I'm....Confused about my Zodiac Sign.


Unequivocal Fan Favorite
Nov 30, 2009
simonides said:
I am not saying I believe or do not believe in astrology. This is simply for your information, AnimePanda. Take it for what it is.

Astrology is actually much more complex than the simple "what sign were you born under" and "newspaper horoscope" approach. There are actually many signs that have an influence on your personality according to astrologists. The "sign you were born under" refers to your "sun sign", the constellation through which the sun was passing when you were born. Many astrologists actually believe that a more important factor is your "rising sign", the constellation that was on the eastern horizon at the time you were born. You also have a "moon sign". Furthermore, each planet's position in the sky relative to the signs of the zodiac and what are called "houses" all play an important role.

Astrologists cast what is called a 'birth chart' to make determinations about personality. The birth chart is basically a diagram of the sky at the exact time you were born as it appeared at the place where you were born. Sun, moon, and rising signs play a role, as do the positions of each planet relative to each sign of the zodiac and each house. Such charts are very specific to your birth.

True horoscopes are similar - pictures of the sky at specific points in the future.

Whether you believe it or not is up to you. But newspaper horoscopes are basically 'astrology lite'. The actually workings of astrology are very interesting, regardless of what you believe, and it is a very ancient science. If you are really curious, there are a number of websites that will create an accurate birth chart and horoscopes for free or for a small fee. For fun, you might even make an appointment with an actual astrologer and have a birth chart done up. At the very least, anything that encourages self-reflection can be a learning experience even if you don't buy the mystical mumbo-jumbo.
Whoah, back up the bus. I'm going to avoid digging into to many of this posts points, but I will say this: Astrology is not a science. It is barely even a pseudo-science. It has no basis in fact, and has been demonstrated repeatedly by actual science to have no predictive value whatsoever.

Our knowledge and understanding of the universe has grown dramatically over the last hundred years, including the discovery of new planets, stars, and celestial bodies that were heretofore unknown, and therefore could not have been accounted for in older astrological predictions. Simple reasoning leads us to the conclusion that if astrology "works" today, then it couldn't have worked in the past. simply because they were predicting based on an incomplete reading of the skies.

That said, such a thought process grants astrology more credit than it's worth.

They make that shit up. They make it up based on centuries of tradition and and pseudo-science, but they still make it up.

Astrology is no more relevant to your life than as an amusement. Something to perhaps dabble in for fun, but it is NOT science.



This Title is Ironic
May 17, 2009
I find that most of the traits and such can be applied to almost any human being. Same goes for most day to day horoscopes and fortune cookies. They're meant to make us belong. I also feel this is at least partially true for the Myers-Briggs Personality Test. We all embody qualities of each personality type, so of course it will be earily accurate. I'm not saying don't do it; I have, it's fun! But don't take it too seriously.


New member
Jan 31, 2010
Rednog said:
I was born under the Shadow. I just couldn't pass up the ability to turn myself invisible for a minute once per day.
Nice TES Reference.

Zodiac Sign is something you believe in but,I guess,Isn't proven. Like Religion.


Deus Ex-Mod
Jun 26, 2008
Were you born on a cusp? :0

'Cause I claim to be Sagittarius (I just think it's cooler) But I was born on the cusp of Scorpio - Sagittarius, so I have traits from both signs.

If not, then yeah, believe what you want! :D It's not always set in stone.


New member
Jan 31, 2010
Avatar looks like Konata...

And yes,Believe what you want :D

Let's be friends.... forever :3 :0


Unequivocal Fan Favorite
Nov 30, 2009
AnimePanda said:
Rednog said:
I was born under the Shadow. I just couldn't pass up the ability to turn myself invisible for a minute once per day.
Nice TES Reference.

Zodiac Sign is something you believe in but,I guess,Isn't proven. Like Religion.
More like actively disproven. It's not something you believe in and take on faith - it's something that has repeatedly and scientifically been shown to not work.

it's fun, but it's fake.



New member
Sep 10, 2009
I think that the Zodiac stuff is kind of a stunt to pull. When someone tells you their sign and you go "ZOMG that totally fits you!" It's because every sign was designed to fit everyone in some way or another. People have many sides to their personality, and each sign is one side. That way no matter what it will seem to fit you. For instance, I'm an Ares, but does that mean I'm always a complete asshole to everyone? No. Everyone is an asshole from time to time, and when a 16 year old girl goes "OMG, you're an Ares!" since they had previously seen me get pissed off once or twice, their brain naturally makes the connection, even though my entire personality is not defined by these moments.

