
A very appropriate video ;)