It's sort of the reverse of an old card trick where you pretend to be able to read someone's mind. You show them 4 cards, tell them to choose one, and tell them when you show them the cards again theirs will be gone. You then show them 4 completely different cards, and instead of realizing this, their brain only recognizes that their card is gone.

At least in my opinion.

Cheery Lunatic

New member
Aug 18, 2009
Actually you're off an entire sign.
I'm technically a Scorpio but I'm really a Libra if you go accordingly to the theory of how to determine what sign you are.


New member
Jan 31, 2010
SikOseph said:
HAHAHA. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAHA. Seriously? SERIOUSLY? No it doesn't affect your personality. Oh man that's funny.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilSBQpcbuYY and the other two parts, if you're interested.


I find your humor in other's belief inadequete and disturbing.

Jk. This discussion can end,really.


New member
Apr 15, 2009
I put no faith in the zodiac. Each sign has pretty broad generalities, so you can probably find a few traits you identify with. It's easy from that point to latch on and start thinking everything must be true. But then, I'm a skeptic, and I don't believe in much of anything if it can't be empirically proven (or at least substantiated by hard data, not anecdotal accounts).

Toaster Hunter

New member
Jun 10, 2009
The zodiac is bnot true, only something to keep us entertained. That being said, I'm a VIrgo and that fits me perfectly.


New member
Mar 3, 2009
Whenever I look at horoscopes I always remember a bit from the first Gabriel Knight game. Throughout the game there has been a daily horoscope that gets progressively more ominous.

Final day's horoscope: "Gird thyself with mercy, arm thyself with righteousness. The final hour awaits"

Knight: "Somewhere out there is one seriously confused school teacher."

Good for a chuckle and a reminder not to take things too seriously.


New member
Nov 29, 2009
Hmmm well Zodiac is a good general guide...

For the 12 signs then try and think of them in thirds... being born in the first third may make you a completely different Libra from someone born at the last 3rd of the month, especially because you have the next sign starting to have influence too.

Remember it's also about the planetary movements at the time of birth.

So if you're finding conflict in like...the weekly or monthly star sign things then that would be because they are exceedingly general... Someone is trying to divide the whole of humanity into 12 simple slots and that's no easy feat.

Don't forget too there's the Chinese Zodiac and again that can help or hinder your perception on your own sign.

So for me I'm a Pisces Metal Boar... again the specific year and time within the month are going to affect you, and once you go to THAT sort of level then it becomes more relevant to you.

Of course, that's if you want to delve into it that deeply ;) For most it's a pseudo-science masquerading as being embedded in reality because it is based on movements of the planets, which are obviously real in the sky up there. However the influence of planets on our lives are simply pure speculation... I can't imagine Pluto having much impact on a person's life, but astrologists believe so.


The Voice of Treason
Dec 17, 2008
Nope, zodiac signs have no effect on personality whatsoever.

People born in the same place at the same time on the same day, according to astrology, should have same characteristics, as astrology says that someone's personality is due to the positions of the heavens at a particular moment in time. However, scientific research has disproven this.

In short: astrology is total bull.


New member
Nov 25, 2008
The stars that make up the constellations aren't connected in any way, only forming the shapes we see from our perspective. The shapes of the constellations are arbitrary patterns made by people who had no greater understanding of the future than we do. What's more, your personality is controlled by a combination of your genetic code, and the effects of your environment growing up. Neither of these things happen to you right at birth, so how does the constellation you are born under have any relation to your personality?

People seek out patterns in horoscopes that aren't there, and believe what they read because of it.


Day Pig
Mar 16, 2009
I remember there was this really annoying social parasite type that used to talk at me for whatever reason who believed that whole "Zodiac Personality" bullshit. As she was trying to convince me that my personality was as a loveng, caring, emotional individual who's compassionate towards others, she tripped and fell right on her face and her nose started bleeding. I kept walking without saying a word or acknowledging her, which I believe both proved a point and saved me the effort of helping the fat ***** up.

Zodiac personalities first of all, are very vague, and there are only 12 of them which cover pretty much any personality spectrum, so out of the 6 billion+ people there's bound to be a good amount of them who fit. Second, they claim that your personality is governed by the month you're born. That my friend, is fucking retarded. Like, Scientology level of retarded.